#(i mention having an FFnet account in my bio!)
ckret2 · 6 months
I have a whole-ass bill-paying job, this is what I do with my fun time lmao
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Why Chapter 39 of My Immortal was due to an actual hacker
After considering some findings, I’m confident in this theory. And thus, I’m confident anyone who claims to be Tara Gilesbie while claiming the hacked chapter was faked is not being honest. Below I will explain why I believe so and how I came across this information in the first place.
All this was from a long chain of breadcrumbs. Let’s go back... all to the mid 2000s in the LiveJournal days when Tara Gilesbie had a dedicated fan club.
The Tara Gilesbie Fan Club
One thing that particularly stuck out was members mentioning finding Tara through IMDb. Yes, you heard right.
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[ID: Two comments on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club LiveJournal.
The first is from ‘golden_helikaon’ on 2008-01-19 writing, “I found it on the Order of the Phoenix IMDb board. There were several long threads dedicated to ripping her apart with every new chapter.”
The second comment is from ‘heartdreamerz’ on 2008-01-20 writing, “It was almost 2 years ago and I've told this story many times. I knew Tara a month before My Immortal was published. It was on IMDb's board for My Chemical Romance. When the story came out I knew about it but didn't pay attention because I wasn't into HP at the moment. Then, like icarus_malfoy wrote, there were the threads about her and that's when my interest started. There were also another troll on the His Dark Materials...” (Image cuts off.) End ID.]
According to this, Tara Gilesbie was already tyrannizing the internet before she posted My Immortal. This actually is very consistent with the fact “Tara Gliesbie is totlly Gottik” was a petition that existed in November 2005. (My Immortal was posted in March 2006.)
This IMDb profile seemed very intriguing. It hasn’t been mentioned much, and isn’t considered to be official by most people. Was it a legitimate account? If so, was there gothicness we were deprived of all along? I searched to try find out more about it, hoping screen captures or something would turn up. Luckily, one of the same members copied and pasted Tara’s bio in another comment.
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[ID: A comment on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club LiveJournal by ‘heartdreamerz’ on 2007-05-05 writing, “All her posts are deleted now. I can still visit her profile because she's on my friend list. Her bio:
‘hi im tara. im a goth (n prode!). i have died blak hair n blu eyez. i wer eyeliner a lot of da time. i hav a bf. his naym is justin. he rox! i liv in Dubia.
likz: eyliner, goffik makep, beng goffik, GOOD CHRALOTTE, death, sleting my rists, drak colorz, hot topik _
dizliks: beng alive, bo, pop music, brite colors, pink, brabie, hiraly doof da music i lik: linen prak, GOOD CHRELOTE, evinezenz, simpl plan, akon, arvil levine, blink-183, panik! at da disko, foll oot boi, mcr. HIRALY DOOF IS A PSR!
fav moviez: when a stranger kallz, da grudge, da grudge 2, korps bird, da nitemare b4 krismas, da ring 2, da ring, shrak attak, undreworld 2, da texas chonsow massakre da bogenning
ps 2 all da prepz nd pozers tryin 2 diz me u r jus jeloz!!!! so yolsentik nd hartdremer u kan go fok ur momz 4 al i ker ok U SUK!!!111′
I feel so special to be personally insulted by her on her profile.” End ID.]
People like to copy & paste things stupid things to laugh at all the time (no offense Tara), so I thought: why not Google some of the bio? Maybe whoever did that posted additional stuff.
And it worked! (I found more content from Tara’s supposed IMDb, but more on that for a different post.)
When searching the bio, a Reddit thread about Rose Christo popped up.
During Rose Christo’s brief reign, a user said Rose’s claims seemed to check out. This user actually happens to be the same commenter, Heartdreamerz, in the LiveJournal thread. (Which makes sense, considering she’s the one who originally had the bio I was searching.) 
If you don’t feel like clicking the Reddit link, basically she confirmed Rose’s claim that two Filipino users from the forums hacked the account.
