#(can't remember the last time i had a homework or a final that was shorter tan 10 pages altho to be fair code just runs long)
mikecrewsteacup · 1 year
i am finally ALMOST in the last week of my semester, so i can finally get back to all my hobbies that require brainpower in 7-8 business days..... well in that + some recovery time
i have unresponded-to messages and memes and tagged things that i genuinely cannot wait to get back to, but they're all probably going to wait until after i've hit "submit" on my last final bc boy has this past academic year been a rough one
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ijustlovewriting · 2 years
Steve and Eddie slept over because they wanted to spend more time with me after i broke up with my boyfriend. They are so cute, right? Yes they are. But they would be more cuter if they would shut the fuck up because it's 7 am in the morning and I want to sleep but they are listening to random songs at 100 volume and even singing.
-GUYS PLEASE SHUT UP FOR GOD'S SAKE-i screamed into my pillow.
-You said something, darling?-Eddie came in the room
-Oh the sleepyhead finally woke up- Steve came in
-Yeah, i wonder why did i wake up- I rolled my eyes
-Okay so today's plan is we're going to school, and then- Eddie said
-Man!- Steve looked at him
-What?- He asked.
Steve pointed at me.
-What, Steve what?- I looked at him curiously.
-We are not going to school today.- He said
-Why not?- Eddie asked.
-We're gonna spend time with Y/n, They just broke up with their boyfriend.- The truant replied
-Look Steve i know you want to make me feel better, but i have to go to school because i didn't go yesterday and my parents gonna kill me if they find out that I'm skipping school.- I said
-Oh and also before you could find any excuses, I have a really important exam today, and Eddie's gonna have a fucking practice thing with his band and i already promised him that im gonna be there.Oh and you'll be there too. So no excuses. Get your ass ready and you're coming to school with us.-
-But- Steve said
-No but, get your stuff together and we're going. Now.- i looked at him.
-I literally had a proud brother moment and i'm not even your brother.- Eddie said smiling.
-Good to hear. And same goes for you, Eddie. It's literally June, yesterday was the last time we skipped school. No more in this year.-
-Yes, ma'am!- They both said and stood like a soldier
-Thank god you guys played that fucking irritating song because i would've not wake up and i could've not go to school.- I said while i was packing my stuff.
-Also i need to do my makeup real quick.- I said
-Hurry up Y/n please- Steve said
I started doing my makeup.
-Y/n! Remember. You don't need makeup.- Eddie stood right next to me so did Steve
-Aww- I said. I blushed a little, not gonna lie.
-You need plastic surgery.- Steve looked at me smiling and both of the boys started laughing
I slapped Steve and i walked outside.
they both got ready so they came outside to get in the car.
Steve saw me smoking cigarettes. 
-Nah, Y/n i told you at least ten thousand times, you're not allowed to smoke cigarettes.-
-Okay MOM- I rolled my eyes, while i was still smoking.
-Soo, instead of letting this beautiful piece of cigarette burn down, you should- He grabbed it -Give it to me, Little girl.-
-Did you realised that I'm not a little kid?- i said nervously.
-Okay child- Steve smiled and messed up my hair.
-Anyways- I heard the other idiot boy talking
-Who's driving today?-Eddie asked
-Me!- I was jumping in my excitement
-nope you won't- Steve looked at me
Eddie grabbed Steve's shoulder. -Hey man. Let them drive. You know that y/n is good at everything.- they looked at each other. -infact, as more you let them, as more they will give you their homework- He whispered to Steve.
-Infact, just because im like 35 cm shorter than you guys, it doesn't mean that i can't hear you. And just because you guys let me drive, i won't give you my homework- I rolled my eyes as i got in the car.
We arrived, of course late as always. Nothing interesting happened. (until lunch).
-Oh my god, look. Y/n with the freaks...- I heard the popular girl.
-What a bitch.- I laughed
-What did you just say?- She turned around.
-What? Can't you hear clearly? Did you get dick in your ears, or what happened miss girl?- I looked at her.
-Y/n come, keep walking- Eddie said.
-No, Eddie i'm not going anywhere.-
-Y/n! He's right. You're gonna get in trouble! Come.- Steve said as they were pulling me back.
