ofalderaan · 6 years
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Young Leia Organa with her adoptive parents Bail and Breha, illustrated by Joe Quinones for Princess Leia: Royal Rebel.
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ofalderaan · 6 years
i know now how kind the universe can be, because you’re in my life.
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ofalderaan · 6 years
I know I can’t protect you for ever, but I promise I’ll try
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ofalderaan · 6 years
I was out with a bunch of people this weekend and this guy suddenly went “man I miss my wife” and went home. like…I want that
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ofalderaan · 6 years
( leia organa ) aurumpulvis:
                Leia’s lips twisted disapprovingly at her mother’s words. Did her mother just take her reluctantly drawn statement and twist it into a quip regarding her stature ?
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               “ … I don’t have a tiny head, ” Leia said, in a voice barely grazing the surface of a huff. In at attempt to remedy the fragility of her pride, Leia added, “ I may not know everything now, but someday I w - might. ” Leia corrected herself from saying will. It sounded too proud.
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“ All of you is still quite little, blossom, ” Breha tells her daughter with a smile, leaning over to kiss the top of Leia’s head. “ You will learn many things, ” she agrees then, “ But still probably not everything. I don’t think anyone knows everything. I certainly don’t -- just don’t tell your father I said that, ” she adds with a teasing wink.
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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Every Kösem Sultan Outfit: 92/∞
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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             There’s a soft little sniffle from behind one of the many wardrobe’s of the palace, dark eyes peering out from under equally dark, curly hair.  After a moment, the boy squirmed out of hiding, tugging at his tunic to straighten it, and looking at the queen with slightly-red eyes. “S-sorry, ma’am.  I just…got scared.”
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“ It’s alright, ” she repeats, moving to sit down on the floor with the young boy, holding out a handful of sweets towards him. “ There’s nothing wrong with being afraid, even I’m afraid sometimes, ” she tells him, using her other hand to pluck one of the sweets from her palm and pop it into her mouth, hoping he’ll take it an an invitation to come nearer and do the same. “ But there’s nothing to be afraid of here, darling. ”
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ofalderaan · 6 years
( bail organa ) soulscatter:
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he holds her close and tight, tears springing to the corners of his eyes as she sobs against him, his hand pressed against her head, the other arm wrapped around her, as if he could cocoon her from this world. as she pulls away, though, and speaks, looking up at him, he looks back, a gentle furrow on his brows. he swallows thickly and nods, hand coming up to wipe away the hair and tears from her face.
     ❝ yes, of course. of course, my love. i promise. ❞
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She takes a shuddering breath, and then another, trying desperately to stem her tears as Bail tenderly brushes them from her face. She loves him so much, she doesn’t know how he can stay here holding her, keeping himself so strong, when she knows that his heart must be breaking, too. ( What would she ever do without him? She doesn’t know; she doesn’t want to know. ) 
Nodding, she leans against her husband again, folding herself into his arms and nestling her head against his chest. “ Thank you... ” It’s hardly more than a whisper, but she doesn’t know what else to say. “ I love you. ”
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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✸ Star Wars worlds : Alderaan  Alderaan, located in the Core Worlds, was a terrestrial planet covered with mountains. During the waning decades of the Galactic Republic, it was ruled by Queen Breha Organa and represented in the Galactic Senate by her husband, Senator Bail Organa.
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ofalderaan · 6 years
Leia Organa: I’m never gonna get tall... Breha Organa: No, you’ll always be short like me.  Leia Organa: What does that matter? I’m adopted. Bail Organa, dramatically: WHAT? Oh my god, who told you?!
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ofalderaan · 6 years
Favorite thing about Bail as a father?
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Favorite thing? Just one? ( It’s impossible to name just one favorite thing about Bail as a father. ) Just thinking about him with Leia and Winter makes her smile. 
She loves the way he has always been so protective. The way that he’d insisted the High Council all speak in whispers when Leia had been napping. The way he’d held her tiny hands when she had climbed up on the short stone walls in the gardens and wanted to toddle along on top of them. The way he had gone to Winter’s nursery after Sheltay’s death and brought her home, shielding her with his cloak from the insensitive gaze of curious reporters. The way he had held onto Winter’s hand with one of his as she’d learned to walk, cradling Leia in his other arm. The way he’d lift either girl up into their sleep couch after a nightmare and tuck them snuggly in between him and Breha. The way he’d dutifully stoop to the ground and check for frightening things beneath the girls’ sleep couches, and inside their closets, always giving a very sincere promise that it was safe.
She loves the way he loves their girls. The way she’d so often woken in the night to find him with Leia or Winter when they were babies, just watching them sleep peacefully, as though guarding them all the dangers of the galaxy, and memorizing the sleepy pattern of their breath. The way she had seen the glisten of tears in his eyes the first time Leia spoke his name. The way he’d embraced Winter tightly and kissed the top of her head the first time she’d asked if he thought her mother would be proud of her. ( The catch in his voice as he’d told her that he knew Sheltay would be very, very proud of her. ) The way he’s so patient when teaching them everything they need to know to grow up strong, wise, and independent. The way his smile changes when he looks at them. The tremor of pride in his voice any time he speaks about them…
“ My favorite thing is… how much he loves being a father. And how very good at it he is. ”
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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Father & Daughter final goodbye
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ofalderaan · 6 years
still healing from things I don’t speak about
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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Breha Organa, Queen of Alderaan
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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Every Kösem Sultan Outfit: 99/∞
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ofalderaan · 6 years
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ofalderaan · 6 years
None of the Alderaanians gave up a single name of anyone they knew at the park. They all claimed that the park was too crowded, they didn’t know anyone that day, or maybe they would provide a first name, a common name that would be impossible to trace. Hydra even interviewed the children and drew the same response. It was obvious that the children had been prepared as well as the adults.    It reminded [Ferus] of the solidarity and courage of the resistance on his homeworld of Bellassa. It made him proud.
Last of the Jedi: Master of Deception Jude Watson (via ofalderaan)
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