#(having to run long ass videos through a fucking converter after spending at least an hour to copy them to a usb in the first place -
rxkuyo · 3 years
I am once again watching hours worth of recorded gameplay pile up on my ps5 because I am simply too lazy to transfer/convert it ✌🏻
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The alter ego I left behind in 2016
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Hey boys! Who wants to go on a date with Satan? Come on down.
What would you think if someone offered to set you up on a date with a girl named Satan?  
We’ve all heard about a girl that’s like Satan. She parties hard, drawing boundaries only around the things she has yet to do. She shows up in your life one day with her amazing shoes, brand new convertible, and whispers kinky things into your ear with her raspy voice (just like Elizabeth Hurley in Bedazzled) Who wouldn’t want to make a pact with the devil knowing that doing so would mean having the time of your life?  
Let’s be real though, Satan is one of those “hot mess” girls (View Cobra Starship’s “Hot Mess” music video). A girl that is BFF’S with Ke$ha and vomits glitter for fun. The kind of girl who is a blast to be around but turns out to just be loose cannon after all. A girl whose life is a never ending party, always moving on to the next party, drink, bro.
She has been drunk for so long she can drink virtually anyone under the table, even men and her superpower is being insusceptible to hangovers (take that Batman). Basically, Satan has been avoiding responsibility all her life and is completely out of touch with herself.
Now, would a bro want to hang out with Satan? Hell yeah. Would a nice, responsible guy with a fully vested 401K want to go on a date with Satan? Probably not. Would she be someone they would take seriously? You guessed right. Nope.
Guys don’t want to date let alone “wife up” a girl who they think has seen, been, and experienced everything. Where’s the adventure in that, right? Not saying she has, but she makes it SEEM like it. It’s just the way the world works. Perception is reality.
Unfortunately for Satan, she seems all over the place. A party girl is...Well, let’s just take a trip down definition lane. If you were thinking Merriam-Webster you would be terribly wrong (she wouldn’t even have a shot in hell with Merriam or Webster, even though she runs the place). Say hello to Urban Dictionary:
A girl who will party hard anywhere, even if the party is shit she will get down and get naked. She likes to fuck, usually will either swallow or let you spray it all over her. Also prone to threesomes (including bi), and taking it in the wrong 'un.
A girl who simply likes to party. Every weekend she is seen at a party either drinking, dancing, or mingling. She may go home drunk or completely sober. Commonly associated with being whore, they are usually just 'wild childs', that party hard.
A girl who will hang out and have sex with a guy or guys who are sharing coke, ecstacy, crystal or other drugs with her.
Any female who constantly frequents nightclubs. She is entitled to always have a good time, with little or no responsibilities.
This is the general view the world has of party girls. Not a really good one. Satan is rarely seen as a girl who wants to settle down and change her lifestyle.  She is not the type of girl who gives the impression she could be taken seriously in a relationship. Again perception is reality.
Well, hello there! I am Satan. Ha. Except not all the ideas that are used to define me are true.  I do whisper into people’s ears with my raspy voice (mostly fart jokes), I didn’t develop an immunity to hangovers (still working on a formula). And most importantly, I do wanna settle down.  It seems that I am a lot of things that I am not. I tend to give the wrong impression. I know.  
I will spare you the gruesome details of how I got that nickname...let’s just say it involves many shots, lost shoes, frontal lobe damage, projectile vomit (not mine) and a tiny hat.
Let’s take another little trip. This one is down memory lane so you can understand the evil forces that caused me to be this way. (I say evil forces for dramatic effect don’t go  and think I am part of some weird ass cult). And for all the Satan’s out there, don’t worry there’s hope.
When I was 13 I was a hopeless romantic, I always have, always will be, and don’t let me tell you otherwise. I believed Prince Charming was going to show up one day and take me on a magic carpet ride. (Yeah, I take the carpet over the horse any day. Plus having a tiger pet is cool as shit). You may be thinking “Alright Jasmin, relax!” But really, I believed he would show up, kiss me, and suddenly all the love songs would make perfect sense. (My boo, wherever you will go and I will walk a thousand miles follow). EW. If someone called me boo today I’d barf instantly. On their face. I wouldn’t be sorry.
Needless to say it didn’t happen. The prince flaked on me, found another boo and I remained single for the rest of my life. (With the exception of a two week boyfriend I had. He was a sweet kid but I broke up before I could develop feelings for him). Later on, I realized that I was terrified to bare my heart and soul to anybody. Yeah, I am a living contradiction. I wanted love, the whole shebang but I didn’t want to feel vulnerable. (Maybe the real reason why no one came).
Other than him, no other guy seemed to be genuinely interested in me. Boys noticed my body for the most part. I’d crush on my male friends on a regular basis, just to have them crush on my girl friends (no, I never went to them to confess my love. I’m much more chill than that and my pride wouldn’t have allowed me). They just saw me as their fun friend with a great sense of humor and a “hot” body.
So in my teenagey little brain I got what I thought was the message the universe wanted to send me (let the celestial trumpets blow here). “You are a girl to have fun with, your face isn’t cute but you can use your body. Boys don’t take funny girls like you seriously, they take bodies seriously though, so you might as well go out there and have fun.” And hell broke lose.
I decided that if love wasn’t going to happen to me. I was at least going to have a damned good time. So as a good rebellious millennial I said fuck love, fuck all those love songs, and fuck feeling unwanted.
I choose a bunch of badass bitches from movies and real life who had no fucks to give and I made them my role models. I did my best to model myself after them: Elizabeth Hurley, Angelina Jolie, P!nk, to name a few. I just wanted to be fun, attractive, and detached.  
