#(dgm has taken over my focus)
chrisemrysfics · 6 years
WIPs and projects: Progress
I’ve decided to do a big progress post that list all my current WIPS and projects, giving out an approximative percentage of how much I’ve written for each, and if they’re in my priority to do list or not.
Rise of the Walker: Chapter 3 at 0%, top priority.
Meet me Halfway to the End: Chapter 3 at 0%, top priority.
Make it Right: Chapter 1 at 10%, working on it slowly as second priority.
Freedom to Love: Chapter 1 at 10%, working on it slowly as second priority.
The future we choose: Chapter 1 at 0%, will work on it slowly but likely not as fast as other stories.
Bring me to Life: Chapter at 0%, is top priority but since it got updated recently, I will work on others top priority stories first.
Projects for DGM, aka, ideas that I’ll work on slowly: Two AOExDGM crossovers, a JoydAllen story, and a trans woman Cross story. Also, working out sequel to Long Lost Reunion.
Main WIPs in other fandom (those I am more likely to write for when I feel like it)
Secret of Dark Red (NatsuYuu): Chapter 5 at 10%, has worked on it slowly but paused for a bit, intend to try working on it slowly again.
The Divine Battle (BBC Merlin): Chapter 10 at 0%, hopes to work slowly on it.
Our Past (BBC Merlin): Chapter 8 at 20%, wants to work on it, but unsure when I’ll do.
The Joy of Time Travel (Pokemon): Chapter 6 at 15%, hopes to work slowly on it.
Tales of Black Wings (White Collar): Next story at 0%, will be a main timeline story, hopes to work on it. Has a story written for the alternate timeline but can’t post it until main storyline has the canon scene happen.
Other WIPs (kind of hiatus unless surprise inspiration), all have their next chapters not yet started (aka 0% written).
Shadows of Rebirth (Outlast), the one most likely to be updated all of the other WIPs.
Broken Chain and Fated Chain (KKM). I’m having some KKM nostalgia so who knows, but even if I watch some again and poke around, it’ll be slow. Still considered on hiatus. Semi hiatus?
Different Yet Alike (FNAF). Needs to read over my notes for the whole series to get in the mood again, spark inspiration. Considered in semi hiatus, almost full hiatus.
Hellish Chronicles (YGO GX): Inspiration can be hard for this one, so semi hiatus too, waits for inspiration to poke at it.
Projects (things I plan to work on but WIPs are priority over projects).
SkyrimxDAI crossover: biggest project of mine as its a series, wants to work on writing fully at least some of the stories, is likely to take a while before you see it pop around.
Canon AU NatsuYuu fanfic: will work on it once Secret of Dark Red is either well progress or finished. Basic like about it: Natsume is a half ayakashi and eventually becomes Matoba’s Shiki. Once Matoba actually manages to catch him. That takes a few years because sneaky Natsume is sneaky. But also: Natsume has a secret.
Other projects (little things I had started working on, might be worked on before bigger projects and/or whenever I lowkey avoid WIPs for the reason most don’t need that much work on, but inspiration for these is also low).
Two one shots for KKM: oh boy, I have no idea when I’ll continue these. One is a ConYuu ns//fw scene that’s halfway written and that I might decide to post as if (on AO3) if I cant feel like I’ll finish it, and another is one I cant recall if it was a plot bunny or I saw something that inspired me, it’s about fireworks.
I believe I have some character studies for YGO GX that are almost finished, I’ll eventually check and decide if I post as if (I think for some, I wanted to do more, and make a story that’s a collection).
Rewrites of Angel and Sephirot, and Eventful Journey (YGO GX): Still something I have in mind, but will be will a while before I even consider poking these.
One humor/crack ToS story I might repost (had removed it at one point). Is mostly a collection of crackish/funny scenes, canon not always there. I do need to first translate what I had until I removed it. Might continue it too, as in, make new scenes after I finished posting all the ones I wrote.
Same kind of story as above to repost, but in Saiyuki fandom, to be continued possibly. Speaking of Saiyuki fandom, there are french stories I had written and removed, I need to translate, possibly rework, and post. Obviously, that is not quite a priority, but will happen eventually.
There was a third story in the same style as the two above, for Devil Devil. I will eventually translate what I have and post, but not sure I’ll continue.
And of course, quite a few plot bunnies that are sitting waiting for me.