-Steve no! Every fucking day, when i walk in the hallway, this bitch always has something to say. Now im curious, what does she wants from me? So go on FREAK- i looked at her and walked closer -Tell me. What do you want from me?!- i could see her eyes getting teary.
-See? That's what I'm talking about. You are too afraid. You can't even move. You can't even talk. Who do you think you are?- I laughed. I turned my back, to walk away but then i heard her chuckle.
-They probably fuck you every day, that's why you're so close with them.- She said
I didn't even hesitate, as i turned back, i hit her in the face so hard, that she passed out.
-HOLY SHIT Y/N!- Steve said.
-I'm too stunned to speak right now.-Eddie was standing there with opened mouth.
-Come on guys. There is no reason to stay here.- I walked out 
-Where are you going Y/n?-Steve asked
They both ran after me
-But didn't you say that you won't skip school anymore.- Eddie asked.
-Fuck the rules-
-But your parents gonna kill you, Y/n!- Steve said. He sounded so worried
-And?- I looked at him.
-And you're gonna get grounded.- Eddie said
-I honestly don't give a fuck. Like, okay then ground me. I'm gonna sneak out anyways. And then what are they gonna do? I'm gonna get grounded again?- I chuckled.
-You're so damn right!- Eddie said proudly.
-I mean you're right.- Steve agreed.
-We should go home and watch something.- I said while a pulled out one cigarette out of my pocket.
-Y/n. What did i say?- Steve looked at me. He looked so mad, that i couldn't hold back my laughter. - No more cigarette! Understood?- He said.
-Damn mom.- Eddie looked at him. -Sorry i had to- He looked away as if nothing happened.
-Okay mommy steve, then i'm gonna tell you again. You are not my mother, not my father, not my... Okay you're my brother but not my brother because i have no siblings- 
-ouch- Eddie said while he put his hand on his heart pretending i hurt him.
I looked at Eddie -You're my brother too, chill. But Steve. One more maternal behavior and I'm gonna cut your hair. You're gonna be bald. Understood?- I looked at him seriously.
-Yes ma'am!- He smiled at me and we all went home
Actually i like this trio. First book, kinda nervous to post but here we are :) Hope you liked it, give me some ideas in the comments if you want more excitement <3
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shinisbestboy · 3 years
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was bored so I thought I'd try writing again since I liked it so much the first time :)
contains joemaru because there is not enough of them online
It was a lazy weekend afternoon.. Joe was at his house, playing video games and relaxing as he ignores all the homework he knew Sara will kill him for later. he ate a slice of reheated pizza from.. last night? a few days ago? didn't really matter, he wasn't letting a good piece of pizza go to waste! he was quite engrossed in his game of Zombie Slayers V3 (return of the Chad plague) that he didn't notice his phone ringing.. it vibrated loudly, Joe needed to pause his game so he could pick it up
"Y'ello? your boy Joe here" he started, as he was a creature of habit. the voice on the other side didn't pay it much mind "Joe I need to talk to you about something" it was the familiar sound of Sara.. she seemed a little stressed from what Joe could tell so he decided to take it more semi-seriously "what's up? you decide to confess your undying love for me yet?" he chuckled.. he sure had a loose definition of 'semi-serious'.. lightening up the mood couldn't hurt tho
Sara huffed, Joe imagined her blushing pouty expression and it made him smile.. Sara always looked her best when all flustered "not that!! ugh, no this is important! do you remember that guy I was telling you about at school? the new transfer boy with the white hair?" Sara explained, Joe tilted his head back as he tried to remember "you mean that Ranmaru guy? kinda looks like a dandelion up top?" he asked "yes that's him! we were talking on the phone and he totally asked me out! like he called it a date and everything! I didn't know what to say, I mean I barely know the guy so I wanted to say no but I panicked! now I have a date *tonight* and I seriously don't know how to tell him I'm not interested!" Sara spoke very quickly, definitely needing to get this situation off her chest.
