#(he has acquired a new skill…. though it needs much direction and training to wield carefully)
gunslinginnhogtyin · 3 months
Sometimes, when Butch is feeling particularly angry inside and all that anger boiling beneath the surface has been festering for far too long, he finds somewhere nice and secluded to let it all out. Whether that be through screaming at the top of his lungs or hammering his fists against the bulkiest tree trunk he can find until his knuckles are battered, bruised, and bleeding.
This specific occasion was no different except for when his temper flares this time, not only is his head hot but so are his fingertips. He disregards it in the moment, feeling nothing but his emotions, until—WHOOSH!!!
Flames whip from his fingertips abruptly, singeing the edges of his gloves and scorching the bark on the tree he had chosen as his target. Anger melts away fast and is replaced with surprise quickly followed by fear as the cowboy glances down at his hands, sooty vapor still rising from his finger tips.
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“What th’ fuck—….” He mutters under his breath with wide eyes and a frown, still in shock by the damage he had done. He looks from his hands and to the tree and then to his hands again. HE had done that.
Though he’s grateful he hadn’t set the thing on fire, he still feels bad for leaving an impression in the bark; it would be a reminder of one of his fits, actions and feelings he didn’t want to remember. On the other hand… could he use fire now? Was that something that came with becoming a demon??? If so, it was… admittedly kind of cool in a fucked up way. Perhaps some more practice was in order but, how the hell had he managed to do it in the first place?
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Might i request numbers 2, 11, 16 & 28 for Doctor Strange?
I sincerely hope that it’s fine that I’m only working with knowledge plucked from Doctor Strange, Thor Ragnarok, and Infinity War because that’s literally all I have to work with 😅😅 Stuff’s below the cut!
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2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?: There have been very few times in his life where Stephen has actually felt particularly sorry for himself. Hell, the most recent had been when he felt he wasn’t making any progress during his training in Kamar Taj. But all that quickly changed: He was able to become sure of himself, trust his instincts, and use his wits and skills to gain the upper hand. He wasn’t his old egotistical self anymore, however: He had emerged more humble, more aware and mature.
You were far from terrible, you knew this much. You were smart, funny, hard-working, and able to listen while also thinking for yourself. You had to be: Otherwise, Stephen wouldn’t have looked to you as his pupil, much less his lover. After all, Stephen himself was a man of some kind of standard. He would have to be, wouldn’t he? He went from world-renowned doctor to magic-user to Sorcerer Supreme, capable of wielding the Time Stone with ease. He helped to save the world on two separate occasions!
. . . And then there was you: You didn’t come from a particularly stellar background; you’d worked hard just to get to New York and stay afloat; you almost wanted to consider it fate or sheer dumb luck that you had not only come upon the Sanctum, but fell into its guardian’s good graces enough for him to not only offer you training, but his rather elusive love as well. And for that, you were thankful! . . . But also anxious.
Sometimes, the imposter syndrome would hit you hard. Sometimes, you felt you just weren’t able to connect with your Sling Ring properly, or focus enough to properly meditate. Sometimes, you swore that Stephen could see right through you and realize that that beautiful tapestry of potential he thought he saw in you all that time ago had a string loose. And all he would need to do was pull it to unravel and reveal to him that you weren’t anything special or anyone worth investing his precious time into.
There would even be times where the two of you would be enjoying each other’s company, sharing tea and baked goods he grabbed from the nearby deli, and your thoughts would go something like, “Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s my boyfriend . . . Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s my boyfriend . . . Wow . . . I can’t believe he’s . . . my boyfriend . . .” And suddenly, the romantic reveries would crumble into dust, leaving in their wake a trail of insecurities and questioning as to whether you actually belonged here, with him or in the Sanctum.
The blessing of having Stephen Strange as a boyfriend is that for such a snarky guy, he’s quite introspective. The curse of having Stephen Strange as a boyfriend is that for such an introspective guy, he’s not always the best with words. Soft words, that is. He does try his best, of course, but Strange just frankly isn’t the best for the soft-hearted. He may consider or actually go ahead and contemplate the different paths he could take before deciding on the proper words to say or actions to take. But eventually, he does make his move:
“Did you know that you’re my favorite person?” he asks you. You blink. The cuddling session was honestly more than enough to startle you, given that between the two of you, Stephen is the less physically forthcoming. But for him to say something so . . . sweet? You’re downright stunned! You contemplate what you should even respond with. Thanking him would be too weird, arguing would be ridiculous --
“You literally know a bunch of people who saved the world,” you blurt. You can’t see it, but you can definitely feel that cocky smirk of his.
“Mhm. I also know plenty of people and beings from across the galaxy. Different dimensions, too. And yet! You’re my absolute favorite to be with.” He gives your middle a squeeze. “And you know I don’t take that lightly; so always remember that.” He punctuates this statement with a kiss. Admittedly, part of you wants to continue snarking at him, to continue dwelling in what you’re positive must be the reality of your situation. But then it click with you: This is the reality of your situation: Stephen wanting to be with you, as you are, is reality. And there’s no other one he’d rather be in. And frankly, neither would you.
