musingwithnanab · 3 months
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(Zhou Ye, 25 anos, ela/dela) Era Uma Vez… Uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você XIONG MEI. Você veio de PEQUIM, CHINA e costumava ser RELAÇÕES PÚBLICAS por lá antes de ser enviado para o Mundo das Histórias. Se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava JOGANDO TÊNIS, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! Tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. Tá vendo só? Você pode até ser GENTIL, mas você não deixa de ser umx baita de umx TEIMOSA… Se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de A GÊMEA na história TARZAN… Bom, eu desejo boa sorte. Porque você VAI precisar!
Com seu cabelo impecável, e blazer o mais bem passado possível, não havia ninguém na empresa que conseguia bater Xiong Mei quando ela queria fazer um trabalho bem feito. Por sempre estar atualizada em tudo que poderia prejudicar seus clientes, a mulher havia trabalhado desde celebridades até mesmo políticos. Todos mandavam mensagens para ela antes de sequer pensar em alguma ação, e Mei gostava dessa sensação de poder. Eles poderiam ser as pessoas poderosas, mas ela que os comandava. Se ela dizia para não fazerem algo, não faziam. Se aconselhava para algo, era feito de imediato. Seu trabalho sempre foi sua vida.
Até demais. Ela não foi ao hospital quando a mãe morreu, pois teve uma crise com um famoso que havia saído de roupas íntimas e foi flagrado. Não foi no aniversário da irmã mais nova porque precisava revisar discursos antes de um palanque. Perdeu o encontro de dois meses de namoro (que só durou dois meses), pois precisou ficar até tarde removendo comentários negativos sobre um idol que ela prestava serviços. Não havia vida pessoal, mas ela sentia-se grata. Não eram muitas pessoas que poderiam estar em tantos eventos, participar de tantos ambientes (de festas exclusivas até reuniões políticas) importantes.
Quando recebeu a embalagem com papel pardo, olhou duas vezes para ver quem era o remetente. Boa parte do material que mandavam para seus clientes passava por ela para ver qual seria uma boa propaganda para tirar foto ou agradecer o mesmo quando não era uma boa ideia (números de telefones suspeitos). Aquele não tinha destinatário, e ela estava pronta para jogar no lixo quando a curiosidade fez com que ela abrisse a embalagem. O livro a surpreendeu. Nunca foi uma mulher a acreditar em contos de fada ou magia. Preferia cadernos e canetas do que bonecas. Seu tempo era melhor gasto em pesquisas, gráficos e economia. O brilho ainda assim fez com que ela o abrisse, e se arrependesse amargamente por isso.
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alekseii · 2 months
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AARON TAYLOR JOHNSON? não! é apenas ALEKSEI CEDRIC IVASHKOV, filho de NYX do chalé QUINZE, de TRINTA E TRÊS anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há DEZENOVE ANOS (nada contínuos), sabia? e se lá estiver certo, ALEK é bastante AUDACIOSO, mas também dizem que ele é IMPULSIVO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
resumo e links importantes
vem aí!
tw: assassinato, violência, tortura, sangue.
havia algo especial em dominik e sua busca pela vingança contra aqueles responsáveis por assassinar toda sua família. a deusa nyx se divertia em observá-lo, suas escolhas e a trajetória, eliminando nomes de sua lista como afazeres de uma terça-feira à tarde. ela estivera presente, naquela fatídica noite, quando completamente consumido pelo ódio, o russo eliminou a última pessoa de sua lista. agora, sem propósito, ele se ajoelhava no chão. não tinham lágrimas em seu rosto, porque não se lembrava de como propriamente lidar com seus sentimentos, mas o olhar vidrado nas poças de de sangue que cobriam o chão denunciava: não havia mais nada em si.
foi nesse momento que ela apareceu. linda, feérica. surgindo das próprias sombras, recoberta em névoa branca, bela como a deusa que era. erguera o rosto do rapaz, para que ele pudesse encarar bem fundo nas íris completamente brancas, e ali, oferecera um propósito para sua vida. daquele dia em diante, dominik se tornou uma espécie de servo. recebia ordens, objetivos enviados pela deusa, e sempre cumpria com o prometido. era um perfeito soldado, que nunca tinha aprendido a fazer outra coisa senão perseguir missões, e devotara-se fielmente à deusa. ele vivia para ela. era como se estivesse progressivamente provando-se ser capaz, cumprindo suas obrigações, até propriamente receber outro título. deixara de ser seu soldado, e ganhara o privilégio de se tornar seu amante. bem, ele também não decepcionava nisso.
ao fim, era como se ele tivesse completado o desafio. tinha cumprido todas suas missões paralelas, e aquele era seu prêmio. um bebê. em seus braços, dominik carregara agora algo que não esperava. imaginava que como uma deusa, “problemas” como aquele não existiriam, e mesmo assim, não a questionara. porque encarara o pequeno alek como mais uma missão para ser cumprida. o pequeno ivashkov, de olhos azuis e cabelo castanho escuro, fora criado da única maneira que dominik sabia. como um militar.
ele tinha um horário para comer, dormir, e um horário para se dedicar às atividades. seu pai não era alguém ruim, mas era como se nunca houvesse ninguém por perto. alek se sentia extremamente sozinho. estavam sempre se mudando, pulando de um apartamento frio e vazio para outro, em diferentes cidades, vários países. por algum motivo, sempre ouvia que deveria estar alerta. sempre alerta. seu pai costumava sumir pela noite, sem lhe dar explicações de onde iria, e voltava quando o céu já estava claro. começou a perceber, com o tempo, que ele se encontrava com alguém. recebia instruções, de onde deveriam ir, o que fazer. 
não tinha muito mais que dez quando seu pai passou a levá-lo, inicialmente para que observasse. e era horrível. são as piores lembranças de sua vida, imagens que tentou deletar a todo custo. passara a entender que aquilo tudo se tratava ainda de uma vingança, ao qual o pai dedicara sua vida. ele comprometera-se, com a deusa, de não só seguir eternamente todos seus pedidos, como de nunca desistir dela. não importava o que ela tinha se tornado. foi em um dos dias que ele não queria mais que alek observasse, mas sim, que participasse, que dominik contou para o filho a história completa. tudo isso enquanto o forçava, coagia, para que sujasse suas mãos de sangue, para que tomasse aquele objetivo também para si.