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shellsan · 5 years
To Be Written
Ghost Hunt
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot/prologue.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Unnamed Fairytale AU
Concept: This will be a Cinderella-esk AU where Mai is Cinderella and the Davis twins are the handsome princes.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Concept: Meraki (v.) To do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. This something I've been wanting to write for years but recently I've been unable to shake from my head so I’ve started planning it out properly. The basic idea is that after Naru goes back to England, Mai takes up singing and becomes a star big enough to go over to England. It's been done a couple times in this fandom but I want to put my own spin on the trope.
Progress: 200 Words Written; Planning progress 15%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-70k
Hyper-graphic Catharsis
Concept: Unlike the above trope, this fic focuses on Mai as a song writer, as opposed to a solo artist. Basically, Mai starts writing songs based on the psychic dreams that she keeps having even after Naru is gone. Bou-san finds them and says that they fit the vibe his band is going for and asks to use them. They end up hitting it big time and make it overseas where they see Naru and Lin again. The “where” for where they end up in a little up in the end and this one is really in the early early stages.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 10%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Nepenthe (n.) Something that makes you forget grief or suffering. What if Yasu and Mai's families were family friends and so when her mother passed away, she was taken in by Yasu's family. How would they go about meeting Naru and the rest of SPR? This thought came about when I was thinking about how much I adore the concept of Mai and Yasu as best friends and I thought about how I can see his mother doting on Mai, his younger best friend who had no-one else to rely on.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 20%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Eccedentesiast (n.) Someone who hides pain behind a smile. Mai's father was a killer. Some of her earliest memories are of watching people enter her home and never seeing them leave. When a case begins to get too close for Mai's comfort how will she react? Will she trust the team with the information on her past that no-one else knows or will she keep on pretending.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Concept: What if Mai was fluent in English? Just how much more would she have noticed about Naru and Lin because of their carelessness in thinking she wouldn't understand what they were saying?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; a little girl who grows up thinking all doors are automatic but actually she’s haunted by a really polite ghost
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Library Adventures
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; Mai and Naru meet in this theatre turned bookstore - Naru’s secretly investigating the ghost under the radar with a team (since it’s not the type of place where you can just “stop” for any period of time) and Mai is an exchange student of something who he keeps bumping into? Maybe she even makes friends with the ghost haunting this place and doesn’t realise it?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning Progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-60k
Cemetery Nights
Concept: Adapted from a tumblr post; I can just see Mai needing to make money, so she braves the cemetery and works hard. Meanwhile this ghost hunting team is called in and her boss forgot to let her know, so now she’s stuck in their ‘base’ confused as hell about these 'terrifying and dangerous spirits’ that she hasn’t encountered “and I’ve been working here for a month!”
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Haunted Hotel (Or Love Hotel?)
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; The team are off to investigate another location – this time a  hotel. The twist? The hauntings of this hotel has its patron on their way to see the ghosts (and an alarming number of them are hoping to do more than just see them).
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Messages from Afar
Concept: When Mai starts highschool, she starts having her "dreams". She has no idea what they are, and honestly they freak her out, so she reads up about how to deal with that and finds out that writing things down can sometimes help with that sort of thing. So, she starts recording them in the form of stories on blogs. At some point, Naru stumbles across them and recognises that, oddly enough, some of those dreams would fit as perfect pieces of information he's never uncovered in some past cases, and upon noting the dates, realises they fit into his timeline perfectly. So he get's curious and reaches out to speak with her about where her ideas come from, and tries to subtly find out more. Meanwhile, Mai is just curious about this internet (friend?) man she's met that seems very smart, very irritating, and super intriguing.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 20%
Predicted Wordcount: 30-50k
Concept: A ghost hunt adaptation of the Barbie movie: A Princess Charm School that takes some elements and adds new ones for a twist.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning Progress 15%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
Calling you... what?
Concept: A continuation of Rescue.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 1-5k
Playing The Game
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Who's Beneath Who?
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Highest Bidder
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Shots Fired
Concept: Idea born from a tumblr post; The Chief of Police is married to a Mob Boss, and they have to keep “just failing” to catch each other. When one of them hits the other in a shootout, it’s followed with “Oh I’m never going to hear the end of this…”
“So how was your day at work?” “YOU FUCKING SHOT ME! THAT WAS MY DAY AT WORK!”
