#(is there a cure for your sickness. have you no heart?) (yakuza arc.) (pre-overwatch)
koeii · 4 years
@valkyrel / we plotted a thing He has only moved to fall back into a simple meditation at the shrine. There is a slight wound on his frame from where the pair of them had crossed blades for only a moment. But it had been well deserved. The archer has already wrapped his shoulder tightly to keep the wound compressed and to keep the blood from spilling. He will treat it more later if need be but for now he stays were he is, mind heavy with thoughts.  Genji’s appearance and the fact he was alive had been jarring. The fact of the matter was, someone had found him after he had laid his body to waste. Hanzo opens his eyes only to stare at the shrine and burning incense that is placed. There’s a type of quiet that he breathes in and he remains still. There is a lot to think about after tonight. The fact that his brother is alive, the fact that he is alive, it- it’s going to be a burden he carries for a long while. He had been so willing to die. And yet Genji had let him live, he had forgiven and it’s jarring because he doesn’t know how he can do that when Hanzo hasn’t forgiven himself. He swallows, and allows himself to fall back into meditation. 
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koeii · 4 years
NIGHTMARE: a painful scream erupted from her lips as she followed the doctors orders and pushed. sweat dripped down her as she paled, her fingers wrapping around hanzo's. her body, upon loosing blood, began to convulse as the infant came out. the doctors and nurses rushing around her. others stayed with the child, whispers of him not breathing coming to pass. she looked at hanzo, her bright eyes fading as she closed them. "i'm sorry," they said as they backed away, "they are gone."
Send my muse a nightmare. Make my muse scream and wake up in a sweat. / @adversitybloomed
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There are not many things that can tear a man open. This is one of them.  Most would say that childbirth is the most joyous thing that can be for a a person. It a moment celebrated, cherished and kept warm in your heart. No one ever speaks about the low numbers of people that die in childbirth. It is not mentioned, it is not spoken about. Hanzo’s mother had been on the verge of death when she had given birth to Genji. That had been the closest thing in his family to seeing an event like that.   But right now seeing the amount of blood: there’s so much blood.  The Shimada has seen many things in his life, many but nothing can prepare a man for this. Nothing can prepare for the loss of someone you love so deeply. That someone is the other half of your soul, and the aguish that rips through him is hot like a knife.  No. No. No.--   “Shut up.” He snarls at one of the nurses. Is it the shock echoing in his frame? No one can be quiet sure because the way he sinks to cradle the body. When he moves to cradle the corpse of his wife, the whole the bodies of what have been a son- he can feel the way his chest is tight and how his breathing catches in his throat. And the rapid snapping of Japanese.     ‘You lost them, how could you do this to us? How could you. I trusted you-’ The way he snaps at the nursing staff, spirit dragons shifting from the distress from him. How the air changes how he- something snaps unhinged---
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Hanzo wakes up with a look in his eyes that says enough. A jolt that has trembling in it and he feels out of breath despite having just been in a deep sleep. He can feel the wet press in his eyes because that dream had perhaps been to real. It was level with the ones that he had been having about Genji and he presses his fingers into his palms, to try to soothe himself. Instead the being df his dragon exposes herself, her eyes looking towards her concerned.   Hanzo, she is with you. Look beside you, Shimada-san. Ren speaks to him for comfort, and his eyes take a glance to his wife who has not stirred despite his dreaming that left him shaking. He allows his body to shift to hers, and without a thought he tucks her against him, playing it off as just being cold over shaking and having almost cried. A muted.  ‘I love you.’ into her hair, into her skin. “Kami, don’t take her from me, I beg of you.” It’s muted speaking and so soft that it wouldn’t be heard even if she had been awake. Ren tucks above them on the pillows. Hanzo eventually falls back to sleep, the soothing sound of his wive’s heartbeat being the sound that lulls him back into sleep with dreams that contain nothing unlike the ones before.
