#(also they mightve actually got married by an ordaned minister
lingering-paperwork · 1 month
hello. I am back again for more lore :D
I'm curious about Icarus & his boyfriend that I do not know the name of. are they both like. okay. or
Welcome back!! His name is paths under bridges, and um. No no they are not ok. I will give you paragraphs of text to explain them!
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(Content warning: the text below contains descriptions of domestic violence, so if you don't wanna look at that . Don't read the post!)
Paths originally left his can to find the rest of his local group, along with his older brother (?) Snow. While they didn't find them they did find Icarus, and for whatever reason, Paths was like "oh. Him. He is my Husband." so they began to obsessively stalk him. Eventually Icarus invites him inside, and effectively kidnaps him and his older brother. (Though Icarus doesn't really like Snow so he just kinda shoves him in a rot wall and let's him starve over and over again)
despite the fact that paths can hear faint screaming coming from the lower quarters of the chapel, he still trusts Icarus to take care of him. Things start turning for the worst when Icarus requests that Paths, quite literally, disarms a random, innocent iterator (wishing for more). After that Paths is treated almost the same as all the other cult members, though he does get special treatment in the form of baths, fresh food, and of course, medical attention.
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Speaking of special treatment, I assure you Icarus Does love Paths in some weird fucked up way. Paths is like, Icarus' favorite toy to beat the shit out of and smother in affection. if Paths gets sick with the flu Icarus is going to make a beline for the nearest functional iterator to make make sure he's ok, but he also broke his ankles so he never leaves. (He's probably got a bit of a limp from that now that I think about it...)
Side note: I've changed the lore a little bit so that Literature (the body Icarus is currently inhabiting) had a little bit more of a "manipulative priest" kind of deal to him? I don't think it directly put anyone in danger, but this could be the reason why Icarus treats Paths like this? (Though he could also be doing it for No fucking reason which would make him even worse of a villain but eehh Idk yet)
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Oh, also, just a fun little side note, Icarus is blue-yellow color blind, so to keep track of paths he has him wear outfits like this consisting of bright yellows and vibrant blues.
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