#(guest muse: pomni)
phisaya · 11 months
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"Angel, quit bullying that little girl and give her back her viola."
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"I am twenty-five years old."
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clemblog · 4 months
Caine’s Lesson - Part 11
Pomni, Max, Chad and Gummigoo had all been out on their scavenger adventures. Happily riding past the old fudge lake where the Fudge monster used to reside.
She had Jingle stop immediately. Snapping her head directly in the direction of the familiar voice. It was something she’d never imagined seeing here before.
All covered in fudge dragging themselves out of the lake.
“What are you guys doing here?!” She exclaimed, jumping down from Jingle.
“Pomni! Thank goodness! You’re okay!” Beamed Ragatha, pulling her into a hug.
“…Caine happened.” Eeked Gangle.
Pomni frowned at this.
“Did you guys yell at him too-?”
“No, I just think he’s kind of… loosing it-“ Hummed Zooble.
“Huh.” Frowned Pomni. “Guess you guys should come with me then-“
She turned to her crew.
“T-Think we have room for these guys back at the ranch?”
“Course Poms! A friend of yours is a friend of ours!” Grinned Gummigoo.
“Poms~?” Mused Jax.
“…Shut up, that’s just my name here-“
“Whatever you say Pom Pom~”
“It’s Poms!”
Pomni took Ragatha on Jingle.
Gummigoo had Zooble and Gangle on Tang. Max had Jax on Sour. Chad was with Kinger on Horse!
When the group got back, Pomni went with Gummigoo, Max and Chad to tend to the horses. Leaving the circus members outside of the main ranch house. Ma Croc opened the door.
“Oh my! More citizen survivors, please, come in come in. My name is Ma! Come sit down, I’m making some soup! You’re all skin and bones! So have as much as you please!”
“That’s incredibly kind of you Ma- Come on guys! Be polite guests-“
“AA- Where are we-“
“You’re at Croco Ranch, my dear!” Smiled Ma, having lead the group into the kitchen of the house. “It’s the current safe house for all the candy citizens who survived the attack from the Fudge.”
Luckily, she’d turned to stir her soup and grab some bowls as everyone was now glaring at Jax. Well. Except for Zooble, but she was quickly brought up to speed by Gangle and joined everyone in the subtle shame game.
Ma was soon handing everyone bowls of soup, giving Jax a break from the glaring. It was a warm sweet soup, so nobody had any complaints.
“I’m going to get you all a place set up now. You’ll need the rest. And to clean up-“ She chuckled, looking over their fudge covered appearances.
“Ah- Yeah-“ Snickered Ragtha, sheepishly. “Again, thank Ma-“
“It’s no problem in the slightest, dear.”
The group were soon lead out to the barn where they’d be staying for the time being. Ma had done her best to give everyone bedding that was suited to them! It was very comfy and the group were very grateful.
Ragatha sat on her bed, just staring off and watching all the Candy citizens pass by. Truth be told, she was a little sad. She had never seen Pomni so happy- She’d be thriving outside the circus! Away from the group- …away from her. Had she been reading things wrong all along? Did Pomni not value her as much as she valued her? Did she do something wrong?
She wasn’t sure.
But there was one thing she did know. As badly as she wanted it, Pomni’s heart wasn’t for her. So, she’d stay quiet. And hope that deep down, once things settled down Pomni would ease back into their little circus family. So they could be friends again! Because at the end of the day, even if she knew she was okay, and that they were all together again.
Ragatha still missed her. She’d changed so much- Even if she knew it was for the better… She missed the scared sassy Pomni she’d met who’d stuck by her and the rest of the circus.
But at the end of the day, if you love something. You’re supposed to let it go.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t hope it’ll grow stronger, and that it may return to you someday, even if just for a moment.
So that’s what Ragatha would do.
“Hey? Are you alright?”
Ragatha blinked and looked up, she’d been stuck in her thoughts for a little while now-
It was Lou.
“Oh! I’m alright- Just thinking-.” She admitted, sheepishly.
“Pretty intently, with that grimace on your face-“ Mused Lou, softly, poking her playfully on the forehead. “You’ll start getting wrinkles if you aren’t careful-“
Ragatha snickered at this gently.
“Right- Right-“
“Kidding.” Mused Lou, softly. “Nobody should have to care for wrinkles, they’re natural. But still, you should look out for how long you space out. I’m Lou, by the way. Princess of the Candy Kingdom.”
“Alright, will do Lou.” Winked Ragatha, playfully. “Thanks though, I’ll definitely keep it in mind.”
“Great! I’d hate to see a pretty face like yours look so down in the dumps again.”
Ragatha just snickered at this, rolling her eyes.
“Now, come on, you wanna come help me with some organising or are you gonna stay moping around.”
“I don’t mind helping!”
Maybe getting over Pomni wouldn’t be so hard for Ragatha after all!
Jax was asleep in his bed, curled up in a knitted blanket that matched his dungarees. Zooble wasn’t sure where Kinger had gotten off to but that just left her and Gangle to relax on their opposing bunk beds. The peace was nice, especially now that she didn’t have to worry about Caine. It meant she could finally focus on Gangle. And what she meant to her. What she wanted for the future, if they got a future at all- She wasn’t sure anymore, but she wouldn’t let it drag her down- Because if their was even a possibility of a future, she’d plan it out for the rest of her days.
Because in many times in life, sometimes the only thing you had was hope.
Part 12
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