naquela noite, o jovem fugiu. não sabia para onde ir, ou o que fazer, mas acreditava que se virar na rua seria um destino melhor do que atuar na carnificina que seu pai executava. ele estava louco. falava sobre deuses gregos? o menino convenceu-se que seu pai tinha perdido os últimos resquícios de insanidade. conseguira fugir do país meses depois, e aventurava-se pela europa às custas de trocados que implorava aos turistas. em uma noite, quando vagava por ruinhas estreitas em uma cidade rural da itália, presenciara, pela primeira vez, a aparição de algo que não podia ser natural. algo que lhe fez duvidar dos próprios olhos: ora leão, ora criatura. era como se sua mente tentasse assimilar uma imagem do que gostaria que fosse, mascarar a natureza bestial do que estava em sua frente. 
fora naquele momento que entendera o que seu pai queria dizer. tinha que estar sempre alerta. seria tarde demais para compreender o conhecimento passado, entretanto, se não fosse a figura em sua frente. da mesma maneira que surgira naquela noite, décadas atrás, a deusa se apresentara para o seu filho. impávida, transformando aquela gigante mantícora em um… gatinho. que ela deu para seu filho, em um sorriso feliz, ao se apresentar. contara para a pobre criança quem era, de maneira melhor que seu pai, e contra a vontade do moreno, o levara para o único lugar onde ele poderia estar a salvo. o acampamento meio-sangue.
de princípio, alek não entendeu muito bem a ideia, e sua cabeça cética ainda processava todas aquelas informações. nos primeiros dias, mal pronunciava uma palavra. e tentara fugir algumas vezes, sem sucesso, quando não acreditara ser parte daquele lugar. os meses não lhe demonstraram possuir alguma habilidade, e apesar da visita singular de sua mãe, ela não o reclamou até três anos depois. o jovem russo não se dera nem um pouco bem. para começar, era russo, com sotaque forte e um rosto pouco amigável. maioria das crianças ali chegavam daquela maneira, mas ele permanecera por muito tempo assim até efetivamente se permitir ser algo mais que o reflexo de seu pai. 
o dia anterior ao que foi reclamado, na verdade, marcou o dia oficial em que o russo passou a se sentir propriamente parte daquilo tudo. foi o dia em que seu poder se manifestou pela primeira vez, quando iniciara a perceber a capacidade de alterar a realidade. não se tratavam de coincidências, as luzes que se apagavam quando ele inconscientemente queria ficar no escuro, o fogo mais intenso em consonância com suas emoções. acidentalmente, em uma discussão acalorada com um filho de circe, acabou por o transformar bem… em outro gato. talk about family inheritance, am i right? o evento lhe rendeu uma boa confusão, mas foi efetivo em fazer com que fosse reclamado. 
aleksei passou a treinar magia desde então, progressivamente entendendo a maneira complexa como suas habilidades relacionavam-se, também, com suas emoções. os anos fizeram com que tentasse deixar um pouco de sua amargura para trás, e procurasse experimentar a vida como um semideus. quinze depois e tornara-se um exímio lutador, com uma personalidade completamente diferente. extrovertido, sorridente, até galanteador. a amargura só voltou a permear sua alma quando em missão, encontrara-se com seu pai. que o procurava, depois que nyx desistira do homem. não existia nada de atrativo para ela nele, mais. e por isso ele dedicara-se a convencer o filho a não retornar ao acampamento.
e, maldito seja, ele escutara seu pai. sumira do lugar que chamara de casa para acompanhar o mais velho, que estava em seus últimos dias, consumido por uma doença degenerativa. e nesse momento, pouco depois de deixá-lo seu machado, pediu ao seu filho que terminasse sua vida usando aquela lâmina, herança da deusa. amaldiçoando-se para não lembrar e se embriagando o suficiente para ter coragem, ele executou o pedido do homem.
a sua morte não fez com que alek derramasse nenhuma lágrima; pelo contrário, engolira aqueles dias ao seu lado como um vislumbre do que a vida com os deuses poderia levar a. decidira tentar provar um pouco mais da vida, aventurar-se por locais que nunca havia visitado antes e tentar a rotina comum de um jovem, com um trabalho, estudos, e um apartamento em algum lugar.  sucedera nisso, até eventualmente provocar a morte de alguém que conhecera em sua vida nova (e quase a sua própria), e voltar com o rabo entre as pernas para o acampamento. 
manipulação da realidade. é a capacidade de realizar magia pela capacidade de reescrever matéria e energia; basicamente, a manipulação de algo já existente, sem sua criação espontânea. seria, por exemplo, a capacidade de alterar uma xícara de chá e transformá-la em um porquinho da índia. cada manipulação, de acordo com sua complexidade, consome vigorosamente a energia de alek. a raiva e emoções mais intensas ampliam consideravelmente seus poderes, enquanto que outras emoções mais pacíficas fazem com que enfraqueça. na maior parte de suas vezes, rituais e feitiços podem ser utilizados como maneira de canalizar seu poder já pré-existente, mas costumam girar em torno dessa capacidade de reescrever. 
reflexos sobre-humanos, sentidos aguçados.
em seu leito de morte, seu pai deixou para trás algo que deveria ter sido seu à muito tempo. um presente da deusa, feito para que ele passasse para o seu filho na idade correta… que nunca aconteceu. a lâmina é feita de ferro estígio, que reluz em uma tonalidade sombria e iridescente. em seu cabo de ébano, runas e entalhes são adornados em cor prateada, alguns em grego, outros em russo. cada entalhe parece remeter à um evento, uma morte que marcou a lâmina, embora aleksei não saiba por completo a história. os anos fizeram com que criasse entalhes de sua autoria, gravando segredos antigos nos espaços restantes da madeira escura.
aleksei passou do ponto e foi insolente em um momento de bebedeira, que desagradou ainda mais a deusa circe (ela ainda tinha mágoas da transformação de um filho seu num gato). essa concedeu um pingo de insanidade para sua vida: agora, aleksei e sua sombra são duas figuras distintas. é como se sua sombra possuísse vontade própria, e muitas das vezes, pode lhe atrapalhar o suficiente para lhe enlouquecer. parece que de uns anos para cá, ele e sua sombra tem melhorado a convivência, mas ainda é extremamente estressante. tipo o peter pan.
