#(hey Ooc message this is more a note to let y’all know I might not be online today)
gothamghostwhispers · 5 months
Artem leaves several coins at the entrance of the cemetery before they walk in. It’s quiet. Usually is.
They settle in front of a particular grave.
Amara Slayer.
Loving wife and mother.
With slow shaking hands Artem pulls out a lilac candle, and a bottle of wine.
The candle is lit, the flame is steady even in the wind
Artem pours some of the bottle over the grave before taking a sip themselves. They grimace a little. It was their mother’s favorite wine but it’s always been too dry for Artem’s taste. Their mother will be getting most of the bottle.
“Hi mom.. I have so much to tell you this year…”
They begin to tell their mother everything, the good and the bad, how their job is, that they adopted some kids… Describing their children causes Artem to descend into their first fit of sobs for the day as they realize that the kids will never know her.
They sob for a few minutes, before they settle themselves. They’re glad nobody else is around as the amount of grief they are feeling is physically painful.
They tell their mom that they have a boyfriend and describing him brings a fresh wave of emotions because their mother would have loved to meet Beau.
When they’re able to breath again they tell their mother the other recent events the abduction and finding out Micheal has been stalking them almost 10 years and all the feelings surrounding that event, before finally drifting back into stories of the day to day. They let their grief pass over them in waves.
When they can’t cry anymore they pour out the rest of the wine bottle, saying farewell.
The candles flame extinguishes itself when they say goodbye so they can bring the candle back home to put on their alter.
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fmdxjerome · 7 years
heLLO my activity has been shit and i’ve just been aware of this just now and i’m VERY ANGRY/VERY STRESSED about it but i’m writing this very long ooc post to kind of explain whats been happening and such in relation to why? and some other stuff so people who’ve been tagged DONT FEEL ALARMED. it’s also a what i owe. 
ok ok clicky click the read more.
ok y’all already know my sleeping schedule is actual death right? so it wont come to a surprise that days kind of melt together sometimes and time just flies? like i was writing for my solo stuff and i look at the clock and october 21th and? i swear it was the 14th just yesterday. and so i kind of half missed the event? and its annoying because i had so much planned? plus the fact that i’ve let people wait for starters and miss out on points if i dont finish everything today or tomorrow and i hate it. i don’t like being the reason people miss out on stuff. it already happened to the we got married event and wherever queen Jac is now i still feel bad. 
so to the people i’ve been plotting with (that lead to a definitive place, date and reason; @miaxfmd @fmdxsamsoo & @dohyunfmd ) if you are still interested in said starters and plots please either comment on this post, like it or send me a message because i really love what our muses could have together, especially with the bigger plot revolving Jerome’s ex. or if anyone of you want to scoot it over to Seoul, i can do that too. But you know full effect is Tokyo. I truly hope you all don’t mind and would just like to write with me. 
Also I’m finishing up an exclusive post . Originally I wanted to send it in AFTER I wrote my solo story (because I didn’t want to spoil what happened between him and Marie. bc its spicy. interpreted that as you will.) but now i might roll it out sooner so it leaves people guessing WHAT exactly happened. A few people already know the gist of it but I won’t spoil everything just yet. Just. Ex girlfriend bumps into tiny Jerome oh what happens? I’m reblogging a song soon that I’ve been listening to on repeat as I’m writing that reflects Jerome very well when it comes to Marie, so hey look out for that. Jerome hurts so much right now. Like. Really. I don’t know what to do with him.  He’s messy and please someone hold him. Marie did something kind of fucked but you’ll read that soon enough. 
I’m making this a what I owe post as well. Just to have it in one place. I won’t spam with what is owed to me now because eh. i believe not much has changed after my last post. 
- @fmdtaeyong (psst beth. im still shaken. the length of it all. but im blessed.)
