#(love using the ettvard tag as if there's literally anyone else in the fandom who might ever look at it)
anderstrevelyan · 4 months
3, 4, and 5 for the fic asks?
(from these asks!)
3) How you feel about your current WIP
Like I've been lost in the weeds of it for far too long, and I'm really displeased at it for growing extra chapters, but also I've been rewriting the opening sections recently and loving what's there, so optimistic I'll like the end result!
4) A story idea you haven’t written yet
I've written...130 words apparently with my vision for an opening, so I think this one counts: there's a piece I really want to write about Valas and Shadowheart during the game. I have other bits and pieces about them in the WIP file, but I'm trying this one in her voice instead of his and I think the vision's working better.
Constructing a sense of self through the smallest fragments of memory, clinging to concepts of faith, feeling the cracks in both grow too wide to ignore—framed around the night he tries to murder her.
5) First sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
Oh, since you're asking, here's what's fifth from the top of the unstructured chaos of the Ettvard document!
He bought the thin, three-story building with his parents' coin, sure, gathered over generations as the Lower City's favourite tailors—but the Baldur's Mouth Gazette, the city's first publication to be the voice of the people, based far from the prim streets of the patriars' perch, was something he built entirely on his own.
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