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koeii · 4 years
/ for mulan
the air is cold. snow lingers outside from the temperatures dropping, He breathes outwards. he’s soft spoken and reserved when he makes trips to the city. the dragon tattoo on his shoulder hidden from view to not gain attention in Tokyo. Business trips are a normal thing, but he is careful poised, careful. But Hanzo, still being who he is cannot stand when he sees a pair of men trailing after a woman on her on. He’s careful enough to come beside the woman with a step that is carefully placed, and a gaze that is warm towards her as if to say. treat me like you know me,                  “I believe she said stop,” Hanzo’s voice is firm, cold as ice towards the men, and he knows the woman was doing fine but he had saw three other men appear and he rather she get home safe. 
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koeii · 4 years
she knew it was a rare thing, to see him acting so freely, her eyes soften a bit as she watches him before saying, ❝ When you laugh like that, it just — you’re so beautiful, you know that? ❞
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Color is etched on his features slightly. The sake is warm on his tongue and her company is more than pleasant. He finds it easy to say what he likes around her. Finds it comfortable to be with her and his expression is soft with her. His face remains warm at her comments however, and he looks towards her.                 “Not as beautiful as you.”  He says back. “There is nothing to compare to that.”
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koeii · 4 years
► ❝ take me on a date, a proper one, even if we risk being seen by someone. ❞ ( main verse )
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He allows himself to give a glance towards her at her words. There's been talk many times about going out somewhere, despite the fact it's a risk to be seen with him. More so on the threat to her, than himself. He knows that to be the truth, none the less he gives her another glance. Expression softing slightly. "What did you have in mind?"
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koeii · 4 years
“ unique just means alone. ”
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"As a child it was words that meant gifted and lead to a pressure of being the best. I traded what they wanted for my happiness, until we had crossed paths.” 
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koeii · 4 years
Prompt: them going to an ocean town for the summertime festival, it’s clearly mulans first time seeing the sea and she’s been excited all day. It’s starting to get crowded and she keeps getting lost in the crowd.
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The summers are always a warm thing in Japan. Most wouldn't believe that he heat becomes so vast. Yet here he stands among the seas of people, he’s blended in for the most part. Despite the Shimada name bearing so much, he is careful not to expose himself when he does not need to. Right now is not a time that he needs to do that either.  His fingers remain laced with Mulan’s as he moves through the crowds with her. He lingers at some of the stalls glancing at something to pick up. They had settled down for a bit, drinking on the beach. There by no means drunk or even too far intoxicated but the pair of them look more like a pair of young lovers with each passing moment. It’s lighter than Hanzo has been in awhile, considering everything going on back home. He brings her with him, when he picks up some dango sticks, and a set of sticks that are composed of candied strawberries, a rarity to find in Japan because they are so expansive and only around when in season. He passes the treat to Mulan, keeping his other hand laced with her own, before he finds a place for them to sit again with their small snacks.       “Is this your first time by the seas?” He mutters to her softly as they take a seat, he had brought a small blanket, just to sit on the sands. It had gotten cooler now that it’s later in the afternoon. He tastes a small bite of his dango that he’s been holding onto. The snacks are light in his stomach, and he’s at ease being by the seas. “I haven’t been here in quite a long time. “He mutters to her voice soft. 
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koeii · 4 years
What would you do if you saw Mulan talking to a man who clearly is interested in her, but she remains oblivious to his advances and is answering his questions while at a festival?
Truth Serum!: your muses can now ask mine anything and they will be forced to answer honestly!
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"You are bold to assume that I would let anyone hit on her to begin with." That is all that he is saying on that given matter.
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koeii · 4 years
“ if it was down to me to save your life, would you trust me to do it ? ”
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It is perhaps the highest form of trust he can give someone. To have faith that they'd save him from death. That a shimada would allow themselves to almost kiss that fate. There’s a weight that hangs with her words considering the pair of them have no known one another for that long but here they are. He breathes and lets his fingers brush over her knuckles.       “Would you trust me to save yours?” The question is repeated back and that perhaps says enough of the answer without saying the words. He breathes outwards, allows his fingers to catch with her and breathes out softly. 
