#(arthur&rebekah — we’re burning hearts;)
tyrionslannister · 7 years
{send in 🍼 and i’ll create a child for our characters !!}
- name: miracle ambrosio (she actually has her father’s last name but she doES NOT. LIKE IT. in fact she doesn’t really like miracle either bc chris’s family keeps joking about it like ‘well it was indeed a miracle lolz’ but well)- likes / dislikes: it’s easier to tell what she dislikes because she’s GRUMPY like the german side of chris’s family; while we’re on the matter, she hates it when people compare her to the adler family (which is why she does not use her dad’s name), when people mock her name, when people laugh at her, people in general the percy jackson series, star trek and…. well. but she DOES like: taking artsy pics of herself and her friends, cheesy rom coms, listening to the story of her parents’ relationship, eyeliner, thai food, norse mythology. this is so random lol- first word: “ed” (aka chris’ permanently drunk cousin), tho chris swears she was actually trying to say ‘dad’. no one believes him, ofc.- appearance: she’s sO TALL and slender, with a square shaped face, long and wavy red hair and blue eyes just like her parents - which parent they look more like: chris (which shuts up all the relatives trying to be funny and saying ‘lolz u sure this ur daughter buddy’. tho chris’s fist shuts them up too, but he doesn’t use it often ‘cause he’s mostly chill)- which parent they like more: she loves both equally she could never choose,,- height once fully grown: 184cm- job ambition: photographer- faceclaim: HEY I HADN’T THOUGHT ABOUT THIS WHEN I WROTE ABOUT HER APPEARENCE!!!  but, ahem :D i guess…. katarzyna konderak??? yea she would be a good choice,,
- name: erik filip holstein-makinen (he kind of bears the name of two disney princes and i think that’s neat)- likes / dislikes: so as a child he liked to play around with jewelry, which couldn’t be safe for a child, but well, and wearing crowns too big for his head so when he grows a little arthur gives him a crown and he’s so happy so he grows up wearing crowns. he loves crowns. but he also loves simpler things like lemon cakes and mint and the smell of new paper and freshly baked pies, rainy days and dancing!! (he’s a very extreme person he either loves smth or hates it,, so…) but he hates when people make stupid, obvious questions; when people make snarky comments abt his parents, but people don’t do it a lot bc his parents are king and queen so he does not have to worry about it much; and he really does not like the sun for some reason?? summer equals nightmare for erik.- first word: “erik” (arthur cannot stop laughing after it happens. ‘look at my son, so young and so narcissistic’, he says, crying tears of laughter while all the servants roll their eyes.)- appearance: he is also a tall guy!! his face is shaped like a heart and he has light brown, curly hair. and he’s blue eyed, too. and i’m terrible describing appearances lol- which parent they look more like: arthur (and he hates it. he wanted to look like his mother. ‘such a pretty hair colour’, says he, looking at her from a distance. ‘why couldn’t i have it toooo’)- which parent they like more: REBEKAH. no big surprise, since arthur is always either laughing his ass off or grumpy and serious af when he’s around his son. (erik likes his dad too but. u know. he’s mama’s boy and he’s proud of it.)- height once fully grown: 183cm- job ambition: “uh, idk, dude. maybe, you know… king of finland, perhaps??” – erik at some point of his life, probably. he’s so freaking done….- faceclaim: THIS IS THE HARDEST PART but again, uh, i chose finn jones bc i had to make a choice :’) -does he even look like jamie dornan??? who knows right, but it’s not like katarzyna looks a lot like sam heughan either soooo….. and well, yolo right
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tyrionslannister · 8 years
"Do you think they noticed me?" (arthur&bekah)
Arthur glanced at Rebekah for a moment before responding. How does she manage it? he asked himself, fully aware of how his heart seemed to skip a beat every time he looked at her. Looking so glorious all the time?It was hard to believe it had only been a few weeks since he had first met her, and even harder to think of how he had despised the idea of having his betrothed live there. It felt as though Rebekah’s arrival had brought life to that dead castle, and her mere presence was enough to fill his days with light. He didn’t feel trapped or pressured as he thought he would, nor did he want distance from her; instead, he found himself wishing to learn more about that girl, to get to know her, and looked upon the imminent wedding not with despise, but with certain eagerness, even.“It would be hard not to,” he murmured, finally, in a voice tone that made him feel like he was confessing something. “You are the most beautiful woman in this room, and the future queen,” he quickly added. “They all have their eyes on you.”
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