#(i'm so sorry i just really like ember textures lmao)
pharawee · 8 months
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"I'm so glad to be here with you, Jom, on such a special night."
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clarajohnson · 6 months
the magicians s2e3
eliot giving a real and that's what you missed on glee performance to start the episode
ta fucking da (i am in love with him)
rhinemann ultra is possibly my favorite spell name in this show. certainly the most memorable. i point at the screen when they say it.
lmao i forgot they didn't take care of the cursed thrones yet
if i had been abandoned in rural ren faire land with a spouse i didn't choose and my best friend and crush and crush's girlfriend returned with matching tattoos i would go crazy even without a cursed throne
oo-surpers... yoosurpers.
We're Fine :-l
god i hate to always be the one pointing out when these characters are hot but cursed throne quentin... is kind of hot
of course cursed throne alice is also hot but that's no different than any other alice
jesus you're acting like this is your first regicide
i forgot how often penny is on eccentric mega-personality genius babysitting duty
hiiiiiieeeee marina
she's literally the best i'm such a fan of her character this watch
i make maps, your majesty ??
be nicer to fen, penny, that's my (tumblr user han clarajohnson's) wife
a benevolent mommy who will solve my problems with her gaia problems? literally marina call me any time anyyyyyy time THE LEATHER SKIRT ARE YOU JOKING
i may truly skip the cupcake scene when it happens i'm already worried about it. it was genuinely my least favorite scene of the entire show last time.
you couldn't hit a fat girl with a fat-girl-seeking arrow... i like it but i don't love it
margo releasing her cacodemon that early is so crazy like without a curse i'm sure she never would've done it and it feels like the writers were just so enchanted by the concept they wanted to use it again. and then they like, didn't use it ever again lol?
you shot me, you cock !!!!!!!
ah yeah i will be skipping all the marina reynard stuff sorry
fen with a crossbow is very pleasing to me
sorry it's like 50% horniness and 50% i love how crazy this show is and what it lets all its characters do, you know?
what's best in life? to crush your enemies ??!!!! i love you cursed throne margo
is it wrong to say i find her death extremely satisfying WHAT DID SHE MEAN BY THAT
PLEASE the noise q makes when el extracts the syringe
alice being disturbed by feeling her cacodemon under her skin is so fun. high fantasy autistic texture aversion.
man it sucks skipping the marina reynard scenes because she's my best friend and wife of twenty years
love the cool dude magic music they use to really emphasize how fun tutting is
once again alice is the most not-grown-up extremely mature child in the world tell me why she's about to save the entire fucking universe and she wants a sundae with gummy bears on top
all i can handle right now is a goddamn ice cream sundae !!!! this feels like a trap !!!!!
i remember hating q during this argument and i don't hate him now but it does still kill me that he thinks now is the time to have this conversation. also don't make alice cry quentin
idk how olivia taylor dudley does it but she has this wretched little about-to-cry voice that kills me every time
i have... befouled... the wellspring
god i so don't care for ember i find him unpleasant and unnecessarily grody but i do enjoy the weirdo wellspring twist
i, like the magicians writers, forgot that q incurs an injury for which he will lose an arm
to our pretty corpses :'-)
i love el and margo's casual intimacy they are the sweetest friends
in 2016 "full harry potter part seven slash eight" was still a funny joke. I Assume.
perhaps the most pathetic q has ever looked up until this point
if i had a nickel for every time a quinn child had niffined out...
can't not say it niffin alice is so scary hot
aw margo apologizing to alice is so sad once again this character has LAYERSSSSS
feels really revealing that q chose el and margo over alice idk
now i'm not going to say that between quentin and marina as characters i'd choose to change marina's death... but between marina and anyone else i'd choose marina
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