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-30k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k
Concept: A continuation of the original one-shot.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-60k
Effects of Magical Deals
Concept: A continuation of the end of Death.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Danger; The Other Standpoint.
Concept: Danger from Bucky's perspective.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 2-5k
Born of Another Tribe
Concept: What if Tony's mother was an honorary Wakandan, found when she was young and raised there until the day that she left to explore her original homeland, raising Tony with the knowledge that he too was born of his mother's clan and welcome on Wakandan soil, though he'd never been? How much would Tony's life change? Would he still follow the same path of life or would things change in ways that no-one could ever imagine?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-60k
Cosmic Adventures
Concept: I'm actually thinking of turning this one into a series and basing each one-shot on a different character. Basically the idea is that when Tony was 20, he had a major breakthrough in space travel and created his very own ship that he used to begin travelling the universe. It will be completely AU from the original MCU and will focus on watching him go through different planets and make allies along the way that he wouldn't have if he'd stayed on Earth.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k per instalment in the series
Raised in Knowhere
Concept: Tony was taken by accident by a group of skrulls when they escaped from Earth at a young age. Unsure what to do, but kind beings that they are, they took him in and raised him like their own. Join him as he travels the universe with different knowledge, ready to make new friends.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 20-40k
One Piece
Concept: Eudaimonia (n.) The contented happy state that we feel when we travel. I've been reading a lot of One Piece fanfiction lately and I've always been fond of the ASL Whitebeard trope and its various forms. But there's a distinct lack of Papa Shanks instead of Whitebeard so I thought about this; What if Shanks took Luffy with him after all?
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 50-100k
Concept: Monachopsis (n.) a subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place. Ever wonder what things look like from the perspective of an outsider looking in on Mustang's command from a military point of view? Particularly in the case of Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist and his many insubordinate moments that seem to be passed off without question within Mustang's place of work. Join the temporary members of Mustang's team as they quickly learn that just because Edward Elric can do it - it doesn't mean they can. 'Just what makes him so special anyway?'
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
Concept: Orenda (n.) A mystical force present in all people that empowers them to effect the world, or to affect changes in their own lives. What if Ed is actually really good at diplomacy and had been doing things behind the scenes to help but Amestris at peace with the other countries during his time away? What happens when he ends up the centre of peace talks between Amestris, Xing, Creta, Drachma and Aeurgo as they try to bring about an age of peace? And how will Mustang, Fuhrer of Amestris, and his loyal team react to the sudden appearance of Ed after nearly four years - and in a setting of politics no less!
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 50%
Predicted Wordcount: 40-80k
Concept: When Mustang's team starts holding a weekly game of poker to "increase camaraderie", the team find themselves amazed at just how bad the older Elric seems to be at the game. At least, until they found themselves penniless when a stroke of luck hits him and he manages to win a detrimental round. However after four months of a weekly poker night and the fifth time this happens, they start to wonder... Just a crack style idea i've had in my mind. I don't often plan out One-shots but I though that this could be something fun for a change of pace and I can definitely see Ed doing this and when they figure out he's been playing them this whole time, he can express his disappointment at how long it took, pointing out that the was a genius and probability was hardly Aeurogian alchemy.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 10%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-10k
Concept: Ed goes away to a foreign country and comes back wearing a completely new style of clothing. Turns out that while away a clan adopted him and gifted him their wears so he had no choice but to use them (because he wasn't completely cold heart okay?).
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 5-15k
Concept: A continuation of the end of Disaster.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 5%
Predicted Wordcount: 1-5k
Concept: Apoplectic (adj.) Overcome with rage; furious. When the newest squires joins Camelot, they find themselves watching the interactions between Prince Arthur and his manservant and decide that in order to earn the favour of their Prince, they would make his life more difficult. After all, the Prince hates his insolent manservant... right? Things do not go as he plans however.