Joe needed a moment to process the words but this was regular panicky Sara.. he could decipher what she said easily. he hummed "so you need a wingman, huh? then I gotcha Sara! I'm a total love expert, you two will be communicating so hard that he'll forget all about the whole silly date!" Joe chuckled, not earning one in return "don't make me regret this.. just meet me at my place in 20 minutes" Sara sighed as she quickly ended the call. Joe stood up from his seat, pizza forgotten and the game saved, finally something exciting to do! I mean he loved video games but there are only so many hours you can handle killing zombies
after getting dressed and packing his bookbag of the dating essentials, he took his bike and quickly made his way to Sara's house down the road. it didn't take long before he parked his bike on the side of the house and went to the main entrance. Sara was obviously there waiting for him, she let him in so they could go up to her room. poor Sara was a mess.. she wasn't so good at the whole high school romance thing, it's a good thing she had her good old pal Joe! "so.. what's the plan? we getting you all pretty'd up to break his heart or we ditching together?" Joe broke the silence as Sara didn't seem to know where to start "I mean.. I don't want to be cruel! maybe.. when he shows up, pretend to be my dad? or just tell him I'm sick in bed! or uh.. make something up, anything will do! I just can't do it myself!" Sara seemed defeated already, usually problems always had a solution with her but this was way out of her comfort zone, Joe understood how she felt
"if that's all it is, then I can do that no problem! seriously, you don't gotta worry about a thing, your good pal Joe is on the case!" he confidently puffed out his chest, this did not give Sara as much confidence as he intended but it didn't matter. a loud ring of the doorbell could be heard throughout the whole house, Joe hummed "wow.. he certainly got here fast.. time to work my charm!" they both got up tho Joe was the one brave enough to venture down the stairs.. Sara was safe from her hiding spot with a view to make sure Joe doesn't royally mess this up
Joe opened the door to be face to face with the shorter fluffy male, he looked not very well prepared.. he probably rushed to get here just like Joe did.. he looked much nicer in more casual clothes tho compared to the school uniform Joe would see at school. Joe smiled "hey! you're Ranmaru from school, aren't cha? I heard so much about you! I'm Joe" he happily introduced himself, taking the nervous boy's hand and happily shaking it. Ranmaru was a little shaken as he hadn't prepared to see anyone but Sara at the door.. this wasn't what he was expecting at all "o-oh um, yeah that's me" he didn't quite know what else to say to that.. I mean he didn't think anyone really knew his name anyway, he shook himself out of his spout of nervousness tho as he had a mission right now. taking his hand back, Ranmaru tried to stand a bit taller "is Sara here? or do I.. have the wrong house..?" he asked, he chuckled awkwardly.. he would feel very embarrassed if he was bothering a random person right now! he was already nervous enough for this date..
"Sara? oh yeah, she uh.. she's super sick right now! barfin' her guts out, not fun at all. she wanted to say no but she's just too polite, you know?" Joe wasn't the best at lying but by Ranmaru's concerned expression.. it looks like it worked easily "oh no! I had no idea! oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to put any pressure on her like that! I just have these movie tickets, but if she's not free then that's totally fine I don't mind" Ranmaru quickly backpedaled, panicking as he realized he may have been too quick to think it'd be that easy. it was weird since Sara didn't sound very sick.. but he definitely had no right to doubt anything, that'd just be nosy and all
unfortunately Joe's interest was perked "ooh wait, movie you say? what kind of movie was it?" he asked, he knew it might be a little salt on the wound to talk about since Sara wasn't going but his curiosity got the better of him. Ranmaru didn't expect any sort of interest from Joe.. but he took the folded-up ticket from his pocket to double-check "it was just the new Zombie Slayer 4.0 movie, Karen vs Chad Jr.. or something like that. I got these tickets for free so probably not the best--" Ranmaru was cut off by an excited Joe "woah wait, you were going to take Sara on a date like that?? she's way not into the zombie slayer series, I have tried getting her into it! trust me on this one, it wouldn't have ended nicely" he chuckled, Sara, unfortunately, was not the cute 'oh no this is scary, I will cling up to the closest person.. she was more of an 'I brought my katana for this very reason' and the tv is covered in sword cracks because of it.. Joe couldn't imagine seeing that happen in a movie theater, tho it would be a funny sight
Ranmaru sighed "I see.. dodged a bullet there then, heh.." he tried to sound optimistic but this wasn't looking good at all.. I mean first, he hears Sara is sick and now the date he was all mentally prepared for was probably going to flop anyway? a great boost for his ego.. he's glad he avoided the worst-case scenarios but he still wished it could have gone better "well.. I don't want to keep bothering you.." the sheep mumbled as he stood back, ready to call it quits. Joe stopped him "oh wait if you've got two tickets then can I come? I mean don't wanna let them go to waste, right?" it was worth a shot, if Sara wasn't going to take a date with the cute boy then Joe will just have to do it for her! plus he seemed like a nice guy, might as well get to know him, right?
