#if i actually stayed home that was because i was SufferingTM
clanoffelidae · 9 months
It’s always ‘man I wish I was at home’ until you actually have a reason to stay home because you feel bad and then it’s ‘man I wish I was at work because that would mean I didn’t feel awful’
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Kagaminette headcanons
just a few headcanons i came up with because i love these two too much ajskjask someone send help (also my first time doing headcanon things so I hope they’re good??)
Ships: kagami x marinette and some adrien x nino
first of all, they definitely indulge in each other's hobbies
kagami teaches marinette fencing and a bit of martial arts because "you never know when you might need to defend yourself" and when mari is better than she expected she's just ten times more impressed but also "how did you get so good?? those skills are not beginners luck" and mari just...sweatdrops
but they have a few fencing rounds together and yes kagami defeats her every single time but mari is surprisingly decent so it's not too one-sided. it's thanks to her superb reflexes
of course, when they stop and kagami runs a hand through her hair mari melts and is like ohhhhhh no she's hot 
kagami knows what she's doing come on this girl never hesitates
and when it comes to fashion, mari helps style her girlfriend for events where she's usually the plus one herself
she always makes kagami shine though and kagmai's always like "hey save the best clothes for yourself" "nope they're definitely yours"
kagami is the best model in marinette's opinion
she's unnervingly still when mari takes measurements and mari is so thankful for it until she looks up and meets kagami's intense gaze and is like oh no she's hot x2
kagami is just thinking "how is she so cute when she's focused oh my god stop great just great she's bleping she's bleping like a cat"
she barely even notices mari's noticed her but really even if she did, she wouldn't care because like...this girl is sure of herself and loves any opportunity to fluster marinette
sometimes tho, kagami talks about ladybug when ladybug and chat noir do a particularly great save that day
and she unintentionally goes on - well not on and on but mari knows her well enough to know when kagami really respects and admires someone 
and when kagami talks more than like, five minutes about ladybug, mari just slowly gets more and more flustered
warning bells are ringing and of course tikki in her purse can hear it but she's not worried about anything other than marinette's obvious flustered reaction. it's quite funny
kagami notices and is like "oh i didn't mean anything mari. you're the only one i have eyes for" and mari's not sure if it's better or worse that kagami thinks she's jealous of...well...herself
still she finds it amusing that her 'competition' is .... well. herself once more
kagami is a flirt too
they go on another ice skating date this time with just the two of them and the ice rink is much more crowded but it's fine because kagami's got her hand in mari's or her arm around her waist and she spins mari a lot and gives her a lot of intense stares
And if its a movie date kagami doesnt even bother with the yawning trick she just wraps her arm around maris shoulders nonchalantly and basically forgets her arm is there but mari does NOT forget poor girl is burning up and then kags is like "are u okay mari?" And she takes her arm off to better turn to her and mari is like "yep im fine totally fine!!!" But inside shes like "..pls..put ur arm back.."
mari hates and loves it because half the time spent on dates is just her blustering and blushing
on the rare ocassion that mari gets kagami flustered
oohhhh boy
kagami is Shocked and she's thinking "thank you lord that this girl is my girlfriend how did i get such an amazing girlfriend thank you" and she tries to hide her shock but it's not working
mari is sooo proud of herself in those moments
she's thinking "i actually made her flustered omg!!!"