Because of Heartdreamerz’ long involvement in My Immortal and the fact she never claimed to be Tara or Raven, I take a lot of trust in her word.
Heartdreamerz linked the FF.net profile of the original hacker: Coruscate Corruption.
Looking up “Coruscate Corruption” had me come across this from the LiveJournal fan club, which implies that there were two hackers.
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[ID: post on the Tara Gilesbie Fan Club Livejournal by 'nicespice' on Dec. 28th, 2006, writing, “Just a little thing I drabbled down. Hope it's not too horrible. What do you think?
There is an evil on FF.net and All who encounters it feels their Respiratory system give out And become too scared to scream. Gruesome, it is. The anti-christ fanfiction, My Immortal, written by a total idiot. Does she Leave you to cry tears of blood, because I have before. EarnestInBerlin and Coruscate Corruption, the hackers, Sought to bring My Immortal redemption. Too Bad the real Tara had to come back so soon to ruin the fun. I wish she had at least continued her story, I look at her fic Everytime I go online, wishing she'd just update so I could laugh at... Tara Gilesbie." End ID.]
While searching “Coruscate Corruption”, a few posts popped up from a forum for The Bartimaeus Sequence called Bartiforums.
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[ID: Two images showing 3 forum posts by Mwamba.
The first post was a reply to, "Mwamba, how did you crack both passys? Just guessing or what?"
On December 8th 2006, Mwamba replied, "Tara's was just pure luck. It didn't take long to get. The password was tara. *snorts* Post's was just guessing too, but I remembered when his passy was cracked on here, so I tried out the same password. It worked. Oh yeah, and I wrote a fanfic for Post, it's a rip off of Tara's story, but meh.”
The last two posts were made on January 14th, 2007. The second post wrote, "It was me. I had complete control for two days. And then EarnestInBerlin had to hack in too and change the password. But then she told what it was and then the real Tara had to come back and rechange her passy so nobody could get in. But that's old news. That account is most certainly not mine. I could not continue that fic for 39 chapters, I'd get bored after the first fifteen.”
The third post wrote, “*Shrug* It doesn't matter. Call me whatever. Though if I have to pick, I suppose you can call me by my FF.net name, Coruscate Corruption. What book category are you writing this fic in? Just curious.” End ID.]
Chapter 39 was posted late November 2006, so that first post was only a few weeks after it happened.
The password was “tara”... does that ring a bell at all?
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[ID: A screencap from Rose Christo’s now-deleted blog. It says, “And My Immortal? You can come to your own conclusions. This was really never about the fic; it was the marketing team at SMP that decided to make My Immortal the main part of the story. Our email address was [email protected] and our password was tara.” End ID.]
-- Rose Christo’s claim before deleting
 You may be asking, “Rose Christo? The woman who lied about her family, being Native American, and writing My Immortal to sell a book?” Yes, that Rose Christo. Yes, she was a fraud and a scammer, but she peppered in some little-known true details to make her claim seem more legit. For instance, she talked about a Voldemort rper in the reviews, and that ended up being true. You can actually find this Voldemort reviewer in the web archives of Raven’s stories. (Apparently, that Voldemort even came out and said “hey, that’s me!” Cannot find it unfortunately.)
Keep in mind the only way I found any of this was because Rose Christo made that claim. Without it, Heartdreamerz wouldn’t have made that post that led to Coruscate Corruption and those posts on Bartiforums. It’s possible Rose somehow came across the same information I did, but it’s more likely she was there. Rose Christo may not be the author of My Immortal, but it was likely she was a spectator as it all went down. (As I was a spectator for Rose’s ordeal when it all went down.)
 Since it was said the hackers posted on the fanfiction forums, I sought to find it by searching “Tara”, “My Immortal”, etc. on FFnet’s search. The posts are unfortunately long gone, but there is a surviving forum called “My Immortal Forum Tara Gilesbie is a genius!”