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wintercuddles · 3 months
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Atenção, atenção, quem vem lá? Ah, é OLAF, da história FROZEN! Todo mundo te conhece… Como não conhecer?! Se gostam, aí é outra coisa! Vamos meter um papo reto aqui: as coisas ficaram complicadas para você, né? Você estava vivendo tranquilamente (eu acho…) depois do seu felizes para sempre, você tinha até começado a AJUDAR COM AS CRIANÇAS DE ARENDELLE… E aí, do nada, um monte de gente estranha caiu do céu para atrapalhar a sua vida! Olha, eu espero que nada de ruim aconteça, porque por mais que você seja criativo, você é ingênuo, e é o que Merlin diz por aí: precisamos manter a integridade da SUA história! Pelo menos, você pode aproveitar a sua estadia no Reino dos Perdidos fazendo o que você gosta: SE VOLUNTARIANDO NO HOSPITAL.
Para que o encantamento que o mantém vivo fosse mais permanente, a nuvem de Olaf foi colocada dentro da neve que compõe o seu corpo. Com o tempo, ele foi moldando o próprio corpo conforme ia sendo mais necessário: braços não feitos de gravetos pra poder ajudar a levantar coisas e pernas mais compridas para não ficar sempre para trás nas caminhadas e até uns cabelinhos para ficar mais bonitinho… até que, finalmente, decidiu ceder e assumir uma aparência humana. Enquanto ele ainda é feito de gelo, às vezes ele compra encantamentos para parecer humano, só para chamar menos atenção.
Como está a posição dele em relação aos perdidos? Odiou ou amou?
Olaf é pau para toda obra. Assim como a água que o compõe, ele flui para onde precisar. Bom ou ruim, é uma coisa que aconteceu. E até que está sendo bem divertido todos esses amigos novos! E a história nova tem um monte de amigos novos, inclusive para as suas meninas, o que é ótimo! Mas… até que dá saudade de toda a neve de casa às vezes. 
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pcrplecolor · 5 months
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shin hye-sun? não! é apenas a seon-yun lilac, ela é filha de perséfone, do chalé 26 e tem 25 anos. a tv de hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no nível ii, mas está no acampamento há 15 anos, sabia?
lila é bastante altruísta, mas também dizem que é pessimista.
afetuosa como ela, lila é uma pessoa extremamente carinhosa e carente, já que é órfã e não tem família. sua principal missão é dentro do acampamento, fazendo com que os semideuses mais novos (crianças e adolescentes) tenham suporte e apoio (pessoal e emocional). frequentemente é vista nos campos de morango, ajudando na manutenção do plantio ou com algum grupinho de semideuses crianças, isso quando não está falando sozinha pela maldição que recebeu de hades. além disso, também fica fazendo suas tarefas para tentar desempacar do nível ii de poder, já que desenvolveu um bloqueio que nunca conseguiu avançar.
quando a rainha do submundo desconbriu mais um filho do seu esposo, resolveu sair para o mundo mortal, na tentativa de espairecer sobre a nova traição de hades. nesta noite, havia escolhido a coreia do sul para conhecer sua cultura e costumes. foi então que conheceu um sujeito sedutor, que a abordou com um sorriso simpático e confortante. o homem tentou anima-la, conversando com a deusa por um bom tempo, sem saber exatamente quem era. papo vai, papo vem, ambos decidiram dançar juntos, perséfone passando a noite inteira provocando hades, que tentava alcança-la com suas sombras. quando finalmente cedeu ao mortal, ela já estava se sentindo melhor e decidiu presentea-lo com uma criança. entretanto, ao final da noite, quando perséfone o deixou sozinho, hades levou sua alma ao mundo dos mortos.
fruto de uma noite proibida da deusa, lilac nasceu numa noite chuvosa de outubro, mais precisamente no dia 30. persefone teve de deixar os domínios de hades para que ela não nascesse nos domínios do marido e acabasse morta. assim, a deixou na porta de um velho sátiro, que cuidaria e despistaria a criança das investidas de hades contra sua vida.
lilac cresceu com o pai adotivo, que sempre fora muito cuidadoso e amoroso, oferecendo-lhe uma vida como se fosse sua própria filha. a semideusa conseguiu passar 10 anos escondida, até que em um dia ordinário, ao voltar da escola, uma quimera desconfiou do sangue mestiço da menina e começou a persegui-la, até ter a certeza de que era, quando ela viu o sátiro se juntar a menina. foi então que o ataque começou.
george então a instruiu para o acampamento meio-sangue, apesar de toda a agonia durante o ataque, mas infelizmente não sobreviveu.
lila passou dois anos no chalé de hermes, sem a reclamação do seu parente divino, não entendia muito bem o que era ou o motivo de tudo aquilo ter acontecido e parte de si ficou em negação por muito tempo. mas em contrapartida, lila fez muitos amigos e aprendeu muitas coisas, embora sempre tivesse a sensação de não-pertencimento, as vezes pensava ser uma impostora e não ser uma semideusa de fato.
sua atividade favorita era o treino com arco e flecha, do que foi um desastre total no início, mas após muito treinamento, conseguiu finalmente dominar a arma com maestria.
após dois anos no acampamento, perséfone finalmente a proclamou. pouco tempo depois, fora convocada à uma missão, do qual conseguiu concluir com sucesso e, após a sua conquista, a deusa presenteou a filha com um anel que, posteriormente, lilac descobriu ser uma arma e como usa-la. apenas após a proclamação, lila conseguiu treinar o seu poder, mas ficou estagnada no segundo nível.
por não ter nenhuma família, além dos campistas, lila é integral no acampamento e estava presente no jantar durante a profecia, sendo uma das responsáveis por conter o panico dos semideuses menores.
intoxicação: lila expele do próprio corpo um espécime de névoa vermelha com toxina, que confunde os inimigos e semideuses, deixando-os confusos, tontos, com náuseas ou falta de ar, porém não é um poder letal ainda. a parte ruim do poder é que não se concentra apenas em algo maligno, então qualquer um pode ser afetado por ele, estando num raio de até 5m de distância da semideusa.
na primavera: cura sobre-humana
no inverno: agilidade fisica e mental
um pequeno anel com uma pedra vermelhas e folhas, simbolizando uma rosa, presenteado por persefone após a conquista da primeira missão da semideusa. esse anel, ao ser manuseado três vezes, vira um arco e, ao mesmo instante, uma aljava se forma em suas costas com flechas com pontas venenosas. quando disparadas, ao atingir o alvo, a flecha se desintegra, retornando à aljava.
lilac sempre fora uma lembraça da traição de perséfone à hades. e como prova de sua apatia pela semideusa, quando a garota foi reclamada pela rainha do submundo aos doze anos de idade, hades lhe lançou uma maldição (ficou pistola). é por isso que consegue ver fantasmas em suas piores formas e é perseguida por eles até então. frequentemente possui episódios de insônia por estar sendo assombrada por algum fantasminha camarada.
