#(in a pompous british accent) GAY RIGHTS I SAY!
backdraft-bimbo · 4 years
spies in disguise
SO! i just finished spies in disguise and man was it good. it was so good. i might be a little obsessed about it now and will definitely rewatch it tonight. it had everything i love in a film: 
1. enemies to friends (...to boyfriends..?)
2. Short Nerd Boy with tragic backstory meets Tall Jock with trust issues
3. hilarious pigeon animation. gotta have that in every film. during the scene in mexico where the birds roll under that cart to get the room key i actually laughed for like 2 minutes because it just looked so ABSURD
4. those two Highly Not-Straight tech homies who kept showing up on screen fanboying over lance (y’all know which ones i’m talking about).
5. WALTER’S MOM! she was awesome and that’s the first time i’ve actually seen a female police officer be an actual character in an animated film. so good on them. and she was cute and i love her 
6. going back to the tragic backstory of walter’s, any time somebody called him weird he would do that sad face and i was eating that UPPPP! and don’t get me started when LANCE said it– honestly any scene with whump i loved as usual
7. glitter. lots of pink glitter. and walter’s pink apron with frills. very cute. a refreshing lack of toxic masculinity. also the rainbows during the last fight screen... y’all know what’s up... 
8. will smith and tom holland had phenomenal voice acting as usual; there were some lines i didn’t expect to make me laugh but did just because of how they were delivered, and that’s really impressive tbh; 
for example: “okay! i suppose you have somebody else who has a mobile lab, who can turn you back into a man.” (i literally had to rewatch this multiple times to soak in that fine delivery from tom holland just because of how perfect it was.)
9. WALTER WATCHES KOREAN SOAP OPERAS! and it looked like he wasn’t using subtitles? so i assume he knows korean so that’s dope. again, very refreshing. 
10. walter and lance. aight so i really thought tom’s character was gonna be that stereotypical twitchy awkward pushover science nerd and will’s character the badass hero who always works alone. but they weren’t! there was so much more to these characters than i was expecting. 
for example: walter taking interest in more traditionally feminine things (glitter, hugs, etc) and not wanting to kill anyone. he was also really driven, too, and not easy to push around. also his backstory, that was another thing that i was not expecting. it always seems to be the lone agent with the tragic past, but this time it was walter. and i loved that. 
as for lance, i’m so glad they let him show a lot of emotion. like, not only was his character hilarious and believable, he had room for character development. at first he hated walter but gradually came to understand why he did what he did. and bruhhh when he cried after thinking walter died–
11. that whole sequence when lance and walter are just staring at each other after walter says “you will turn into a pigeon” and the camera just keeps cutting to their faces... the silence... and will smith just going “i’m out” I WAS ON THE FLOOR
12. “who says database?” “i stepped in the goo...” “these are my new kicks, man.” “the name’s bond. HYDROGEN bond.” “i’m naked. little bit awkward.”
13. marcy talking about walter’s mother and lance looking all guilty when he realized what happened to her uGHHH so good
14. all right i cannot leave this off the list: walter getting hurt/in trouble/presumed dead and lance getting all protective. that is just so good. and very Tropey. i loved it. 
15. all the hugs. i repeat, all the hugs. walter hugging lance as a bird, that’s just wholesome. but them hugging as humans? i’ll tell u i cried
16. walter’s soft little “take it easy” when lance got transformed back into himself. also him staring wide-eyed at lance’s nether regions that was hilarious
“I CAN DO THAT ‘CAUSE I GOT LIPS NOW! HAHAHAHA!” 10/10 very cute very funny.
18. walter’s betrayed “lance...” after he gets shot in the neck. pretty much at this point in the movie i was convinced it could not get any gayer. i was wrong.
19. i’m gonna talk about this again. the scene where Robot-Hand Villain drags lance out and forces him to watch as he blows walter up... hgjgdrsgkjdg that killed me...and then lance’s Single Man Tear that caressed down his cheek... *chef’s kiss*
20. lance’s sparkly eyes and the entire korean drama remake with walter and lance... thought i was dreaming. and then more Man Tears. also walter’s sarcastic: “oh, one of my weird gadgets.” 
