#(just trying to keep ppl safe and not associate with horrible people)
thecoolertails · 1 year
you would think that the creepypasta fandom would be like, the worst fandom to be a part of (and maybe some parts of it are, im sure my experiences aren't universal) but for me it's actually been one of the best fandom experiences i've had. no for me the worst fandom i've ever been a part of was probably steven universe
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hematomes · 3 years
Yeah, and I'm honestly very worried about that..
I have also heard about the Xiao situation and I think the same kinda happened with Kazuha? I do remember seeing some posts about people sending horrible stuff to those who obtained him but not as bad as Xiao.
I just hope people won't lose their minds but I know a lot are probably gonna lose it, unfortunately. I know a LOOOOT of people love Scaramouche and don't get me wrong, I like him a lot as well, I think he is a very interesting character but I'm scared of what people are gonna do.
If he doesn't come out and it's maybe the same with the whole Signora thing or he just disappears or literally anything, people are gonna be extremely upset and if he does come out, I'm worried about the people that will get him, I just hope they don't receive horrible threats and so much more.
Co-Op is gonna be hell for sure, I'll just be quietly watching what will happen, let's hope the fandom won't go crazy and do anything stupid..
Sorry if this came out as rude or anything, feel free to rant about anything that is on your mind.
Have a wonderful day. ❤️
yeah kazuha received a lot of hate from the 'meta slaves' (almost everyone regretted skipping him afterwards tho lmao) and kazuha havers were resented by those who lost the 50/50 and stuff. i myself received some rather spicy anon asks but i tend to just block and delete without a thought so yk zkdkzk
i wanted to keep the ramble to a minimum but it turned out long in the end so uh utc!!
honest the community is quite uh... filled to the brim with loud, toxic people. it's still a minority, but it's really, really loud and it's hard to ignore most of the time. i love scaramouche too, his lore is insane, his charadesign is gorgeous and his japanese voice actor was the one voicing my first ever crush (natsu.... what a time) so im kinda attached to him but not to the point where i'd handwrite his name **1,200 times** or have a breakdown bc he might not fit the idealized version of him i crafted over the year. this one i genuinely don't understand, i think most of the scara fandom has kinda correctly depicted him psychology-wise, he's a villain and shit, but you have to take into account that if he's playable, it most likely means redemption act, or at least a good reason for him joining our party and stop trying to kill us (in some degree at least, bc childe still wants to fight us lmao). and just because he has some depth and nuances doesn't mean he's ruined, just that he's more human than wr thought. i like the idea of playable scaramouche bc not only will we get his lore (hopefully more than with kokomi, ngl her story content is EMPTY) but also we'll get to know the character better. for now we have snippets, bits of a man with so much potential it's kind of insane. but the thing is, when i see how they act, i feel almost ashamed lmao bc i don't want to be associated with this sort of crowd. just like the xiao mains when his banner came out, it was a shitshow and players came into my world just to insult me bc i got him day one?? like,,, i don't understand
let's hope it doesn't go downhill when/if he becomes playable!! and know that if anything ill keep this blog absolutely safe, if you wanna ramble about anything hehe
it came off as anything but rude omg don't worry i love hearing ppl's thoughts!! kinda used the opportunity to go overboard anyway- and a wonderful day to you too <333
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do-you-have-a-flag · 7 years
racism isn't unintentional, they were well aware of what they were doing when they reduced poe to harmful stereotypes and sidelined finn in favor of white ppl, and it was a deliberate and homophobic choice to make everyone straight, none of this is unintentional which is kind of the entire issue and they do not deserve leniency or forgiveness and im glad that it's reflected in audience reviews b/c frankly LGBT and fans of color didn't like it for good reasons dont invalidate that b/c ur white
“at this point im so distracted by the homophobia and racism that every single character being out of character is just like the icing on the cake, like have your opinion on the movie but don’t be surprised that fans we’re digging the blatant racism and homophobia (and seriously, never again say they meant well when writing in racists tropes, thats fucking gross dude)my mood is u using “or*entalist” while trying to explain that you’re not ignoring the racism in the fandom… you literally said it was good intentions gone wrong that led to the racism we saw on screen, it wasn’t! it was white dudes who loved kylo ren as much as every other white person and hated all of the poc in the movie, if lgbt/poc fans are saying the movie was shit you know they’re saying that b/c we got shafted so dont be like “well it had good parts” like who cares, it was bigoted”
firstly: I use the term orientalist in the context of the racist exotification of east asians by western countries, england and america have a history of this, so does australia, I’m specifically addressing that exact form of appropriation as opposed to, for example, the appropriation of black culture, it was an attempt to conjure up specific associations to make a point and i’m sorry i wasn’t clear enough in my use of the word I assumed i would be understood but I should have worded myself better.
