#(if for some reason you did read this whole novel djdhfhd)
theramblingvoid · 2 years
The issue is that it's like, not that bad. If I could take a pair of time scissors and snip out a little hour long triangle of Now and put it somewhere in Before, it wouldn't even be a ruined day. It would hurt, but not that bad, and it would be weird to happen all at once and then none at all instead of the slow buildup notice-too-late way it did happen, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. I probably wouldn't even have told anyone. Just took a nap maybe, or filled a hot water bottle, or more likely, knowing me, sat there and studied and vaguely wondered if the thing I ate that morning might have gone a little off. Some people have very bad pain. Excruciating, for some people. Mine is like, not that bad.
But the issue is that it's like, not that bad, but not just for an hour. The issue is it was one bad hour in March, three of them some time in early April, and then at some point I can't pin down in hindsight I forgot what it felt like to not be in pain. And it's never been that bad - I could sit at a desk, I could keep up a conversation, and I worked all the way through it, best I could - but my chest hurts in new ways from hunching over old pain and bracing my arms on that desk without noticing. My jaw aches from clenching my teeth, and my boss doesn't know that it's not that bad when she sits me down and asks me why my time has yet to solidify in an appropriate amount of papers on her desk. Because it has been months, see, and a trickle of sand fills a bucket in a year the same way a shovel can do it in a day.
And I am lucky, genuinely. I am so lucky that it's like, not that bad. I have never needed the hospital for it, never been to the emergency room. I could walk, every day, even if it wasn't pretty. But the issue, the god damned issue is that I do not own time scissors because they don't exist. Thirty seconds underwater is like, not that bad, but thirty more, and thirty more, and thirty more, and thirty more, and thirty more, without coming up for air, thirty more, thirty more, thirty more has you drowning. And that's what I think people don't understand, sometimes. I know I didn't. I do now.
Hey. Chronically ill friend. Come here. Let me tell you a secret.
Even if it's like, really not that bad, you're allowed to admit it can be really fucking hard.
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