Progress: 0 Words Written; Planning progress 1%
Predicted Wordcount: 10-20k
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icharchivist · 5 years
With Lavi having a tragic fate (though that doesn't mean it'll be 100% depressing). I feel like when you compare Allen's story to Lavi's fears/own goals you can get the impression Allen is meant to be a role model to him. Most of the cast admires Allen, but Lavi always gets special focus it seems. Just like how Lavi's character development has probably been impacted the most by Allen. There's also the fact that Allen and Lavi are among the few who have a goal that's a mystery, hasn't been-
2 been achieved yet, many obstacles being presented in the way, tied heavily to the fate of humanity and both are/will struggle just how they want to accomplish their end goal when important figures (mentors) tell them otherwise. All we and they know about their goals are the basic. Allen: save humanity/akuma. Lavi: be Bookman. Other characters have goals too but none as complex or overreaching as their goals have been in the plot. Lenalee's is protect my world. Kanda's is find person then-
3 repay life debt to Allen. Pretty straightforward and personal. A lot of Lavi's fears have been addressed but not settled (except acknowledging he has a heart and will use it). His big fears have been not being good enough to be a bookman. Leaving behind people he cares about, having them judge him badly for it and having those closest to him die. Around the same time Allen was starting to feel stressed/misplaced in the Order. Lavi was getting secretly heartbroken over possibly leaving the -
4 Order and his friends behind. Now look at what's happened: Allen's been branded a traitor and is judged badly by most of the Order he risked his life for. All for following his beliefs. Allen left all his friendships behind to follow his sense of duty. Allen has already lost extremely important loved ones (Cross and Tim) and also thinks others close to him are dead (Link and Lavi). Been told by his mentor to give up his vow. Basically a lot of what Allen has gone through is what Lavi is most-
5 most afraid of happening to him. Allen told Cross in Nea's dream world that he would keep his vow until the end. Even if Nea takes him over completely then maybe Allen's determination will have inspired someone else (my ♡). That someone in particular might be Lavi. We don't know what the bookman purpose is. Only that it's tied to humanity's fate. It's possible Lavi will be forced to go through what no other Bookman has gone through before him. Since Allen is the Destroyer of Time it makes -
7 Lavi will most likely at least one of the ones to accompany Allen to the very end of his journey. It's what Bookman thought was the most important record to make and Lavi will have to succeed him in recording Allen. Afterall you could even see the 14th reveal as Bookman giving Lavi the responsibility of being Allen's main watcher (even Lavi seemed surprised Bookman wanted him to record Allen alone despite not having any idea about the 14th yet). All in all I feel like Lavi is definitely being-
8 set for a lot of suffering himself over his burdens. Allen is going to be his inspiration to keep moving forward (even leaving his friends behind) and define his own path while never swaying from his original goal. It just might be his ultimate test is watching Allen die for his vow (which I guess inside his mind world was the thing that broke him) but staying true to his own vow by recording history as it should. This being Allen's hope his death would at least inspire someone to not give -
9 up when they need it the most comes full circle. It'd be a neat sign of growth for Lavi to experience Allen's death. But instead of pretending he's fine or breaking down completely. Lavi would take courage and inspiration on how Allen lived and apply that to himself (of course I would be sad if Allen died. Would the fandom survive. I just don't know. =,(* )
Allen+ Lavi: Oh yeah another thing I forgot to mention. Both of them used to dislike humanity. Lavi because of all horrors he saw from all the wars. Allen because of how people abused him. The difference is that Lavi used his status as a way to feel above and better than humanity. Allen had nothing and still took inspiration from a kind dog and later Mana to latch onto any love no matter how bleak things were. To learn Allen chose love over hate even when he sees the akumas true selves was a -
2 big inspiration to care about people for Lavi. I guess before Allen, Lavi always assumed he had it worst and knew better. But then that became his first wake up call. Ecspecially when Allen used his pain to encourage others.
!!!!! oh boy. So one step at a time.
All of the development of the parallelism works perfectly. allen and Lavi had always had some elements of parallelisms and you’re completely right that those elements often served for Lavi to be inspired by Allen in a very distinct way.
Especially with now Allen’s situation now that we know Lavi’s storyline is coming.Like you say, just Allen’s situation as of now would cause a lot of burden for Lavi, and would the parallels continue, Lavi would have even more reasons to suffer. 
I honestly always thought Lavi’s “tragedy” would happen while fullifying his duty. I’ve always kinda thought Lavi will live on to see his friends die and be doomed to record their history, and I tend to believe that Allen might die in the end of the manga. Not that I want to though, ultimately i want Allen to survive, and there would be still way for Lavi to suffer from seeing Allen’s suffering. But it’s not something i’m excluding. If life or death is supposed to happen to the main four i’m really more inclined to believe Lavi will live and Allen will die. I just. Hope not.
