#(but DGM inspire me and I'm really into it and into my fanfics for it)
chrisemrysfics · 6 years
WIPs and projects: Progress
I’ve decided to do a big progress post that list all my current WIPS and projects, giving out an approximative percentage of how much I’ve written for each, and if they’re in my priority to do list or not.
Rise of the Walker: Chapter 3 at 0%, top priority.
Meet me Halfway to the End: Chapter 3 at 0%, top priority.
Make it Right: Chapter 1 at 10%, working on it slowly as second priority.
Freedom to Love: Chapter 1 at 10%, working on it slowly as second priority.
The future we choose: Chapter 1 at 0%, will work on it slowly but likely not as fast as other stories.
Bring me to Life: Chapter at 0%, is top priority but since it got updated recently, I will work on others top priority stories first.
Projects for DGM, aka, ideas that I’ll work on slowly: Two AOExDGM crossovers, a JoydAllen story, and a trans woman Cross story. Also, working out sequel to Long Lost Reunion.
Main WIPs in other fandom (those I am more likely to write for when I feel like it)
Secret of Dark Red (NatsuYuu): Chapter 5 at 10%, has worked on it slowly but paused for a bit, intend to try working on it slowly again.
The Divine Battle (BBC Merlin): Chapter 10 at 0%, hopes to work slowly on it.
Our Past (BBC Merlin): Chapter 8 at 20%, wants to work on it, but unsure when I’ll do.
The Joy of Time Travel (Pokemon): Chapter 6 at 15%, hopes to work slowly on it.
Tales of Black Wings (White Collar): Next story at 0%, will be a main timeline story, hopes to work on it. Has a story written for the alternate timeline but can’t post it until main storyline has the canon scene happen.
Other WIPs (kind of hiatus unless surprise inspiration), all have their next chapters not yet started (aka 0% written).
Shadows of Rebirth (Outlast), the one most likely to be updated all of the other WIPs.
Broken Chain and Fated Chain (KKM). I’m having some KKM nostalgia so who knows, but even if I watch some again and poke around, it’ll be slow. Still considered on hiatus. Semi hiatus?
Different Yet Alike (FNAF). Needs to read over my notes for the whole series to get in the mood again, spark inspiration. Considered in semi hiatus, almost full hiatus.
Hellish Chronicles (YGO GX): Inspiration can be hard for this one, so semi hiatus too, waits for inspiration to poke at it.
Projects (things I plan to work on but WIPs are priority over projects).
SkyrimxDAI crossover: biggest project of mine as its a series, wants to work on writing fully at least some of the stories, is likely to take a while before you see it pop around.
Canon AU NatsuYuu fanfic: will work on it once Secret of Dark Red is either well progress or finished. Basic like about it: Natsume is a half ayakashi and eventually becomes Matoba’s Shiki. Once Matoba actually manages to catch him. That takes a few years because sneaky Natsume is sneaky. But also: Natsume has a secret.
Other projects (little things I had started working on, might be worked on before bigger projects and/or whenever I lowkey avoid WIPs for the reason most don’t need that much work on, but inspiration for these is also low).
Two one shots for KKM: oh boy, I have no idea when I’ll continue these. One is a ConYuu ns//fw scene that’s halfway written and that I might decide to post as if (on AO3) if I cant feel like I’ll finish it, and another is one I cant recall if it was a plot bunny or I saw something that inspired me, it’s about fireworks.
I believe I have some character studies for YGO GX that are almost finished, I’ll eventually check and decide if I post as if (I think for some, I wanted to do more, and make a story that’s a collection).
Rewrites of Angel and Sephirot, and Eventful Journey (YGO GX): Still something I have in mind, but will be will a while before I even consider poking these.
One humor/crack ToS story I might repost (had removed it at one point). Is mostly a collection of crackish/funny scenes, canon not always there. I do need to first translate what I had until I removed it. Might continue it too, as in, make new scenes after I finished posting all the ones I wrote.
Same kind of story as above to repost, but in Saiyuki fandom, to be continued possibly. Speaking of Saiyuki fandom, there are french stories I had written and removed, I need to translate, possibly rework, and post. Obviously, that is not quite a priority, but will happen eventually.
There was a third story in the same style as the two above, for Devil Devil. I will eventually translate what I have and post, but not sure I’ll continue.
And of course, quite a few plot bunnies that are sitting waiting for me.
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Hey. So this is probably random, but I'm curious if there was ever a fanart (of DGM or Lavi) you drew that you wanted to have a fanfic for?
Ahhhhhh I don’t know actually, but I would love it if someone made a fan fiction inspired by something I drew. :) If you do decide to do something like that, please tag me so I can see it as well!Though, I don’t think I provide much information to incorporate it into a fanfic because I only do drawing request on my art blogs and don’t really put some time to develop a headcanon for the muse. Usually, most of those ideas are left in my head but I never drew them out and posted them here. I do plan on writing them out in fanfics myself but it waited too long and forgot them ( ; w ; )
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