- @fmdxluna 
- @namjoonfmd 
- @fmdsilver ( shall we just start a new post? or sometime later? i think we can leave it with jerome not liking her for the sole reason of her sounding like his ex and now with japan having happened and if she knows Marie (who is a model now btw i need to change jeromes bio but announcement to everyone shes a model not an idol) she can be like “wow this girl sounds like me lol and thats the girl hes *spoilerspoilerspoiler*?? bruh.” ya know. )
- @fmdhanli
- @daxfmd
plus the starter for @fmdxyoonah revolving her best selling hit ‘greetings female dogs’
all are in my drafts and being worked on.
i think with everything combined i’ll have 19 threads running, i think? which is... a bit overwhelming? BUT. good. and nice. and i like everything that’s being written and being plotted about right now. but i think that also means that right now i’m closing the thread accept booth right now. otherwise i’ll have absolutely no time doing anything for jerome anymore (which ALREADY im struggling with.) i MIGHT do a small open starter if i can that revolves around newer plot points (like mama and the marie situation) but eh *sweats nervously* eh. to the handful of people that have been plotting with me and who aren’t listed here in this post, it might take a bit of a while for our muses to meet and interact these plots but i would love to work them out further and get into the nitty gritty of it all. my writing is just- i can only handle so much. ;-; a few threads need to end first before i can take ones up again. which. is stupid and i wish i was an octopus. but im a noodle instead. or a bean. a bean noodle. idk. jjajangmyeon. i’m jjajangmyeon. which is delicious. i want to make it. wow i havent eaten that well today and now im hungry shit.
BUT anyway. i’m rambling.
tomorrow i’m being forced to hang out with the family (which.. forced makes it sound like i hate being around them but no i love them im just like a tiny depressed hermit these past two almost three years so social interactions? count me out bro.) so i might not be here as well then but im hoping i finish up the solo para but definitely the exclusive article tonight. which. its midnight now. and i have to leave in 12 hours. eh. hey. wat. hey. im feeling a headache coming jisoos.
ah. i hope you all anticipate my writing and i won’t disappoint you all. *nods and flies into notes*
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sloanecore · 7 years
hey whats up taz fandom can we chat
hey yall can we talk abt lesbophobia for a hot second bc it has been uhhh disturbingly prevalent lately. i just wanna preface this by saying i absolutely welcome feedback + don’t claim to speak for anyone else. if you have thoughts on this i’d love to hear them + possibly have a discussion.
so here’s the thing: there’s been an Uncomfortable amount of lesbophobia in the TAZ fandom lately in 2 distinct ways. #1 is, of course, the Lup discourse. I KNOW I KNOW you feel a creeping sense of dread at the very words but hear me out for a second.
here’s my hot take: her sexuality hasn’t been confirmed and anyone can have whatever headcanons they want without people slamming them up until her sexuality gets confirmed (if it ever does). before i delve into how lesbophobia has starred in this particular discourse, let me get something out of the way that may raise a few eyebrows at first:
blupjeans isn’t canon (yet).
 do i think it will be? yeah probably. is it as of yet? big fat nope! we know barry has feelings for lup. we know lup trusts him. we do NOT know if lup has romantic feelings for him. she told taako to trust him, she put a friendly arm around him in a portrait that she didn’t pose for that was painted before she knew he had feelings for her, and she picked up his glasses. it isn’t canon yet, and insisting that it is is dumb and a waste of time because it contributes nothing to this discussion.
Anyway! on to the main point. i headcanon lup as a lesbian. hi! what’s up, how ya doin. i’m a lesbian who loves projecting. most of my TAZ friends are in the same boat. none of us have made any posts, messaged each other, or anything of the like about disliking bi/pan lup HCs because—news flash—we don’t dislike them. we think they’re awesome. lesbians and bi/pan women aren’t “natural enemies” like some of you seem to want them to be.
but you know what i have seen? a RIDICULOUS amount of posts—a lot of them from people who aren’t even gay/bi/pan women—decrying lesbian lup HCs, talking about how much they hate them, how entitled and whiney the people who have them (lesbians) are, and like, listen. I get it. every fandom needs its opportunity to Let It Out re: hatred of the Big Bad Dykes. but it’s getting ridiculous.
