#artificer: this is my partner. hunter. and this is hunters partner. spearmaster
thehappiestgolucky · 11 months
Listen hear me out
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I am no immune to sapphic creature propaganda AND I like aspec Spearmaster (Demi Romantic Ace)
I was also mostly contemplating how to handle LttM and FP in this au and landed on “Hunter had already delivered the neuron but had a lil more cycles than in game. Met Spearmaster on her way back and saving its life so they go to their iterators together. Spearmaster learns potential friend has illness and doesn’t like that it won’t be cured so goes back out with them to find a cure.” and ended up loving them being a queer platonic couple.
It’s more of an ‘endgame’ kinda deal because Artificer needs to go through some development and therapy - but again. Not immune to murder sapphics.
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shadowthian · 7 months
i now have about 30 hours in rain world!
so i've promised myself that in four weeks when i get computer back (or before then if im really at my limit) if i still havent beaten Monk or Survivor's campaign, i'll use devtools to ascend so that i can play a slugcat thats not white or yellow
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asrielwithans · 11 months
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redesigned my rivulet and spearmaster (fishstick lets gooooo) because i wanted to make them more original (especially my riv design lmao) headcanons below cut!!
spearmaster shrinks when they haven't eaten enough for the day! this means that sometimes they're the tallest of the group (excluding gourmand) and other times they're just about taller than monk!
rivulet is fast as hell- they barely ever sit still,, they regularly carry spearmaster on their back to get to other locations faster because of this!
rivulet has big fangs,, they're like a shark!
rivulet doesn't know where they come from, but they found comfort with looks to the moon's dead puppet, which is how they first met both hunter and spearmaster!
spearmaster is technically cousins with hunter due to being born in the same local group! they're very friendly with each other on the rare occasion they meet!
rivulet and spearmaster known each other since birth! they're practically attached at the hip, and they're extremely coordinated, especially when attacking!
think of them as partners in crime, they're the foils to artificer and hunter in the sense that they're just as powerful, if not more, than both of them!
spearmaster is a lot more serious than rivulet, but make no mistake that their roles from jokester to serious can switch like the flip of a button.
both of them enjoy spending time with artihunter and they'll spar with each other for fun/practice! these fights can range from not even a scratch to literally killing each other because of the adrenaline. they do have to be careful though when doing this due to how cycles work in this AU (will be expanded when talking about monk and survivor, hopefully!)
riv and spearmaster have sleepovers in the other iterator's can (looks to the moon's and seven red sun's respectively)!
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troutwithfur · 9 months
My Rainworld AU Slugcats
Survivor: Late teens. A fairly normal slugcat with a bit of an ego. He's Artificer's firstborn and Monk's older brother. Known mainly for being mean to Monk, but also for his ability to, well, survive. No matter what happens or how long he's been gone, he always manages to make it home. Despite how he treats Monk, Survivor will & has killed the largest predators thrown at him to protect his brother. Monk: Preteen. A younger slugcat with separation anxiety after everything he's been through. As Artificer's youngest, he's often seen around either her, Gourmand, or Survivor. Monk gets scared easily and would rather run & hide from threats, but he has been shown to hold his own when push comes to shove. Artificer: Adult. An angry slugcat with little patience for anything besides her wife & kids. Used to be fairly normal, but after the whole thing with the scavs only to discover her kids were fine, she hasn't really been able to calm down. Prone to yelling and threats, unless she's with her family, then she's a lot more laid-back and comfortable. Absolutely refuses to talk about who her former partner was. Gourmand: Adult. A very heavy slugcat with a big heart. Possibly the only thing in the world with enough patience to deal with her wife Artificer and her kids. Her weight doesn't seem to impact her too much, but she does try to mitigate it. Unfortunately, Arti is very keen on pampering her wife and will drag in the largest lizard she can find for Gourmand. Gourmand is also the smartest of the sluggang, being very experienced in most things and having a deep well of knowledge on everything. Hunter: Young adult. A keen, clever killer of a slugcat. He is one of the dedicated hunters of the sluggang, but isn't too reliable. Hunter is a man of his word to a flaw. If he says he'll kill a king vulture, he'll be gone for the next 40 cycles doing just that. Unfortunately, the rot within him is taking its toll. His creator, No Significant Harassment, has been working hard to find a way to fix Hunter after seeing his diseased, barely breathing corpse crawl its way back to him. So far, Hunter just has more time, but not a cure. Spearmaster: Adult. A tall, silent slugcat. The second dedicated hunter of the sluggang, Spearmaster is well respected for their ability to somehow never miss a spear. They are a hemovore, using their spears to suck blood from their prey. Due to not having a mouth, Spearmaster communicates completely through sign language. Only Hunter and Gourmand are fluent enough to completely understand them, though. Spearmaster is very empathetic and shows great worry for everyone he considers their friends. Rivulet: Young adult. A very energetic slugcat. Rivulet suffers from possibly the most severe case of ADHD ever observed. Ask him to do a basic task? It won't get done. This also leads to highs and lows. One day Rivulet will follow you around and won't shut up, the next he'll lock himself in his room and feel awful for annoying you. He doesn't really live with the sluggang, but instead with Looks to the Moon, who actually knows how to handle him. Rivulet is very passionate about things he loves, if you can tolerate him. Saint: Incomprehensibly old, looks like a young adult. A wondering slugcat. Saint would rather be out on her own, but occasionally stays close to the sluggang to "keep and eye on them." Nobody knows where Saint comes from or why she can't just stick around, but she's very kind and even a bit witty when around. Saint does have a very keen interest on Monk's ability to make Karma Flowers, but she's only passing friends with the rest of the sluggang.