“So how often did you manipulate time just to get this right?”
“Don’t worry about it.”
11. What do they hide from one another?: It’s not exactly hidden, but it’s not exactly spoken about, either. You always suspected that Stephen would sometimes manipulate time or his ability to see into alternate realities to bring about the best outcome. Of course, he does them when it’s absolutely necessary such as in dangerous or complex situations. Thankfully, those don’t happen very often.
However, every so often, Stephen will use it for more mundane situations. He used it once to help win an argument and he honestly felt guilty about it and decided to go back and just let things progress as they were meant to, even if he wasn’t particularly excited about the outcome. The alternative was to just look into the multiple ways a situation could play out, but he still keeps quiet about this as it can still come across as cheating.
As said before, you have your suspicions but don’t talk about it. You don’t really know how to even bring it up to him. Thankfully, he seems to be doing this less . . .
(For a less serious thing he hides, rumor has it that Christine has video evidence of Stephen being forced to do karaoke at the annual holiday party. He’s buzzed enough to want the attention, but sober enough to not enjoy the means through which he must get the attention.)
As for you, it’s simply a little place you found. Nothing major, just a nice, foresty area where it’s not too warm, not too cold. Just plain pleasant and calm. You found it while using your sling ring after getting into an argument with Stephen; you just thought of a place to calm down and voila! A lush, green woodland area, quiet and away from civilization, became available to you.
You know it’s nothing serious if Stephen were to know -- you were certain he would respect your space enough to just let you have this. But for some reason, there’s a sweetness added on by it being a secret. Like it’s just completely your own little hideaway, granted to you by your own efforts and not by Stephen directing you to think about it or go there. Sure, there are times where you’re sitting along the bumpy and knotted roots of a large tree and you’re wishing it was Stephen’s softer, warm lap. But until you’re ready to bring him here and break the pureness of the forest further, this will be your Sanctum away from the Sanctum.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?: If a zombie outbreak hits, your powers are going to be kicked into overdrive. Stephen would likely try to use his powers to open portals to other planets that you two could perhaps survive on, but in the event that that’s not doable and you must remain earth-bound, you’ll both be using your sling rings to hop from place to place as necessary. Once you two get somewhere safe enough, he’s prone to attempting meditation so that he can look into alternate versions of where the two of you could possibly head. He informs you a lot more about what he sees than he did before, your input definitely mattering.
Meanwhile, you’ve always been better with defensive magic than conjuring or multiplying. If Stephen needs to focus on something, you’re not afraid to act somewhat as his bodyguard, though he’s more than capable of doing so himself. Which he is unafraid to remind you of. . . . Okay, you’re actually afraid. You’re very afraid. But you can’t let him know that. You want to be strong for him, for him to see you as competent enough to give him one less thing to worry about.
All the while, he’s trying to be even more calm and composed. This should be easy, right? He’s been through far worse. He’s literally been on a nearly endless loop of death, has actually died, and it was all good! But this . . . This, he’s not too entirely certain about. He can’t use the Time Stone and expect very many outcomes, much less ones that go perfectly in your favor. But he can’t show weakness; not now. He’s got to be there for you, you’re all one another has now.
You two can survive this, but to say there won’t be some tough decisions and potential arguments ahead would be lying.
28. Why do they get jealous?: Your jealousy doesn’t stem from how other women interact with Stephen -- he’s hardly ever even around other people in general, much less a particular type who wouldn’t respect the boundaries of another’s relationship. You’re actually jealous of his power: The fact that magic seems to come so easily to him, that he seems to need to only glance at a page of whatever and immediately have all the knowledge he needs, it’s all just frustrating to you!
Interestingly, it’s actually Stephen who gets on the defense if he thinks someone’s coming around flirting with you. He’s not insecure about his smarts and ability to hold your attention, but he does know that sometimes he can be an acquired taste even to you. So sometimes when the two of you are out for a walk or grabbing groceries are just on a simple date, he can’t help but stare down that guy whom he thinks is getting a little too chummy with you. You’re vibing way too easily together and he’s not enthused at the idea of some common schmuck putting the moves on his woman.
Of course, all Stephen needs to do is pause time for a little bit, restart it, and suddenly the dog on its walk will suddenly be at the guy’s pants, shoving his nose up his butt, looking for a hotdog wienie that just suddenly appeared in his underwear.
“What a weirdass,” Stephen will mutter as he grabs your hand, leading you away to enjoy the ice cream cone he’d just returned to you with. “Who just keeps an extra wiener in their pocket? You think he likes dogs in a weird way?”
You scowl, giving his hand an upset squeeze. “That was rude, Stephen!” you scold. But the Sorcerer Supreme is unfazed. If anything, the smirk on his face is more than amused.
“Oh, please,” he says. “You loved it.”
You grumble, deciding to focus your attention on your ice cream cone. You know it won’t hide your smile, but you can’t go feeding his ego by letting him know you like it when he gets like this over you.
Thank you for asking and for your patience!
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ohthehypocrisy · 6 years
Breath of the Wild 2 Idea Dump
I’m not putting a Read More break on this because I really want people to see this or even skim over it just a little. If you don’t care you’re free to ignore this post.