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[ID: A screencap of “My Immortal Forum Tara Gilesbie is a genius!” from Fanfiction net. Someone named Ebony Dark’ness wrote, “I have personally logged on to Tara’s account when her password was revealed after she got hacked.” End ID.]
TL;DR: Multiple, separate people made consistent claims over the span of years. Because of this, I personally believe Tara’s account was legitimately hacked.
(Sources/links will be added in a reblog.)
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don’t judge an athlete by their jersey.
pt. 1 of my Tinder Fic based on this 
read on AO3 or FFnet
Hope y’all enjoy
Left. Bad eyebrows. Right. What a smile. Right. Wow his cheekbones. Left. Athlete. Left. Fisher. Left. Fisher. Hard Left. A dead deer in his profile? Absolutely not. Left. Athlete. Left. Group photo. Left. Fake Model Account. Left. Athlete.
"Wow, quite choosy. So that's a hard no on that last one?" Lily was about to scold the man to her right for being so nosy and invading one's personal space. She had her mouth open and finger pointed when she took in the mop of unruly hair that fell against his forehead and her finger quickly fell back to her lap. She could feel her cheeks going warm as she slowly closed her mouth, trying to figure out the nicest way to explain that it was nothing personal. Except how do you explain that to a stranger that you just said no to, essentially, with no known information other than a few photographs that he had chosen to identify himself with. "So, assuming by your silence it is a hard no?" The man whose name she's pretty sure was Jake asked. "Listen, it's nothing against you. I just have a strict no athlete policy. They generally don't have respect for women and it's easier just avoiding them than trying to find the rare ones who do. So although I am sorry Jake-" Before Lily can finish her sentence, she's being cut off. "James." "What?" She questioned, her eyebrows shooting up out of confusion. "It's James. You said Jake. My name is James. So it appears that although it's nothing personal, you couldn't even have the human decency to memorize a person's name before saying no based on a few photos. Did you even read the bio?" James' left eyebrow arched up in an incredibly intimidating way and Lily at least had the nerve to look sheepish. "Well, no, but as I mentioned... No athletes. So I'm sorry, James, but it truly is nothing personal." "You say that, and yet you're personally labeling me as an athlete without taking into consideration the fact that I'm also much more than that!" James looked flustered as he rifled through his own bag, seemingly searching for something before pulling out the newest iPhone, then pulling out his own Tinder. "Now, if you'd take a moment, let's really peruse my profile here, Lily. See. I remember a name." Lily was genuinely shocked as he began to swipe through his pictures, showing her the profile that he had set up. After the three pictures of him in various sporting uniforms, he had a picture of him holding a kitten, and then one of him with three other boys. They all had their arms around each other and were wearing ridiculous animal headbands. "See, I have more dynamics than just athlete. I'm a cat dad. I'm a really good friend. I've got a tight knit family. I think you shouldn't just be judging a book based on its picture." He raised an eyebrow before she finally felt like she had two legs to stand on. "James, the whole point of this app is to judge based on a few pictures. Maybe some silly little sentences written to try to capture someone's personality. Although usually it just says likes pizza and then has their snapchat name for nudes but still! The whole point of Tinder is to judge based on appearances." Lily's argument wasn't the most solid, but the confidence she spoke with made it seem more so. "So, let's do this not on Tinder? Let's not go based on appearances. Give me your number and let me have before the end of the year. One week. New Year's Day. If I can't convince you to go out with me, then you can go back to your no athletes rule but at least let me try to convince you to change your mind. I believe I'm owed that chance," he pleaded, holding his phone out with the contacts open, ready for hers to be added. "I don't owe you anything, seeing as you've been so nosy!" She exclaimed, though after a moment she sighed and then took the phone from his hand, adding her number in. "One week." "Perfect timing. That's my section being called. See you soon." James grinned and slung his bag over his shoulder as the business class section was called. He had one week to convince her. Luckily, she didn't think it was going to happen. She just had to put up with the cocky, annoying, nosy man from the airport for one week.
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