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ask-upon-the-void-au · 5 months
Heyo! Welcome to this silly lil ask blog!
Hello! I'm Stargazer. I go by a couple names but any variation on Stargazer or Creature is good. My pronouns are She/they
My main is @stargazer0001!! Go check me out :3
More under the cut
You can ask about the AU here! Unravel the secrets of their pasts and find out what the hell happened. Please only ask about the AU, any other asks can be asked to my main. I WILL delete any unrelated asks.
The 'Upon the Void' AU is a rainworld AU that focuses on the slugcats and iterators. Everyone has skeletons in their closets, and they are no exception. They find comfort in one another yet it appears that some may not have the best relations with each other. Find out more as you ask them about their pasts and lives, some will be more open than others, and some are... rather defensive.
Now you may ask, "Who is family? Who are in relationships? Who are friends? Enemies?"
For now, I will only have family and partners (QPP included), it will slowly updated as you all learn more
Monk+Survivor+Hunter - Siblings
Monk+Survivor+Hunter+Gourmand - adoptive kids/parent
Enot+Nightcat+Saint - Siblings
Enot+Nightcat+Saint+T̵̢̢͍̜͔͙͓̗̤̟̺͙̺͊̊́̇̽͆͜͝͠ḧ̸̢̳̘̹͙͈̹̣̬͕́̀̃̈́̉̉̃́͛̕̕͜ȩ̷̛̛̦̹̿̀̈́̽̽͐́͝ ̶̨̝̞̫̰̑̂́̚͝J̴̥̙͊̓͊̈̂̍̓͒͗̍͆͛̚͠u̵͙̲͗̋̅͋̇̈͊̋̓̕d̴̡̰̬͈̠̘̝̯͔̠̮͎̈́͑̅̇͛͂g̸͇͇̣͍̻̭̘̦̗̙̞̈́̇̓̃̄͆́̔̎͠ė̸̡̠͍̰̫͔͜= Kids/Parent
Artificer+Hunter - Lovers/married
Spearmaster + Rivulet + Nightcat - Lovers/dating
Monk+Enot - QPP (Queer Platonic Partners)
LttM+NSH - Romantic partners
Lttm+SRS - Romantic partners
"Who can we ask?"
Currently, all the slugcats are open to asks. This includes: Survivor, Monk, Hunter, Artificer, Gourmand, Rivulet, Spearmaster, Saint, Enot, Nightcat. Although soon you will be able to ask the iterators, they are not wanting to talk right now.
"What are the designs?"
Right here!
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Rivulet (Just realized I forgor to blend the tail noooo)
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Enot (Their color is meant to be messy.)
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The tags are:
For text based asks: Text ask
For asks with drawings: draw ask
For non asks: Not an ask
Every single one will be tagged with: Upon the void, Upon the void rw au, and rw au
For out of character asks: Ooc
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cheddar-inq · 1 year
three more scug designs!
btw usually ill refer to slugcats just with they/them pronouns but some of them will use pronouns like he/him or she/her depending on my personal headcanons for them i think arti and hunter use any pronouns but use she/her the most, rivulet uses he/they, and spearmaster uses any but primarily they/them idk man its just how i see them, call any of them whatever you like !!!!
monk is one of the few slugcats in the group with no glowing whatsoever, instead being able to grow flowers on their back these flowers can be picked without hurting monk, and if gifted to any creature will remove any hostility that specific creature has towards whoever gave it to them. the effect stays even if the flower is lost, and the flower doesnt mean the creature wont go back to being hostile.
its kind of like. "wow this is a great gift ok i wont beat the shit out of this person" and if you arent treating said creature kindly it will go right back to hating/wanting to eat you
monk is always at max karma and can grow karma flowers (although pretty rarely) alongside the normal ones. the karma flowers dont have the same effect as the normal flowers, just. normal karma flower !!