Below is a composite list of things I’d like to see in a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild. All of these are just my ideas and are subjective ways to improve upon the previous game’s gameplay and story and other things.
-As the game is a direct sequel to BotW, the overworld would require very little changes. Of course the land itself will change because of developments like new towns, excavations of mountains or forests, bridges, as well as other minor things.
-The exception to this would be The Great Plateau and Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle would become a historical site whereas a new Hyrule Castle would be built within the Great Plateau. The time between BotW 1 and BotW 2 would mean that the castle would still be in development, but it would look almost finished. (i have no basis for this suggestion, I just think it would look cool)
-Examples of new towns would be where the original Shiekah Towers stood. Remember that they were hidden until BotW 1, so these towns would be built around these landmarks. While defunct now, the towers are treated differently by each town. Some research them, others treat them as godly gifts. 
-This means that civilization would be established around these ordinarily inhospitable areas like that one in a bottomless pit or in the Gerudo mountains. This is justified as much of Ganon’s malice has weakened, Guardians all over Hyrule shut down forever, and people were allowed to prosper in the wild. 
-Hyrule in BotW was definitely big, but it could be bigger. The border could be expanded and allow much further exploration, such as islands, mountains, and maybe even some sky islands. It could even be teased to call some of the sections things like Holodrum Border, or Termina Isle. Wouldn’t that be something?
-You are a 15 year old kid living in Tarrey Town, if you remember that sidequest from BotW 1. Of course, you can be either a boy or a girl, but unlike in BotW 1, you choose your name since you are an unrelated incarnation of Link.
-Tarrey Town is a rich melting pot of different cultures and species. The town was originally built on top of a plateau but extended into the forest and lake below once it expanded.
-The head chief is Grooson, having been put into power fairly recently. He is from a long line of Gerudo woman that moved into the village when it was first built and is proud of his bloodline. Grooson aspires to be great just like the previous chiefs and vows to protect his town from harm, and is especially protective of kids like you. (Naturally this means the story takes place at the minimum of 100 years)
-This means you are a sort of pampered child. Your uncle is one of Tarrey Town’s soldiers and has been hoping you would join the royal army just like he did, but Grooson doesn’t approve of kids like you wielding weapons and training. As a result, you are inexperienced with weapons and in fights in general. Your uncle promises to get you into sword training on your 16th birthday.
-It all comes crashing down when one day the town is attacked by monsters. Although most of the citizens managed to escape, you don’t see your uncle escaping with your group. Grooson stops you from looking for him and tells you to go to Hyrule before tossing you into the horse drawn carriage and sending you away to try and hold off the monsters to cover your escape.
-(BIG OL EMPTY SPACE BETWEEN HERE AND YOUR TRIP TO THE LOST WOODS) The royal family believe that it is time to draw the Master Sword once again, but they do not know who could be the hero reincarnate. As you are the only child wearing green and with blonde hair, you are sent and accompanied to the Lost Woods in an attempt to pull the Master Sword. (and also to avoid unnecessarily putting multiple children in harm’s way)
-But to everyone’s surprise, the Lost Woods had been burned to the ground, the Great Deku Tree reduced to cinders, and the Master Sword shattered from its pedestal, only its hilt remains.
-Before leaving, you hear a weak voice from the remains of the sword. You pick it up without telling the knight accompanying you and you return to Hyrule Castle.
-While everyone is panicking over the apparent destruction of the Master Sword, the swords spirit appears to you one night, lost, dazed, and confused. She is ghostlike and missing most of her body, and conversations with her yield very little as she is constantly forgetting details, until you show her one of the pieces of the Master Sword.
-She tells you that’s her memory and she takes it. She remembers her name (Fi of course) and function, but nothing else. You tell her what happened, and she tells you what to do. You must go and find the pieces of the Master Sword and return it to its former power in order to combat the new evil.
-Because of her limited memory, she cannot offer insight to locations, people, items, enemies, animals, or anything. She can, however, save “blueprints” of weapons and adapt their form, but this costs magic and it runs out over time. You get the first blueprint inside New Hyrule Castle of a sword.
-Fi has lost her monotonous voice over the years and gained a curious and optimistic persona, as well as a minor wild streak that shows up during battle (for instance, she will suddenly shout attack commands when an enemy is stunned or leaves themselves open for attack. I mean, shoving the sword into enemies thousands of times over the years does something to you).
-Meanwhile, the Royal Family is reinforcing their army, but are shorthanded in messengers that could send letters requesting assistance to other regions of Hyrule. You are granted the opportunity to travel and send these messages as quests and side missions, all of which can help you and reward you with items and allows you to explore the world at your own pace (although without a Shiekah slate, you are only given a barebones map. Fi will later be able to help you with this once she has more memory and can draw data from Shiekah towers).
-Fi has a limited memory and magic system, but it grows exponentially once you have gained more of them.  By gaining a blueprint, the Master Sword can take the form of any weapon at any time, but its use is limited by magic. The upsides are that these weapons won’t break, but physical weapons will retain an advantage over the Master Sword (such as bonuses from armor, the ability to throw them, magic usage, etc.)
