#West Coast Trio AU
thelastspeecher · 2 years
The song "Girl All the Bad Guys Want" is just Stangie in the West Coast Trio AU
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coolprettyleo · 6 months
fit my poems like a perfect rhyme - everything has changed au
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wc: 3k
tw: talks of sex. angst. drinking. lmk if more!
gabe perreault x oc
rachel summers was a girl everyone around her was drawn too. she was the cool it girl who seemed to be blessed, in just about every aspect of her life; she was.
she was born and raised in california, where her hobbies included surfing and hanging out with friends. in high school she was the popular girl who dated the star quarterback, and of course they won prom queen and king.
she even had her two best friends, that too the average eye; were her minions. together they were the hottest trio in school, it was iconic in a way. sadly, those minions chose to have a mind of their own, and stay on the west coast.
whereas she did not. Rachel. who of course went by the name 'summer', committed to a school on the easy coast; boston college.
she had flowy blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and a heart of gold that made her easy to love by just about anyone who met her. so when she moved into a new city, knowing no one but her beloved cat, she wasn't all too nervous.
"no I dont want to know who he got with tonight mary" rachel rolled her eyes as she face timed one of the minions, who she wanted to call a friend, but wasn't. mary was across the country at college and it happened to be the same college as said quarterback boyfriend, who was now her ex.
mary felt the need to update summer on just about everything he did. of course including the fact he got with a new girl every night.
at least he's finally getting what I couldn't give him.
"i'm not telling you this to be evil summer! I'm telling you this so you don't feel guilty, to go live a life. don't be a nobody, its gross" mary's voice said on the phone seeing as she was in thought. she had a bit of a point.
"I dont feel guilty to go out!"
"then go out!"
rachel thought for a moment, she could go out.
she had a neighbor, who seemed to love going out. that is, if she had been observing right, her neighbor would go alone? maybe she wouldn't mind a companion? they seemed to be around the same age and she seemed cool.
"anyways, I gotta go. love you babe" mary said before kissing the camera and hanging up, not even waiting for summer to mutter a goodbye.
it's like mary only called her, to rub in how much fun college had been going for her. summer on the other hand, was going through a nasty breakup for the beginning of it.
I do need to enjoy it
rachel was left nervously juggling the idea of whether or not she should ask her neighbor.
what do I even say
"wanna join me for drinks?" summer practiced pacing in her living room.
"hey! were neighbors can I join you?" too forward.
"lets have a blast tonight!" what's wrong with you?
what if her neighbor liked to go out alone? or what if she didn't go out alone, and just met up with friends? no summer was sure of the fact she did these activities alone. maybe she's just an alcoholic.
she decided to man up and shake off the nerves and just ask. the worst that could happen, would be she says no, and they go about their lives.
while we awkwardly avoid each other for our rest of co-existency.
summer decided to just go ahead and knock on her neighbors door.
"in a minuite!" she heard rustling and things knocking down on the other side for a minute, before the door swung open and there stood a brunette girl with going out boots. she is going out
the girl seemed to be surprised and confused. summer deciding start the conversation, before the girl thought she was just some creep.
"hi! were neighbors, my names rachel, but like everyone calls me summer" she nervously smiled.
"yeah! I've like seen you in the hallway and stuff sometimes" the neighbor nervously rambled.
"yeah me too. look, I don't know if this is weird or anything, but I was wondering if you would be down to get some drinks some time?"
yes summer! you sounded cool and chill!
the neighbor had not been expecting that. she had thought she was going to open the door to her situation ship , ending things with her, for the crap she pulled last night. but when she opened the door to find summer, she thought she was going to get confronted for the fact she had sex in the middle of said hallway last night. she wasn't proud of that fact either.
"oh! uhm. yeah, that sounds nice! -actually, i'm going out right now, did you want to join?"
"yes!- I mean- yeah sounds cool. super cool" summer cringed, realizing she scream 'yes' and seemed far too desperate.
"let me just get changed real quick" she added.
"okay slay! wear something cute! oh! and by the way my names frankie" the brunette smiled.
"sick name!"
"thanks I was gonna say summer's sick too!" the two girls told each other excitedly. this really felt the start of something new and good for the both of them.
the two girls hit the town with a sense of belonging. frankie had been searching for the feeling of a girl friend since she moved in, and summer was the ultimate coolest person you can find.
summer was finally happy she built up the courage to talk to her neighbor, that frankly intimidated her.
"wait so that guy from the beginning of the year wasn't even your boyfriend!?!" summer exclaimed as they got off the uber. she remembered seeing a tall boy in the hallway alot.
"nope. i thought he was gonna fall in love with me over time, news flash, I was wrong"
"he's a douche and love is fake"
"got that right" frankie said smiling.
"so... you got a love life?" frankie asked curiously, she was excited to have the bond of girl hood.
"not really, its kinda dead at the moment. I had a boyfriend, but college happened and everything" summer said kinda sadly.
"im sorry, but I mean we can get you laid?" she smiled wiggling her eyebrows.
summer wasn't the type of girl for hookups. she knew frankie was, she often saw them, but she didn't know if she could throw all her eggs in one basket like that. no-hate but she didn't even let her ex-boyfriend do anything to her till it was the summer of their senior year, ad even that didn't go all too well.
frankie saw her in thought and rewinded.
"oh my god! are you a virgin? i'm sorry. we'll find you just love, then!" frankie said hoping she didn't weird out the poor girl.
"no- I mean- well... kinda. its complicated" summer said, red in the face.
"you dont have to tell-"
summer cut her off by whispering something in frankie's ear. something that made her eyes go wide.
"your half a virgin!" frankie whispered yelled.
"oh shut up franks" summer said as the girls got giggling and gave the bouncer there very fake ID's. frankie knew they were going to be a duo.
the bar was frankie's favorite and summer soon understood why. it was a cool vintage bar that kind of resembled a dive bar.
the girls ordered themselves some shots and quickly downed them, needing to feel the feeling sooner than faster.
"oh my god, the boys hockey team just walked in" frankie said, turning and facing away from the door.
"why does that matter, their kinda cute" summer said tilting her head as the filed in sipping on her vodka cranberry.
"the douche guy is a hockey player" frankie told her.
"ohhhh. now I get it"
"I also have a little thing with one of his friends" frankie guilty told her.
"the guy from last night?"
"you saw that!" frankie said, embarrassed as hell.
"please. your not exactly quite either" summer told the girl as frankie wanted to die.
"it's not the guy from last night" frankie told her overall guilty as summer gasped.
"I slept with a BU guy last night. but I mean ryan keeps saying were not anything" frankie said shamelessly as summer had her hands over her mouth.
"do the guys know you" summer asked seeing as alot of them kept looking over at the two.
"yes" frankie said scared to ask why she was asking that.
"oh god four of them are coming over" summer said to her wanting to run away. she hated confrontation.
"your staying with me" frankie said grabbing her shirt before she tried to leave her.
"frankie! missed you at the game tonight" will said being petty, they were pissed at her.
frankie turned and looked at all of them, and by the look of their faces they were mad at her. ryan's face made her want to crumble. they weren't together, he made that very clear, but a girl like frankie had needs.
"it was meaningless" frankie told them, avoiding eye contact with ryan.
"he brought it up on the ice" ryan said to her, frankie now noticing he had a light black eye and busted up lip.
"we need to talk" he said, looking the most serious frankie had ever seen it.
frankie turned to look at summer who saw how frankie wanted to fix things between them. she wasn't going to get in the way of that, just because she was afraid to be left alone.
"go" summer urged her. as she gave her a sorry look and walked out behind a fuming ryan, leaving her with three boys.
"well that was uncomfortable" summer joked to the three boys. all of them eyeing her trying to figure out who she was, frankie didn't have friends.
"i'm her neighbor by the way, summer" she added, not wanting to seem like some nosy person as they nodded.
"jacob" a ginger haired guy said
"will" the blonde one said.
"gabe" a boy that summer found unbelievably handsome said.
"you go to BC?" a gabe asked.
"yeah... I know you guys do, good game today " summer said. she had been watching it on ESPN before she went to frankies apartment. they all smiled and thanked her as they got to talking. even though they looked intimidating they were overall nice goofy guys.
"you think lenny's letting up?" jacob asked as he noticed they were still outside.
"I don't know, he was pretty pissed" will said looking at the door.
"did he get in a fight over her or something" summer asked feeling like she was missing out on something.
"yeah. she has him on a leash and they're not even dating yet" gabe said chuckling.
"well they're not official" summer defended.
"they basically are, they hang out everyday" will said
"she said he's made it very clear, that they're not together" summer said.
"that doesn't give her the green light to sleep with other guys though" gabe argued.
"guy. just one. i think you guys are just mad it was with a BU guy" summer said to them.
"I mean obviously! before the champion ship game is crazy too. he was just trying to get in our heads too, especially lennys. hughes is smarter than that" will said while the other two nodded.
they have to be full of themselves, for them to think this is about them!
"all that over... hockey?" summer said confused. hockey was the not a big deal in the oc, where she grew up. but then again, she remembers the quarterback from the cross town rival school, claiming to have her nudes; he didn't.
so I mean they could be right... but that seemed very high school to summer; this was college.
"why'd you say hockey like that" gabe said to her, not liking she said 'hockey' with a tone of disgust.
"I just don't think it's all that serious" summer said, trying to not offend them. obviously still getting under ones skin though, specifically gabe.
"hockeys not important?"
"no! I mean it is for people like you guys-" summer said trying to save herself but failing horribly.
"like us? what's that supposed to mean?" gabe said. he felt summer was some stuck up girl and even though he had found the girl to be quite attractive he didnt know if he liked her all too well.
"not like that. i mean it's important to hockey players and stuff, but like its not someones whole life, you know?" summer didnt even know if she knew exactly what she was trying to say.
"so now you think we have no life?" gabe said honestly just wanting to pick on the flustered blonde.
"oh my god, im just going to shutup" summer said taking a sip out of her vodka cranberry as will and jacob laughed. they decided they liked the girl, gabe not so much.
"do you even know anything, hockey related?" gabe asked still wanting to bicker with the girl.
"not really. I honestly forget its like a real thing out here" summer said.
"you don't think hockey's a real sport" gabe said as will and jacob rolled their eyes. they knew their friend and if they didn't know any better, they'd say he was flirting?
"who doesn't think hockey is a real sport!?!" frankie said, as her and ryan rejoining the group, seemingly on good terms. gabe pointed to summer.
"nice! I knew I liked you!" frankie said giggling as the boys rolled their eyes.
"I didn't even mean it like that, its just I grew up in california. and over there, the closest ice rink is probably three hours away"
"isn't there hockey in california? they have three NHL teams" jacob asked.
"californias big. where'd you grow up?" ryan asked the girl as he had an arm wrapped around frankie.