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halofcrged · 2 months
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askcowboywarbler · 5 months
wait, is that TUCKER “TUCK” ATKINSON? they kinda look a lot like NICK ROBINSON, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY ONE year old is known as the THE SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in THE WARBLERS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re RESPECTFUL, but don’t be fooled since they’re also BLUNT. rumor has it, you can find them at DALTON BASEBALL when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around WELL WORN COWBOY BOOTS, A FISH OUT OF WATER, COUNTRY MUSIC BLASTING FROM THE SPEAKERS IN A CAR WITH THE WINDOWS DOWN but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
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🎤 auditioning with… revival by zach bryan
TW: Death, Car Accident
His Mom and Dad split when he was only 2 years old, the divorce was messy and though Tucker was originally going to be living with his Mom full-time she passed less than a two years later in a car accident. His Dad didn’t want custody of him so he moved in with his Grandma and Grandpa on his Mother’s side who raised him until this point. They gave him a wonderful childhood filling their home with love and hard work believing that if you wanted something bad enough and you worked hard for it, you could achieve it.
For his first year of college he was originally attending a small college in rural Tennessee on a baseball scholarship as a pitcher. But, the coach that he had agreed to play for received an offer to coach at Dalton instead when the season ended. Starting this new year fresh and moving far away from home he decided to follow the coach and play for Dalton hoping that the slightly larger school and the better competition would push him forward. Unbeknownst to him when he took the new scholarship, his grandparents just told him that his Dad (the one that left him when he was 2) is living just an hour away from his new school.
Tucker has always liked singing, his grandpa taught hims how to play guitar and he was even in a few musicals in middle and high school but he never thought he would have the opportunity to join a show choir like The Warblers until one of its members overheard him singing on campus one day and asked him to join. He’s one of the newest recruits in the group being that it’s his first year at Dalton and so-far he’s not completely sold on the Academy of all boys but is getting used to it.
FULL NAME: Tucker Kade Atkinson
NICKNAMES: Tuck, TK, Cowboy
GENDER: Cismale
SEXUALITY: Unfortunately Heterosexual
AGE: Twenty One
JOB: Student & Barista at The Lima Bean
GLEE CLUB: The Warblers
MAJOR: Hospitality
CHARACTER INSPO: Woody (Toy Story), Matt Saracen (Friday Night Lights), Sav Bhandari (Degrassi: The Next Generation), Flynn Rider (Tangled), Hawkeye (MCU), Finnick Odair (Hunger Games), John B (Outer Banks)
PLAYLIST: Sarah’s Place (Zach Bryan and Noah Kahan), Fast Cars and Freedom (Rascal Flatts), Just To See You Smile (Tim McGraw), Guitars and Tiki Bars (Kenny Chesney), Firecracker (Josh Turner), Twang (Mason Ramsey), Kinfolks (Sam Hunt), ‘98 Braves (Morgan Wallen), Stars Like Confetti (Dustin Lynch), Too Sweet (Hozier)
Wanted Connections
Hook Ups
Flirtationship- Madison McCarthy
Volunteer Buddies
Best Friends
Teammates (Baseball)
Childhood Friends- Nick Duval (attended the same baseball camp in tennessee)
Person who introduced him to The Warblers- Blaine Anderson (was the one that heard him singing on campus and helped him with his audition)
Show Choir Mentor
Frequent Customer at The Lima Bean- Dottie Kazatori
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daisynowak · 5 months
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❝ I don't ever wanna wait for this, I know that I was made for this. I won't fade into dark. I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry, gonna see the end of this story.❞
Full Name: Daisy Nowak
Age: 23
Date of Birth: March 30th 2000
Gender: Cis-Female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Barista @ Gravi-Tea
Living Arrangements: living in Starlight Cove
Language(s) Spoken: English & Spanish
Positive Traits: kind, adaptable, considerate, determined, hard-working, adaptable.
Negative Traits: indecisive, compulsive, gullible, stubborn, jealous
Goals/Desires: be a professional singer, own her own house.
Hobbies:yoga, crochet, crossword puzzles, writing music & songs
Quirks & Traits: gets too emotionally attached to things, hates the sound of people chewing, has a habit of starting things but never finishing them
𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂 & 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹𝓼
Father: Dominik Nowak
Mother: Ella Nowak (step mom)
Sibling(s): a younger half sister named Adria
Pet(s): a dog called Oscar
Relationship Status: single
Exes: long term boyfriend (dated for 2 years - ended badly) and an ex girlfriend (dated for six months - on good terms)
𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓑𝓲𝓸
Daisy was born an only sibling. When she was 6 her mom ended up leaving so it was just her and her dad. She doesn't really remember her birth mom much.
When Daisy was 10, her dad met her step mom Ella who instantly treated her like her own filling that gap her own mother had left her. It wasn't long after when Ella had fallen pregnant finally giving Daisy a sibling who she adored. The four of them had a happy life together - one that Daisy was extremely greatful for knowing that other people weren't always as lucky.
During her last year of high school, Daisy met her ex-boyfriend. He was her first love and she had fallen fast and hard. Their relationship had been far from perfect but with it being her first one, she didn't know any better. Things ended badly between the two of them, leaving a lot of hostility and Daisy with a broken heart.
Growing up all Daisy had always had such a love for music. Her dad had signed her up for piano and guitar lessons at her request. She's a naturally talented singer - barely even having to try and yet has a beautiful singing voice. Her ultimate goal in life is to break into the music industry but for now she's happy playing local shows and working as a barista. It pays the rent and lets her lead a realitvly comfy life so she couldn't complain.