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koeii · 4 years
“ they hate what they cannot control. ”
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Ah yes. The elders were never fond of the fact that they could not control everything. Hanzo had already let enough power slip into their fingertips. His breath escaping in a soft exhale. Annoyance is evident in his features. He allows himself to exhale for a moment, yet again before he faces Mulan.     “I don’t ever believe they will be happy with anyone’s choices. Let alone if they figured out my own.” He mutters to her.
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koeii · 4 years
Blood seeps from the corner of his mouth. Hanzo Shimada is not a man that is exhausted often but here and now on the foreground of a battle, he is aching. His bones are exhausted, he is exhausted. There is a tiredness in him that goes past the battle, it goes into the mindpower of his mind being kept alive. He had fought battles outside this one. The battle he had fought had been one for power, one that wanted the Shimada blood for what it was, and Hanzo had said no. He had pushed what Talon had wanted away, as far as away as bloodied hands could carry and now here he stands fighting for his right to be alive. Swords bloody in his hands, deflecting and the dragons are worried beneath the skin. They are worried: they breathe. They burn, they itch, they would consume if Hanzo let them but the risk of death is too real if he lets them protect him. There’s a clatter of blades: this mission was not supposed to last as long as it did. There’s a mark on his arm from one of his bows snapping in half. He heaves his breath, tries not to let the exhaustion take over and keeps pushing himself, unware that his lover has been searching for him, because he has been gone for that long.  @adversitybloomed / we plotted another thing.
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koeii · 4 years
got you.
training   /   sparring   rp   meme. / @adversitybloomed
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There's a playfulness in his features. One that is reserved just for her. It’s a rare thing that the pair of them can be like this, sparring like this. It reminds him of easier days with his brother before things had become so tense between them. There’s laughter despite the fact she’s winning aganist him. A softness that perhaps is only to her eyes, and the strikes aren’t as harsh.Not today. It was more of a playful fight. He leans over to kiss her for a moment. Eyes soft.        “So you do.” He mutters with a faint smile.
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koeii · 4 years
​❝ let’s go to the fall carnival! ❞
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Hachiman Matsuri is one of the festivals that is known in his homeland. One that is in early October and something familiar to him. Genji was the one that went out to them more than he dd but having Mulsn here with him now, he choses to go to events with her. He prefers being able to go out to events and there’s a faint smile on his features when he takes her hand.   “I’d like that.” He mutters. To slip away from the clan, slip away from dealing with such matters, he adores her really. He loves to spend time with her and not to mention he prefers her company more than most people he’s dealt with.          “It’s a nice day to escape and enjoy ourselves.” 
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koeii · 4 years
❝ the more you gain by pretending, the less you're actually going to have. ❞
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Hanzo knows that for a fact, lying has not gotten him anywhere. It has merely made things much worse, much much worse. None the less it’s a burden that he’s created for himself. He swallows thickly and gives a glance towards his wife for a moment. “I am well aware of that.” He says to her, his lips in a thin line. 
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koeii · 4 years
❝ i feel like you’re taking advantage of me. ❞ ( her upset that he won't go public with their relationship )
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He does not want to throw her into the pack of wolves. He is well aware of the fact that she is not ready to be seen in the elders eyes. It woulds be dangerous for either of then to allow them to see her with him. He knows this. He does not trust the reaction of who they would see her. Things are already tense enough and to have a rumor of heirs, it is not something he wants to press upon her quiet yet.            “I’m more concerned of what they would think of you Mulan, I do not want them knowing quiet yet.” 
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koeii · 4 years
​❝ good morning. no, don’t get up, it’s raining, let’s stay in bed a little longer… ❞
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There's a tracing over her arm, her shoulders, her frame. A softened look that allows him to lean over and kiss her for a moment. The rain outside is a soothing thing. And it's a rare moment where he's in her home and does not want to head back quiet yet. “It’s nice to just lie here and listen to the rain.” Leave the elders behind for now, the stresses of the clan out of his grip and just breath her in. 
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