"the oc. newport beach" summer answered. god she missed her hometown.
"can you surf?" will asked her,
"yeah, pretty well actually. when I was sixteen i got a silver medal for it too" summer answered casually.
"OMG! you have to teach me I've been trying to learn for so long now!" frankie said excitedly, remembering the memory of her and her brothers failing miserably. it wasn't like wake boarding on the lake.
"you guys are free to join us anytime. my parents are traveling across europe, for like a year, so the house is just sitting there, its on the beach too" summer told them as the boys and frankie agreed.
gabe on the other hand just couldn't stop his thoughts of thinking summer was some stuck up girl. everything that came out of her mouth, just now, wasn't helping either. 'its on the beach by the way' who says that! gabe thought.
the night went on, frankie and summer unknowingly becoming the best friends they've always needed, ryan finally happy that him and frankie made it official, and the other three boys creating a friendship with the two girls, it was all just so college.
right now though, the night was close to finished and the boys were taking the two very drunk girls back to their apartments. girls who thought everything in that moment was the most hilarious thing in the world.
the group stumbled on a large hill and it didn't take long for the two girls to want to roll down it.
"frankie and summer don't you dare!" ryan said speeding up, seeing as the boys had been walking a couple meters behind the two girls.
the two girls ignoring his please and giggling. ryan turned his head to look at his friends as if he was giving them the mom look for help. gabe huffed and went to help him, with summer.
"one-" frankie started off as the two girls sat side by side holding each others hands
"two" summer said giggling
"GO!" frankie screamed seeing as the boys were right behind them.
the girls began to slide as ryan missed his attempt to lunge at frankie, while gabe not so much. he attempted to grab summer but lost footing and down he went along with them.
only causing the girls to laugh ten times more, at gabe. summer was laughing loudly, a sound that gabe didn't know if he hated or loved.
"you good gabe?" she said as she held a hand out to him, trying to hold back a giggle.
gabe obviously holding his pride, ignored her hand and got up on his own.
"you are absolutely insufferable" he huffed as he walked past her.
"c'mon perreault! don't be mad at summer! she's just a girl" frankie said as she saw gabe began to walk back up the hill towards the group.
"yeah! its not my fault you ate shit!" summer said, before the two girls unleashed laughter, once again. both taking breaks as they walked up the hill.
"you guys pissed gabe off, him and jacob left back to the dorms" ryan told the two as will began to hold summer up.
"I don't think he likes me very much" summer told them.
"well, your lucky I like you enough to help you" will said as she began to slump herself onto him.
"gabes just being like that because he thinks he's flirting" frankie said against ryans back as he decided to haul her up over his shoulder.
"ewwwww" a drunk summer let out. as the group laughed.
it had been a great night for them, except gabe of course.
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tessathegamefreak · 10 months
To the Fix-it Felix AU characters:
I made the map of the Sweets & Aromas Islands!
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Sweets & Aromas Islands:
400 miles southeast off the coast of Sugar Rush, the Sweets & Aromas Islands consists of 16 islands, each named after a racer or dessert or candy. Its inhabitants are us creators, believe it or not.
These islands are originally colonised by King Candy, named the Speed & Rusher Islands by the man himself. However, since that, he basically forgot about the existence of these islands, until President Vanellope saw these islands once again. She gave them freedom to choose whether or not to remain an overseas territory or be independent. However, since the islands are so far away from the mainland, the creators unanimously agreed to remain an overseas territory. They renamed the islands and got a flag of their own (which I will draw in the future), and since then, they live in peace.
Sweets Islands: (west)
Sweetoloupe (main island)
Butter Rink
Choco Chip
Velvet Lollipop
Aromas Islands: (east)
St. Miinter
Blueberro Muffin
Sweet Lemon
Strawberry Shortcake
Las Aromas (main island)
Well, suppose the history would be different here since Turbo never became King! So instead, Princess Vanellope would have found these islands!
AU Felix: Wow, that's a lot of islands....
AU Ralph: WHOA!!! I want to go visit all of them! Especially the Choco Chip one, it sounds so good!
Kane Candy: There'th more to thith game? I-I have never tried to thwim past the coast, so I didn't know until now....
Scientist Calhoun: Why would the developers add islands the players will never see? It seems like a waste of precious game data.
The Princess and Servant:
Princess Vanellope: Yep, I colonized all those islands!
Not-So Sourbill: With my help, of course! The arcade was closed for holiday leave, so we had time for a voyage. Sure enough, we found them out there.
The Troublesome Trio:
Adorabeezle: Ah. You know, I wouldn't mind going to the Blueberro Muffin island.
Gloyd: Sweetoloupe or Mallows seems interesting!
Snowanna: I don't care where I go, I'd just be grateful to have a vacation.
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jpbjazz · 7 months
"You'd hear some cat play, and somebody would say, 'This cat, he sounds like he's from Kansas City.' It was Kansas City Style. They knew it on the East Coast. They knew it on the West Coast. They knew it up North, and they knew it down South."
- Jay McShann
Né le 12 janvier 1916 à Muskogee, en Oklahoma, James Columbus McShann était le plus jeune fils d’une famille de quatre enfants. Élevé dans une famille très religieuse, McShann avait appris à jouer du piano en assistant aux leçons de sa soeur et en mémorisant les pièces qu’il entendait à la radio. C’est dans le magasin de son père, qui était également vendeur de disques, que McShann avait entendu pour la première fois Bessie Smith et James P. Johnson. McShann avait commencé à jouer du blues malgré la désapprobation de sa famille.
Très influencé par les émissions de fin de soirée du pianiste Fats Waller au Grand Terrace Cafe de Chicago, McShann avait déclaré: "When 'Fatha' (Hines) went off the air, I went to bed". Même s’il avait étudié au Tuskegee Institute, McShann avait surtout appris à jouer du piano en autodidacte.
Surnommé ‘’Hootie’’, McShann a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle en 1931 à l’âge de seulement quinze ans, en accompagnant le saxophoniste ténor Don Byas dans les environs de Tulsa, en Oklahoma, et en Arkansas. Selon McShann, un de ses amis de Tulsa, le contrebassiste Bill Hadnot, lui avait déclaré lors d’un voyage en autobus en direction d’Omaha, au Nebraska: ‘’Man, this is where you want to stay. This is where the music is. You don’t want to be going to Omaha." McShann aurait alors rebroussé chemin pour se diriger vers Kansas City, au Missouri.
Après s’être installé à Kansas City en 1936, McShann s’était produit avec un trio composé du contrebassiste Oliver Todd et du batteur Elmer Hopkins. Au cours des mois suivants, McShann avait travaillé avec le saxophoniste alto Buster Smith et le trompettiste Dee Stewart. McShann avait  formé son propre sextet en 1937. À la fin de l’année 1939, McShann avait fondé son propre big band qui fut bientôt reconnu comme des groupes les plus progressistes de l’ère swing. L’orchestre s’était produit au Pla-Mor Ballroom, au Century Room et au Fairyland Park de Kansas City.
McShann, qui s’était vite imposé auprès de la communauté musicale de Kansas City (plus particulièrement dans le quartier délimité par les 12e et 18e rues), se produisait régulièrement au Monroe Inn, un club situé sur Independence Avenue. C’est alors que McShann avait découvert Charlie Parker. McShann avait entendu Parker jouer pour la première fois après s’être arrêté par hasard au Bar Lu-Duc situé au coin de la 12e rue et de Charlotte Street. La façon de jouer de Parker avait tellement été une révélation pour McShann qu’il avait décidé de lui donner sa chance. Le groupe, qui se produisait au Plaza de Kansas City, un célèbre club de jazz, avait été une des premières formations à briser la barrière raciale. Comme l’avait expliqué McShann, "At the time the Plaza didn't use black bands. We were the first black band to play the plaza." Bientôt augmenté à une douzaine de membres, le groupe de McShann s’était produit dans certaines des plus importantes salles de danse de Kansas City, comme le Pla-Mor Ballroom.
En 1940, accompagné de sept des membres de son orchestre, McShann avait fait les premiers enregistrements de sa carrière dans le cadre d’une session organisée par une station de radio de Wichita, au Kansas. Cette session, qui ne fut finalement publiée que dans les années 1970, comprenait certains des premiers enregistrements de Parker, dont ‘’Lady Be Good’’ et ‘’Honeysuckle Rose." Participaient également à la session Gene Ramey à la contrebasse et Gus Johnson à la batterie.
Conteur né, McShann adorait raconter comment Charlie Parker s’était mérité son surnom de ‘’Bird.’’ Le groupe se rendait jouer à Lincoln au Nebraska lorsque le conducteur de l’automobile avait heurté un poulet par inadvertance. Aux dires de McShann, après avoir demandé au chauffeur de faire un virage pour qu’il puisse attraper le poulet, Parker s’était assis avec le volatile sur le siège arrière du véhicule. À son arrivée à Lincoln, Parker avait fait cuire le poulet et l’avait servi à dîner...
McShann avait fait ses débuts sur disque en 1941 sur étiquette Decca. La session, qui avait lieu à Dallas, au Texas, devait comprendre à l’origine une composition de Parker intitulée ‘’What Price Is Love’’, qui devint éventuellement connue sous le titre de ‘’Yardbird Suite.’’ Le producteur Dave Kapp s’intéressant davantage au répertoire de blues du groupe, McShann lui avait proposé plusieurs pièces de blues et de boogie woogie. La session avait éventuellement donné naissance au plus grand succès de la carrière de McShann, "Confessin' the Blues", qui mettait en vedette le chanteur Walter Brown. La chanson, qui s’était écoulée à plus de 150 000 copies, avait remporté tellement de succès que Decca avait immédiatement planifié d’autres sessions avec le groupe de McShann. Même si la formation avait enregistré plusieurs pièces qui avaient fait le pont entre le swing et le bebop (y compris le premier témoignage enregistré du génie de Parker, ‘’Hootie’s Blues’’), le succès rencontré par les premières enregistrements du groupe avait eu l’effet pervers de confiner McShann dans une réputation de pianiste de blues. Parmi les autres pièces enregistrées par Parker avec l’orchestre de McShann, on remarquait notamment ‘’Jumpin The Blues,” “Sepian Bounce” et “Swingmatism.”
Associé au style de Kansas City qui avait été popularisé par des musiciens de jazz comme Pete Johnson, Mary Lou Williams, Big Joe Turner, Hot Lips Page, Ben Webster, Lester Young, Walter Page, Andy Kirk, Benny Moten et Count Basie, McShann avait déclaré à l’Associated Press en 2003: "You'd hear some cat play, and somebody would say, 'This cat, he sounds like he's from Kansas City.' It was Kansas City Style. They knew it on the East Coast. They knew it on the West Coast. They knew it up North, and they knew it down South."