Once she had grown more confident with herself, she'd decided to move out of her parents place and settle in Starlight Oaks. She's only lived there for a few months but she knows this is the place she belongs right now.
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fondueforme · 3 months
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There's a fine line between genius and crazy. There's a fine line between broken and breaking. Spent my whole life tryna to change what they're saying about me, sick of walking that fine line.
wait, is that BRITTANY SUSAN PIERCE they kinda look a lot like BRIGETTE LUNDY-PAINE, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY-TWO year old is known as the AIRHEAD EXTRAORDINAIRE around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NEW DIRECTIONS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re HONEST, but don’t be fooled since they’re also IMPULSIVE. rumor has it, you can find them at CHEERIO PRACTICE, DANCE/BALLET, THE MUCKRACKER, GAY/STRAIGHT ALLIANCE, AND MATHLETES when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around THE SMELL OF BURNT FONDUE OVER HOT GOSS, DANCING THROUGH THE SEWER SYSTEMS AT NIGHT, AND CHEERING FOR THE UNDERDOG IN A SHORT SKIRT but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
Brittany, like Brett and Puck, is a super senior. They failed their senior year with a remarkable 0.0 GPA, but they completely turned it around their second year. They even got an early admission to MIT, but it only took Brittany a month or two to miss home and all their friends. They didn't want to be math genius, instead choosing to go back to Lima and go to McKinley Arts to pursue other ventures.
Brittany is openly bisexual and nonbinary. They knew from a young age that they liked more than one gender, but it took another year of high school and soul searching to realize that just like with their sexuality, their gender cannot be defined within the margins of the gender binary. They've had their fair share of hookups and trysts with a whole lot of different people. They've never been ashamed of it and who they are. To help pay for college, they occasionally do a video or two with Sam, the other blonde letting them keep all the earnings from said films.
Brittany has a pretty successful YouTube channel called Fondue for Two that they started in high school. They invite guests from their life to interview them over fondue and whatever else they have lying around.
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FULL NAME: brittany susan pierce. PRONOUNS: prefers they/them, but any pronouns are fine. (unless you misgender them purposefully/or misgender her sister and they will destroy you) GENDER: nonbinary. NICKNAMES: b, britt, britt-britt, brittany s-pierce. HOMETOWN: lima, ohio. BIRTHDAY (ZODIAC) & AGE: march 14th. (PISCES.) / twenty-two years old. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single, has kissed more than 80% of the student body. SEXUALITY: bisexual. RELIGION: christian. OCCUPATION: student at mckinley arts college, runs a youtube show called ‘Fondue For Two’. RESIDENCE: small apartment off campus. SPORTS/CLUBS: Cheerios, dance, the muckracker, gay/straight alliance, mathletes. GLEE CLUB: new directions. LANGUAGES: english, secret language they made up in middle school, ASL. MAJOR: journalism. MINOR: media communication.
FACECLAIM: brigette lundy-paine. HEIGHT: 5'9". BUILD: fit. EYES: brown. HAIR:  brown, will occasionally bleach in summer to put fun colors in. PIERCINGS: they have their ears pierced, three on each lobe and then a helix on their left and an industrial on their right, they also have their belly button, nipples, and tongue pierced. TATTOOS: they have a rainbow with clouds on their right inner wrist and a small ufo on their shoulder blade. (lord t has been making tattoo appointments for her to get a portrait of himself done and brittany keeps canceling them because she’s afraid it’s bad luck.) OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: none. SCARS: a few from sewer misadventures. ALLERGIES: none. STYLE: carefree and fun, loves bright and bold patterns as well as simple ones when they’re feeling overwhelmed. loves hats and beanies.
FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS: if brittany thinks you're hot, they will absolutely hit on you and be down to hook up. FORMER FLINGS: one night stands or situationships welcome !! can be friends now or not. JUST FRIENDS: brittany needs pals !! INTERVIEWEES: britt also needs people to interview !! and to be on their show. STUDY BUDDY OR TUTOR: britt can help you with math if you help them with their writing courses. RIVAL: jacob ben israel is basically their archnemesis.  EXES: can be on good or bad terms !! ROOMMATE: lets goooo.
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rasafcrged · 1 month
Elizabeth’s form is made up of atom sized nanites; they number approximately seven billion billion billion (the same approximate number of atoms in the human body). They are typically forming an impeccable replication of human anatomy. If you cut her, she bleeds. She sweats, salivates, etc. Anything that leaves her body remains what it is (blood, skin, bone etc) until she commands it otherwise. Sweat ‘evaporates’ and is reclaimed. If blood is drawn for testing etc she may allow it to remain in its form in perpetuity or may return it to its base form - individually basically imperceptible due to their size - or order them to self destruct themselves, crumbling into almost nothing. The individual nanites are self replicating and self repairing, meaning she can create more to replace any that are lost and can survive and reproduce enough (eventually) nanites to recreate her chosen form if even a single atom sized nanite survives.
If she reverts to her base components it looks very similar to the chromatic liquid of the fluidic terminator.
This does also mean that she can choose and change her form. She prefers the one she has chosen and as she typically presents herself and it requires a conscious decision to reformat her shape. Ie, if she is asleep etc she will still be in her human form.
She does breathe, she can eat and drink, but these are not necessary for her. She automatically filters out poisons, disease, toxins, chemical warfare type particles etc on a cellular level. She can simply choose not to breathe if she’s in danger of “drowning” or suffocation. She doesn’t require food or water but can enjoy them and can gain energy from them. She can also gain energy from kinetic, electric, solar, radiation etc and can basically transform any kind of energy into raw energy her cells are powered from.
She can be knocked unconscious by a massive electric strike such as would happen with a lightning strike or a concentrated enough emp burst; her cells are shielded from a certain amount of an electromagnetic pulse but at a high enough level she could be knocked temporarily unconscious. Her body would continue its basic programmed function. Ie, she’d still appear as an unconscious human.
