#(if anything anders is WAY more confrontational and pushy about his views)
"fenris hates on mages relentlessly" dunno man i think he's (usually) being pretty reasonable about it all things considered
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loquenomedices · 4 years
ship it or rip it - elite edition
thanks for bringing the concept and tagging me @b-bachman!! (instructions here) and providing a much more fun use of my time than listening to my online classes
this is long af so if you wanna know my opinions on three randomly generated ships, keep reading. but you’ve been warned.
1. carla/guzmán (@ everyone i know who likes them, probably skip this part.)
god no. just, absolutely not. i can’t even express how much i hate this idea and how i will forever be grateful that didn’t happen on the show. carla/guzmán might as well be the most obvious and predictable ship that they could do, popular but not *extremely* bitchy ice queen with the golden boy jerk who actually has a heart of gold if you dig like 78 layers under the surface. (no.) 
aside from me just hating the concept (because i can acknowledge that ester and miguel would probably have good chemistry), if we look at it from the character viewpoint, they just don’t work. i’ll often contrast with guzmán/lu, who, in some way, have potential as a pairing (unlike these two). carla hates being told what to do, whereas guzmán’s entire life purpose is to meddle in and judge every single one of his friends’ decisions. unlike lu, carla isn’t even a little bit attracted to that kind of controlling nature, mostly because she likes to control people herself. however, guzmán isn’t the kind of “fun” opponent who is challenging or different in some way (you know who i’m talking about); he’s just the opponent whose cockiness with a hint of chauvinism would probably make her commit a completely unaccidental murder sooner than polo could say trophy. 
also, lu enjoys confrontation and theatrics, which is why she can put up with guzmán and the explosive fights. she seeks out arguments and conflict. carla and guzmán would be just as toxic and prone to crash as guzmán with lu, though for different reasons. guzmán is much more conservative, elitist and judgemental than carla (another reason why guzmán and lu can work - they have that in common). but carla, unlike lu, hates loud confrontation and when people (including herself) lose their cool. their fights would be torture for both sides - carla trying to keep it cool, guzmán yelling and getting even more frustrated that carla’s not reacting in the way he wants. her probably actually snapping at some point. guzmán’s second name is anger issues. need i say more?
my last point is, carla’s literally bored of her pre-lined life in the first episode of the first season. if she’s bored of polo, who she can wrap around her finger with his pretty unconditional love, guzmán with his antics would 100% not be worth it. there’s not a more stereotypical “rich” character than guzmán, and carla’s sick of the golden cage and especially the people in it. 
i prefer carla/polo over carla/guzmán any day, and if that isn’t telling enough, i don’t know what is. 
rip it, shred it to pieces, burn it <3
(carla/guzmán hate zone over)
2. ander/guzmán
well now that’s certainly more intriguing. guzmán and ander’s friendship is.. something else. if we look away from the fact that guzmán is 120% straight (in my opinion), we have some interesting material to explore.
ander is extremely closed off and guzmán is extremely pushy. now, this would obviously cause issues, but unlike in other relationships that guzmán has, ander doesn’t let guzmán tell him what to do and stands by his opinions (he always talked to the poor kids despite guzmán’s dislike). sometimes, he even manages to get through to guzmán, probably because the times he speaks are so extremely rare that whenever he does, it captures everyone’s attention. so, at least in terms of equality, this ship isn’t doomed.
they are probably doomed, just like their friendship, in the way that their personalities are polar opposites. ander never tells anyone ANYTHING, which guzmán absolutely hates. but in some strange way, guzmán could *kinda* view that as compelling; probably if they didn't know each other and he tried to pursue him (yes, my imagination is going wild.) that’s how it started with nadia. on the show, guzmán is extremely protective with ander, and always tries to find out what’s going on and support him. i’m not saying it’s a great technique and it doesn’t work most of the times on the show, but in the end, people who bottle up their emotions sometimes need this exact thing to be done to them, so that they’ll finally open up.
would they work long-term? probably (99%) not. but they could try.
i could ship them with the right story
3. rebeka/nadia
fun! their s2 friendship was cute. again, they’re polar opposites, but only on the outside. personality-wise, they’re actually pretty similar (they’re both really honest, which is a great base, and even their senses of humour work together as seen in s2), except rebeka is way more chill. which would be good for the relationship - somebody needs to calm down the waters (or something). bring a stressed out nadia a cup of tea. neither of them are big fans of rich people, so that works in their favour as well. rebeka would be the one to help nadia get out of her shell, and nadia would repay her with sincerity and loyalty.
they had a good friendship, so if a more open-minded and bi nadia was a thing?
ship it
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