McShann s’était produit pour la première fois à New York dans le cadre d’un concert au Savoy Ballroom en février 1942. Retransmis à la radio, le concert avait permis à l’orchestre de McShann d’atteindre une renommée nationale.
Concurrent direct de Count Basie, l’orchestre de McShann mettait en vedette de grands noms du jazz comme les saxophonistes Charlie Parker (1937-42), Ben Webster, Paul Quinichette (1943), Jimmy Coe et Jimmy Forrest, le trompettiste Bernard Anderson, le contrebassiste Gene Ramey (1940-44), les batteurs Gus Johnson (1940–42) et Harold "Doc" West, et les chanteurs Walter Brown, Jimmy Witherspoon,  Al Hibbler et Earl Coleman. Même si McShann faisait énormément de tournées, il était de plus en plus difficile pour les groupes de jazz de se faire connaître, en raison de la grève de l’Union des Musiciens qui limitait les possibilités d’enregistrer avec les grands studios. À l’automne 1942, le pianiste Earl Hines avait encore compliqué la situation en recrutant cinq membres du groupe de McShann, dont Charlie Parker. Le changement de décor n’avait cependant rien amélioré pour Parker, dont les problèmes de dépendance avaient rendu le comportement de plus en plus erratique.
Même si l’orchestre de McShann jouait du swing, du boogie woogie et du blues en spectacle, la plupart de ses disques étaient orientés vers le blues. McShann avait démantelé son groupe après avoir été mobilisé par l’armée en mai 1944. Le groupe avait participé à une dernière session d’enregistrement en décembre 1943, mais sans Charlie Parker, qui avait déjà rejoint l’orchestre de Hines.
Après sa démobilisation, McShann avait formé de petits groupes de Rhythm n’ blues qui s’étaient d’abord produits dans des clubs de New York et qui avaient enregistré des succès comme “Money’s Getting’ Cheaper”, “Shipyard Woman Blues’’ et surtout “Ain’t Nobody’s Business”. À l’époque, avec l’émergence du bebop et des chanteurs de charme, l’ère des big bands tirait à sa fin. Au cours d’une entrevue, McShann avait expliqué à quel point les choses avaient changé durant son séjour dans l’armée: "During that little while I was in the army, everything changed. It was a different thing because a lot of the dance halls were turned into bowling alleys." L’époque des grands orchestres étant révolue, McShann avait décidé de quitter New York pour s’installer à Los Angeles. Il précisait: "By the time I got to California, I decided that I was through with trying to have a big band because it was too expensive, so I formed a small blues combo."
C’est à Los Angeles que McShann avait inauguré une longue collaboration avec le chanteur de blues Jimmy Witherspoon, avec lequel il avait enregistré plusieurs pièces pour les maisons de disques Mercury et Aladdin.
Quatre ans après avoir commencé à enregistrer avec McShann, Witherspoon avait connu un premier grand succès en 1949 avec la chanson "Ain't Nobody's Business". Tout en collaborant à l’écriture de certaines pièces, Witherspoon avait continué d’enregistrer avec le groupe de McShann, qui comprenait à l’époque de grands noms du jazz comme Ben Webster.
Au début des années 1950, McShann  était retourné à Kansas City, où il avait opéré une entreprise de cueillette d’ordures ainsi que service de limousine, tout en poursuivant ses études au Conservatoire.
Tout en s’occupant de sa famille, McShann faisait régulièrement des tournées avec son trio et d’autres petits groupes. Durant les deux décennies suivantes, McShann avait travaillé principalement dans le Midwest.
En 1955, McShann avait remporté un grand succès avec la chanson "Hands Off", interprétée par la chanteuse Priscilla Bowman. En décembre 1957, McShann avait de nouveau fait équipe avec Jimmy Witherspoon dans le cadre d’une session pour les disques RCA Victor.
À la fin des années 1960, McShann se produisait souvent autant comme chanteur que comme pianiste. Sur les conseils de Duke Ellington, il avait fait une tournée en Europe en 1969, où il avait développé une clientèle de fervents admirateurs. Durant les trente années suivantes, McShann faisait régulièrement la navette entre l’Europe et les États-Unis, en plus de se produire dans plusieurs festivals de jazz à travers le monde.
Tombé dans une relative obscurité, McShann avait vécu une sorte de renaissance au cours des années 1970 et 1980. Il avait recommencé à enregistrer régulièrement et à donner de nombreux concerts, notamment avec le violoniste de Kansas City, Claude ‘’Fiddler’’ Williams.
Après avoir fait l’objet d’un documentaire biographique intitulé ‘’Hootie’s Blues’’ en 1978, McShann avait fait une apparition remarquée en 1979 dans le film ‘’The Last of the Blue Devils’’, un documentaire sur le jazz de Kansas City.
Durant les années 1990, McShann avait continué de se produire sur scène et de faire des tournées. Même à plus de quatre-vingt ans, McShann continuait de donner des concerts à l’occasion, plus particulièrement dans la région de Kansas City. McShann avait donné son dernier concert à Toronto, en Ontario, en février 2001.
Jay McShann est décédé au  St. Luke’s Hospital de Kansas City le 7 décembre 2006 à l’âge de quatre-vingt-dix ans.
Jay McShann  s’est mérité plusieurs prix au cours de sa longue carrière. Élu ‘’Jazz Master’’ par la National Endowment for the Arts en 1986, il fut également intronisé au sein du Kansas City Hall of Fame (1971), du Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame (1998) et du Blues Hall of Fame (1989). En 1982, l’Afro-American Museum de Philadelphie lui a aussi décerné un Jazz Master Award. McShann a également remporté un Pioneer Award décerné par la Rhythm and Blues Foundation en 1996. McShann est aussi lauréat du Kansas City Jazz Heritage Award et du Jazz Era Pioneer Award décerné par la National Association of Jazz Educators. En 1979, le 3 mars a été déclaré la journée officielle Jay McShann par une proclamation du gouverneur du Missouri.
En 2003, McShann avait aussi fait une apparition dans un documentaire de Clint Eastwood, intitulé ‘’Piano Blues.’’
©-2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique
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loganseternity · 2 years
make all the metalheads cry - a cameron barlow AU
Saturday nights never failed to be piled full with events to go to and California was no exception. You couldn’t cross a bulletin board from Los Angeles all the way to Oakland that wasn’t plastered with varying posters for parties, open mic nights, and free shows trying to lure you in. Neon paper, bold print and free entry in capital letters were made to make them even more appealing but Cameron couldn’t be bothered to glance in their direction. He already had plans tonight; plans that had been circled on his calendar for almost a month now. Plans that he would be lying if he said he hadn’t been counting down the days for. Local’s favorite club had the major punk band Do It Right performing a highly anticipated sold out show as their tour passed through the west coast. 
It had been five years since his band performed for their senior year talent show, making a semi memorable effect on the audience that showed up in their school auditorium. The performance had heart and clear talent but hours of practice still couldn’t buffer the nerves that caused him and his fellow bandmates to fumble a bit. Under the alias of Stalemate at the time, the band took their first live performance as room for improvement for the last five years and now they were finally making strides. Plenty of basement shows had been played so much so that the distance of them lugging equipment couldn’t even be counted any longer but the resilience and the effort the three of them had put behind their passion for his band was finally paying off. 
Feeling Phantom, their recently reimagined alias had brought in a favorable crowd at the last couple shows they had played which also resulted in a boost on social media. While it was still humbling numbers in the mid hundreds their following seemed to be increasing and more people started liking what they were making. It was not an overnight success but they were determined it was growing into something bigger and they must not have been the only ones to feel that way as Do It Right asked them to be their first opening act due to a last minute drop out by the previous band. With a show this massive even if they were playing at six thirty when doors opened they were still playing for what would without a doubt be their biggest crowd yet. 
Anticipation buzzed through a crammed venue that was holding every body count of its mandated capacity. Incoherent chatter buzzed around and the bar was backed up with requests so far that made the calm appearance of the bartenders seem concerning. They were either going to crack or they were made for this. Outside, Cameron was standing with a beer can resting idly in his hand. He hoped a small preshow buzz would prevent the hype turning into nerves inside his brain. He pushed the nerves down and found his attention back at the conversation his other two band mates were having with him. Isaac, their lead singer, was going on a seemingly inspirational train of thought about them just having fun tonight when their guitarist Chris interrupted the speech that was going to just keep going. “Don’t we always?” He asked with a nudge to Cameron that caused him to smile in reaction. No matter what happened up there at the end of the night they always had fun just doing what they loved. Isaac ran a hand through his buzzcut knowing that he couldn’t keep rambling forever, eventually they were going to have to do the damn thing.
Eventually turned out to be fifteen  minutes away from that moment. Quickly the trio had to gather their gear and assemble on stage to perform. As their overhead music cut off Cameron held onto his guitar prepared to open with something that could only hopefully grab the attention of this audience. Isaac looked over at him with a huge grin and nodded back toward Chris who was positioned at the drums with a matching beam of joy across his face. They could do this and they were going to kill it. The warming of Chris' drums led them into their first song of the night and it drew the attention of several people in the crowd to watch what they were doing. No matter the outcome of the night they knew in that moment that if they had captured the attention of that audience that they were doing it right.
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LET'S GOOOOO it literally typed this all up in a google doc to answer this question lol
okay so wikipedia tells me very little about barrys childhood so i know nothing about it and the cw backstory doesn’t work for what i want to do so this is just rubixburd’s (trademark) barry allen backstory
when barry’s mom dies he first gets bounced around from distant relative to distant relative and then finally he’s placed with a foster family
by the time he’s like 16/17 he starts working on becoming an emancipated minor because he gets moved around so much and he’s just over it and wants to finish school
one month they set up a seminar for a bunch of foster kids at the police station and it’s shitty for most of it because the cops take one look at them and are treating them like theyre already criminals until they get to the crime lab section and barry is like !!!!!!
so he gets an internship and just spends the whole time following around this old and grumpy doctor that kind of just lets barry do whatever so barry gets to do his own thing
so in the midst of 1) focusing on keeping his grades good until he graduates 2) applying to be emancipated and get his own place 3) applying to colleges 4) balancing an internship 5) working part time at the local grocery store and 6) realizing he probably has adhd barry allen gets superspeed
barry is going through A LOT
his first suit is just an all red tracksuit and his shoes are pretty much ruined every single week lol
the superspeed helps him in that he can now finish things SUPER QUICKLY and clears up his schedule BUT he now has to eat A LOT and his current foster family aren’t dicks but his sad little check from the grocery store doesn’t really cover a lot
so he’s stressing about ALL THIS until one day he’s out on patrol and takes down captain cold (who is the father of leonard snart aka cold jr, who was a former Fellow Troubled Foster Teen with barry and he DID manage to get his own place and his life set up to take care of his sister until his fucking dad broke out of prison and recruited len for his shitty operations so barry beats cold up and then him and len go eat hot dogs or whatever)
when JAY FUCKING GARRICK, FLASH AND MEMBER OF THE FORMER JSA shows up and is like hey are you that new speedy kid and barry is like WHAT THE FUCK, YOU’RE JAY FUCKING GARRICK, FLASH AND MEMBER OF THE FORMER JSA, and jay is like awesome you’re my kid now
jay garrick and joan garrick adopt barry at the ripe old age of 17 lmao
so while all this is going on, the justice league trinity have now become Besties and go around and beat people up together and joan is like oh honey you should go try and make some friends :) and barry is like i am 99% certain that isn’t how this works
(that is how this works)
so he’s not sure what do about That so he just does his own thing with jay (who is retired but still mentors barry and also gave barry like three panic buttons on his suit lmao) ((maybe not retired actually because everyone is younger in this au so maybe jay is younger???))