-However, if you have a physical weapon, she can copy its form temporarily. This can be useful if the weapon is about to break. She will only have the ability to copy the form while you have the weapon physically, as she lacks the memory to maintain the form once it’s gone.
-Keep in mind that due to Fi’s limited memory, you won’t be able to access every blueprint right away. Pieces of the Master Sword (henceforth known as Master Shards) are hidden all around Hyrule and can even be in the possession of other people that think it’s a rare material. Whereas Korok Seeds could help you expand your inventory, Master Shards replace them in BotW 2. Not every single Master Shard is needed to beat the game.
-Blueprints are acquired by locating the original shrines from BotW 1 and collecting data from them. Not all of them will have weapon blueprints.
-Fi can obtain blueprints for objects other than weapons, such as a temporary bridge, a binocular, a ladder, rope, a lantern, a paraglider, and other incredibly useful items for exploring Hyrule. The effectiveness of these items increase the more magic you have, which is what will be limiting you early game and stop you from, oh, say, generating a ladder to the top of Death Mountain or something.
-When using a blueprint weapon, magic can be spent on extra powerful attacks such as the spin slash, or causing a minor earthquake with a hammer.
-With enough memory, Fi will be able to save recipes of your most successful meals and potions, and will be able to save more later. She will even notify you if you have collected enough materials for a specific recipe if you ask her to.
-Fi will log the wares of a town after you’ve visited their shops so that next time you visit, she can tell you if they are selling items you happen to be low on. She needs memory for this, though, and once this becomes available to you she will only be able to log one town at a time and will need more memory for more towns.
-Likewise, she will log enemies if she has the memory to spare and save their possible drops as well as attack patterns. Side note; she will compliment you after a battle if you lost little to no hearts and show concern if you lost a lot of them and ask that you take a potion or something.
-As said before, not all shrines will have weapon blueprints, as some of them will have data for weapon skills you can use to improve your combat abilities, such as a downward sword stab, pole vaulting with spears, and the spin attack among other things. These come in the form of combat trials against enemies that are vulnerable to these skills.
-(Not sure if runes and the climbing mechanic would return for this, just stating this here)
I might actually add more to this, but I think that’s all I got without going into specifics such as weapons and item crafting and junk. But this is what I would think to be the ideal BotW sequel that could come out after the first game. Please tell me what you think and if you have your own ideas. Thanks for reading.
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𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐗𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 (𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐄𝐑𝐀)  / star wars prequel au.
This is an open au based on Star Wars, Focusing on the prequel timeline. Canon compliant mostly, with some ideas taken from Legends where it doesn’t conflict. 
Stephen was born a Force Sensitive child born in the Republic and handed over to train as a Jedi at an earn early age in 52 BBY. He trained under Master Tao as a Padawan in the years leading up to The Clone Wars, he was shown to be quite skilled compared to others of his class with the force and was on the route to becoming a Jedi Knight.
He was twenty years old when the war broke out, and Master Tao was far too old to be on the front lines --- leading to him joining the Jedi Service Corps, as his Padawan, Stephen was forced to follow and wound up serving him in the Medical Corps. With forces stretched thin, it was deemed that his training for the Trials would be put on temporary hold for awhile. An action which initially frustrated the determined and stubborn Padawan learner.
Of course, this didn’t keep him away from combat. He was often one of the many on field medics --- eventually earning recognition for a natural talent in the field of medicine. Being thrust into the thick of it, attempting to ward off droid troopers while healing Republic forces showed him the very terrible and weighted cost of the battle. It began to toy at him, but he remained adamant that knighthood was what he sought --- until the day he was forced to take action against sentient life to save a medical convoy.  This was when Stephen decided to change his path and pursue a path in the Service Corps with the blessing of his Master, who seemed to expect this all along.
The rest of The War continued, Stephen quickly rose through the ranks (although the desperation of the ongoing war was a cause for some of this quick acceleration) --- Stephen was looking forward to a promising future in the Corps until one of the final battles of the Clone War resulted in a disastrous crash of his Medical Convoy as it attempted to leave planet and return to the temple in retreat. Many casualties on board, and the few surviving did not go unscathed. Stephen awoke at the Jedi Temple weeks later to severe injury, a bit of memory loss and the permanent loss of his lands.
His peers attempted to guide him, urged him to control his feelings and press forward (in the typical Jedi way) but he was unable to do so. His superiors were reached out too, but they had little help to give. Echoing Jedi Tenants without engaging with him or the emotions he might be feeling. Almost shamed by some for allowing feelings of anger and grief fester in him as long as it did. Feeling lost; failed and a failure, Stephen Strange packed his bags and left the Jedi Order.
Master Tao was the only one who saw him off, giving him sad parting words that, upon later reflection, implied more about things to come than he notices. He also had stolen a display disk from the Archives, for when he was ready for it.
Order 66 occurred not long after, and Stephen felt it in the force --- the weight of the grief and pain coursed through him. He couldn’t help but feel guilt as well, he should have been there to help them. To save them. The knowledge that everyone he ever has known had now been slain was a weight he could hardly bare.