like i said before, I can’t speak for the entire lgbt community by from my tiny place in it and for myself I never expect a mainstream genre film coming out at this point in time to give us anything more than maybe audience baiting, tv shows have more freedom but even Star Trek, a franchise of similar standing to star wars, only managed last year to make canon gay characters a thing that wasn’t subtextual and it was only a few seconds of screentime. Is it disappointing and frustrating? Absolutely! we need to keep pushing for representation. but i wouldn’t call it’s exclusion homophobia but rather a result of the inability for the franchise to go beyond what’s safe in representation due to the homophobic culture of the west and in overseas markets (such as china). 
If we’re going to change this garbage representation we have to think nuanced about it, individuals can be pressured to change but we have to understand who they answer to.  Money is of course the root of all this, the fear of losing their biggest over seas market is one thing, if Disney owned Marvel movies edit the race of their character to avoid losing Chana’s audience don’t you think that Disney owned Star Wars might be in the same shitty position in terms of LGBT content? You don’t think that a franchise so entrenched in military skirmishes that WARS is in the title might have some other motivations that we need to examine critically? after all the Pentagon funds movies provisionally based on how positively they show militaristic content, and space fascists aside let’s not forget it is about generals and fighter pilots and bombardiers. there are a lot of institutions at play here in the influencing of how the movie show’s it’s content. it’s not just one man it is many making these bad decisions.
And as for racial representation as i stated i love the casting personally of poe and finn and rose, and the various resistance members, but I cannot speak on their characterisation and stereotypes and would like to see the arguments against them laid out because this really is the point i have least perspective on. 
Racism based on skin isn’t something i face because growing up in australia my mum immigrated here after the white australia policy was already ended, australia is still a racist country and the type of racism my mum and i faced was based on accent and sterotypes about “wogs” and horrible nationalism and islamophobia.  SO I don’t get a say in if it’s bigoted or not. But I do want to be able to talk to people who, because of my weird accent assume i’m american, will let their guard down enough for me to amplify the voices of people of colour concerned about this film. I want to be able to talk to people who because of my presentation of femininity assume i’m straight, will let their guard down, and i can talk to them and about why i think lgbt representation is important and should have been in this film.
my enjoyment of a movie doesn’t make it morally pure, i don’t believe any movie is morally pure, but i think we have to rate these things complexly and I care that it had good parts because kids deserve to see themselves in fun genre movies and this film was a baby step and coul have been better but if people keep buzzing about the stuff they want then the garbage money driven execs might be less resistant next time around
star wars is too big a franchise to die, it survived the prequels after all, so we have to be SPECIFIC with our criticisms if we want change.
listen, you seem determined to hate me and that’s fine, I’d rather you didn’t but you don’t have to like the movie that’s okay. 
bigotry is pervasive in many cultures, we have to get rid of it, and your anger and frustration is an important part of that. 
but i’m only gonna respond with my thoughts and feeling and my thoughts are that if we wanna fix things we have to be clear and nuanced in our discussions before we outright dismiss this type of film, my feelings are that it’s fiction shaped by the climate it was made in and the responses to it are also shaped by that climate and from my position in al this i have some criticisms but overall don’t think it is the be all and end all battlefield for representation.
anyway, another bias i have is i assume that people working on a franchise they love are gonna go in with good intentions, they have their own blind spots and biases that result in bad writing and casting decisions. being aware of these things is not excusing them it’s putting them in context. wanna change it? write about it. be clear. make a vlog. record a podcast. you sent me a message and that amplified your words so that’s a good step forward but you’re still being really vague be more specific
i agree with your concepts but not your specifics because you’re being too general with me. 
i don’t appreciate your tone because i have, you know, emotions, but my emotions aren’t what matter here, i still see what you’re saying and while i don’t agree with how you’re coming at it i think you’re being hyperbolic based on truths. they should have done better.
listen, i don’t know who you are but i’m not here to fight you, hey, what would you recommend I watch instead in terms of film? I can think of some decent scifi and fantasy content that have POC character and/or LGBT content in terms of tv that i have and haven’t watched (luke cage, star trek, the exorcist, raising dion, sense8, Shadowhunters) but it’s not enough and in varying levels of quality but if you have movie recs you think are good on this measure i wanna hear them because everyone deserves good scifi and fantasy stories
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