if your reasoning for why lesbians can’t HC lup as gay is because she’s “been involved with/is involved with a man” (which, still, unconfirmed) surprise! that’s lesbophobic. plenty of lesbians (hi! me! what up!) have had past relationships with men due to compulsory heterosexuality. this doesn’t make us “not gay” and it super sucks for non-lesbians to try to enforce the toxic gold-star mentality that we as a community have spent so long fighting to move past.
lesbians having lesbian headcanons for characters with unconfirmed sexualities/straight characters harms no one and does not nullify bi/pan headcanons that people might have for the same character. We Can Get Along it’s not as hard as y’all are making this!
also, a lot of the justifications for trashing lesbian lup headcanons i’ve seen have included something along the lines of “all the other girls in TAZ are lesbians” “there’s a ton of lesbian representation in TAZ” “this is the PERFECT opportunity to HC a character as bi.” which. okay.
1: no. 0 characters have been Confirmed as lesbians. zero, zilch, nada. as it stands, taako is the only character with a confirmed sexuality. there’s confirmed WLW for sure! but No confirmed lesbians.
2: nope again! what is this in reference to, the side couple that’s barely mentioned or the dead ones?
3: hoo boy! here’s the thing: the other women in relationships in TAZ have been in relationships with other women. lup is the first to be implied to be involved with a man. none of the canon WLW in TAZ are canonically confirmed lesbians. there is and has been nothing stopping anyone from HC’ing sloane, hurley, killian, or carey as bi or pan. if lup is “the perfect opportunity” because she’s maybe involved with a man and you’re subconsciously making that a prerequisite for Good Bi Rep, that’s a You problem that you need to unpack on your own without dragging lesbians into it!
if you can tweet all day about how lesbians allegedly think lup being with barry is “not queer enough” (no one alive has ever said that and also that’s its own special flaaaavor of lesbophobia, so thanks) but you automatically consider a woman whose only canonically shown relationship was with another woman to be a lesbian, that says more about you and you should probably examine that before you project your weird insecurities onto your imagined Enemy Dykes. i know it’s easy to impulse hate us, but here’s a thought: Fucking Chill Dude
Alright!! onto the second Big TAZ Lesbophobia: objectification!!!!!!!
let me set the stage. eh-hem.
Years ago, lesbians in fandom said “Gee, I wish people would stop ignoring us!” And the monkey paw curled one finger, and the TAZ fandom was born.
i see posts Every Goddamn Day about how the whole TAZ fanbase are toxic homophobic fetishizers of MLM and to an extent i understand where that anger comes from because MLM fetishization is a pervasive issue in fandom (though the specific Issue addressed in most of those posts makes me fall asleep instantly because it isn’t even deep enough to drown in). but the thing that really gets me is that the authors of those posts—and like, a good 80% of the fandom in general—objectifies WLW to an OUTRAGEOUS extent and it is honestly hilarious for them to be getting on a soapbox about how shipping certain characters is homophobic while perpetuating almost that exact issue with WLW as their puppets.
i don’t know when lesbians and having a new wacky ~cute~ f/f pairing (between characters who have never spoken and never will) every hour on the hour became the Hot New Trend, but as a lesbian, It Kind Of Fucking Sucks Guys!!! we aren’t dolls. we aren’t your Pure Soft UwU playthings that you can jam into any pairing you want to make wildly OOC art of them braiding each others’ hair in the moonlight or whatever. if you’re a nonlesbian/non-WLW and you have 18 ships with the same 4 girls or you reblog posts like the “luptroth is the new ship” post (altho hey at least those two have fuckin Spoken), You’re A Fucking Geek and Very Annoying and i also probably feel unsafe or at the very least uncomfortable with you!
instead of pouring your energy into f/f crackships (get off your high horse, you aren’t ‘creating representation,’ you know damn well that isn’t how that works) maybe you could create some more fucking content for the two (2!!!! one of whom is UHHH dead!) canon f/f ships that we have—*spongebob “AND LIVE” voice* AND NOT AS THE BACKGROUND PAIRING TO A M/M FIC!!!!
also, quick note before i finish, stop using the futch scale to refer to nonlesbians/if you aren’t a lesbian you freaks it’s For Lesbians. bye
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