He heard the story, that the Jedi had planned a coup and were stopped. He knew that wasn’t true. Even in his darkest and angriest years towards the Jedi Order that failed him and others --- he knew that it wasn’t true. What he has originally intended to be a self-imposed exile, travelling about --- became a period of tension and disguise as the remaining Jedi were Public Enemy No. 1 and Force Sensitives were being hunted. Stephen Strange went to find somewhere to disappear until he could.
For the first five years of the Imperial regime, Stephen was a drifter. Hoping from place to place, never lingering long. Acquiring fake ID codes and earning credits when he could for food and shelter. He was sorely depressed and often relying on drink to drown his thoughts. More devastatingly, however, he closed himself off from the Force.
It was then that he was roped into local affairs of a small outpost when the Empire came to town and began abusing it’s power. He was planning to ignore it, and escape before being caught but when a solider turned towards the civilians. He had sworn an oath long ago, and Stephen couldn’t let them get away with it. For the first time, Stephen joined the fight to protect the innocent.
He felt a moment of freezing up, much like he did as a Padawan that fateful battle --- but his experiences had changed him, the world was not so black and white as it had once been. He did not fight to kill --- he moved to protect and was pushed to force. He did not kill them, he didn’t need to. The forces retreated, but they all knew it would be temporary.
His saber was lost though, he couldn’t wield it as before allowing for it to be destroyed in the fight. Only scraping by due to an unconscious summoning of the force. Salvaging the Kyber crystal from the hilt, he did all he can to help the people prepare themselves --- but ultimately knew the word of “the Jedi” on an outer rim planet would make these people the victim of harsher attack so he left.
The events had rattled him to his core, he had used the force in many ways before but never quite like that. It was so removed from anything the Jedi had taught or warned about. He knew that the force was used in differing way across the galaxy, and perhaps there was another way to save lives...
He just needed to find it.
Stephen is five years younger than Obi Wan Kenobi, which would make him the following ages at key times:  20 (Phantom Menace); 30 (Attack of the Clones/The Clone Wars); 33 (Revenge of the Sith);  38 (STARTS PERSONAL QUEST); 47 (Rebels); 52 (A New Hope); 55 (Empire Strikes Back); 56/57 (Return of the Jedi); 86 (The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi); 87 (Rise of Skywalker)
Stephen does learn to use the Force beyond the way of the Jedi, but he never loses it entirely. It’s been ingrained in him forever, he often marries concepts and ideas from Jedi Forms to various others to work for him.
The Data Disc given by Master Tao includes where Stephen was from originally and his parents name, something he eventually looks into. Once he decides to start his quest for the other ways to help, he has no leads and turns to the disk for any direction to go. There, he finds his family. Two sisters, a brother, a mother and imperialist father with conflicted feelings about his return. He stays for awhile, until whispers of a force sensitive start earning attention. His father ultimately is the one to turn him over, fearing for the family --- but not before gaining a new direction from an old bedtime story from his mother, one he had be told before he was sent to the Temple. A legend that sounded very similar to people manipulating the force in new ways. He escaped before being caught, but it was close.
Stephen struggles to reopen himself to the Force, thus affecting abilities that would normally come easy to a force sensitive (intuition, heightened senses, etc). This is partially due to emotional baggage from his time with the Jedi and the rise of the Dark Side (he’s scared of his own dark side after his darker years). He is finally able to do so three years after his personal quest begins, seven years after Order 66.
Stephen joins the rebellion in its early phases, meeting up with an old acquaintance  (personal headcanons are either Bail Organa or Kanan but open to change). He does not reveal his Force Sensitivity to the rebellion, revealing later that if he had it would have fallen to him to train Skywalker but that was not how the force wills it. It was not his destiny to do so. Moreover, he aligns himself in the med bay during the Imperial War.
He is one of the former Rebellion members to join The Resistance and is alive as of The Last Jedi.
Rise of Skywalker canon to come.
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masterstrange · 3 years
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𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐆𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐗𝐘 𝐅𝐀𝐑 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 (𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐋𝐒 𝐄𝐑𝐀) / star wars prequel au.
This is an open au based on Star Wars, Focusing on the prequel timeline. Canon compliant mostly, with some ideas taken from Legends where it doesn’t conflict. 
Stephen was born a Force Sensitive child born in the Republic and handed over to train as a Jedi at an earn early age in 52 BBY. He trained under Master Tao as a Padawan in the years leading up to The Clone Wars, he was shown to be quite skilled compared to others of his class with the force and was on the route to becoming a Jedi Knight.
He was twenty years old when the war broke out, and Master Tao was far too old to be on the front lines --- leading to him joining the Jedi Service Corps, as his Padawan, Stephen was forced to follow and wound up serving him in the Medical Corps. With forces stretched thin, it was deemed that his training for the Trials would be put on temporary hold for awhile. An action which initially frustrated the determined and stubborn Padawan learner.