She can communicate with other computers and technology based equipment that has any form of WiFi / Bluetooth etc that she can hack into. This can be on a global level including satellites but the further she’s extending her reach and the more she’s trying to absorb and communicate through at any given time the more she has to concentrate to the point that she may go unresponsive and seem to be unconscious or otherwise entirely unaware of her surroundings. Depending on the level of technology of whatever universe she is in, she’s generally going to be one of the most elite forms of technology with some exceptions being Doctor Who where there are many many more potentially advanced species depending, BSG, Stargate, etc. some Star Trek societies, some Halo tech, etc, WestWorld depending on season and so on.
If there is no wireless connection, if she can get a hard wired connection, ie, some nanites into the machine, it acts as a hot spot and allows her to connect.
Also, she can lend nanites to act as antibodies to help someone else fight an infection or disease, or to help form temporary”cybernetics” prosthetics / duplications of blood, limbs, organs, etc as a last ditch effort to keep someone alive until they can receive proper care. This is something she does very, very rarely as it obviously reveals the true nature of what she is and raises a lot of questions and leads to potential risks to herself / whoever she tries to help etc depending on the circumstances … and she’s had experiences where her true nature coming out ruins even very close relationships.
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asksam · 4 months
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auditioning with the song: brutal, olivia rodrigo
And I'm so tired that I might, quit my job, start a new life. And they'd all be so disappointed, 'cause who am I, if not exploited?
wait, is that SAM EVANS? they kinda look a lot like NICHOLAS GALITZINE, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY ONE year old is known as THE CROWD PLEASER around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in DULY NOTED which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re CHARMING, but don’t be fooled since they’re also -STUBBORN. rumor has it, you can find them at SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING PRACTICE, PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB, FIGHT CLUB, DIGITAL MEDIA CLUB OR AT A GOD SQUAD MEETING when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around RED SOLO CUPS AMONG FRIENDS, LONG NIGHTS IN TRUCK BEDS STARGAZING, DOLLA DOLLA BILLS Y'ALL but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
Sam has a full ride scholarship thanks to synchronized swimming. So while he’s going to school because of that, Sam’s real passion is his impressions. He’s always wanted to be a voice actor and he actually does have a decent amount of followers on TikTok. Because they’re good or because he posts a lot of cosplay thirst traps is anyone’s guess.
He was pretty much homeless during his senior year of high school after his father lost his job. They lived out of motels and sometimes their car when they couldn’t afford a room. It took a while for them to get back on their feet, but Sam’s job at the local DQ strip club helped out a lot.
He’s very upfront on his TikTok about who he is and his past because it might help someone out there. Whether it’s about his dyslexia, stripping, sexuality (pansexual) or just about struggling with his faith, Sam likes to shine bright, but still keep it real.
Sam does a lot of volunteer work on his off time, he loves helping out at the local animal and homeless shelters.
He's not a stripper anymore, thanks to the world wide web, he has an OF that's actually pretty lucrative. He sends most of the money back home still to provide for his siblings, his parents still think he works at DQ.
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full name: samuel andrew evans. pronouns: he/him. gender: cismale. nicknames: sam, sammy, white chocolate, captain trouty, evans, trouty mouth. hometown: knoxville, tennessee. birthday (zodiac) & age: may 21st (GEMINI) / twenty-one years old. relationship status: single. sexuality: pansexual. religion: christian. occupation: student at mckinley arts college, "accountant". residence: small house off campus with roommates. sports/clubs: synchronized swimming, photography club, fight club, digital media club, and god squad. glee club: part of duly noted. languages: english, ASL, na'vi, very poor spanish. major: digital media. minor: visual communications.
faceclaim: nicholas galitzine. height:  6'0". build:  athletic. eyes:  hazel. hair:  blonde (natural, but he does a lot of upkeep because of the chlorine water). piercings: he has his nipples, tongue and ears pierced (just like one of his faves teddy altman, but this version) (sidenote: he takes them all out when he's in the pool). tattoos:  ’You can’t take the sky from me.’ across his left forearm, he has 'i'm fine' on his right arm above his inner elbow, he's starting a sleeve of comic panels on his right that's a mix of all comics not just marvel & dc, he has a few manga panels on his left leg from various artists including jujutsu kaisen and attack on titan. (sidenote: sam uses the best waterproof tattoo concealer money can buy to keep them covered for competitions). other distinguishing features:  birthmark above his upper right lip and on the right and left sides of his chin. style: sam has three looks: homeless man, 12 year old boy & a hooker.
workout buddy: someone sam can spot for/spot for him at the gym, or even just watch his swim routines and critique.
fellow "accountant": either they can just know of each other and help each other out with tips and tricks of the trade or they can create content with each other.
BFFS/platonic soulmates: they know everything sam doesn't talk about on his social media and they get the real bts content of his life.
friends with benefits: this will probably be a dumpster fire of feels because sam absolutely will catch feelings for the other so to quote sam's audition song "i want it to be, like, messy".
study buddy or tutor: sam needs some extra help and needs someone to help study with or your character is tutoring him!
roommate: sam is a junior and lives off campus in a small house with two roommates !!
rival: either in fight club or maybe one of the other clubs, either way sam totally complains about you to his followers.
D&D: you're a part of sam's party, your characters are rivals, love interests, or friends.
I'm honestly down for any connections for my boy so you can absolute DM me on here or on discord !! LET'S PLOT !!
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laughter at tears, manipulation and deceit, kinky nights, eavesdropping, multitasking, bloodied knuckles, voice as sweet as honey and fractured as shards of glass, leaving a trail of broken hearts, confidence that could kill, going off the handle, tight leather, never sleeping,
name: rodolphus xander lestrange. nicknames: rod. dob: december 24th.  age: thirty. gender: cis male. pronouns: he + him.  orientation: heterosexual. 
height: 5’ 10” eye color: piercing blue.  hair color: brown black.  distinguishing features: dark mark on right arm. wears large expensive rings. occupation: unspeakable / thought chamber.
blood status: pureblood. affiliation: death eater.  house: slytherin.  animagus? none. wand:
length: 12" flexibility: unyielding.
wood: cedar;; found its perfect home where there were perspicacity and perception. garrick ollivander believed that whenever he met one who carried a cedar wand, he found strength of character and unusual loyalty. the witch or wizard who was well-matched with cedar carried the potential to be a frightening adversary, especially if harm was done to those they were fond of, which often came as a shock to those who had thoughtlessly challenged them.