Ranmaru was definitely caught off guard by this "huh?? you want to watch a movie with me?" he blushed, the soft pink on his cheeks was very visible on his pale skin.. Joe thought it was cute "yeah of course! zombie slayers is definitely a best friends movie, you know? come on let's go!" Joe closed the door behind him with a smile.. leaving Sara unable to keep seeing what was happening. "well, what are you waiting for?" Joe asked the dumbfounded male, who was definitely speechless by the sudden change of plans but after a moment he thought maybe this wasn't so bad "nothing.. I'm ready to go" he nodded, catching up to Joe as they left on their "date"
((ooc// I will probably write the rest in a part 2 cause this is already getting so long, tysm for reading, and don't be afraid to send me asks <3))
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takamakisu · 4 years
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This is a super indulgent fanfic where Mishima actually gets treated nicely by Akira and Co. so whoooo-
Being the admin of the Phan-Site, while a job of passion, was extremely tiring. Mishima spent many sleepless nights banning trolls, replying to comments, and creating forums. Life became a routine: go to school, do homework, manage the Phan-Site. Visit the shops, manage the Phan-Site. Eat, while managing the Phan-Site. Take a nap. Phan-Site. Phan-Site. 
His fingers flew like spider's legs over the keyboard of his phone and laptop, determined to carry the little world that he had created on his shoulders like a modern day Atlas. The Phantom Thieves needed him, he HAD to help them, he had to he had to-
Some jerk was going off about how the Phantom Thieves were "immoral" and "a danger to justice. Mishima automatically moved his finger to ban another troublemaker, then squinted at the username. 
Mishima blinked once, twice, and belatedly realized that Goro Akechi himself was on his site, wanting to start an argument about the moral ethics of the Phantom Thieves. A ghost of a smile flickered across Yuuki's lips, and instead of banning, he clicked the "reply" button instead. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, why not humor it? After letting Akechi have it, an argument between the two ensues. Other users joined the fray and laughed at the detective prince, and Mishima smugly banned the annoying, stuck up guy once he'd had his fun. What a moron. Felt good, to finally be in control.
Unfortunately, Mishima hadn't been paying attention to where he was going, and he bumped into the door of the cafeteria, shaking himself to bring his surroundings to standstill. A mild blush painted itself over his cheeks and he looked around nervously to see if anybody had noticed- and of course they had. They were hiding their mouths behind their hands with shaking shoulders, and Yuuki felt a wave of irritation wash over. "Oh yeah, sure, laugh!" he snapped. "Don't you guys have anything better to do?" In a huff, he entered the cafeteria, then stationed himself at a table in the back, as always. And as always, he kept an eagle eye on the Phan-Site. It was the last thing he checked before sleeping (if he slept at all) and the first thing he looked over in the morning. The days began to blur together, and tired became his neutral state of being. But he kept at it, because they needed him, and he needed to be needed. It was the only thing he had going for him, only thing that made him worth something..
Another day at a table alone in the cafeteria, and Mishima blinked somewhat blearily at his phone, scrolling through threads as words began to blur together. And then suddenly, his device was swiped away, and the boy looked up absolutely flabbergasted into the bespectacled face of Akira Kurusu. "Hey," Yuuki cried when the shock wore off, eyebrows furrowing. "That's mine. Give it back!" He reached for it, but Akira held it up higher, and irritation erupted in Mishima's chest. Shooting up from his chair, he angrily stared the other brunet down and leaped for his phone, clawing at it desperately. "Stop it!!!!!!" 
"You are absolutely obsessed with this thing," Kurusu replied calmly, his tenor voice mellow as he kept the phone just out of reach. "Every time I see you, your face is buried in it. When was the last time you slept?" he demanded, eyes narrowing. The anger was shocked away, and Yuuki merely stared, unable to formulate a response. "You don't even remember, do you Mishima?" he frowned. Students were watching them now, mouths and eyes wide open. 