Flash (jr) meets iris west who runs Central City’s High School Journalism Club and is also a REALLY big superhero fan so all her articles and blog posts are just about the justice league lol. She has a big ass JSA poster.
Yes iris west and lois lane have journalism crushes on each other and follow each other on twitter
Barry winds up meeting green lantern who ends up in central city following some corporate espionage (the rathaways set up a shell company on the west coast to try a hostile takeover of queen consolidated by killing and bribing people, so hal is in central city to bust some heads).
Green lantern runs into (kid?) flash who is investigating the same thing so they spend the week adamantly NOT working together to try and solve the case until finally they’re forced to take down a bunch of bad guys together and then they are BFFs for life.
Jay and joan are convinced hal is barry’s boyfriend despite barry saying ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO GIVE THEM THAT IMPRESSION
Yes jay and joan give hal a shovel talk yes its absolutely terrifying
So anyways yes flash jr and green lantern quickly cement themselves as a duo and then suddenly everybody on earth is being attacked by parademons so they team up with the Justice Trio to stop a hostile takeover of earth and also holy shit there are MARTIANS AND ATLANTEANS NOW
They all decide to become a Formal Team but really they just hang out in bruce’s mansion and eat pizza (because bruce has an allowance and he is Not Allowed to build a superhero hangout club so if he wants to hang out with his friends- I’m sorry, have Strategy Sessions with his Super Serious Justice League, they can do it under the watchful eye of Alfred Pennyworth) ((alfred, jay, joan, martha, and john are the Real Justice League))
Barry knows very little about Actual Fighting because jay and barry are fast enough that they never… actually… learned how to fight so the first few months they know each other is just bruce and diana (and alfred) kicking barry’s ASS while sparring because they’re all used to clark’s superspeed so they can actually fight barry and barry is like :(
Literally EVERYONE on the Teen Justice League is bi it’s so fucking funny
Like obvs regular justice league has so much drama but Teen Justice League just has off the charts levels of drama someone cries over something every other week lmaoooo
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razzle-zazzle · 3 years
Whumptober Day 17: Field recovery 101
"Please don't move!"
1182 Words; Divergent AU
TW for death mentions
“So we’ll be hitting the beaches along the west coast, then?” Pythor traced a claw gently along the map, taking care not to tear the paper.
“Yes.” Cole confirmed. “The beaches will be a good spot to relax, and we’re heading west because we can go check on the Dark Island that way.”
Morro, who’d been silent since the plan to chill at a beach had been brought up, grumbled.
Cole shot Morro a look. “You’ve been outvoted, and you don’t even need to go near the water if you don’t want to.”
“I’m still going to complain about it.” Morro retorted, “I’m here to annoy you, aren’t I?”
Cole snorted.
“If you two are done jabbing at each other,” Pythor drawled, “I’ve plotted us a course west.”
Cole turned his attention back to the map, surveying Pythor’s work.
“Checks out.” He conceded. “But can we maybe stick to it this time?”
Morro groaned. “I forget a left turn one time—”
“You lead us into a mountain! When we weren’t supposed to be near any!” Pythor complained.
Morro bristled. “What, like when you were supposed to bring us to Ouroboros but we spent days circling the same oasis in the Sea of Sands?”
Cole interposed himself between the two, arms glowing with the magmatic orange of his earth punch. “We’ve got the course and we’ve got the map. We don’t have a time limit, so let’s just get going west, okay? We’ll get where we’re going when we get there.”
Morro huffed, but let the spirals of air dissipate. Similarly, Pythor closed his mouth, letting the (half-hearted) threat display fall away.
Cole nodded. “Right then.
“Let’s get moving.”
The sun rose behind them, then fell before them, then rose, then fell, again and again and again as the trio journeyed westward.
They encountered towns and villages along the way, but the major port cities of the coast were still a few weeks’ journey ahead of them.
At least they hadn’t at any point got so turned around as to head east, but Cole wasn’t holding his breath.
The group journeyed, arguing, bantering, and occasionally having those oddly deeply philosophical talks around a campfire at night. The argument about whether Morro or Pythor was older had started up again, though this time it centered around whoever had the earlier birth year rather than whether Morro’s time as a ghost counted.
Neither of them were actually quite certain as to their birthdays, though, so the argument certainly wasn’t ending anytime soon.
Not that it mattered, Cole reflected, as they continued through a dangerous pass.
Well, dangerous to the other two. Not so much for the Master of Earth, though he was using his powers to widen the path they were taking, so the others were less likely to fall down into the chasm’s tiny stream below.
Morro was probably using his mastery of wind to enhance his balance, so he wasn’t at so much risk either, and Pythor was an anacondrai. A fifty-foot fall wouldn’t hurt him too much.
Still, better to be careful.
“All I’m saying is that you don’t even remember how old you were going into the tombs, so how the hell would you know how old you are now?” Morro argued, stirring up little swirls of dust as he walked along for the fun of it.
Pythor hummed, “I can estimate, obviously. I know I was somewhere around twenty by that point.” He slithered around a bend, careful to keep his tail within the trail. “On that note, how do you have any idea how old you are? You can’t possibly expect to know your death year.”
“It was the same year I left the monastery,” Morro retorted, “I think I’d know it.”
Any further remark on Morro’s part was cut off, though, as a bit of path Cole had somehow forgot crumbled, wrongfooting the former ghost.
Morro’s arms snapped out, wind swirling to try and catch him. In the same instant, Pythor and Cole lunged to do the same, Cole adding in his earth powers to the mix—
Morro rebalanced just as Pythor reached him, resulting in the anacondrai stumbling and overbalancing himself, knocking directly into Cole.
The unexpected impact of several thousand pounds of lunging snake wrongfooted Cole, making the earth under his feet shake as his power went wild for the moment, the earth moving as commanded but without any direction.
That was what knocked Morro off the edge, the sudden shift under his very feet catching him off guard and sending him tumbling before he could react.
The wind in the little chasm picked up at his command, grasping at Morro’s cloak. But he was human, now, and despite the years he’d had to adjust, he hadn’t really fallen often enough to practice catching himself as a human.
The winds slowed his fall, though, turning a five-story descent into merely a two-story impact, the tiny bank by the stream knocking the wind out of Morro entirely.
Something cracked upon impact.
Morro was pretty sure that was his ribs.
He was a little too dazed to tell.
Back up on the ridge, Cole and Pythor untangled themselves.
“Shit shit shit,” Cole muttered, throwing a hand towards Pythor. “Stay here, I’ll—” His arms lit up orange, “I’ll go down and make you a path once I’m down there.”
Pythor nodded, and Cole slid down the side of the chasm, arresting his momentum largely by way of geokinesis. He came to a stop next to where Morro was lying.
“Can you move your arms?” Cole asked, putting a hand on the chasm side to shape out a winding path in the rock face. That done, he moved over and kneeled down to better inspect the damage.
Morro glared but complied, demonstrating that yes, he could move his arms. “‘M fine, you don’t need to fucking motherhen me.”
“You just fell off a cliff.” Cole countered. “Forgive me for being worried.”
Morro snorted, then tried to sit up, only to fall back down with a yelp of pain. “Fuck.” he hissed. “Chest hurts like hell.”
Cole frowned. “That could mean bruised or fractured ribs.” He hissed through his teeth. “Dammit, how did you fail to catch yourself?”
“Excuse me for forgetting to take the extra weight into account,” Morro snarked, “Ghosts are a lot lighter than people.”
Cole grimaced, but conceded the point.
Pythor, having finally slithered down the path provided, leaned down to look at Morro. “Damn,” he drawled, setting down the bag containing their limited medical supplies to rifle through it, “You’re still alive.”
Morro snarled. “Ha ha.” He turned back to Cole. “I take it we’re staying down here for the night.”
Cole nodded, already up and moving towards the chasm wall. “I can give us a small alcove to shelter in.” He looked back at Morro. “And you shouldn’t be moving too much anyway.”
Morro sighed, putting his arms up to help Pythor get his shirt off. “Alright.”
It wasn’t like they had to get to the west coast immediately.
They could afford a small delay.
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no-te-lo-voy-a-dar · 2 years
i came here to see how is the Tumblr dot com (even when most of us use an app version ? i think?) people handling the news of Disney+ actually making a Daredevil 4th season but it's not even trending (right now, at least), oof
I already lost my mind on the bird app and on my friends dms, but i want to see some takes better made than in the blue app
are we worried they will do it dirty? absolutely. are we excited of getting more daredevil series content? definetly. do we want the original cast to be there or else we'll riot? yup. do we want them to be "truthful" to the comics if they go with the bullseye plot? nope, nmcu Karen is unkillable please and thank you. are we excited to see how they might add Matt and co. into the MCU? yes. do we want to see them pull a Loki or something just, odd? no.
this thing. It's complex. a good thing about the announcement doesn't necessarily mean the bad ones doesn't exist nor that we shouldn't celebrate and be hype because of the bad ones.
im having the time of my life, considering i already wrote two fics where i throw peter into Matt's life, one where i write Hawkeye, Hawkeye, Spiderman and Daredevil, have other 7 drafted for that au (H², SP and DD) and like, other 3 unrelated to that au fics just exploring dynamics.
so the news are just a shot directly to my brain of serotonin and will to live lol
idk where i wanted to go with this, but I'm excited more than not over the news. i think the only thing im going to be annoying about (assuming the whole original cast is in) is that i don't want them giving us just 6 episodes. please go for 10 perhaps?
oh! and another thing that im losing my mind over is how this means we'll finally get a canonical answer to the "how was the blipping for Nelson, Murdock & Page?"
we have:
-Matt blipped, Foggy and Karen didn't. they had to move on with their lives. an echo of Midland Circle but worse, this time is real, and years go by. Matt comes back but it's not the same
-Foggy and Karen blipped, Matt stayed. this man's mental health could not have handled being "left behind" very well, which i would like to see explored, but maybe he didn't sunk all the way to the bottom using the "they would have wanted you to keep going" mentality? and that's how the rat company would avoid exploring his depression too much? (which, :1)
-they all blipped, which explains how Fisk was again on control for all crime related things by the time we see him on Hawkeye (TV). considering that apparently the law trio were the ones always keeping him in check? (Vanessa blipping could add flavor to him staying in NYC and rebuilding his crime empire)
-they all didn't blip. doesn't explain Fisk getting so much control? unless they use the "they moved to the west coast for [reasons]" during the 5 years of the blip thing
-then we have other variations of either Foggy or Karen being the ones left behind, on their own, which are also heartbreaking when u put yourself to think about it
(don't think about whatever blipping happening and them all being together, scared of what's happening, if they all happen at slightly different times. coming back together on the same place, confused but together)
but well, I'm expecting Disney will use the "they all blipped" one for easier narrative. i expect it not bc i want it (i like the complexity, and pain) but bc it's what seems more likely they will do (...okay, maybe i also want some level of peace for out man Matt)
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Science Struck Falls
AU: Winifred Davis (My OC I pair with Ford) moves to Glass Shard beach and ends up going her senior year of High School to Glass Shard Beach High
She becomes best friends with Stan & Ford on her first day there and they eventually form the mystery trio.