core: dragonheart string;; produced the most powerful and flamboyant magic and learned spells faster and easier, however they were more prone to accidents. they were the most likely to change loyalty, but would always bond strongly with its current owner. It was also the easiest to turn to the dark arts, though it would not turn on its owni
from the time rodolphus was born, it was clear that he was the future man of the house. there would be no mistake that their first son would be anything but and corvus took him under his wing immediately, leaving clarisse to her own sensibilities and darkness. this gave rodolphus his first lesson: marriage was out of convenience and had nothing to do with love, though the loyalty a husband and wife could share would be advantageous. corvus would even go so far as to teach his true son that love only gets in the way of one’s purpose in life but loyalty could move mountains. this left rodolphus with a cold heart and large ambitions. he was his father’s puppet being molded into what a lestrange should be and always was. rodolphus took to it like a fish out of water. he became so self-involved and focused that he became so prideful there was no way of being humble was in his cards. the only love he felt was toward himself, part of the prestigious lestrange family and the sacred twenty-eight that spanned more time than other families only dared dream.
when departing for hogwarts, rodolphus’ mature demeanor was already much more put together that he refused to be seen with anyone beneath his stature. at eleven he already knew of the dark lord and that his life would be devoted to him. school was merely a way to aid in how to do so. not to mention, a requirement. if corvus and rodolphus had it their way, the two would be even more disgustingly paired at the hip; rodolphus would learn from his father. nonetheless that was not an option. but being sorted into slytherin house and excelling in all his classes, rodolphus was a force to be reckoned with. known throughout the entire castle, rodolphus clung to his notoriety, doing as he pleased; casting hexes on muggles as practice was his biggest pleasure. his charm and manipulation always worked in his defense. it helped that corvus had such a name in the wizarding community. messing with rodolphus would mean war against the lestrange family and no one could risk such a thing. causing chaos and confirming who was worthy to be at his side became a game. students either feared him or wanted to be him. sometimes both. rodolphus’ head grew larger and larger as the years passed.
after leaving hogwarts, rodolphus knew where he stood in society and drank it up like the lavish champagne he would pour down the drain. he had the money and power that made it impossible to not be accepted into the ministry. he aimed to become an unspeakable, leaving part of his life a secret only he could enjoy. the rest of his life was on display but behind the scenes in the thought chamber, rodolphus learned how the mind worked in a way no one ever could have. this was his chance to get yet another upper hand on those surrounding him. knowing it would increase his already dark abilities in dueling, potions and spells, it was only a matter of time before he learned to get inside the minds of society, whether it be the upper echelon or rotten scoundrels that deserved to live in the muck. legilimens was his aim, and a legilimens he became. then occlumancy. and occlumancy soon followed.
while he was taught by corvus that marriage was a contract, it was decided that he would have a betrothed. luckily for rodolphus his would be bellatrix black. she was a strong, unyielding, loyal person -- quite similar to his mother but to the nth degree. not only was she a dark being, she was also dedicated to the cause as much as he. rodolphus couldn't have asked for a better match.
as the war progressed, rodolphus sat back and watched the world unfold with a smile on his face, ever so perceptive with the dark mark beneath the dark sleeves he was forever seen in. the mark pumped through his veins like a heartbeat. if there was anyone dedicated to the dark lord, it was he. when he was called upon he did the lord’s bidding on a whim, not thinking twice. the tasks he was given gave him pure adrenaline, only deepening his love for the wicked and cleansing the world of the unworthy.
rodolphus lestrange presented a strong face, keen mind and mystery to the world that could frighten anyone without his trying. what they didn’t know was the depths of his cruelty, his killings, his torture and, most of all, his lust for it.
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maytrons · 16 days
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𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. as there's little confirmed canon information on stolas' mother, whomever she may be, this is all purely headcanon. depending on how well I jive, I may adapt to be more canon-compliant as canon is revealed.
this is still under development - more background details may be added at any time.
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Cosima Octavia Orias was born the eldest daughter to her father, Marquis Orias of the Ars Goetia, and her mother, Wilhemine Cosima Orias.
As eldest daughter, and eldest child overall, Cosima was always expected to elevate the family status. Though intelligent and talented, she was also in poor health, often suffering debilitating migraines.
With much of her youth spent bedbound, she studied hard in the absence of all entertainment. She became an accomplished diviner and passionate scholar; though, with little social interaction came a lack of interest in society.
She became known as an eccentric and recluse among demons of status - a damning title, whether or not it was true or deserved. her parents sought to marry her off quickly, and to the highest bidder.
After a lengthy courting period, she was set to be engaged to one of the Dukes of the Ars Goetia ( who later, with a different wife, bore Stella and Andrealphus). Paimon himself was the one who broke their engagement, deciding to take Cosima as one of his wives instead.
Cosima, unsure and unadvised, took a long time to warm up to Paimon. Eventually, after he proved to her his loyalty, she bore him a son - Stolas.
Due to her declining health and archaic customs, Stolas was quickly whisked away from her - an act she never quite forgave Paimon for, tradition or otherwise.
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c0rruptd · 17 days
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--- RAYDON STARK. Lord of Winterfell. ---
࣪𓏲ּ ֶָ 𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗 ⁝ mark rowley, 28, cis man, he + him. announcing the arrival of RAYDON of house STARK, the LORD of WINTERFELL. whispers among the court name them to be both HEAD STRONG and SUSPICIOUS in disposition, and those closest to them speak to their interests in archery. if we bards could compose a song for them, it might tell stories of the sound of snow crunching under boots, the laughter as the ale and wine flows, bloodied knuckles and disarming eyes. the seven whisper to their most devout queen as she sleeps, making her question where their loyalties truly lie. are they right to whisper? for their loyalties truly lie with HOUSE STARK, HOUSE KARSTARK and HOUSE MARTELL.
full name. raydon stark. nicknames. ray. gender. cis man. pronouns. he / him age. 28 sexual orientation. bisexual. romantic orientation. biromantic. relationship status. single / unmarried. house. house stark.