Of course, this didn’t keep him away from combat. He was often one of the many on field medics --- eventually earning recognition for a natural talent in the field of medicine. Being thrust into the thick of it, attempting to ward off droid troopers while healing Republic forces showed him the very terrible and weighted cost of the battle. It began to toy at him, but he remained adamant that knighthood was what he sought --- until the day he was forced to take action against sentient life to save a medical convoy.  This was when Stephen decided to change his path and pursue a path in the Service Corps with the blessing of his Master, who seemed to expect this all along.
The rest of The War continued, Stephen quickly rose through the ranks (although the desperation of the ongoing war was a cause for some of this quick acceleration) --- Stephen was looking forward to a promising future in the Corps until one of the final battles of the Clone War resulted in a disastrous crash of his Medical Convoy as it attempted to leave planet and return to the temple in retreat. Many casualties on board, and the few surviving did not go unscathed. Stephen awoke at the Jedi Temple weeks later to severe injury, a bit of memory loss and the permanent loss of his lands.
His peers attempted to guide him, urged him to control his feelings and press forward (in the typical Jedi way) but he was unable to do so. His superiors were reached out too, but they had little help to give. Echoing Jedi Tenants without engaging with him or the emotions he might be feeling. Almost shamed by some for allowing feelings of anger and grief fester in him as long as it did. Feeling lost; failed and a failure, Stephen Strange packed his bags and left the Jedi Order.
Master Tao was the only one who saw him off, giving him sad parting words that, upon later reflection, implied more about things to come than he notices. He also had stolen a display disk from the Archives, for when he was ready for it.
Order 66 occurred not long after, and Stephen felt it in the force --- the weight of the grief and pain coursed through him. He couldn’t help but feel guilt as well, he should have been there to help them. To save them. The knowledge that everyone he ever has known had now been slain was a weight he could hardly bare.
He heard the story, that the Jedi had planned a coup and were stopped. He knew that wasn’t true. Even in his darkest and angriest years towards the Jedi Order that failed him and others --- he knew that it wasn’t true. What he has originally intended to be a self-imposed exile, travelling about --- became a period of tension and disguise as the remaining Jedi were Public Enemy No. 1 and Force Sensitives were being hunted. Stephen Strange went to find somewhere to disappear until he could.
For the first five years of the Imperial regime, Stephen was a drifter. Hoping from place to place, never lingering long. Acquiring fake ID codes and earning credits when he could for food and shelter. He was sorely depressed and often relying on drink to drown his thoughts. More devastatingly, however, he closed himself off from the Force.
It was then that he was roped into local affairs of a small outpost when the Empire came to town and began abusing it’s power. He was planning to ignore it, and escape before being caught but when a solider turned towards the civilians. He had sworn an oath long ago, and Stephen couldn’t let them get away with it. For the first time, Stephen joined the fight to protect the innocent.
He felt a moment of freezing up, much like he did as a Padawan that fateful battle --- but his experiences had changed him, the world was not so black and white as it had once been. He did not fight to kill --- he moved to protect and was pushed to force. He did not kill them, he didn’t need to. The forces retreated, but they all knew it would be temporary.
His saber was lost though, he couldn’t wield it as before allowing for it to be destroyed in the fight. Only scraping by due to an unconscious summoning of the force. Salvaging the Kyber crystal from the hilt, he did all he can to help the people prepare themselves --- but ultimately knew the word of “the Jedi” on an outer rim planet would make these people the victim of harsher attack so he left.
The events had rattled him to his core, he had used the force in many ways before but never quite like that. It was so removed from anything the Jedi had taught or warned about. He knew that the force was used in differing way across the galaxy, and perhaps there was another way to save lives...
He just needed to find it.
Stephen is five years younger than Obi Wan Kenobi, which would make him the following ages at key times:  20 (Phantom Menace); 30 (Attack of the Clones/The Clone Wars); 33 (Revenge of the Sith);  38 (STARTS PERSONAL QUEST); 47 (Rebels); 52 (A New Hope); 55 (Empire Strikes Back); 56/57 (Return of the Jedi); 86 (The Force Awakens/The Last Jedi); 87 (Rise of Skywalker)
Stephen does learn to use the Force beyond the way of the Jedi, but he never loses it entirely. It’s been ingrained in him forever, he often marries concepts and ideas from Jedi Forms to various others to work for him.
The Data Disc given by Master Tao includes where Stephen was from originally and his parents name, something he eventually looks into. Once he decides to start his quest for the other ways to help, he has no leads and turns to the disk for any direction to go. There, he finds his family. Two sisters, a brother, a mother and imperialist father with conflicted feelings about his return. He stays for awhile, until whispers of a force sensitive start earning attention. His father ultimately is the one to turn him over, fearing for the family --- but not before gaining a new direction from an old bedtime story from his mother, one he had be told before he was sent to the Temple. A legend that sounded very similar to people manipulating the force in new ways. He escaped before being caught, but it was close.
Stephen struggles to reopen himself to the Force, thus affecting abilities that would normally come easy to a force sensitive (intuition, heightened senses, etc). This is partially due to emotional baggage from his time with the Jedi and the rise of the Dark Side (he’s scared of his own dark side after his darker years). He is finally able to do so three years after his personal quest begins, seven years after Order 66.