21. that iconic line that always has me weak in the knees when i hear it on any show ever, the one and only: “i thought i lost you, man”
22. “you’re a good friend, walter” and then his sweet little smile... <3
23. the HUG! obviously that was beautiful, but i can tell you i was definitely NOT expecting walter to just SIT DOWN. ON LANCE. and the fact that walter is a noodle and both of his legs are the size of one of lance’s arms. could be a renaissance painting, with the birds and the lighting and the whole badass monarch power-couple vibes.
24. while lance was trying to negotiate and walter saying “you’re doing great” that was just cute ok
25. the entire scene where lance is trying to hold walter back and he was all “don’t let go! please don’t let go!” and inevitably he ends up letting go and screaming walter’s name,,, this literally sounds like fanfiction as i recount it.
26. walter sacrificing himself and saving the villain? NOT what i was expecting and i loved it. very nicely animated scene with the slo-mo... 
27. “no! no hugs... you’re gonna make me lay a egg or something in front of marcy.” LMAOOO
28. “oh right yeah, the treason. forgot about the treason.”
29. the iconic Shoulder Touch between homies. and walter’s bashful little smile after lance compliments him...
31. last scene where lance literally picks up walter like a backpack, very good.
anyway y’all should go stream spies in disguise. i loved it, you’ll love it, it’s great. 
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hoe-for-ares · 5 years
AU in which Red Rising is just a futuristic roleplay held in a chat full of teenage boys...
l posted once about it, but never went in detail. I was getting bored, so I wanted to make a list of the boyos from the AU - the homies behind the characters they are playing, duh! I imagine them having a roleplay chat and a homie-talking chat, that is mostly a voice-call never-ending conversation that is occurring while they are also roleplaying. Internet homies, also!
Feel free to add more.
Darrow - played by a 16 y/o Scottish boy, a know-it-all-mf, with an extensive knowledge. *Big nerd, fanatic of Ender’s Game and Star Wars. *Where does this dude even fit so much Ancient Greek history? *‘’Wait, why would someone even spend their time reading this crap???’’ - the homies in the chat. *All his friends created big, powerful Gold personas to shame him Red persona, but then Darrow went really deep with it and created a whole storyline about inequality and slavery, all in a long shower session. *No one took him seriously, but Darrow was dead serious - and also no one, maybe aside of Roque and Nero, didn’t really care what the hell he was talking about, but they followed him anyway because it was about badass warriors conquering and torn mfs apart! *He keeps deleting and rewriting his phrases, correlates everything with history and art, making the roleplay to seem wayyyy too serious. *He is anxious as shit if he doesn’t GET THIS LINE RIGHT! 
Sevro - played by a 14 y/o east-european boy, because no one can nail ‘em swearing better than an east european. *Moved to US recently and doesn’t seem to fit in, it makes him to not have many real life friends and not feel welcomed anywhere he goes. *He and Cassius are at the same high school, but since Sevro is a little freshman goblin, Cassius doesn’t fw him and ignores him. *Thus, Sevro acts like he hates him in the group chat and roleplay, but he only really is hella intimidated by him.  *His dad is a super cool dude and joins the gang’s games and conversations as often as he can. *Sevro doesn’t like that his father is much more liked than him within the group. *Listens to rock as a way of living and sunk in heavy metal as a coping mechanism.  *Big and proud furry. Has an IG dedicated to his fursona. *Relationships?? BLEAH. They are for suckers.  *But he has a ‘secret’ thing for muscular, tall and intimidating video game girls. Denies his affinity, though.  *Gang acts like they believe him when he insists he doesn’t care about those kind of girls and no girls in general, but Tactus is not fooled so easily and taunts him a lot by creating Victra.  *Also plays Uncle Narol because he wanted the chance to be the father figure since the gang always sees him as a little boy and treat him as such.  *He recalls every hoggish thing he heard from his father for Uncle Narol’s role, but creates his own expressions for Sevro’s.  Tactus - a 16 y/o french boy, neighbor with Roque.  *His only type of humor is yo mama jokes. *Gang is tired of Tactus’s obsession with their mothers, but Tactus doesn’t lose any chance and always recalls their mama in conversation... it is odd sometimes.  *He might have some mommy-issues.  *Also plays Deanna as a way to parody off Darrow’s real life mother, but he really started to get attached to the character. *He lives with his brother’s, that are always mocking him and embarrassing him every time he is in a voice-call conversation.  *But Tactus ain’t having any of this and screams at them - auch. *’’CLOSE YOUR MICROPHONE, COCK-FACE! YOU ARE FUCKING MY EARDRUMS!’’ - Sevro *He kinda wants to cry when his brothers do this, but he acts all tough. Homies can sense the shaking in his voice, but they act as they don’t hear it so Tactus can think he succeeded into fooling them.  *His brothers always force him to drink as a way of theirs of entertaining.  *Most of the time, he stumbles and vomits, no matter how hard he tried to act as one of them. This is the pure comedy his brothers are talking about! *Once he succeeded into drinking a whole bottle of beer without puking. He is really proud of his achievement.  *Groupchat knows all about it.  Roque - played by a 16 y/o french boy.  *Has a funny accent. *Homies are always laughing at him because of his fuddy-duddy accent.  *Tactus, too, which makes Roque hella sad.  *He doesn’t show his sadness and acts unbothered and way too stoic for being hurt because of their stupid charade.  *He really is deeply infuriated.  *Crushing on Tactus 24/7, but won’t show it - only his character is suspiciously close to his’. *Like...always privately sticking to him.  *No one knows what is going on in his private chat with Tactus. What are they roleplaying about? Hmm...  *He is really worried about Tactus’ mental health and brings him over his house as often as he can.  *Has some blessed asf parents, always lenient and nice. Accepted Tactus as part of their own family since his is way too fucked up.  *Rich as shit.  *Talks as pompous as possible. *Always reading and subtly bragging about what smart things he read, by quoting long and complicated verses out of his ancient poetry, early edition books, wrapped in animal skin.  *Kinda jealous of Darrow’s extensive knowledge.  *He was the one who brought Adrius in the group chat... no one knows how the hell he met such a shady dude.  Cassius - played by a 17 y/o american boy. *Knows Sevro personally, but won’t really give a fuck about him.  *Kinda ignores him irl and in game, too.  *His brothers all have curly hair, but he doesn’t - so of course his character has the perfect, craved-by-God, golden curls! ‘’Fuck you, Mother nature! If you didn’t want to give me the curls, I gave them to me myself!’’ *Doesn’t really know how curly hair works - did his character just went into a dirty ass fight and is full of grim? Bruh, whatever! His hair still shines and bounces like a little angel in Heaven! *He is bisexual irl, too, but tries to hide it. *His character is embracing his bisexuality, but he surely ain’t bisexual! No, nope!  *Hides his affinity for boys by making no-homo jokes and calling dudes gay for showing the slightest closeness to him - dayum, he carves for it, but no one needs to know!  *Thinks Darrow is cute, but as a homie, ya know? *I mean, he is totally going on a no-homo trip with Darrow. *He always listens to him and carves to talk to him the most, ignoring the rest of the squad most of the time.  *Also, always asks Darrow to teach him about ancient stuff he won’t care about irl, but once Darrow talks about them...ugh, they become so interesting! He is such a cool bro, dude, he like...knows how to explain thing to his bro!  *Praises the shit out of Darrow. Always mentions him when he is gone. You know, as a good homie does!  *Tactus ain’t fooled by any of it and makes subtle and snarky commentaries about his behavior.  Fitchner - played by Sevro’s dad. *A cool mf. *Proudly laughing his ass off when he hears how creative his son is with his language. *He knows damn well he is his son’s inspiration - beyond proud of knowing he created a genius.  *Single father.  *Joins the boys chat pretty often.  *Fakes reading something next to Sevro so he can listen what the squad is talking about via voice-chat or to keep up with the events in their roleplay because it makes him to feel good and young.  *He taunts his son irl and in game.  *Sometimes Sevro feels humiliated by his father, so he leaves the chat and/or the roleplay. Fitchner always brings him back and promises him not to mix in their game again.  *Squad doesn’t want him to leave, so they beg him to stay every single time when Fitchner says he about to let them play alone. *He can’t resist and promises them that he will come every time when he has a little spare time. *Sometimes acts like he is really busy and can’t join, when he really only wants Sevro to spend his time with his only friends being unbothered or mad by his father’s presence.  *Squad made him to be Ares because they worship him and call him the leader of the chat.  Adrius - played by a 16 y/o british boy.  *Has the stereotypical unintelligible british accent.  *Roque brought him in the group, out of nowhere, long after the roleplay started.  *No one really knows what’s up with this weird ass dude.  *Is online 24/7, but rarely speaks - he is the dude always peeking at the corners and watching everyone talking.  *When he shows up, his character has complex, long monologues when everyone else, aside of Darrow and Roque, can barely spell.  *He doesn’t fw with anyone’s plans and wreck them completely, by popping out of nowhere and destroying everything.  *But squad kinda enjoys it because he creates a good amount of drama within their rp.  *He types hella fast, like dude would spend his entire time sending messages. *Doesn’t he, like, has any friends?  *He never socialize within the group chat, he only breaths in the voice call.  *Squad created an anti-Adrius chat without him, but keeps him in the roleplay because his weird ass plan-wrecking character is interesting.  *He is so mysterious, with his character and all, that he resembles a chocolate egg with surprises. You never know what to expect.  Nero - played by a 16 y/o american boy. *Brought by Cassius long before Adrius came.  *Squad accepted him, but he doesn’t really fw them. *He is pretty shy and wanted to quit the group chat, since he wasn’t really talking much.  *Also, first time when Cassius suggested him to join roleplaying, he declined.  *A big history fanatic, always researching about war and dictators, corruption and tyrants.  *He will mainsplain every single detail in the lives of the big bad guy’s of the history.  *He will also get all ruffled if you don’t know the exact date in which WW1 started - like, are you even paying attention in the class, Karen??  *Gets excited every time Netflix drops a documentary about WW2.  *Cassius brought him the chat because he wanted to obligate him talk about anything else, but sad, miserable historic facts.  *Also, asked him to join roleplaying so, instead of focusing on the history of amok dictators, he can fight against them in a cool, space-knight way! *Became interested in roleplaying after he heard about Darrow’s plotline, all about inequality and war, thus considering it will give him the chance of shining and playing an old good tyrant. *Cassius hated the shit out of the idea, but Darrow was in ecstasy hearing they will have a big bad guy.  *Didn’t really join in the first part of the roleplay due still being really shy and clumsy at it, only joining when Darrow asked him for the execution part, but once he got used to it...oh, boy!  *He once joked about Adrius being Nero irl in the anti-Adrius group chat. Roque told Adrius about it and he liked the idea so much, he decided to make his character Nero’s son! Roque was kicked out from the anti-Adrius group chat just after that, Mustang - played by Cassius. *Why? Well, Darrow kinda cute... *He is just kidding, duuuh! It’s not about Darrow. It’s about playing a beautiful,tough girl so he can ‘’sharpen’’ his homies!  *He is a senior, so he has experience with girls, duh! He can play a girl just fine and give them tips on how to handle one. *OOPS! Sike! You can’t handle Mustang! Nice one, Cassius.  *Forced Darrow to chase Mustang as a way to entertain himself.  *He felt his soul going uwu when Meaper was going on.  *Expresses his feelings through a cocky girl as a way of coping with his feelings. *Made Mustang Adrius’ sister as a way of flipping off Adrius and his plans, thinking Adrius will lose his shit when someone will disturb his perfectionist plans and monologues just as much as he does to others, but it just fueled Adrius’ weird imagination and fitted into his agenda way too perfectly.  *Now he regrets his decision since he is obligated to spend a little extra time around Adrius.  Victra - played by Tactus *Created her for two sole reason. *Fucking around with Sevro’s not-so-secret passion for dangerously muscular fictional woman that can step on him any time. *Flexing fictional muscles in front of the squad by creating a super-giant-titan-ninja-classy-monster-woman to kick their space-knight asses. Even his own, too, because is funny to see women kicking metallic asses of knights, duuh! *And maybe for fw Darrow a bit, by making Victra all flirt with his shy ass. So, let’s say...three reasons.  *He gathered extensive knowledge from all the girls he knows about what the hell a girl likes - had no idea ‘till then, but now he knows what girls prefers the most: slaughter.  Feel free to add!!!
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