"Why do you care?" Yuuki challenged, anger washing over again. "Just give me back my phone. I need it," he hollered, and his voice broke and his vision began to blur as he reached up and up and up but it wasn't enough, it wasn't enough.
"Why do you need it, Mishima?"
"Because I have to run the Phan-Site and if I don't have my phone, I can't do that!!" Yuuki's voice shot up into the higher ranges to the point he was almost shrieking, and hot tears began to leak out of his eyes and he hated it, he hated it so much. Why couldn't people just leave him alone?! "GIVE IT BACK, I SWEAR TO GOD-"
Akira grabbed his shoulders and shook him mildly, grey eyes stormy. "STOP IT."  Mishima was stunned into silence, and his chest heaved. "Do you see what this thing-" and he held up the phone- "is DOING to you? You're so consumed with it that it's become like a part of you and you don't even know who you are without it anymore. The Phan-Site is not going to crash and burn if you're not there for one day. It is going to be fine. You, on the other hand, are running yourself into the GROUND. Do you ever take any time to yourself? Outside of this??"
"This is an intervention, Mishima," Akira declared. "You are going to take better care of yourself. And I won't take no for an answer." With that, he pocketed the phone, and Yuuki stared hollowly, eyes and cheeks red from tears. "Now, come on."
"Huh? Where are we going?"
"You're coming to sit with me." Whispers began to rise like winds, and Kurusu turned on his heel to go back to his table. Mishima moved to follow him, but his surroundings became hazy and he stumbled, unbalanced. When did everything start moving….?
He was falling. The next thing he knew he was in Akira's arms, and the whispers had gotten louder. "What's the matter?" Kurusu asked, concern heavy. Yuuki didn't answer. His head felt like somebody had stuffed it full of cotton, and he couldn't think straight. "Okay, um," the taller boy stammered, "let's just..let's go to the nurse, yeah?" Putting Mishima's arm around his shoulder, the duo made their way to the nurse's office. Thankfully Yuuki wasn't ill, merely overtired, and he drifted off after a few minutes. When he came to, Akira was back. "Mornin' sleepyhead. Time to go."
"Go?" Mishima echoed, turning his head towards Akira. "Go where?"
"Home. Classes are over for the day."
The shorter boy shot up like a rocket, eyes huge. "WHAT?! I slept that long!?" 
"Sure did. You gotta take better care of yourself," was the calm reply, and Mishima felt a prickle of shame. "And since you passed out before eating lunch, dinner's on me." Through the sea of people they walked to Leblanc, and Akira grabbed two plates of curry, setting one in front of Mishima. "Oh, I almost forgot," he said, "I got your phone still. Eat up, and then you can have it back." Yuuki began to eat quietly, and Akira did as well, comfortable with the silence. After a few minutes, Mishima put his fork down, surroundings blurring again, and bit his lip, burying his face in his arms.
"Woah, hey," the messy haired boy gasped. "What are you crying for? I knew Boss's curry was good, but I didn't know it was that good-"
"Why do you care?" Yuuki choked, scrubbing at his eyes. "Nobody else does. Not my parents, not anybody in the school, so why do- it's my fault your record was leaked it's my fault people hate you, Kurusu!" 
"Mishima, that wasn't your fault," Akira said firmly. "Stop taking burdens that aren't yours to carry. I don't hold that against you, okay?"
"I'm sorry," Yuuki muttered, because he didn't know what else to do, or say.
"It's not your fault. And to answer your question, I care because it's what friends do."
"..friends?" Mishima whispered, looking up incredulously.
"Yup, you're my friend now. So you're stuck with me. Whoohoo!" Akira grinned, and in spite of himself, Yuuki grinned back, weakly. 
"You're a great guy, you know that?"
"Nah. I'm just doin' the right thing."
"Sounds like something a Phantom Thief would say," Mishima replied with a knowing smile, and Kurusu's eyes widened slightly. "You thought you were subtle? I know that was you. I'll bet Sakamoto and Takamaki are in on it too. But don't worry! I swear not to tell a soul. That's what friends do, yeah?" he nodded, going back to his curry. "They keep‎ secrets." Akira nodded in reply. 
"Thanks for being our biggest supporter. Just remember to take care of yourself, too." 
After eating, Mishima went home, feeling significantly lighter, and he realized as he stepped inside he'd left his phone with Kurusu. 
