#(lost my patterns in a fire in case anyone missed that info)
marzipanandminutiae ยท 7 months
looking into rebuilding my pattern collection and it's just
how do I rebuy 7 years' worth of patterns all in one go?
when it's a pattern or two here and there over the years, it's negligible cost-wise. when I need them all back at once, though...
(this brought to you by: the realization that it would be over $200 just to buy back all of the Truly Victorian patterns I had. I could defray that significantly by rebuying the Prior Attire Victorian Dressmaking book, but...that's out of stock right now)
(some things I can get out of pattern books that a friend very generously donated me, but they unfortunately don't have what I'd need to remake the Lucille park dress, for example)
it's just. it's a Lot and I feel very overwhelmed, to be honest
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