#(i’ve had multiple spearmaster attacks i am going insane yipee!)
thehappiestgolucky · 11 months
Listen hear me out
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I am no immune to sapphic creature propaganda AND I like aspec Spearmaster (Demi Romantic Ace)
I was also mostly contemplating how to handle LttM and FP in this au and landed on “Hunter had already delivered the neuron but had a lil more cycles than in game. Met Spearmaster on her way back and saving its life so they go to their iterators together. Spearmaster learns potential friend has illness and doesn’t like that it won’t be cured so goes back out with them to find a cure.” and ended up loving them being a queer platonic couple.
It’s more of an ‘endgame’ kinda deal because Artificer needs to go through some development and therapy - but again. Not immune to murder sapphics.
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