#(because there’s no known pain medication that helps 👍)
clanoffelidae · 9 months
It’s always ‘man I wish I was at home’ until you actually have a reason to stay home because you feel bad and then it’s ‘man I wish I was at work because that would mean I didn’t feel awful’
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alyjojo · 2 years
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June 🐬 2022 Monthly - Virgo
Whole of your energy: The Emperor
You’re fully in charge of your life in June, everything is working together like cogs in a machine, and you’re the one directing it as such. For some of you, a boss or father figure may play a more direct role in your life, and this can be showing the majority of the reading pertaining to them. Otherwise, you’re either acting in a disciplined, authoritative and controlled manner through this situation, or what’s going on is affecting a normally controlled demeanor, because The Tower has come out as well. Heavy major arcana energy.
What’s going on in June:
6 Wands:
This is a card of victory, success, achievement, overcoming obstacles. It seems you decided to play it safe and give up on a situation in the past, and it turned out to be the right decision. You’re rushing in with some truth about this to someone, could be sitting in ego a bit in an “I told you so” sort of way. You’re feeling victorious for having listened to your instincts, and The Tower follows, but you could’ve intuitively known a Tower was going to fall, and you got out of dodge before that even happened. Or are currently. If you’re wondering if you’ve made the right decision, Spirit says yes 👍
The Tower:
This is something falling apart to make way for something else, it seems to be regarding your job or finances. You played it safe in regards to some decision with your career because you are terrified of losing your job. For some, you’ve already lost your job and could be skirting a new relationship or telling the truth to other people because you feel ashamed or guilty about this. Whatever has fallen apart here has left you in so much worry and anxiety, you could be losing sleep over this, and you’re hanging on to every cent you can because you’re terrified you can’t keep up with your financial demands, bills, what you owe. This could be staying somewhere you’re not happy simply for security, for someone, others have lost a job and they’re currently in panic mode. If this is a father figure, it could be something has happened where they can’t work and there’s a lot of financial pressure because you can’t really help him that much, but you want to. 6 Wands is a good card to be your overall energy, it may just be a Tower of a bill, repairs, something that shocks you and sends you into panic mode for a bit.
You’re holding back a lot of frustration, bitter resentment, petty behaviors, and mentally painful thoughts that you’re feeling due to whatever you didn’t see coming, or didn’t know with this Moon. It also shows you needing to or wanting to manifest a new beginning, Ace of Cups follows, but you’re worried and fearful about how to do that, because right now you need to rest, heal, and save your money. This is a very closed off, narrow, and kinda pissed off mindset, resentment is breeding strongly in you due to whatever has pulled the rug out from under your feet. Being The Emperor, you don’t appreciate feeling out of control, and you’re having to face that in yourself, you had no control here. If this is a boss, your anger is directed at him, but silently. If a father, if anything medical has gone on with him, you could be angry at the way he was (or wasn’t) cared for, he maybe could have been seen sooner or something like that. You’re angry.
Ace of Cups:
This is where the love comes in, if it hasn’t already. You have a new beginning in love, with of this other chaos going on. Clarified by 6 Swords and 6 Cups, you’re moving away from any drama of the past, moving away from the past altogether. Some of you could literally be moving, maybe somewhere you’ve felt happier in the past, or a place you’ve visited and loved. Because you’re moving away from everything that’s happened before now, you’re opening yourself up to a beautiful new beginning in love. It seems Ace of Cups is directly connected to this 10 of Cups and Justice. Spirit points out that these 3 cards together represent 11:11 which is the number of manifestation, you’re manifesting your own happy ending and it’s the right, fair, just thing. Now I don’t see that as what is current, but what your hopes are, because 9 Pentacles follows and is a singles energy. Either you’re single and at the Ace of Cups, the beginning of something with the potential to become 10 Cups, or you’re just independent and secure within your partnership and the decisions you’ve made to get to this place. Aiming for financially stable in yourself before you jump into a relationship, but you’re dating.
9 Pentacles:
If you had financial troubles in the past, or went through a difficult situation where you lost a lot of money, those days are over with this card of material abundance. It’s due to some kind of heartbreaking situation, probably The Tower that occurred that had you so worried and anxious. King of Pentacles connects with Justice (again) to show that you not only have enough, but more than enough, and it’s everything you deserve. This could also represent a person or job you’ve left behind due to something heartbreaking, and that’s also a Justice for you, because now you have a new opportunity for something more authentic and long lasting. Either way the story goes, whatever is falling apart is Justice, and things are going to work out for you. With The Emperor as your main energy, you’re determined it’s going to, and there’s no failing in that energy, the willpower and determination to succeed is stronger than any rejection you might face. It doesn’t touch on love too much, because you’re more worried about finances and stability, but whatever dating you are doing looks promising. 6 Wands shows you overcoming whatever difficulties you’re facing. Your color cards show you in a mourning state due to this Tower. Make sure you take some time to honor how you feel.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Leo, Scorpio, Virgo & Cancer the most, but every sign is here
Oracles: ✨
When you’re ill, ask your angels to help you, and visualize yourself being well.
Life is never boring; it is a gift that contains many treasures.
We enter into June as:
Final Sunset 🌅 :
“A life has come to its spectacular conclusion.”
This is a reminder to cherish all of the beauty in your life, including endings. Spirit embraces you and the loss you are aware of at this time. When we watch a day’s sunset, we can recognize the beauty of an ending. All things have a completion, even life. This is the end of a long journey. It is a time to reflect on your part of history, and discover what you value most. This could be a long emotional road ending, or simply a project at work that took a lot of effort and time. Too often we look to what is “next”, and miss the spectacular beauty of the finale. Do not fear the completion. Stay in the now, cry, laugh, reflect. Be with the fullness of your experience.
What is to be learned in June:
Two came out, and that never happens so we’ll honor it. Difficult lessons on their own, combined and they become quite heavy 😓
Crimson Dreams 🥀:
“I am feeling the loss of my dreams.”
Crimson Dreams indicates holding back in some way. Are you selling yourself short? More than likely, it’s a warning you might be giving up on yourself. Are you in a danger zone of complacency? Are you allowing yourself to coast along in a situation you might not really want? Unless we are willing to risk, we may never realize our dreams. This is a need for new awareness. Don’t give up on your dreams! This is a wake up call to face your situation and live the life you truly desire, because you can.
Brad Blueberry 🫐
“While I worked, my life happened.”
Are you waiting to complete your career to live your life? What are you so busy for anyway? Sometimes keeping busy hides us from the real issues. Is there something you’re putting off doing? What are you avoiding? This card says go live your life! Work is not all there is, you must set aside what is driving you and regain some perspective on your life.
Red & Blue may be lucky colors ❤️💙
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