Her and Ford fall in love not long after a Siren tries to drown her.
Stanley comes to Winifred when he accidentally breaks Ford's project and she works all night to fix it, this preventing the fight between them and preventing Stanley from getting kicked out.
The folks of West Coast Tech accusing Ford of not coming up with his project idea by himself because they think he's too young. This causing Ford to be really angry and lose his chance of going to the school.
Winifred helping Stanley get a boxing scholarship to Backupsmore university where she's going after they graduate (Her aunt that she lives with went there and helped her get in).
Ford eventually applying for Backupsmore university so that the three can stay together.
Stanley meeting a beautiful nursing student named Raina one night after he gets injured during practice. (Raina is my OC for Stan)
On Halloween night Ford, Winifred, and Fiddleford plan to explore the most "Haunted" building on campus.
Stanley and Raina tag along for fun because they have nothing else to do.
The five are scared off by a really menacing ghost. They eventually come back later to investigate this and many other ghosts again.
This is eventually when the Twin Pines Paranormal club gets formed.
After the five graduate they make plans to explore even more paranormal experiences around the US. This ends up being a job that they are paid for once Ford, Fiddleford, and Winifred develop ghost catching technology.
Stanley writes down their adventures in a book and he eventually writes it into an official book and sells it.
They eventually go to Oregon to explore Gravity Falls and find a terrifying entity known by all as Bill Cipher.
Bill tries to possess Ford and Winifred at some point.
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
eregyrn-falls replied to your post: "the roommate is finally making me watch Grease for..."
Oh, i imagine you’re gonna really enjoy it! i could have sworn you already kind of had a Stangie AU that had that same flavor? we’ll see!
oh yeah I enjoyed Grease! I never stopped thinking "that's just my boy Clark Kent" when John Travolta made an expression that was eerily like one Tom Welling might make, but that didn't reduce my enjoyment. if anything, it increased my enjoyment. also, I finally heard the entirety of "You're the One That I Want" instead of just the beginning.
(and I've determined that song goes on the list of Stangie songs, bc damn if it doesn't work. Angie being like "I want you to be my man but you gotta grow the fuck up first" is v accurate.)
you might be thinking of my West Coast Trio AU, which I believe I first called the Greaser Angie AU or something along those lines. Angie's a badass punk type lady in that AU and Stan's a nerd (bc of getting a severe illness as a child) and they meet at West Coast Tech. so it's got similar vibes but reversed.
a proper Grease AU, tho, no, I don't believe I have suggested before. I mean a lot of Stangie AUs have similar-ish vibes just bc Angie's a sweetheart and Stan's a rapscallion. but it's not "sweet Angie meets literal leader of a greaser gang Stan and also this is the 1950s".
we may or may not already be deep in discussion of that sort of AU on the Discord and may or may not have already come to the conclusion that it's a musical AU but Angie and Stan don't actually sing. like, they've got lines in songs but a different person sings for them off-screen and they just lip synch. bc Stan...can't sing. and Angie refuses to sing in front of people.
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amarabliss · 4 years
Galahdian Dreams - 15 (Nyx Ulric/Reader)
Synopsis: Your father was the king of Insomnia. He was good and just. You never thought you’d meet anyone like him after he was taken from the world. Your Uncle Regis, has taken the throne and followed through on your father’s plans. It was good to see the city in capable hands.
Enter Nyx Ulric, refugee, Glaive, fighter…how is it he can see all your secrets? He knows how to set you off and he’s promised to not let you go…(AU for sure, Regis wasn’t supposed to take the throne, and our lovely Nyx has more of a past then we thought…)
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven  Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen
** Warning there is a Character Death in this chapter**
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You pen scratched against the paper as you finished pushing through reports and request from the out-laying towns to the west. You happy to say there were less this week then the weeks prior, it meant something was changing…
You stopped looking out the small window in your office. It wasn’t enough change though…Three weeks had passed since you’d spoke to the council. Help had been sent a week later, yet no one returned.
The reports were mixed messaged. Some said they needed everyone there…others said the assistance was crucial…none said anything about casualties.
You took a deep breath in through your nose before turning back to the work. You still cried…you couldn’t help it after a while. You felt split in two, especially since your last few hours with Nyx.
You were pretty sure you knew what he was going to say that day. You reached up playing with the bead around your neck again.  You’d been thinking about it a lot actually and how you wanted to respond…then you’d start feeling guilty cause you were dreaming when he was fighting.
You let out frustrated sigh setting the pen down running a hand over your face. You’d been working since early morning, perhaps it was time for a break.
You walked out locking the door behind you taking in a deep breath as the realization once again settled on you that you were helping your uncle run the country. How strange…you’d accomplished a lot in such a short time.
“There you are…” You cringed hearing the snobbish voice approaching behind you, “I didn’t realize I’d be chasing you down everywhere.”
“Prince Ravus…” You turned looking at him as your jaw clenched noticing he was no longer in his mourning colors. He’d been here for a month with Luna as guest during the occupation of Tenebrae and insisted on hounding you for an audience, “Do you need something?”
“I was hoping to spend the day with you. I have it all planned out. You should go change into to something less suffocating.” Ravus smirked at you as he reached out to take hold of your chin.
You didn’t give him a chance to touch you moving around him, “Your grace, I’m too busy to play your games. Perhaps you can call ahead next time and see if I’m available…”
You felt him try to grab your arm and instantly you became defensive, “Y/N, I demand…”
“Do not touch me!” You hissed at him as you tore your arm away from him finally feeling a breaking point. He always tried to touch without your permission. It was always possessive and demeaning, “We are not friends. We are not companions, and I will not be handled like-like a toy to be played with.”
“Why are you being like this? I’m only trying to help you!” His voice rose as he stepped toward you once again.
“Help me?” You stared up at him as your fist balled up, your voice low in a hushed tone, “You have never once tried to help me…you only want me because of what it will do for your status. Poor little Ravus…just a prince…not an oracle, not the heir to the throne…”
What happened next wasn’t so surprising, though it hurt none the less and the stars you were seeing made you dizzy. However, your delight out-weighed the sting in your check as you lifted your head seeing your cousin throwing Ravus up against the wall the shimmers of his warp disappearing behind him, “Touch my cousin again and see what happens?”
“Noct…” You resisted reaching up to touch your cheek. You didn’t want to give Ravus the satisfaction knowing you were in pain, “he’s not worth it.”
You heard running approaching as the trio caught up to their prince. Noctis stared at Ravus a moment longer before letting him go. Ravus readjusted himself as the others came to a halt, “Someone will hear about this…”
“Funny…I think it will backfire on you.” Noct glared at him, “Evidence points that you’re in the wrong here…”
“You weren’t here…you don’t know what was said…” Ravus threatened glancing over to you, “And you’re to proud to see unrest fall within these walls…”
You stared at him shaking your head before you spoke, “Ravus, I have complete authority of who may stay with in these walls. I asked Luna here, only if she felt comfortable leaving her country…I only have to be friends with Luna to ensure things continue between our country…do you see where you lay on the list of important people I care about? If you don’t, let me point it out to you. It’s exceedingly lower then Niflheim soldiers at the moment…”
Ravus growled and took a step toward you, “You need to learn your place in the world…”
The trio and Noct stepped between him and you, glaring daggers at him. You took a deep breath in, “I know my place Ravus…It’s time you learned yours. Now your welcome to stay here as long as you respect everyone and follow our laws. Is that understood?”
Gladio glared at him before he spoke, “Hey, she asked you a question?”
Ravus snarled before walking away. Noctis made a move to stop him but you caught him just in time shaking your head watching him walk away, “Thank you for that…it could’ve been much worse.”
“I wish you would let me teach him a lesson.” Noctis reached up looking at your face frowning as you winced away, “Come on…we need to get someone to look at that.”
“I’ll be alright…some ice and make up does wonders…” You told him forcing a smile before looking at them all, “What are you all doing here?”
“We came to visit you.” Ignis smiled a little despite the worry in his eyes. He held a basket up full of goodies, “We thought you might need a break.”
You looked at all of them feeling touched, “And I think I know the perfect spot to go…”
A couple hours later and a good lunch in your stomach, you smiled listening to Prompto as he took pictures from the crystal room’s balcony, “This is such an amazing view! You can practically see the whole city!”
“Don’t get to close to the edge…” Ignis chided a little before beginning to walk over to him.
“Stop moving…” Gladio growled at you.
“I don’t need help!” You snapped at him swiping the bag of ice he went and found, “You’re supposed to be pestering Noctis not me…”
“Yeah…well…old habits die hard.” He sighed sitting back on his feet looking over to Noctis and Prompto posing for a selfie, “Believe it or not…I miss you.”
“You do?” You looked surprised as you placed the ice against your cheek.
“Yeah…I didn’t have to worry about fan girls and the public so much.” He smirked at you before it turned into a sincere smile, “But really I just miss my friend.”
“Oh…” You reached over squeezing his arm. You had been neglecting everyone lately. You’d have to change that, “I’m always around if you need me…”
“I know…but just like when you were going to be queen…you always have something planned and going on.” He chuckled, “Don’t get me wrong…I’m happy to see you working again. You’re doing a great job.”
“Thank you…I’m actually hoping to get your help aga-” You stopped as you heard your name being called from the entryway. You looked over seeing Drautos running in. Your heart nearly stopped as you let the ice drop from your hand.
