#(and if castmates in particular want to discuss like... situations that byleth may have gone thru w/ your muse)
fellstcr · 2 years
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        byleth’s relationship call / permanent starter call !
    NOTE: by liking this post , you are letting the mun of this blog know that it’s okay to:
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basically you’re just formally letting me know that you’d not only like to form a unique bond with byleth IC, but that you’d be open to gaining a new rp partner who may or may not be randomly inclined to gush w/ you a whole lot without it being a bother  ;;v;; 
   p.s. if  you  run  multiple  blogs  (or  a  multimuse  ! ) please specify who/what for via reply so i can get back to you !
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TIER — o1 .
                               ( enemies ! )
it takes a lot to get on byleth’s bad side, admittedly (unless you’re a slithers member). however, if your muse is a VILLAIN and you would like to lean into that full-stop versus a... fairly altruistic hero who has the ability to REWIND TIME, here’s the opportunity to! byleth has gone out of her way to stop crimes all across isola of her own accord, and has even joined a guild out of her need to shelter and protect. so it’s all fair game.
                               ( cat &. mouse. )
a step between enemies and rivals! generally speaking, if you would like to have your character engage in the occasional mental spar - or as i like to say, “play 4D chess”, there’s a place for that as well! byleth is not only very heroic but is more than capable (and willing) to get her hands dirty to get a job done. she’s also on board with morality debates, if that’s your muse’s cup of tea.
                               ( rivals. )
is your muse competitive? perhaps they wield a weapon themselves? well, byleth is a famed swordswoman in her homeland, and very rarely (if ever) bested in combat. if that’s something your muse would get hung up over, and would create a friendly rivalry, byleth can handle it. though, do note that it will most likely be a ONE SIDED rivalry. byleth just does not have very strong feelings about competition. she knows her worth as a warrior and has no qualms whether she wins or loses. (if anything, she’ll probably greatly commend you for being able to best her in combat. it so rarely happens.)
                               ( acquaintances. )
your standard meet and greet. byleth sees your muse around sometimes, yours sees her around sometimes. they say hi, might grab a cup of tea or stop by a bakery every now and again. just your classic friendly neighborhood pals doing pal things, without getting into the meat and potatoes.
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TIER — o2 .
                               ( workmates.)
byleth works at THE LIONHEART GUILD alongside corvus and others. she is primarily an offensive unit, who also doubles as a medic. if you’re part of lionheart, or their partner guild NO-EX, feel free to hit byleth up! she’s always willing to spend time with her allies. strong bonds begets better results, as far as byleth is concerned.
byleth is also a seasoned COMMANDER, even if she can’t quite remember it in her main/isolan verse atm. so to work alongside her might also mean working under her command, or vice versa!  basically: she’s very, very used to working in team dynamics. both in positions of power and as part of the grunt work.
                               ( partners-in-crime. )
this is more for people who are closer to byleth (cast mate or no). but essentially , whether you work with byleth in lionheart or not, your muse could potentially be someone that byleth considers an equal as a warrior. someone she can count on to make swift decisions and watch her back! and whom she will protect in turn. someone who can be a partner-in-crime with byleth will very rarely need her to speak to understand what it is she needs to get done. of course, being strong allies on the battlefield will also tie into some tier o3 suggestions as well!
                                (mentor / mentee. )
this can work two different ways! if your muse is OLDER, then byleth would be the mentee. someone who byleth can grow close to and lean on. not quite a parental figure, per say, but certainly  someone that byleth can talk to when/if she decides she needs to seek counsel. if your muse is YOUNGER, then byleth can and has easily slipped into an older sibling role before! she’s a natural at it. so if your muse would like to have an older sibling who is quiet, but a very good listener - not to mention someone who will protect you from all harm - then byleth’s your girl! she is VERY good at what she does.
                               ( student / teacher. )
similar to the mentor/mentee, but with combat! byleth is a mercenary by trade and a teacher of combat arts by profession. she’s skilled with basically every kind of weapon you can think of. (swords are her specialty, but she’s also well-versed in bows, lances, axes, hand-to-hand, etc.) she’s also an INCREDIBLE tactician. she knows how to read a battlefield and conduct herself and her units accordingly. if this is an area of interest for growth for your muse, byleth is the person to learn from. :) she’s also willing to learn from others who are just as, if not more, skilled!
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TIER — o3 .
                               ( close friends. )
//toots the b support horn// ! listen, byleth very much needs close friends in her life. people she can consistently go to when she’s feeling lonely and doesn’t want to be alone. she’ll be more likely to send a text/letter your way, and coordinate with you to spend time together. she also can and WILL go out of her way to memorize your favorite things and gift them for you, inevitably. those who reach this rank will find that byleth is an incredibly thoughtful and kind friend who will ALWAYS put your needs first. let her dote on your muse !!
                               ( ride or die. )
similar to close friends except you’re one of byleth’s Priority People. her inner circle. you know how introverts have about... 2-3 people they consistently hang out with/want in their lives? you’re one of the chosen few for byleth. (cast members of the blue lions and the church of seiros would automatically fall into this category! i’d also lump the ashen wolves into this category as well, considering what goes on in the DLC. students from the other houses can also fall here with pre-established relationships plotting. :3)
                               ( found family. )
this is the top tier of the top tier list. the bread and butter. the “byleth would actually lay down her life for you without hesitation and would do so GLADLY” vibes. if byleth considers you one of Her Own then there’s nothing she wouldn’t do for you. she’s a thousand times more likely to put her full and complete trust in your muse, which - of course - can be a double edged sword. people in this category, as well as “ride or die” , will find that byleth... is especially vulnerable at this stage. meaning that she’s more easily hurt. she’ll take your words into DEEP consideration, even if they’re negative and/or untrue. your word is god to her, and so to get to this level of relationship with byleth means that you will most definitely be taken VERY seriously by byleth, intentionally or no.
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TIER — o4 .
                             ( misc. )
basically for anything i might have missed that might be worth discussing/exploring! i’m not... entirely sure what to put here tbh?? anything that requires substantial plotting/pre-planning/chemistry, basically. hmu, essentially. >:)
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