theyre pretty quiet, but super friendly and hate seeing people fight. they suck at breaking up fights, though, and usually just end up trying to find somebody else to break it up
bros also really short thank you for your time
monk uses he/she pronouns
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next up is artificer !!
artificer, along with a couple others like hunter and spearmaster, does most of the protecting for the group.
although capable of glowing, its not something she can do easily and its not something that really worth trying to do
Along with her normal explosion jumps/explosions, she can do a MASSIVE explosion which stuns and/or kills any creature in a pretty large radius. usually if theres a lot of creatures in one spot she'll go in, explode once or twice, and then come back so she doesnt stun/hurt any of the scugs in the group.
she can use the massive explosion once, maybe twice before needing to lie down and cool down. using it causes her scars to start glowing a bit and smoking and they get very hot which hurts arti a lot, so she doesnt use that explosion very often, only when she really needs to.
her usual explosions often work fine if she overheats from any of her explosions it has the same effect, but it starts a lot slower and just keeps building up- faint glowing, getting hotter, and starting to smoke
shes very protective over the others (at least, the ones she likes) and struggles a lot with keeping her emotions in check, as she has a habit of getting worked up over things and needing to sit down and calm herself down for a bit.
arti uses any pronouns, she/her preferred (she and hunter are partners. love them)
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aaand hunter !!
Hunter is based on a lantern mouse in terms of design. when sleeping, relaxed, or in bright spaces, she looks like the first design (dark red/orange-red one), but in dark places or when feeling a strong emotion they kind of "pop" to the lighter form and constantly glow (like a lantern mouse), their eyes and tail tip glow the most (eyes also get slightly lighter in color)
hunter is fairly serious but likes to slip jokes into conversation while keeping a straight face and not changing their tone at all, just to see if anyone will notice
shes usually hanging out near artificer
has the rot (of course how could i not) and sometimes it'll start to effect him more than usual, causing them a lot of pain and making it hard to walk. if it gets bad enough she can just collapse and wait for it to wear off enough for them to get up again
hunter uses any pronouns, she/they preferred (eheheh artihunter)
edit rq to mention: hunter does have scars, but theyre too dark to see on the darker ver and the glow from the other ver hide them (aka i forgot to unhide the layer with scars so here we are)
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artihunter doodle next
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zephyrtheslugcat · 10 months
Hello everyone, I am a Rain World player and also very much part of the lgbtq+ community, so that of course means giving the silly little sluggo's silly little gender and sexuality headcanons
Is this post going to get attention? Probably not lmao but here it is anyways!
I think I've never shared my pronouns and sexuality headcanons for the canon slugcats, so here they are! Along with alignments and why I think what I think
Survivor: they/he/she pronouns (they/them preferred usually)
Sexuality is not defined, but they wouldn't be opposed to a relationship with another sluggo
Survivor to me is neutral good, I think they are neutral good judging by them being open to adopting slugcats and taking them to the Tree, when they find them abandoned and they don't seem very lawful or chaotic to me, just a chill little guy
(Bonus: they are fine with being called gender neutral words, but along with the word "sibling", they like the word "brother" too and "mother" along with "parent")
Monk: he/him, gay and asexual, but he isn't interested in anyone yet, he is just happy he found his sib, his current job is being a fun uncle to his siblings kids
Monk is definitely lawful good, he doesn't want to hurt creatures unless he has to and it's implied he helps Moon by bringing her her cloak and neurons, so he's just a peaceful little lad
Hunter: A lot of people in the fandom ship Hunter and Arti as a lesbian couple, but to me, Hunter is a masculine sluggie, so um sorry guys, I don't ship Artihunter
To me, Hunter is a he/they and genderfluid, but they often use one set of pronouns at a time
At the start of the run mostly "he", around Pebbles, he preferred "they" and at the end of the run, back to "he"
He probably likes the ladies, but he never had time for a relationship because of the Rot cutting his life very, very short
Hunter to me... is also neutral good! I know a lot of people see Hunter as a fighting machine, who kills without remorse... me, not so much. Hunter is not an evil slugcat, he went out of his way to help Moon, he could have ignored her and just go down to the Depths after getting enough karma
But he didn't. He chose not to. That's what makes him a good slugcat in my eyes
I also think he isn't actually carnivorous by choice, but because of the Rot in his body, he's forced to eat more to sustain himself (and I'm a firm supporter of the "he has Rot on his back wear his spear sticks to" theory and the "he gains back tentacles in the last cycles of his life" theory)
Spearmaster: they/them (agender)
They're aromantic and asexual
They're lawful neutral, they do the tasks being given to them by iterators, because a mission is a mission, not necessarily because its the right thing to do (like Hunter who really went out of his way) They aren't interested in finding a partner, they are happy just being with SRS again
Artificer: she/her (but she doesn't mind being called a they to be honest, call her a he and she'll kill you), lesbian
I deduced she's a lesbian because she's a certified girlboss
Artificer starts as true neutral, then chaotic neutral and at the end she full on goes chaotic evil, if she embraces violence and forgets everything else, but she goes back to true neutral if the Echo got through to her and she decides to go to the Depths instead
Gourmand: he/him, straight
He's my cis/straight guy, he's an ally though, 100%!