This was a moment you had thought about over and over. It played out two ways…one…was happy, the other, heart wrenching. Either way you had to know the answer to question you were about to ask…
“What’s happened?” You asked him as he stopped in front of you.
He stared down into your eyes before he smiled, “He’s home…they’re all home…”
Your eyes widened as you took off running everyone calling after you as you stepped into the elevator. You pressed the floor you needed making the door shut before anyone else could join you. You leaned against the back of the elevator as tears just started pooling down your cheeks.
You watched the numbers and as soon as the door pinged you rushed out past two soldiers. The yelped as you pushed by, you called back, “Sorry!”
“I…ma’am?” They started following you worry in their eyes, “Is something wrong?”
“No!” You smiled back at them, “Not at all…have a good day!”
You laughed a little as they both stopped looking at each other confused before you ducked into the locker room Nyx had taken you to so long ago. You skidded over to his locker quickly undoing the lock before pulling out clothes you had stashed there after he left.
If Drautos knew you’d been sneaking out once or twice a week you’d be a dead woman for sure…after today your secret was probably done for. It didn’t matter though…you needed to see him. You pulled on Nyx’s ball cap after you zipped up your sweater before shoving your other clothes inside shutting the locker.
You slowly stepped out making sure the coast was clear before heading toward the gate. You could feel the giddiness rising in you the closer you got, but it was quickly dashed when you saw Drautos standing there waiting with a car.
He rolled his eyes as he shook his head opening the car door, “Ma’am…”
You sighed looking at him before you got in, “Can you blame me?”
“Without a doubt, one hundred percent. I would lose two jobs, if anything happens to you.” He told you as you settled into the seat, he shut the door going to the driver’s side, “But for the record…I am excited too…”
You smiled at him as he drove you to the Refugee quarter, it still needed a better name. You wanted to wait for Nyx’s input on the matter. Drautos instructed you to keep the hat on and to stay close to him when he parked.
As you stepped out you could see a large crowd gathering. You looked at Drautos, “Is this normal?”
“I don’t know…I imagine everyone is excited to see everyone?” He told you as you both moved toward the crowd. Everyone was whispering. You glanced at Drautos again seeing his face fall a little as he peered over the crowd, “Oh no…”
You heard a loud wail as everyone bowed their head. Your head snapped back feeling your gut wrench at the noise. You recognized it…you experienced it…loss… You swallowed down your emotions whispering to Drautos, “Who?”
He looked down at you struggling with a well of emotions himself, “…Pelna…”
You shut your eyes bowing your head as you put a hand over you mouth to try and stifle the cry. He’d been so welcoming to you. So, kind, and compassionate. He’d answered all your questions and encouraged you when you needed it.
And Nyx…oh god Nyx…he’d loved him like a brother. Always spoke of how his progress was going and how much he enjoyed seeing Pelna advance. He was going to be a mess…
“What can I do?” You looked at Drautos once you composed yourself, “There has to be something…it’s why no one is doing anything, right?”
“…he needs…a sky burial…” Drautos shut his eyes speaking quietly, “It’s difficult to get in and out of the city…and we can’t burn the body here.”
“Let me handle it…” You told him taking out your phone, “Just tell me when and I’ll get it done…”
“Ma’am…” He put his hand over yours getting your attention.
“I have to do something…Everyone in this city has a right to practice how they wish…this just one more difference. I bury my family in a giant tomb outside the city walls…why should it be hard for your people to practice your beliefs?” Your eyes watered before he nodded slowly allowing you to step away.
It took you several minutes, but you managed to get the west gate open. You walked back over but couldn’t see Drautos anywhere. You frowned as someone looked over to your eyes widening a little. They tapped the next person’s shoulder and it suddenly became a ripple effect as everyone parted to let you through.
This isn’t what you expected but everyone seemed to be urging you forward. When you came to the center you saw a casket in the back of a truck. You paused staring at it for a moment before you saw Nyx standing a few paces away holding onto an older woman as Drautos consoled the man beside her.
You stood there unsure of what to do. You felt like you were intruding…you felt like you had no place here. Your eyes flicked back over to the coffin as a tear fell down your cheek. You looked around seeing all the men and women who had just returned.
All of them looked beaten and weary. Yet, they still stood waiting to bid their comrade a proper farewell. Finally, Drautos saw you waving you over, “Ma’am…This is Mr. Kahara…”
You looked at him seeing where Pelna got his kind eyes. You teared up before taking his outstretched hand, “Sir…I am so sorry for your loss…”
He nodded before letting go of your hand. You could see the pain in his face as he struggled to speak, “Pelna…he always spoke of how kind you were. Then we all got to experience it here in the ward…he died fighting for the future you’re building for us…Please don’t let him down.”
You felt a heavy weight fall into your stomach as he moved to pull his wife from Nyx’s arms. You looked over to him as he let go. His face was blank as he turned to Drautos, “Where do we go?”
Drautos looked to you for the answer. You swallowed before you answered, “The west gate…I figured the cliffs you took me to…I’m sorry if…”
“That’ll be fine…” Nyx moved away from you as he crawled into the back of the truck with the casket putting a hand on it.
“Captain…” You whispered watching Nyx.
“He’ll be alright in time. He was close with Pelna…” Drautos put a hand on your shoulder, “Will you walk with us?”
“Of course…” You nodded as everyone proceeded to follow the truck. The walk was long, but every soldier followed behind it. You hung your head a little as you listened to them start to sing a song. A lament of some kind.
It spoke of traveling far away from home, never turning around, never making any plans. There would be a place at the end of the road where all would be good. Home was with you and good enough, for tomorrow was never guaranteed.
You cried…you cried hard and silently soaking in their pain. Knowing it all to well as Nyx sang those final words before lighting the body on fire with his hand, “This is not a farewell…just a goodbye…”
Drautos asked if you wanted to return with everyone at some point and you couldn’t pull yourself away. The song haunted you, and the way Nyx had just looked past you…you were worried. Drautos sighed understanding remaining with you as well.
Finally, when the embers began to fade away you watched Nyx reach in pouring a bit of the ash into a bag. Every soldier followed suit before turning and heading back to the city, until Nyx was left alone at the pyre.
Drautos stepped away from you walking up to him. They spoke quietly for a long time before they both turned walking back to you.
Nyx stared at you for a moment before he spoke, “I…”
You shook your head reaching out taking his hand in yours, “I’m so sorry…”
He sniffed as he struggled for a moment before he pulled you to him. He hugged you tightly as he started to shake in your arms…soon sobs followed as he buried his face into your neck. You shut your eyes letting your tears fall silently as you rubbed his back in soothing circles.
After some time, he pulled away looking down at you. His eyes were red and face puffy as he spoke, “Thank you…for being here…”
“Of course…” You nodded a little watching him taking in a deep breath, “I’ll do whatever I can.”
“Let’s get you home to rest.” Drautos put a hand on his shoulder as he started for the truck everyone left behind.
“Right…” Nyx whispered as he started to take a few steps before he began to collapse.
“Titus!’ You shouted catching him crumbling under his weight as you fell to the ground, “Nyx…Nyx! Open your eyes…Nyx please…”
“Please…please don’t leave me…”
Nyx’s eyes opened looking at an unfamiliar view. He was supposed to be in a tent…wait…no…that’s wrong…where was he? He sat up grunting a little bit as he threw his feet of the side of the bed he was in. He looked at his wrapped arm before feeling his ribs, also wrapped.
He knew he was hurt he, he just had better things to deal with then medical attention. He looked around seeing clean walls of a bedroom. He stood up slowly as the door opened letting Drautos inside. His mentor gave him a relieved smile, “Oh good…you can walk…”
“Where are we?” Nyx frowned a little.
“Your place.” Drautos told him with a small smile, “Wanted to give you the grand tour the right way, but…situation changed that…”
“M-my place?” Nyx stared at him as everything started to catch up to him, “Right…right…the construction…”
“Far from your mind, I know.” Drautos nodded before sighing, “Kinda like the three broken rips and fractured arm…”
“I had more important things to worry about.” Nyx glared at him a little watching him raise his hands surrendering.
“I know…all the same…you need your rest now.” Drautos told him sighing, “Though you should probably show Y/N, that you’re alright first…”
“She’s here?” Nyx felt a bit of panic fall over him.
“Yeah, she’s sleeping on your couch right now. She didn’t want to leave without knowing you were alright.” Drautos told him before nodding at him to follow.
Nyx carefully hobbled his way down the small hallway passing a kitchenette that led to a small living area. He leaned against the wall when he saw you curled up on the couch sleeping. He made a face finally seeing the bruise on your face, “What happened to her?”
Drautos took in a deep breath, “Apparently there was an altercation…I didn’t have time to press her or anyone for information. When she found out you were back, she rushed to see you…”
Nyx shook his head as he spoke quietly, “She shouldn’t worry about me.”
“But she does…and you’re lucky for it. Just be thankful…” Drautos told him as he moved to the front door, “I’ll be downstairs waiting for her in the car…take your time.”
Nyx waited for him to leave before he walked over taking a seat on the arm of the couch. He watched you for moment taking in deep restful breaths. You had tear stains on your face probably caused by him. He didn’t deserve you, yet here you were…and astrals above he was grateful.
Carefully he reached down pushing your hair behind your ear. In a fluid motion he gently traced your face coaxing you awake slowly. He smiled when your beautiful eyes opened looking up to him as he whispered, “Hi…”
“Hi…” You repeated back to him before reaching up catching his hand as you sat up. You placed it on your face leaning into his touch.
He choked up shaking his head, “I’m sorry…”
“No, Nyx…you don’t have to explain…” You interrupted him, “I can’t…even fathom…”
“You’re too understanding…” He moved off the arm sitting next to you letting his forehead rest against yours as his other hand came up to your face. He wished it wasn’t wrapped, he wanted to feel your skin when he touched you, “It’s okay to be mad at me…I am…”
“I’m not…I’m worried, but I’m not mad…” You shook your head staring into his eyes, “I just…just tell me what you need…”
He shut his eyes before he kissed your forehead pulling you into his chest. He tensed when you fell against his rips, but the pain subsided and he relaxed feeling you against him, “You…I just need you.”
“I can do that.” He could hear the smile in your voice. No doubt that it was small and worried.
He sat there with his eyes shut just feeling you pressed against him. He allowed the weight to push him far away from the thoughts he’d been thinking since packing up from the front. He knew he’d have to deal with them eventually, but for now he just wanted to just be with you.
He took in several breaths until his breathing began to match yours. Your rhythmic rising and falling washing over him like peace.
“Nyx?” He heard you speak quietly. He gave you a squeeze and a soft ‘hm’ to tell you he heard you, “…never mind…”
He cracked his eyes open seeing you staring up at him. It took him by surprise actually, most women just curled up in his embrace, but of course you weren’t most women, “What is it?”
