#(i say that as a scrappy doo apologist)
hitchell-mope · 3 years
Characters I’d probably end up becoming an apologist for
Now. I don’t really tirelessly defend characters I like. Take Mal Bertha for instance. I like her. She’s favourite number six. But I will always call her out on her shit. But there are definitely some characters I can see myself being an apologist for
Doug son of Dopey
Dean Forester
Ross Gellar
Ricky Bowen
Jar Jar Binks
Wesley Crusher
Scrappy doo
Neal Cassidy
I’m not saying that they’re pure innocent cinnamon rolls. Cause let’s face it. A lot of characters are rarely as innocent as fans would like to believe. But they’re certainly better than the narrative and/or a lot of fans are willing to give them credit for
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hayley566 · 5 years
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This is basically my big "goodbye" picture. I had to include Starlight because the reason I'm leaving the show and and fandom behind is because of how scary a lot of the Starlight haters in it are. Now, not everyone who dislikes Starlight are crazy. I don't mean every person who hates Starlight. Some were surprisingly kind to me and didn't instantly hate me for liking a cartoon horse that she didn't. No, I mean the ones that honestly scare me. The ones that bring up how much they hate her in every conversation. They ones that buy toys of her just to break them. The kinds that draw pictures of her being beaten, raped, killed, etc. because she "deserves" it. The kind that compare her to school shooters and actual nazis. The kind that go to pro-starlight posts and images to yell about how people who like her are "abuse apologists" and "only like her cause she's cute". There was even a time where I saw someone say that they were in a bad mood and cheer themselves up, they asked their followers to tell them what they hated most about her. It's like when I watch Ethan Van Sciver's videos of him talking to toys of female characters he hates and then destroys them. It's that kind of creepy and disturbing that scares me the most. Hell, I don't even know that one star wars character who's toys he loves breaking but it still creeps me out. I hate spider-ock with a passion but I don't buy figures of him or his comics just to destroy them. I think what makes it worse for me is just how encouraged it is to have this insane and unhealthy hatred of her. It's seen as totally okay. Like hating on Scrappy Doo or other overhated animated characters. Seriously, people talk about how much the MHA fandom hates Mineta but that's nothing compared to the shit I've seen with Starlight. While I know that Starlight isn't as hated as she first was, the ones that do hate her are so much louder and scare me so much more. So much that I'm leaving the fandom they're a part of. Now all I'm doing is waiting for gen 5 and hoping that Starlight in there and that her incarnation there will have way less of those kinds of haters.
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