#(also sorry y’all but apparently it’s My Thing to put sakusa in dresses????)
mrs-nubenueve · 2 years
i am giving u a million kisses for every term of endearment u call me just so u know,,,, but anyway the western frilly dress on omi with his (whore) cowboy bf….. i feel faint….. ALSO YES ATSUMU SENDS OMI THE CHEESIEST POSTCARDS and he always writes terrible/vulgar pick up lines on them and the greetings on them are like “my beloved” “my one and only” “my other half” and other dumb shit like that and he doesn’t sign off with his name it’s always “yours truly” or “your secret admirer” or something dumb but omi always knows it’s him bc no one else would send such vulgar things written in such terrible hand writing… and he puts them in a box that he keeps in his nightstand bc he can’t stand the idea of never seeing the letters again..… AND YEA SAKUSA DEF PULLS A REVOLVER ON THIS DRUNK FOOL (not atsumu, the other one) FOR MESSING WITH ATSUMU (also a drunk fool) IN HIS SALOON and he tells him to get lost even though atsumu was probably the one that started the problem (he’s an instigator let’s be real)…… u have inspired so many thoughts for me i am giving u a million more kisses and endless love
Black Jackals’ Saloon. Yeah, the booze is decent, the price is decent, but the barkeep…this blonde-haired, cowboy fellow always hounds him. Even when he’s off at some distant ranch, the barkeep seems distracted. It’s as if he’s haunted by him, or something of the like. 3/5 stars.
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