“I’m…” You seemed to be a little bit hesitant to say what you wanted to say, “I’m…happy you’re here…”
He felt his nose tickle understanding then you were trying to be sensitive, “…thank you…I’m happy to…I’m happy to be near you…”
You frowned a little before nodding a little, “You should be laying down…you’re pretty banged up.”
“I am…laying down…sorta…” He smiled a little holding you tightly to make sure you didn’t move reaching up to your cheek frowning, “I’m more concerned about this honestly…”
You sighed leaning into his touch, “It was a misunderstanding between a guest at the Citadel…”
“I hope you responded in kind.” He felt his brow come together.
“Noctis did actually…followed up by his posse…and political threats.” You smirked a little, “Spoiled petty princes don’t scare me.”
“Hey, I resemble that remark…” He smiled as you chuckled a little.
“That’s a lie… You’re a spoiled petty king.” You smiled at him as you leaned up toward him.
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His eyes shut as your lips met his. Damn…damn this felt good and it was just a kiss. His arms wrapped around your waist drawing you closer to him as he slipped his arms behind your legs. In one smooth motion he scooped you up laying you back against the couch as he parted looking down your face.
His eyes flicked down to the small chain you wore around your neck, the bead from his hair on it. His picked it up gently before he whispered, “You still have it…”
“Of course…it kept you near me…” You stared up into his eyes as smiling at him before reaching up taking his face in your hands whispering, “I missed you…so much…everyday was…”
He didn’t want to hear it. He lived it while he was away, dreaming of you night after night. Talking with Titus, asking after you…he missed you desperately. His lips locked with yours craving the same exhilaration he’d felt moments ago.
He found it letting his hands settle on your hips, slowly drifting them up. He felt you shiver as his thumbs grazed the skin under the sweater you were wearing. Your fingers laced into his hair tugging gently sending small electric sensations down the back of his neck.
You both froze as an obnoxious ringtone sounded off. He watched you reach into your pocket pulling out your phone as he licked his lips trying to calm down. Your face became serious as you started to sit up.
He helped you slightly as you answered, “Uncle?”
Nyx waited keeping quiet as your hand wiped over your face. You nodded slowly, “I understand…no…I will…attempt to provide him something to…”
You were cut off and your face looked shocked. Nyx felt every nerve in his body go on high alert as you stood up, “I will not…No I refuse…because he attacked me after…No. No! What I do with my time is just that…mine! I will not waste it on some insolent little prick who thinks he can get ahead by bedding me…”
“Fine, I’ll come see you now.” You spat out angrily , “I won’t be bullied…”
Nyx stood up as you listened to the other end. He knew who this ‘prick’ was now, and he didn’t like what he was hearing. Something would have to be done.
“You can’t…you can’t be serious…” You spoke quietly looking up to Nyx horrified, “I won’t do it.”
You listened for a moment longer before the call ended. Nyx frowned having a suspicion of what was going on, “I won’t let him take you from me…”
“Nyx…” You teared up as he pulled you into a tight hug, “why can’t we just be left alone?”
“Don’t worry…” He kissed your forehead as he rubbed your shoulders, “I’ll take care of it…”
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The long awaited final day of the symposium arrives, what do our boys have in store for West Coast Tech?
This is the longest chapter at just over 3k words. I tried to split it into two multiple times but it just works better as a coherent whole.
Mayhem! Madness! Robot Dinosaurs possibly powered by magic! What more could the mystery trio ask for?
Epilogue coming up soon!
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wincestbigbang · 5 years
2019 Master Post
​Title: Invisible Touch Author: ellerkay Artist: blindswandive Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Sibling incest, first time, mind control, mind control aftermath and recovery, mind rape, blow jobs, anal sex, kissing, making out, hand jobs, telepathy, guilt, shame, emotional hurt/comfort, barebacking Summary: A witch with mind control powers makes Sam and Dean have sex with each other for the first time, forcing them to confront their desire for one other. Afterwards, they find their way back to intimacy and to healing. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Undertow Author: laughablelament Artist: Nisaki (a.k.a. swan_song21) Rating: NC-17 Warning/Spoilers: non-graphic suicide attempt Summary: A not-so-brotherly riff on The Little Mermaid. “And the Broken Hearts, men without country, without family, are transfixed and transformed by the Song. But all is not lost. For the Love of a Mortal can melt the Mer Heart, and thus restore the Human Form.” -the lore Art: Live Journal | Tumblr Story: Ao3 Title: Suits Author: twoboys2love Artist: leaf_zelindor Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: important spoilers from season 1 to season 10 (If you haven't watched) Summary: Suits the boys have worn over the years... and the feelings they inspired. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Kale or Nada Author: smalltrolven Artist: tx_devilorangel Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for episode 14.13. Summary: A coda to episode 14.13 “Lebanon��� set in the AU from the epic 300th episode. Sam is an ultra-rich internet-famous tech corporate lawyer that sends the best criminal defense lawyer in the country to get Dean out of his jam with the FBI. Within a few days of being released from FBI custody (with an apology!), Dean is sitting in the living room of Sam’s Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: Slipping Through the Minutes Author: sci_fis Artist: emmatheslayer Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: N/A Summary: Omega Sam (16) and Alpha Dean have been in a relationship for a couple of years, but Dean refuses to mate with Sam until he turns 18, insisting that Sam should be old enough to give informed consent first. But when young unmated omegas start going missing, things may change. Art: Live Journal Story: Ao3 Title: Playtime Author: jdl71 Artist: cherie_morte Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Dark Fiction, Blood, Sibling Incest, Murder, Violence, Kidnapping, Torture, Bottom Sam, Top Dean. Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester have embraced their dark desires for each other and for killing not just the supernatural. They travel, looking for a new toy for Sam to play with and something for Dean to hunt. They enjoy hearing the screams of those they hunt; Sam loves to see their blood drip from his knife while Dean enjoys the thrill of the hunt. Art: Live Journal Story: Ao3 Title: After the End of Everything Author: amypond45 Artist: amberdreams Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: Michael won. He took the world down, then opened a portal to another universe and moved on, leaving Sam and Dean to pick up the pieces. After his possession, Dean is a burned-out shell with no conscious memory of anything that happened during his time as Michael’s vessel. Sam takes his broken brother on the road, and together they make their way home, hoping to find others who made it through the End of Days, hoping to find a way back to each other. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Live Journal | Ao3 Title: All My Loves Author: ncdover/ncdover1285 Artist: sandy79 Other Pairing(if applicable): Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, Dean/Lisa, Sam/Jess (mostly mentioned) Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Major Character Death, Underage Summary: They say that we fall in love with three people over our lifetime, each one for a specific reason. Each person that we fall in love with is something that we are seeking at that particular time in our lives. Dean has been falling for Sammy in many different ways over the years, for as long as he can remember. How could he possibly have three loves? So he sits down to think it through and decides that while he may have had three loves in his life, he has never stopped loving his Sammy, and never will. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Love, Lies, & Lap Dances Author: wicked-wincest-writer / cleighwrites Artist: bluefire986 Other Pairing (if applicable): Sam/Jess, Dean & clients (mentioned/background) Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Angst, hypothermia, mentions of prostitution, frottage, anal sex, incest (duh!), slowest of burns Summary: Sam was a freshman at Stanford who had no idea how his big brother was paying for him to live off-campus. Dean was a part-time escort and a full-time liar. How will Sam react when he finds out exactly how Dean has been paying for everything since they left their dad behind? Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Tumblr | Ao3 Title: Dead Hearts Author: raving_liberal Artist: kuwlshadow Rating: R Warnings/Spoilers: Body/Medical Horror, Blood and Gore, Blood Kind (Kinda), Canon-Typical Violence, spoilers for Season 02 Summary: A gory vision sends Sam and Dean to New York to investigate a series of bizarre murder-suicides among organ transplant recipients. They soon find themselves racing the clock to save a kidnapped girl before she becomes the next victim. Nightmares and the memory of Dean’s heartsblood on his lips haunt Sam through an investigation that puts the brothers on the trail of an ancient Norse legend. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Catch the Wind Author: sarasaurusrex Artist: bluefire986 Other Pairing(if applicable): Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Mostly Wincest, Wincestiel at the end, teencest, Flashbacks, Time Travel, Action/Adventure, Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Young Sam Winchester, Young Dean Winchester, John Winchester Being an Asshole, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Butterfly Effect, Choices, Changing the past, OC Villains, Guilt, Castiel Does What Castiel Wants (Supernatural), Threesome - M/M/M, wound care, Making Out, Don't Wake Dad, Healing Sex Summary: When a rogue angel Castiel once spared begins murdering angels on the West Coast, Sam and Dean help Castiel hunt the angel down once and for all. Along the way they find themselves in a place they stayed in as teenagers. It brings back memories of Sam’s 16th birthday, when he was being hunted by a delusional friend of John's who was determined to stop the next King of Hell. Unbeknownst to Sam, Dean, or Castiel, the past and present are inexplicably intertwined, and sparing the angel in the past has unfathomable consequences for Sam and Dean's future. Fate, chance, and redemption must all be confronted for the trio to move on. Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: There Goes the Neighborhood Author: amusawale Artist: tx_devilorangel Other Pairing(if applicable): Sam/Jessica Rating: PG-13 Warnings/Spoilers: Slow burn, canon compliant wincest, pre-series AU Summary: Dean didn't get to collect Sam from Stanford. They never took to the road together. Sam went on to be a lawyer and Dean did his hunting thing. But now Sam wants to run for mayor and he needs to scrub his record of this annoying brother who is a stain on his impeccable record. He meets with Dean, and asks him to "kill himself" so that Sam can be free of him. Dean agrees. Sam is dissatisfied now. Why does his brother find it so easy to let him go? (which, really, hypocrite much?" - the author says as an aside) Art: Live Journal | Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: Love the Sinner: Embrace the Sin Author: paperann Artist: 2blueshoes Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Explicit Sexual Content, Dark Themes Summary: While Sam and Dean were raised as hunters, it was their choice to continue the fight against evil—their duty to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. Time and time again, they’d save the world, fight the monsters, but in truth: Destiny doomed the Winchesters from the start. Why else was Sam born as Lucifer’s true vessel, spiraling into a demon blood addiction so easily and spectacularly—unless an inherent darkness resided inside him all along? How could Dean wield the Mark of Cain, only passed down through biblical blood and honed by those few deemed ‘worthy'—unless he wasn’t a natural-born sadistic killer? In a sad twist of irony, the Winchesters were always fated to be monsters, no matter how they tried to even the scales. Aboard a sinking ship, they chose insanity—Dean scraping together broken parts to stay afloat while Sam kept thinking love conquers all—maybe it was time to let go, to drown. Giving in didn’t necessarily mean giving up. Even if it hurt, there could be another life waiting for them. Together. Anything was better than being trapped in this cycle—whether it was cowardice or courage it didn’t matter—someone had to break it, before it broke them. Art: Ao3 Story: Ao3 Title: For The Love Of Chuck (Or Not) Author: runedgirl Artist: a_biting_smile Rating: NC-17 Summary: After Chuck’s revelation, Sam becomes hopeless enough to want to give up on life itself, so Dean knows he has to take drastic action. What can they do that Chuck would hate enough to give up on his “favorite show” and let the Winchesters make their own choices again? Warning/Spoilers: Takes place directly after the Season 14 finale. Castiel appears as a side character, no romantic undertones. Art: Live Journal Story: Live Journal Title: A Map Without Landmarks is Useless Author: Zee487 Artist: An Rating: NC-17 Warnings/Spoilers: Major Character Death, Suicide Attempt, Violence Summary: When Sam is born, John props Dean’s elbow up on a pillow, carefully places the tiny wrinkled bundle into Dean’s arms, and tells Dean, “This is Sam. He’s your brother. You gotta watch out for him.” Dean looks at his brother’s big, clear eyes looking back at him and feels Sam’s tiny hand wrap around his finger and falls head over heels in love. Art: Tumblr Story: Ao3
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dykerachelsummers · 4 years
I can’t remember if I’ve asked this before, but in your DC AU, what is like. The rundown on Raven? Any notable changes or new elements you’ve added? Anything you’ve discarded? Does she know her mom’s family at all?
