#(also shiftry was already a major character in pmd1 djdjdnd)
vaugarde · 2 months
one thing i appreciate about the pmd franchise as a whole is that the pokemon choices for the npcs here and there never feel purely conventional. like, in there’s obviously an emphasis on the generation each game came out in (besides pmd1 which pulled equally from all 3 gens at the time i think) but it never feels like they make a beeline for the “popular” pokemon for the sake of it. like looking at the school setting for psmd, yeah a small childish pokemon like pancham that evolved into a dark type makes sense as a bullying student…. but i dont think shelmet was the first pokemon to come to mind as his sidekick. who jumped to make farfetchd a teacher? in gti, why have a dunsparce, a gen 2 mon of all things, as a major character? none of those feel like super popular picks and it honestly makes me appreciate these games a lot for their diversity in choices.
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