(and no the fandom wouldn’t survive, or well, i would be crying for ever and never recover for certain)
That said, while Allen did indeed move forward to leave his friends behind, as his friends proved, they were ready to go out of lines and orders to support Allen. Part of Allen’s new journey is to finally accept the help he had been refusing the whole manga. And that’s a huge part of Allen’s character growth. We do focus a lot on his own determination and how it carries him forward but the story (and Hoshino by the by) often calls him out for being an hypocrite for taking everyone’s weight on his shoulders but never allowing anyone to help him.
The fact next chapter will be Allen finally opening up to Kanda in the purpose of allowing Kanda to help is huge. Allen may have given up everything but now he’s at a point whe’re he’s realizing that he cannot just pretend to handle everything alone and that his friends are here to back him up. 
If Allen’s determination is something inspiring to carry him forward, latest chapters had shown that he cannot do it on will alone. He had to cling to the thought of his friends and Johnny had to call him to ground him back in reality. Determination is all fine and good but it would all make it harder would Allen continue Alone. And I think that’s why the current arc is calling “A Search/A Call for Allen Walker” (the word used in Japanese can be used in both those terms, as a spiritual search and a calling, of people grabbing and looking for him). The Arc is about Calling Allen Back with the love of the people around him while he got lost to his own isolation. 
Even if Allen’s determination remains admirable even within the frame of the story, the story refuses the cynism of letting him deal with it completely alone. It is a flaw from Allen to keep pushing people away. And it’s why this arc is specifically about people “calling for him” to remind him that he’s not going through all of this alone and cannot expect to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.
If parallelisms with Lavi continue i don’t think Lavi will therefore cut out everyone to carry on his goal, because Allen is the proof of finally letting people in after for ever to focus still on his own goal. That the plot had been Condemning Allen for doing exactly that. 
Hoshino had always said that what she wanted to explore within DGM was how she viewed Love. From the themes of compassions and understanding, as well as her calling Allen a hypocrite, I don’t see her go for something as cynical as Lavi sacrificing his bounds with others in order to move forward.
I believe Lavi’s tragedy would just work also by allowing the Story he lives to hurt him and to stop thinking he can live free of hurt as long as he doesn’t care. To quote wtnv “Are we living a life that is safe from harm? Of course not. We never are. But that’s not the right question. The question is are we living a life that is worth the harm?”Lavi is convinced that if he doesn’t feel for people, there will be no harm coming from it. Therefore he’s taken aback and panicking when he realizes he’s getting harmed by it because he has never learnt how to handle it. Lavi’s journey would be imo to embrace that this harm is meant to happen. That he isn’t “living free of it” as long as he ignores those bounds. And that would be tragic enough for his own character arc.
I believe there are more growth possible for Lavi’s tragedy than doing just that, that pretending to live on too. 
So while i see what you propose as a possibility i truly believe that Allen isn’t a rolemodel for how much he is isolating himself for his goal, and would Lavi see it as such, he would only get more suffering from it. 
Besides if Allen is currently learning he cannot handle everything alone for ever now before seeing back Lavi, it might prepare Allen to handle Lavi in a similar crisis and manage to walk him out of it, with a side of “I’ve done the same, pushing people away thinking it’ll bring me closer to my goal, but it only caused more harm. Lavi, don’t do that to yourself either”. 
Allen had been Lavi’s inspiration to feel emotions again.  Not just in term of his goal, even if the parallelisms are there, but in term of profound emotions and compassion. And I doubt Lavi would overlook that in a character development arc.
and you are entierely right on the other parallelism about them hating humanity, but it’s also fuel on what i’m meaning too, of learning to let the emotions in and compassion toward humanity and others - and this compassion as Allen is learning, isn’t something that can only be one-sided, whenever he wants it or not, and that rejecting it when it comes to yourself isn’t healthy.
To me... Allen had always been about how much he pushed himself to help everything and everyone to the point of neglecting his issue until they started to blow up of proportion, and instead of reaching for help, Allen rushed out of it and isolated himself to not impose it on others, to not hurt them in the process. And Allen is currently learning that he should actually let people in, let people help him. And to me it’s one of the strongest message that plays off Allen’s greatest flaw of handling everything on his own.
I just can’t see this message go into deaf ears when it comes to others characters looking up to Allen.
Idk if it makes sense...? Hope it does.
Take care!
0 notes