#(i refuse to acknowledge b/ruto but. yeah)
jaguarys · 2 years
I'm so obsessed with Sakura and Sai as a concept because you know Sakura is the most affectionate person. She tells her friends she loves them nonstop and holds their hands and jumps on their back without warning and likes to cuddle and picks them up all the time. And Sai loves her even if he doesn't really know that means or how to go about it so he just lets her do whatever she wants. If she wants a piggyback? Sure he doesn't get it but he'll carry her. If she wants to hold his hand she can do that. The first time he takes her hand without prompting she almost cries.
But it kinda messes him up because he just kinda assumes that's what he should do and then he Also becomes the type to tell people he just met he loves them.
Basically? Sai is just a limp little beanstalk and lets Sakura hang off him like a koala or pick him up even if it looks ridiculous because he's like a foot taller than her and their dynamic is so dear to me
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