#(it’s me im englightened one’s)
butchviking · 1 year
i think its really lame that so many ppl on here have tightened the borders of what they consider radical feminism & who they consider radical feminists lately. like if u dont do everything just right the way /i/ believe is the truly radical way then you have no claim on the label and the label is of course the most important thing for some reason. and i will pretend like this has always been the way the label has been used, i will pretend that andrea dworkin was never a radical feminist and no-one (except fools not as englightened as i am) ever considered her to be. and if you do not meet the standard, you aren't part of my movement.
i understand that defining your branch of politics is important for finding likeminded women with common goals, to communicate what you believe in, and so you can work together on practical action to achieve those goals.
it's just. hm. its been a long time since ive considered myself a radical feminist, or even necessarily a feminist at all. ive spoken plenty abt why that is but safe 2 say i still desire the liberation of women no matter what words i call myself. but ive still always been happy to lump myself in w radfems in many ways, discuss ways forward with self-defined radfems, go to radfem events, attend radfem meetups. but lately ive begun to think, huh, i guess if i don't define myself that way i shouldn't b like. tagging along as though i belong there. which is a crazy fucking shame bc the whole reason i don't really consider myself a feminist is due to lack of action - that means i WOULD like to go to more feminist events & groups and find ways to take action! and i know that while /i/ believe feminism doesn't have to be radical to address female sex-based issues, female healthcare, porn, prostitution, male violence, etc, im well aware that if i were to attend plain ol' 'feminist' events, im going to hear a lot of shit i actually consider very very ANTI-feminist. so obviously it makes sense 2 me to go to radfem spaces instead. and if i feel like im not gna be welcome in those, then.. well, i just won't go to any, or do any sort of feminist activism at all. which isn't what i want. i want to do things! i want to help! the cause matters to me! but if mainstream feminism says "you're too radical and you're not welcome here" and radical feminism says "you're not radical enough and you're not welcome here" then. i'm not the only one on a borderline here. a lot of women who would like to be feminists are going to get left behind and end up doing nothing. don't you think that's a shame? don't you think that's a loss?
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The fact that Steve’s been acting sus with dudes the whole show and people only just noticed when Eddie came along is funny to me, think y’all need to get your gaydar checked on
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thisdreamplace · 3 years
Do I influence what all my friends say? Say we are all talking, 6 of us in a group. Is everyone just chatting to chat or does everything comes out of everyone’s mouth is the internal beliefs of everyone in the group? Does that make sense.
I don’t see the point in something’s if everyone is me pushed out. But also doesn’t that apply to everyone else. For example, am I just the collective beliefs of everyone that I am super oh see by if I am a pushed out outcome of everyone else I know? Like my own personality, is it my personality or are people manifesting it?
I hope this makes sense. Honestly this stuff is driving me nuts. I don’t see the point in some things if it’s just me pushed out, I want people to hage their own personalities. I’m not the only GOD, everyone else is GOD too, correct? So there’s only a certain extent to an influence I have on them right? Please englighten me. I don’t want to feel like conversations with friends are meaningless if it’s me who’s the one creating them. I’m about to hang out with my friends and instead of living in the moment and having fun, all I can think about everything that’s going on and if I’m manifesting the whole conversations, are they manifesting it or is it all natural?
Let’s say I change my self concept to a positive one. Are people around me gonna change their passions and jobs just because I changed myself? To what extent does everyone change?
Furthermore, don’t I play a role in their lives too? So I can change if they change their self concept too, no? Please englighten me my friend. I don’t want to go through another existential crisis over this haha.
I’m really just trying understand this all. If my friend trips and breaks his leg is it my fault? How can it be if there were 10 other people there. Who truly manifested it? I know that people just like you and I exist outside of us. So please explain it in the sense of everyone and me and not just me. Like my friend has influence on me too right?
I found out about the law by asking the universe to guide me to find a way for me to grow taller.
Now not everything neville says is true I mean this whole concept is not true, so how can I find my answers?
I wanna believe in a universe that guides us and exists outside of us. I don’t want to believe that I’m all in control. I wanna be guided and I want the things that happen to me, make me the eprson I am rather than me creating all of it.
Are there solid core beliefs or do I just experience what I believe? If I believe the universe shall guide me, will it?
im gonna start by saying you’re misunderstanding from the jump. if eiypo makes you feel like life is pointless bc its just you all alone, you’re not getting it. i dont really know how to explain it other than… the ‘you’ in everyone is you pushed out = who you truly are. aka I AM. not ‘you’ as in whoever your human identity is. and that’s how you’re taking it rn. like it’s just human you or smth. but no, its not even about human you. it’s about I AM. and this is why we are ALL ONE. because I AM is everyone and everything.
so its like rn you’re taking it from the view of your ego. but if you actually understand how it’s from the view of I AM then its actually very beautiful and life is fun. its cool to see yourself reflected in others, not a bore. you can’t sit here and tell me you already know what’s gonna happen everyday, you can’t tell me you’re going to know every word that comes out your friends’ mouths. because at the end of the day you can’t sit here and say you know EVERYTHING about yourself. if you did you wouldn’t be experiencing this life right now. there wouldn’t be any point. the point of this life is, its about being able to experience yourself through the world and others which makes it so beautiful. and through this you wake up to who you truly are — I AM.
it’s not your human self sitting here treating everyone else like we’re in the sims and you’ve got the only controller. 💀 you’re in the sims game too. it’s I AM that has the controller. I AM is within you, who you truly are. but you’re misidentifying it with your ego/human conception rn.
if you want to believe in a universe that’s calling the shots please do so <3 you are more than welcome to decide your life on your own terms. you don’t have to believe in anything on this blog if it doesn’t sit right with you ! if you believe the universe will guide you, then that will surely be your experience.
so yeah go have fun with your friends, anon. i wouldn’t spiral over this lol it’s not really a concept you have to understand. plenty of people are still happily manifesting their lives and don’t care/even know about this side of things. it’s not the end all be all. just smth of interest for people who want to understand the concepts deeply and apply them in that way. but you’re not even interested in understanding I AM as your true self (you prefer an outside power). which doesn’t really mix well. so it’s totally fine if this concept just isn’t for you, it doesn’t have to be.
hope this helps 💞
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