#(but now I'm curious. do you have a voice model for Angie?)
thelastspeecher · 3 years
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: “I saw a post a few days back about how weird it...”
It’s just basically so hard to imagine! (I know not everyone does this, but in cases where there is a voice model for a character, I “hear” their voice, or at least try to, when reading stuff involving them.  So it’s definitely a big deal to me. I’ve gone so far as to come up with voice models for characters in stories that don’t have a real one.)
oh yeah, Stan’s rasp is so distinctive, it’s nigh impossible to separate the rasp from the rest of his voice.
y’know what?  screw it, in my West Coast Trio AU where Stan doesn’t have the rasp bc he didn’t smoke, he sounds like JK Simmons but with a New Jersey accent.
it is now law.
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