Gourmand is chaotic good to me, he's a good, smart and kind leader, but he also is a chaotic little chonker and those things can coexist
Rivulet: he/she, mostly he, trans (was afab at birth), his sexuality is pansexual probably
Rivulet is chaotic neutral, he's all over the place and a bit odd, he does a lot of things just because he can, but she's neither good or evil, just chaos (she's got a soft spot for Moon though!)
Saint: they/them nonbinary/agender, aromantic and asexual
Saint is true neutral, they ascend others not out of desire to kill or a desire to cause good, it's because it has to happen and they have the power to do it. They aren't good, bad, lawful or chaotic, they just are
Inv: any pronouns, they don't care, just use whatever for table
Sexuality: pansexual and polyamorous
Pansexual because fish can fall in love with every gender of slugcat in the dating sim
Polyamorous because honestly chaos just wants to date them all and be loved by them
Inv is chaotic neutral, but like scratch out neutral for the most part
Teal (Survivors and Monks sibling)
She/her and bisexual!
Since most people don't even know she exists, I can give her whatever hc I want and be the first to claim her as my blorbo, so dibs on Teal!
To me, she's a bit of a tomboy and the middle child (huh that explains how she's mostly ignored by the community), she's smaller than even Monk and she reluctantly moved away from the Tree with her parents, because although she didn't want to lose hope that her brothers would come back, she had to go with her already grieving and stressed out parents
I hc she left a trail to their new location for her bro's too!
Bonus 2:
In my most recent survivor run, I adopted two pups, Crow and Lime, you can see them on my page as the big image above my profile pic
They're semi canon to me, so they get to be in the post too
Crow (the black one): Any pronouns, aromantic and sapphic (likes ladies)
Lime (the green one): They/he pronouns, gay
Crow is true neutral, she's sweet to me, but a real murderer of lizards and also she just stands around, waiting for me to carry them (hc them as autistic)
Lime is chaotic good, they're high energy and loyal, even when I jump into wormgrass, this kid followed me (Crow watched like: ain't doing that bye)
(They have adhd)
These two, summarised: middle child and youngest child (Survivor has eldest child energy tho)
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pookapufferfish · 5 months
Snuggle headcannons?
(E.G: is the one everyone piles on top of, preferes being under the arm, etc)
oooh, never seen this before
gonna enjoy rambling about this :) (this is mainly my anthro and rough stuff aus. in plushie au they all are just squishy guys who love all hugs and in modern au they are pets)
Spearmaster: only really likes cuddles from those close to it. They do love hugs and sleeping buried under their partners (even if it is an insomniac and cannot usually sleep) prefers being the over arm hugger since they are tall but will lift scugs up underarm to hug them sometimes
Artificer: thinks they don't like cuddles or affection. but once he is in a hug or cuddle he never wants to let go. just so emotional. they like being the under arm hugger because they are shorter than everyone else (also because they never initiate the hug). they are never around the others really but everyone probably piles on him when he does show up, just kinda melts into the snuggle pile.
Hunter: needs a hug so bad but never asks. loves being under arm. usually is at the top of any hug piles because she worries abut the rot on his back. secretly loves being in the middle of spearmaster and rivulet while cuddling.
Gourmand: big hugger. hugs and cuddles for everyone. whole colony cuddle pile. the big heat generator for all the pups. under arm? over arm. nah, get engulfed in full inescapable hug.
Survivor: not really a hugger or cuddler. kinda just sleeps next to their partners who are snuggling (but will snuggle if their partner needs the attention). will also hug family if they ask
Monk: clingy hugs. loves any and all hugs. give them a hug
Rivulet: loves cuddles. physical affection is a yes. clinging to both their partners tightly and lovingly. loves hugs so much they sometimes get it wrong and just coil around scugs.
Saint: no touch. only gourmand
Night: finds hugs interesting. loves cuddling up to enot and just kinda wrapping around them. also sometimes cuddles with survivor. everyone else is a no.
Enot: loves hugs but breaks down when trying to ask for one. world is scary to him and asking is too much. usually night helps. loves being the under arm hugger. hugs cannot be too tight, must be enough room to back out. feels suffocated in big hug piles or group hugs. desperately craves physical affection but gets overwhelmed by it very quickly if anything is wrong.
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