Stephen joins the rebellion in its early phases, meeting up with an old acquaintance  (personal headcanons are either Bail Organa or Kanan but open to change). He does not reveal his Force Sensitivity to the rebellion, revealing later that if he had it would have fallen to him to train Skywalker but that was not how the force wills it. It was not his destiny to do so. Moreover, he aligns himself in the med bay during the Imperial War.
He is one of the former Rebellion members to join The Resistance and is alive as of The Last Jedi.
Rise of Skywalker canon to come.
0 notes
mcvfd · 6 years
S04E01: History Channel Arena Combat
The gang get alien abducted, and their new boss is a real jerk. Kanye tries to flirt. Averlyth meets Bane. Everyone dies. (They got better!)
TL;DR: After a bit of downtime following the Thieves Guild competition, the gang is abducted by the History Channel, brought to the future on a space station and forced to fight in an arena combat reality show. After being beaten to death, they wake up in a prison cell, and the security chief taunts them with the idea they will be forced to fight and die every night for a television show, only to be cloned and forced to do it all again the next day. But one of the other gladiators wants to enlist the gang to help her send everyone back to their proper timelines — by blowing up the space station.
We were gonna fight Assault Bae for stealing all our money but instead we kinda agreed with him and put him in charge.
What happened during the month of downtime?
Averlyth: Going with other gangs (continuing to inspire fear) on missions, acquires 3 contacts in other gangs that could hook us up with stuff in the future.
Carlos: attempted to train various crows in town to pickpocket the townspeople and bring him trinkets. Now he has crows that occasionally get him what he wants and also occasionally alert the police instead.
Kanye: spent his time acquiring knowledge, trying to learn how to make his weapon stay on fire. He's gained a new respect of fire ever since the flamethrower (and maybe also the Burnie Cinders thing). He now has +1 to attack and damage with a single weapon.
Nissa: Trying to improve skills, acquires 3 information tokens that she can use arbitrarily in the future (she “happens to recall” a factoid).
Satura: Trying to learn magic from the Ragin’ magin’s because she already fights well. Through intense training and memorization, she has gained an additional prepared spell. She has learned ensnaring strike.
Um: His therapist said to join a group, would make life more fulfilling. Spends the time trying to be a better person (or more neutral than evil).
One day we're all abducted by aliens (cannot confirm on anal probe).
Session Start
Abducted and sold to a gladiator arena! 3 dozen combatants, gravity isn't quite the same, and there's no sky, only stars and planets.
The "arena" looks as if it used to be a park. There is a sealed door at the far end, with flaking paint saying "Cargo Tunnel". Another marks "Elevator is closed" with a glowing red lock, another "Airlock" is barred up tight. There's "Security".
There's a sign behind us, with scrolling text and a grid of moving images. The text contains pictograms, from possibly hundreds of thousands of players.
A halfling we immediately dislike announces our presence ("The famous Multimaster County Volunteer Fire Department") on the History Channel Fighting Show Thing, every "bird" (camera drone) turns towards us, many crude gestures and cheering faces go down the screen, and we roll for initiative.
There are 36 dudes. Carlos Fears 3 of them and they make a beeline for the opposite direction. Nissa shoots a long-distance fart, perfected from her time in a library. 3 dudes will run into it.
Kanye wields a glaive, and makes his way up to the front of the group. As enemies approach within 10 ft, he gets an opportunity attack. Averlyth summons bees - all enemies that come near us will have disadvantage. Um climbs up the side of the arena.
2 guys bulldoze through the fart cloud, one stays there, retching. Someone throws a spear at Um (misses), a couple gets hits on the group.
Carlos makes a run for the Security tunnel and tries to Fear the guards. 4 of them appear afraid and go down the tunnel, 2 of them pull out janky hand crossbows and don't look skurred.
Nissa rides Kanye because he had a harness on (he was expecting it ), with such a flourish that people are stunned. She drives him around, he pokes at people with his pole arm. Averlyth keeps bees up, but maybe backs away from Kanye a bit as a precaution.
Um sneaks up on one of the security guards successfully, cracks one of the guards on the back of the head with an arrow, dropping him to his knees.
People aim for Um but miss, Kanye is hit by a long sword, Averlyth is hit by a dude, Nissa is hit a few. Guard pulls out a pistol and shoots Carlos.
Carlos chucks a lightning-style chromatic orb at the mofo; his armor is smoking, he staggers against the wall, but he hasn't gotten down yet. Carlos considers running down the hall, but the risk is too great.
Nissa criticizes someone's mom, Kanye tries to play good cop and bad cop at the same time by himself. Everyone is successfully weirded out, he's intimidated one of them into running away.
The sign has been circling us; in addition to the jeering and booing, there's some laughing faces. Averlyth heals everyone back up to max, and the faces are now mostly booing. Um takes another shot at the guard, but misses.
Averlyth gets hit by 2 guys, loses her concentration and the bees go away. Everyone gets hit a bunch, the announcer comes up, saying we haven't had a strong opening, asks who wants to place bets.