Raydon is fiercely loyal as a brother and acts as a protector even as one of the middle children. His friendships are incredibly important to him, but they are not always without their benefits - if he can find a way to form a friendship in order to help his family he will. He's set in his ways, a fine warrior - good with a sword but even better with a bow and when he's at home in Winterfell he'll often be found helping train some of the younger folks. He's easy to get along with and has a heart of gold though he's careful with whom he gives it to. While he can be suspicious once his guard his down the right person could easily get in his head.
loves fiercly. head strong. suspicious. the joker. unkept. loyal. plays dumb but isn't. archer. animal lover. kind. hopeless romantic.
name. bear. appearance. dark brown, blue eyes. personality summary. cs.
as a child, raydon was particularly wild, always capable of causing mischief one way or another - though never done in malice. perhaps it was being the middle child that allowed him to get away with the things he did but he embraced it and such a trait followed him into adulthood. those around him considered him quite the joker, always ready with a joke or a means to make someone laugh, but as time went by, raydon soon found himself using such behaviour as a cover for something raw, something empty inside him.
he's always loved fiercly and remains loyal to his family. he admires his siblings, especially his eldest brother. if he's ever needed, raydon will drop whatever he must to help his family. but when it comes to love he has not been so lucky, he often finds he falls for the wrong people and as a result he's given up on the idea of marriage and instead prefers to spend his nights with those who expect no such thing of him. deep down however he wishes to have that companionship and love that he's not yet found.
best friend connection - someone he's formed a very close bond with over the last few years and / or over many years. raydon trusts this person with his life and he'll often seek them out for comfort outside of his family.
fling - raydon is known to frequent taverns and find himself tangled up with those he shouldn't. It's light - hearted almost all the time but there's one person he keeps finding himself going back to over and over again.
slow burn romance - raydon has been unlucky in love, he's had a tendency in the past to set his eyes on the wrong person. for that reason he's taken to flings and avoiding the idea of love all together. that is until he meets this person, it starts a friendship and develops into something far stronger until he can no longer deny it.
unlikely alliance - tba.
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askrory · 5 months
wait, is that RORY FLANAGAN? they kinda look a lot like JOSH HUTCHERSON, don’t they? i heard the TWENTY TWO year old is known as the THE EXCHANGE STUDENT around mckinley. it seems like they auditioned to be in NEW DIRECTIONS which is so lame? people at campus have said they’re HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, but don’t be fooled since they’re also NAIVE. rumor has it, you can find them at INTERNATIONAL CLUB, DRAMA when they aren’t belting show tunes. their entire vibe revolves around THE COLOR GREEN, A FRESH BOWL ON LUCKY CHARMS AND FREQUENT TRAVEL MILES but no one pays attention to that here in ohio.
🎤 auditioning with: nancy mulligan by ed sheeran
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Originally from Northern Ireland, Rory chose to take a gap year after finishing school. While he decided what he wanted to do, he connected with a family friend who suggested becoming an exchange student at McKinley because his daughter (Brittany) was attending.
Rory has never been the strongest dancer but his traditional vocal training and drama studies have made him the perfect candidate for Will Schuester and New Directions. He’s found a home with his friends in the showchoir and though he isn’t the biggest voice or personality he’s truly just happy to be there.
He loves all things American and is fascinated by everything that the country has to offer. He’s very naive to the idea of the “American Dream” because no one has broken his vision of it yet, so the day that it gets destroyed may truly rock his world.
Wanted Connections
Crush -
Hook Ups -
Exes on good terms (Any) -
Exes on bad terms (Any)-
Pen Pals -
Helped him Audition for New Directions -
Flirtationship (Any) -
Ride Or Die (Any) -
Teammates (Soccer/New Directions) -
Peer Mentor -
Frenemies -
Enemies -
Rivals from Jealousy-
Mutual Appreciation-
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floutlaws · 20 days
full name  :     robin banks.
nicknames  :    rob, the dark horse.
age   :     20s through 40s ( arc dependent ).
date of birth   :    may 26th.
religion   :    agnostic, christian.
sexuality   :    bisexual.
family   :     owen banks ( father, preacher ), dusty banks ( mother, schoolteacher )
occupation   :    outlaw ( arc i ), preacher ( arc ii )
eyes   :     blue, often made dark with some form of eyeliner.
 hair   :     black, wavy; worn shoulder-length and often in a ponytail.
 skin   :     tanned where the sun reaches, otherwise pale and lightly freckled. 
 height   :     6’5 / 195cm.
positive traits   :    intelligent, charming, level-headed, easy-going, good with kids.
negative traits   :    greedy, selfish, ruthless, arrogant, unreliable.
robin banks was born in a church outside of the town they call phantom. they say no rich man can enter heaven, and his pa must have taken it to heart, because the banks family never had two coins to rub together. they say god hears all the prayers of his faithful, but in the end it didn’t matter whether pa took that to heart or not: they prayed and he died anyway, and there wasn’t a damn thing the doctors or the good lord could do. the bank takes their home, and a bad crowd takes robin. he learns how to slug bourbon, how to fire a pistol, how not to pray on his knees before bed. he learns to steal, and eventually, he’ll learn to kill. riding into town on friday, a stallion black as night, robin banks becomes one of the most notorious outlaws in the west.
he and his band of varmints make their way across county and state lines, and sure, he has the occasional fling when he’s on the road, but can’t no-one arrest him for that, and he always returns back home to where his sweet girl annabelle is waitin’. he’s renowned for his skill with a pistol; less so his skill with the guitar. catch the dark horse band playing at sally’s saloon of a saturday night — usually when sally wants all the customers to clear out. robin’s charming when he wants to be, good with words and good with kids, but his ego’s overfed, and he’s a mess when he drinks.
he marries his girl annabelle — but he leaves, as stray tomcats are wont to do. finds himself locked up in a jail cell a state over, nothing but his own face on the wall for company. his buddies make off with their riches and his horse and a promise to keep it safe for him, but it’s years before robin once again rides into phantom on friday. we thought you were dead, annabelle tells him, and her new husband dodge nods along. ( ain’t that swell! )
age creeps up on him. guilt for his sins eats away at him like a worm in an apple. robin finds himself coming back to the same ol’ scriptures his father used to preach. renouncing his past life, he rides out of town to make amends, to give, rather than to take ( he never returns a single cent ). but robin banks is too renowned for his own good, and just like age, the law finally catches up with him. he prays, but there’s not a damn thing the good lord or sheriff dodge bullets can do to save him from the hangman’s noose.
arc i , the dark horse [tba] arc ii , god’s gonna cut you down [tba]
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halofcrged · 2 months
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