tho really, it was all alya's idea - alya's pick up lines and 'training'
alya: girl we need to get your flirting game up
mari: i...really dont think we need to
alya: hustle up. alya's flirting lessons one oh one have begun
it's a mess of smolders and smirks and two-eyed winking but by the end, alya's lessons pay off and mari pulls off a smolder that gets kagami fuming in love
on the other hand, kagami is the one to give lessons to adrien
"first lesson, adrien. learn to figure out if they're just a friend or more than that for god's sake"
adrien is SufferingTM
kagami offers firm advice but... this boy doesn't really... want to use any of it
and his firm insistence that "nino is just a friend!!!" just makes kagami want to rip her hair out
but when adrien and nino finally start going out, the two fencers talk about their significant others loads during matches
it's a mess
"marinette made me another scarf today it's so cute" kagami says as she thrusts forward with her sabre
"really??? that's great!! nino made me a playlist of songs. i still don't understand how he gets them to be so right" adrien replies as he flips backwards in the air to dodge (because he obviously can)
the rest of the class stares in wonder
and if mari and nino come to watch
if it's mari there, kagami defeats adrien effortlessly and vice versa if it's nino
oh but heaven help if they both come
they did once
and the two were so desperate to Impress that the match went on forever. it was more intense than the first one they ever did
mari and nino both pledge never to watch together again
also concerning lila and chloe and stuff
Kagami does Not Tolerate Any Of Their Crap
if they so as much as glance in mari’s direction wrong, she’s whipping out her sabre that she keeps somewhere because reasons and mari’s like nooonn onono it’s okay
hell hath no fury like kagami when she learns that lila threatened mari ooh boy
(and this is since i believe that chloe would have gotten a better redemption arc if well...certain people had cared about the storyline and actual character development)
so even after chloe is ‘redeemed’ and working to become a better person and even if marinette is like “it’s okay now kagami. that’s all in the past!!” kagami does not trust her yet
if they have a group outing kagami subtly makes it that chloe stays on the opposite end and that the two are never left alone
but she really makes sure that no one is left alone with chloe because marinette’s friends are...welllll not really her friends too, but marinette’s friends are people to care about at least
so kagami’s a bit protective but when she knows the extent of how much marinette is used for her kindness she’s just....she does not want her girlfriend to be used anymore
they help each other in that account
kagami helps marinette be a bit more ‘selfish’ and learn to put her happiness equal, if not in front of other’s happiness and to ‘never hesitate’ and marinette helps kagami to be a bit warmer to those she’s just met and have had a bad first impression on and to wait things out a bit just in case because whilst never hesitating may be good sometimes it’s not good for all things
so from what we’ve seen i think we can gather that kagami’s family is like, high pressure and all?? if that’s the word because of kagami saying stuff like “second chances don’t exist in my family” and all (i’m paraphrasing tho...oof reminds me of adrien too much. are all the rich families in miraculous just gonna have bad homes....)
so i think when kagami meets tom and sabine she’s shocked 
she hides it well but it’s so....different from home... especially when they all have snacks in the lounge and they all eat on the couch whilst talking and it’s so informal but so....nice
and kagami learns a bit of baking
she’s stiff at first because it gets messy
and marinette notices a bit of dough on kagami’s face and it’s so out of place from her girlfriend’s usual neatness that she just laughs and kagami starts to laugh as well and it finally breaks the tension in her and then baking becomes fun and they do it like every week because kagami lowkey demands to do it and she buys all the ingredients herself
they make some new products for the bakery actually!! after a lot of experimentation and adjustments, tom and sabine find one of their cake recipes too good to hide away 
and the two spend a whole afternoon trying to name it
or more like, kagami puts in loads of suggestions because again she never hesitates (im sorry i mention that too many times) and that’s great for brainstorming and all but half her suggestions are.....
“the sabre” “will people actually...eat something like that...” 
“the ladybug” “the cake isn’t even red and black themed!”
“the marinette” “no” “!! why not??” “...why”
in the end, they name it something relating to chat noir because it’s chocolate and dark enough to pass as black 
kagami secretly sulks because she really wanted to honour ladybug
(chat is ecstatic and was once seen buying a whole cake of it. nadja had lots to report that day)
so marinette responds with helping her make a ladybug themed cake
both of the cakes become a hit with birthday parties
and marinette would never have realised how much trouble it would’ve actually brought her
because when chat made one appearance at a party using his cake, paris went wild
it was never spoken aloud but then ladybug was expected to show up so now she and chat have ‘surprise’ appearances at parties - not all of them of course but they make an effort and marinette knows when a party is happening because the parents obviously get the cake from their bakery
kagami is lowkey so happy though that something she made had such an impact and connection with ladybug
mari is so happy seeing her girlfriend happy but they are not doing that again
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