The thing is that at the end of the movie most of them did end up with the guy and I didn’t, but I didn’t care #thelieswetellourselves.
So I became Satan aka the party girl. I never prostituted myself for any substance, didn’t sleep with any dudes and I definitely never let anyone “spray it all over me”. I don’t judge anyone who has, I did my fare share of very wild things, but I am explaining my version of Satan. I am also explaining myself in case my mom ever reads this, please sympathize. (Sorry Mom).
Ultimately I have hid behind this Satan persona that I created. I tricked myself and built this fake confidence that turned into real confidence (fake it til you make it, right?). Still I always believed I had to rely on my body to get the attention I deserved from bros. A piece of advice that I should take is you get what you think you deserve so never sell yourself short. I slowly became a professional provocateur and flirtist (yeah, I make up words on a regular basis). I mean damn, I would have even flirted with my own shadow if I thought it was a hot bro.
In the love department I crushed on guys who were always unavailable and pushed some nice dudes away. I was too busy filling my kiss chart with strangers from all over the world to be bothered by nice dudes who actually saw right through me and wanted to take Satan out on a date. (I know right? Were they fucking crazy? I took my bad bitch role seriously). I know now that the crazy one was me. Haha (that’s me laughing at myself and the universe and irony).
I maintained this lifestyle for about a decade. Can you imagine how exhausting it was? Take it from me, worse than a 9 to 5. It felt great until it didn’t and then I had to make it great again, as all deals with the devil this lifestyle came with a price. I’m not proud of some of the prices I paid, some price tags included: too much alcohol, drugs, my dignity, my morals, and copious amounts of guilt and shame.
There were many times I felt depressed, lonely, exhausted and I just wanted to have a boyfriend like my friends. No one came and bad bitches are never sad, so I grabbed my tequila, put on mascara, played some house music and got my shit on lock. It didn’t take long till I found the next party. I lived in this vicious cycle.
Oh well, you can’t live in the past. Those days are over now. Now that I have grown a little, I realize I was too busy attracting situations and people that fed the beliefs I had about myself (my Satan self that is). Probably so busy that even if Prince Charming had stopped by with his magic carpet I would have either not noticed or looked the other way.
You may be wondering who hides behind the façade? Well, Hello, it’s still me. I can’t deny the wild and crazy parts of me, but they are not all there is to my identity. I disowned many parts of my authentic self to keep up with the Satan persona.
The parts I disowned never went away, I just never showed them. Qualities people never would attribute as mine but actually are. Like the fact that I am smart and yeah, sometimes I may have shown up drunk or hungover to class throughout high school and college but my grades were great and I NEVER failed a class. I graduated with honors. And even though I am relaxed I am extremely responsible, reliable and organized. It may seem that my life is a mess but I’ve got it more together than anyone thinks.
As an avid reader, I actually read about 10-12 books per year, including some poetry books.I know. Haha. I enjoy museums, playing video games, amusement parks outdoor activities, dirt bikes, go-karts, arcades and spending time around large bodies of water. But I strongly dislike bowling and beer (this should be my online dating profile). The list goes on but I wouldn’t want to bore you.
So yeah there is a lot more than what a person “seems” to be.
In the past year and a half I’d like to think I have grown up a lot, or enough to let myself be more me and less Satany. Also I have been going to therapy for 10 months with a cool, intense, brunette with amazing hair, and a dry sense of humor who sees right through all my bullshit. She makes me get real and raw (raw hurts by the way). She’s helped me expel the forces of evil from my brain, taught me about gratefulness, self-worth, and thanks to her I have gained self-awareness which is one of the most amazing gifts anyone has ever given me.
So let’s reassess yeah?
I am like all humans which means I have strengths, weaknesses, and I am working on myself to keep evolving.
Sometimes it scares me to think that people will never see past Satan, and by people I mean a decent guy (if he saw past Satan) who I could potentially be in a healthy long term relationship with. What If I meet a guy I really like and I inevitably project that image about me? It is really fucking scary and I go on panic mode sometimes...except I am aware. Woke if you will!
It’s not the same panic I have felt since I was 23 and I thought I was going to die forever alone, this one is much milder (like the green salsa). I no longer believe I will die forever alone with 10 cats (I don’t like cats anyways) and I don’t believe that there is something fundamentally wrong with me anymore. I just trust that I will meet someone when it’s the right time and that’s all. I don’t sweat it anymore. I am at peace and for know I enjoy the pleasure of my own fucking company.
When I do meet him, I just want him to see me and not just Satan (maybe Satan in the bedroom...Jk). So yeah I may feel a little worried about that sometimes but then I remember that I am super awesome, I have a bajillion things to offer, and any guy who locks me down should consider himself very lucky. (Yeah, yeah I will be lucky too but this is about me, not him and I haven’t met him yet).
To all the party girls out there, it’s cool to have fun but don’t let Satan become your identity. Don’t trade the good, funky and nerdy parts of yourself to keep this identity you made yourself believe is all there is to you. Remember your real friends and family will always know who you really are and so should you.
PSA: I’m going to repeat this don’t fucking sell yourself short and value yourself enough to walk away from any douche who just wants to “spray it all over you”. This may sound completely platitudinal but whoever you are wherever you are, you are worthy of love and respect. Learn to love yourself, know your value, and don’t put up with anyone who doesn’t.
P.S.S When I wrote this in September I feared that even though I had evolved, guys would always see me as a party girl. Thanks to the 10 guys from the post below I was able to understand what Michelle always told me. It was something like“ Jude, don’t worry. They will see you” ( Not just Satan).
I still worried. She was right, they saw me :)
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