….oh well. He'd be okay. He had a lot to think about, anyway.
The next day, Yuuki plodded along to school, and during lunchtime began to make his way to his regular seat. But a gentle hand to his wrist stopped him in his tracks. "Hey," a feminine voice said, and he looked up into Ann Takamaki's baby blues. 
"Come sit with us," she went on, gesturing with her head towards the table with Sakamoto and Kurusu. "Nobody should be sitting alone!" 
Mishima blinked twice. "I don't wanna be a bother or anything-"
"You're not. Come on, silly!" Ann chirped, pulling him along to where her friends were gathered. Ryuji grinned at him from ear to ear, toothily. 
"Hey man! What's up?" 
"I'm...good?" Mishima ventured, hesitantly taking a seat. "Thanks for letting me sit with you guys, Takamaki-san."
"Just call me Ann!" she smiled, and he nodded, slowly. 
"Oh, uh- alright." 
Lunch was nice, and Mishima felt wanted for once. After it was over, he stood to go, but Ann tapped his shoulder. "Hey."
"What's your cell? So we can keep in touch." 
"Oh uh..I don't have my phone on me."
"Really?" Ryuji questioned, eyebrows raised. "That thing's so attached to you it's like it's your girlfriend or something," he joked, playfully punching the brunet in the arm. Wordlessly, Akira passed Mishima his device, face set. A beat.
"Wait, why do YOU have-"
"Ohhh," the blondes chorused, nodding and muttering in understanding. "So, Mishima," Ryuji went on, "I'm thinking about going to the arcade after school. You wanna come with?" 
Yuuki's grin is soft but full. "That sounds fun, Sakamoto. I'd love to."
"Ay man no need to be all formal and all that. Jus' call me Ryuji."
"Ah- okay Ryuji."
"Oh, hey!" Ann piped up, pulling out her 3DS, "Almost forgot to check on my town."
"You play Animal Crossing?!" Mishima cried excitedly, then shrank in embarrassment "Ah, sorry. I just- um."
But Ann just grinned at him. "Sure do! Wanna exchange friend codes?"
"What's so excitin' about picking fruit and talkin' to animals, anyways?" Ryuji wondered. "I don't get it."
"It's relaxing!" Ann huffed, puffing up her cheeks. Mishima nodded in agreement. 
"Yeah. The guy who created the game actually did so because he missed his family and he wanted the player to experience a sense of community," he explained, moving his hands as he talked. "It's helped a lot of people feel like they had somewhere to belong, if only for a while. You actually get closer to your villagers the more you talk to them too, and- they basically become like your friends!" He's rambling, and Mishima goes quiet, embarrassed again. "Um. Yeah."
"Huh. That's pretty cool," Ryuji nodded, and Yuuki grinned. 
Ann exchanged friend codes and phone numbers, and Mishima felt ten pounds lighter for the rest of the day. The arcade was really fun too, and the four of them went out to eat afterwards and by the time it was time to go home, Yuuki was tired, but in the best way. 
...he still hadn't checked the Phan-Site. Pulling it up, he was surprised to see that a post had been made by him, with several replies. 
Hey guys! I'm not going to be quite as active for a little while, I've been super tired lately. I'll still be here of course, but I need some time to recuperate. ~Admin
To his shock, an overwhelming amount of the replies were positive. 
That's OK! Take care of yourself! 
Your health comes first man no sweat
get some rest king u deserve it 
He's crying again. Maybe people really did care. Maybe he really didn't have to put every waking moment into this. 
..but who got into his account? His phone had a password so somebody must've hacked it to- 
He'd have to thank Futaba later. For now, he was going to bed. Akira was right. It wouldn't die if he wasn't there 24/7, and he had friends now; people who cared about him. Pulling up the group chat, he sent a text:
hey guys! i had a great time today. thanks for everything. 
Three dots appeared, and then Ryuji replied.
 [no prob bro]
[we shud hang out more]
Ann was next. 
[yw! we had a good time too :)]
And then Akira.
im going to bed now gn]
[good night!]
Mishima put his phone away and drifted off, looking forward to school for the first time in a very long time. Life wasn't magically sunshine and rainbows now, but with 3 new friends, it was going to be a lot easier.
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