Carlos bets 1000 on the group because he has the band fund. The system disallows this action. Then he chugs a health potion and sends a goddamn fireball at the entire group of gladiators. One third of the dudes are dexterous enough to only take half damage. No one is dead, but some people are pretty unhappy, although the crowd is putting in fire emoji. Carlos tries to a cartwheel and falls on his face, but he sells the landing.
Nissa goes for the guards, hitting them but they're still standing. Kanye goes for a backflip - Nissa is all prepared to catch but then Kanye whiffs it and then twists around to make it look good maybe.
Averlyth creates 3 duplicates of herself after also chugging a health potion, but makes it harder for people to hit her. Um shoots a guard in the ass.
People finally hit Um with spears after he's been taking potshots all day. Two guys bring Averlyth down to 0 despite the clones, keep hacking away at her after. Kanye gets pounded, Nissa is damaged hard, Carlos is also unconscious now.
Miraculously, Carlos immediately wakes up at 1 hit point, starts apologizing to everyone that's ever wronged him, promises to be better, then shoots yet another fireball at the gladiators. They're fucked up, but still not dead yet.
Nissa kills the sad one with depression. Kanye gestures to Carlos that he would like to leave for unicorns and spa day. Carlos vaguely registers the signage while basically dead and gives him the OK. Averlyth remains slumped over.
Um tries to shoot a guard and misses; guard tries to shoot him and misses. Then more people shoot Um with a spear and now he is more spear than people. Everyone in the group is dead except for Kanye who's spitting blood at everyone at 1 health.
The biggest orc we've ever seen walks up and knocks Kanye out.
(fade to black)
Individually, we come back to awareness as we fall to the ground in a metal room, falling out of a container filled with pink goop. We're taken to a communal jail with everyone in the group. Everyone is recovering much faster than expected, though also naked.
Old mean looking elf, Security Chief Karen Krull approaches the cell; her guards throw our armor through the bars, she chastises them rudely for some random shit. Kanye shoves his scroll of pedigree into her face, she says she knows who he is. Carlos asks if we're free to go. Karen says no. Carlos asks if we can watch TV. Karen says no. Carlos asks if we can just like maybe not go back to the arena, Karen starts questioning his sanity, then entertains herself, mockingly asking if we really don't know what's going on. Carlos says he knows what's going on, but his friends don't.
Karen reveals that we are 3000 years far in the future, that we are the worst people in history and people hate us, but notes that we might not know yet what we did. Nissa sees no vents or holes in the cell, Um doesn't recognize the lock on the cell. Kanye roughly tries to familiarize himself with the security chief, Averlyth notices that the guards were a variety of species.
Um comments that we didn't see any magic, but it's probable there are still magic users in the area. Nissa sees graffiti under a bench - it's the same sign that Averlyth keeps drawing everywhere (she swears it isn't her handwriting).
DM: "I'm not going to make you roll for this, you would get it from contextual clues-"
Carlos: "It's just a penis"
The symbol was put into the wall by a former prisoner, seemingly carved by a weapon, but unmistakably the gauntlet of Bane. What's strange is that the icon is hidden, usually it's out in the open to inspire fear and all that. Averlyth investigates the sign, and then communicates to Bane under the bench. Um also goes under the bench, notices Averlyth's eyes have rolled back in her head, surprisingly doesn't kick him out. She has sent out a message to Bane; usually, it's a one-way message, where the god gives you a sense of approval or support as appropriate, but this time she immediately finds herself in a dark room, before Bane. Bane says something godly like:
Bane: "Averlyth? How the fuck are you here?"
As it turns out, Averlyth had become known for being his best supporter, and people still fear Bane because of her. She also supposedly died centuries ago. He promises her to support her if she needs his help as the connection starts fading away. She wakes up, stammers that she thinks she just met Bane, then suggests to Carlos that he should worship him.
Guards escort us back to the entrace of the arena. At first, no one has noticed us, and the mobs are going after each other. We investigate around the arena, see a cargo tunnel that we could clear out with an hour of concentrated effort. Carlos proposes to turn Kanye into gas and put him through a crack so he can start clearing it out from the other end, but before we can start, the giant female orc walks up to us, introduces herself as Tiffani and apologizes for the first impression.
Kanye greets her back in Orcish. Tiffani is delighted by the small person we have trained to speak Orcish. We pretend we weren't looking for an exit and she says she wants to introduce us to her "small friend". While walking with Tiffani, everyone avoids us, practically diving out of her way.
She takes us across the arena, where some people are guarding a small female human who is not particularly well armored. She is counting things or talking to herself? Then seems glad when Tiffani comes back, introduces us to Marge Zuckerberg. She asks if we know what's going on, Carlos says he does but his friends don't.
She says she needs us to destroy the portal; Averlyth asks what the portal is and then she's mad that Carlos said we already knew what was going on, proceeds to explain that the portal took us from time. She says that it will put us in a position to reset everything back to before the portal was accessed.
After frustrating Marge with "too many questions", we finally agree to help her blow up the portal. She details the security (the fact that there are no cameras in the cells) and the existence of a security hatch underneath the bench, Kanye asks if we've done this once before. She elaborates in real big words why it's not Groundhog day.
The group plots.
0 notes