#(look Breha is really emotional about Ferus being Leia's protector. it means so much to her. it gives her so much peace of mind.)
ofalderaan · 7 years
Ferus has never felt such a moment of perfect fear. He sees the princess at the top of the crane, seeming so much smaller from so far away. She swings herself onto the cat-walk with an easy grace, and he admires the way she fearlessly tiptoes across. Her instincts and reflexes are beyond human. She is strong with the Force, even stronger than he had expected.   But she is untrained, and as she scrambles down the scaffolding, he sees her hand slip. Her foot misses its grip. She lets out an alarmed squeal and begins to slide - Ferus moves with lightning speed, nearly flying up the side of the scaffolding. He catches her.   She is angry; she resents his help. But he will not leave her behind, not again. And by the time they are halfway home, she is asleep in his arms.   He walks slowly, carefully cradling the snoring bundle in his arms. He has not held her like this since she was a toddler. On the day he first came to Bail Organa to explain his mission, Organa had placed Leia in his arms. Ferus had put her down immediately. How could he remain objective if he let emotions cloud his judgment? The Jedi way repudiated attachments, even to a small child-perhaps especially to a small child. He had turned from that way once, and the consequences had been catastrophic. Never again, he thought.   Now he knows he has been a fool.    He has denied the truth - and this, too, is not the Jedi way.   Leia is not a job. She is a child. And he loves her like she is his own.
Rebel Force: Hostage Alex Wheeler
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