earth-82 raven is uh,, very unlike any other iteration of raven!! because i wanted to make arella a larger part of her life, lol, and that lead to some,, intense changes. tw for some religion-based homophobia
so in earth-82, arella ran away from home during a family vacation in england. she was about sixteen years old and she had recently come to terms with the fact that she was bisexual and no longer felt comfortable in her very christian household. during her time in england, before she fell pretty deeply into cult business, she got pretty into the punk scene and that’s how she met john constantine and zee zatara. they become incredibly good friends and this is arella’s first step into what will soon become a deep dive in the magical world. john accidentally kills zee’s dad (his mentor) and this causes breaks the trio, leading to zee cursing john’s name and moving back to the states. john gets deeper and deeper into dark magic and arella loses her support system and ends up,, accidentally joining a cult.
from here until the destruction of azarath, comic canon stays basically the same. the biggest difference is, when trigon destroys azarath, arella and raven both manage to escape. raven is twelve at the time. arella doesn’t know where to go, when she left azarath, the portal she created had unceremoniously dumped her and her daughter in the states, in the middle of california. arella ends up seeking out her old best friend, zee, despite it having been well over a decade.
arella and raven end up moving in with zee and that’s how rae gets connected to the new teen titans. she starts having dreams about them and zee is basically dick’s aunt so she calls in a favor and rae joins the team, the second youngest member at the age of fourteen (gar is the actual youngest at only thirteen). it again mostly sticks to canon here with some diversions where i feel necessary.
raven ends up trapping trigon, as she always does, in between getting used to being part of two teams (she gets sucked into the new night force near the same time she joined ntt), going to a regular high school, and dealing with her mom’s relationship drama with zee&john (who ends up moving in with them, to zee’s eternal irritation). during this time rae has several brief relationships: with jason todd before he realizes he’s not really attracted to women (he remains one of her best friends, though she’s somewhat closer to dick), with lori zechlin for a single summer, with cassandra cain before she realizes cass is in love with someone else, and with stephanie brown before she realizes steph is who cass is in love with and that she feels the same way.
when rae decides to start college, she also decides she’s done being a superhero as she studies to become a pediatric doctor. ofc, with the majority of her friends and family involved in the community, she’s not able to able to completely avoid the nonsense. she ends up in a relationship with kara zor-el and—completely accidentally—adopts a young homo magi by the name of juniper.
raven is much closer to arella’s family than arella is. she ended up joining the west coast teen titans team for awhile with gar, vic, and tara after the judas contract storyline (mostly so she could be closer to her mom) and during this time decided to get to know alice and her family. they all grow close, even if arella doesn’t feel comfortable there very often.
also! raven is genderqueer and uses she/they pronouns!
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the-survival-hunter · 5 years
Fiddlestan fic ideas i want to write yet dont know which one to tackle first:
Fake dating (set in mystery trio, “undercover as a couple” a n d “shitty ex is in town so i lied and said im seeing someone but now he wants to meet them”)
Dipper and Mabel find an incriminating photo and investigates (set before atots)
Stanley recovered his memories yet theres another secret he has to dig for (set post finale, past fiddlestan that happenedpost portal incident)
College AU (Stanley goes to backsupmore and ford to west coast, cue fidds helping him with his self doubt!)
Wendy finds a memory tube that has Stans names and the kids watch it together, surprise surprise Its gay!
Stan finds and helps fidds out before he goes mad and then they’re like an old married couple (aka a fic for @/biteinsane’s amazing art djsjkf and concept of fidds punching ford)
And then, while main focus isnt fiddlestan, FrankenStan AU and my au where Stanley turns into Journal 1 because whats a meet cute if not finding out that journal that haunts your nightmares back and as a Guy living in it
@ fiddlestan community if you guys are out there I’d highly appreciate if you tell me if any of these ideas are something you’d like to read, eventually, fjskfnks
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ceve4ever · 4 years
Prompt Month Day 22: Pirates and Mermaids AU
Fun little fact about me, supposedly I’m a descendant of French pirate Jean Lafitte via my mother’s side (but probably not a direct descendant, we’re likely from his older brother). Anyway, forgive me for historical inaccuracies, this was too cool a prompt for me to pass up despite being totally unqualified to write this fic. Rated G. (ALSO GREAT NEWS GUYS I THINK I LEARNED HOW TO DO A “READ MORE” BUTTON)
Eve Baird had been on the seas for far longer than she ever thought she’d be.
She thought she’d spend a few years as a mercenary, wait until she had loot enough saved up to live comfortably on, then get herself a small ship and find an island to call her own where she could spend the rest of her days relaxing.
Somewhere along the way plans changed, battles were fought, and Captain Baird became one of the most feared pirates in the west. Her reputation preceded her; intelligent, independent, and (surprisingly, considering her job title) moral. Her crew was loyal and trusted her with their lives, and in turn she made sure they’d get home, which was where they were headed now. They’d just gotten through a skirmish not too far off the coast, and Eve thought they should unload some of their treasures before setting off again—she was worried about her ship La Bibliothèque being overloaded, judging by how slow they seemed to move during that fight.
Now, as they pulled into port, she was trying to determine her next move. She had a number of ornate vases, and while she could leave them in a small secured villa she had in town for storage, she figured she might as well sell them now.
They pulled in and docked, and while the rest of the crew was going to stock up on food and ammunition, Eve and her two first mates Jacob and Ezekiel set off for the appraisers with a crate full of their latest treasures. Jenkins and his assistant Flynn knew more about rarities than anyone else on the mainland—and, more importantly, they didn’t ask too many questions.
Jenkins looked up from studying an old parchment as the trio entered. From the back of the room, they heard a crash as Flynn dropped something undoubtedly irreplaceable. Jenkins sighed. “Captain Baird. Been a while—how have the seas been?”
Eve smiled. “Same as always. Just making a quick stop, we’re already two days late for making it to the next island north of us.”
“Ah, yes. And what do we have here, Sirs Stone and Jones?”
Jacob and Ezekiel pried open the crate, and Jenkins set to work examining the vases. Eve took the time to peek at the paper he had been studying. Her brow immediately furrowed. “Jenkins, quick question.”
“How much for this map?”
“You really ain’t tellin’ us why you were so desperate for that old map?”
“And you’re not letting us come with you to follow it?”
“Nope. This one’s all mine, fellas.” In truth, she didn’t know why she was so drawn to the map. They’d been to the tiny, abandoned Annex Island plenty of times, and she was certain that there was no treasure to be found there. But the map called to her in the same way the water did, and she trusted her gut.
Still, she suspected that she’d leave empty-handed, and she didn’t want to disappoint her crew. So she’d persuaded Jenkins to let her borrow his boat, promising she’d return it intact. She’d set off in the morning and, hopefully, return that night.
She’d forgotten how tiring it was sailing alone. As annoying as they often were, she missed the constant bantering between Jacob and Ezekiel. And they kept her awake; thoughts of the map had plagued her sleep, and her eyelids felt heavy. She yawned. She’d been on the ocean for a while, she’d make landfall soon. Soon…
Eve let out a yell as she came in contact with the water. It was the Gulf, it was warm, but it had given her shock. She’d fallen asleep—and fallen overboard. Eve was awake now. She summoned her strength and started swimming towards the boat. But the wind was picking up, and the sky was starting to darken.
Now she really missed her first mates. The water was thrashing her more than it should have been, and Eve was ashamed to realize it had been too long since she’d last swam.
She was beginning to struggle to keep her head above water. There was no hope of catching up to the boat. The map had likely ended up in the sea with her; it too was a lost cause now. In the distance, Eve thought she could make out a shore, and she prayed it was Annex Island and not some unmarked isle. If she could just make it to the sand…
The storm had begun. Eve was strong, but she was scared now. Lightning struck the waves in front of her, and she was horribly aware that she was sinking—quickly.
Then, suddenly, she wasn’t.
But she was underwater still. She opened her eyes. A pair of the bluest eyes she’d ever seen was staring back at her, belonging to a woman with the most radiant red locks and palest skin, and… a shimmering, scaly pink tail where her legs should have begun. Eve knew now that this was no woman.
The mermaid took Eve’s hands and effortlessly pulled her back up to air. Eve gasped as they surfaced. The sky was still dark, but the storm was over. She felt herself being carried towards the shore she’d made out.
Upon reaching the sand, exhaustion and amazement took over, and Eve passed out. As she faded, she felt a soft kiss being placed upon her lips.
Eve awoke some time later after dreaming of the sea—and the mermaid that had surely saved her life. It must have been the next morning; the sky was bright and clear, and her clothing was entirely dry. As she sat up, she noticed something peeking out of the sand next to her.
The map. She grabbed it and unfurled the paper. Her eyes widened. East of Annex Island was a previously unindicated (and quite possibly unexplored) atoll, marked with a red X.
And a scrolling signature at the bottom of the map that read Cassandra.
Eve’s crew showed up not long after, led by Jacob. He and Ezekiel helped their captain board her beloved La Bibliothèque, explaining that when she hadn’t returned that night, they’d gone back to Jenkins and asked to know where the map had led.
“But… really, Captain? Annex Island? There’s nothing here. Unless you found something?”
Eve smiled. “Nope. Nothing here. But I’ve been thinking… perhaps we should skip our next stop in the north. I’m thinking we head east…”
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