#(matching bows courtesy of Amy!)
cacturnia · 3 months
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Two of them!!
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Princess ~ Jay Halstead
This was requested by @somthingrandomhere Back in April, it’s now July (oops!) but here it is!! I’m sorry it took so long and it’s not the best but I hope you enjoy!!
Jay couldn’t help but smile as he and Adam walked through the theme park, children and families of all shapes and sizes laughing and smiling as they enjoyed their holiday. Children running up to their most loved characters, eyes wide with the biggest grins that he had ever seen.
“So what exactly are we looking for?” Adam asked as his eyes scanned the crowd, subtly taking a quick once over as one of the princesses caught his eye.
“Six foot, tanned skin, dark hair and one of the witnesses said he was wearing a blue cap with those mickey ears.” Jay recalled without taking his eyes off of the crowds around him, eager to find the guy that had been stalking the princess actors around the park, taking pictures of them and sending them to themselves the next day.
“What exactly is this guys problem anyway? Why the pictures?” Adam mumbled to himself, knowing that while it did scare the girls involved there was no evidence that any physical harm had been done, or even planned.
“I dunno man, guess he gets a kick out of scaring girls.” Jay shrugged, his eyes narrowing as they landed on a guy that fit the description, standing at the back of a small crowd that surrounded a Belle. “Ruzek, over by Belle.” He mumbled, casually nodding his head in the general direction.
“Boss, we got a guy matching the descriptions in the far right hand side, he’s watching one of the girls.” Adam spoke into his phone, Voight’s voice on the other end telling them to get the girl away without drawing so much attention, without blowing their op.
“Let’s go get ourselves a princess.” Adam grinned making Jay chuckle as they approached.
“Well don’t you look gorgeous.” I grinned as I crouched down to the little girl infront of me, no more than six years old, her hair rested over her shoulders in two long plaits while she wore the signature Anna dress. “I believe your spot is on the other side of the park princess Anna.” I winked as she grinned up at me, the missing front tooth making me ‘awwh’ mentally.
“I’m not the real Anna! My names Amy!” She giggled.
“Oh! Silly me!” I sighed dramatically, the smile never leaving my face. “Princess Amy it is a pleasure to meet you!” I grinned bending my knees in a courtesy as I bowed my head to her.
Pulling her into my side we both smiled wide as our picture was taken, Amy’s parents were stood watching with proud grins on their faces. I smiled over at them as I stood up and took Amy’s hand in my own.
“Your Royal Heignesses, here is your princess.” I bowed slightly as I let go of Amy’s hand. “I will see you soon Princess, enjoy the rest of your day!” I grinned before making my way back to the front of the long queue of children.
As I got back to my spot I noticed two officers stood just off to the side watching me with small smiles on their faces, I knew why they was there, we’d been told all about the guy that had been stalking other girls back to their homes and taking pictures of them, we already knew that there was police patrolling the park.
“Excuse me Princess?” The taller of the two stepped forwards, the children’s eyes going wide as they looked up at him.
“How may I be of assistance?” I asked, staying in the princess role.
“We need to Uh, have a talk about, uhm.” He stuttered, his eyes floating over the disappointed faces of the children in front of him.
“We just need you to approve of the new tableware that the Beast has purchased, Princess.” The other guy stepped forwards, his blue eyes watching me nervously as he bowed slightly making me smile.
“Oh of course!” I grinned before looking over at the children. “These are the beasts best knights, I’m so sorry my Princesses and Princes but im going to have to sort this out, the beast isn’t very good at this.” I stage whispered making them laugh. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise.” I smiled apologetically at them and their parents before following the two officers into one of the staff buildings.
“I’m Detective Jay Halstead and this is Officer Adam Ruzek, we’re from Chicago PD.” The smaller one introduced with a smile.
“Y/N.” I smiled.
“We’re sorry to pull you away like that but our suspect was in the area.” Adam smiled apologetically.
“It’s fine, but shouldn’t you be out there catching the bad guy.” I asked.
“Our team is already on it.” Jay smiled at me, my heart fluttering as he did, he really was gorgeous.
The sound of muffled talking caught my attention confusing me until Adam pulled out a radio from his pocket.
“I’m on my way.” Adam spoke into the radio before looking over at me and Jay. “Guys done a runner, stay with her.” He said to Adam offering me a smile before he quickly left the building.
“Water?” I offered as I went over to the fridge sitting in the back corner, pulling one out for myself after he declined.
“So how long have you been doing this?” Jay asked as we took a seat opposite one another at one of the tables.
“A few months, not the career I’d imagined but I do love it.” I smiled fondly.
“You are beautiful.” He mumbled before his eyes went wide. “I mean uh, you make a beautiful belle.” He said quickly making me giggle, a slight blush rising to my cheeks at his words.
“What about you? How long have you been a cop?” I asked taking a sip from my water.
“A few years, I was in the army and when I left I still felt the need to help people so, here I am.” He shrugged with a smile.
“A real life hero huh.” I smirked making him chuckle slightly.
“Something like that.” He smirked back, a few seconds of silence fell over us until a rustle from the back room caught his attention. “Anyone else in here?” He asked quietly, his eyes watching the door to the back room.
“There shouldn’t be, the only person who uses this place is me and the other Belle’s.” I said quietly, my nerves rising.
“Any other way in?” He asked as he slowly stood up with his hand on the gun that rested on his hip.
“There’s a door round the back that leads into that room.” I mumbled, nodding towards the room where the noise was coming from.
Nodding his head he quickly spoke into his radio that there was someone else in the room before slowly and quietly creeping over to get door. I watched as he took a deep breath before throwing the door open only to be tackled to the ground by a guy that was slightly taller than he was, but in the muscles department was clearly slacking compared to Jay.
I let out a loud gasp as the man swung his fist into Jay’s side making him groan out in pain, before he quickly started to fight back, the two of them rolling on the floor until the unknown man got the upper hand, pinning Jay to the ground with his hands around his throat with his back towards me. Without thinking I quickly stood up and grabbed one of the metal chairs quietly making my way over I raised the chair above my head and slammed it down onto the guys back with as much strength as I could muster. He groaned at the impact and fell to the side in shock, he was grown of long enough for Jay to grab the gun from the floor and jump to his feet pointing it down at the man.
“Chicago PD, you move I shoot!” He yelled kicking his back to get him to lay on the floor just as Adam and two other officers burst threw the back door with their guns raised.
“Good job Halstead.” The blonde woman grinned rushing over and cuffing the guy who was still laid on the floor groaning in pain.
“Wasn’t me.” Jay shrugged with a smile as he looked over at me with a twinkle in his eye, making me blush.
“You did this?” The older guy that had just came in asked with raised eyebrows as his eyes moved from the chair lying on the ground, to the suspect, to me.
“Guilty.” I smiled nervously, relaxing as he chuckled.
“Good job Princess.” He chuckled to himself. “Sargent Voight.” He introduced himself holding his hand out towards me.
“Y/N, or Belle.” I laughed reaching out and shaking his outstretched hand.
“You know, Belle has always been my favourite.” The woman smiled as she walked over to me leaving Adam and Voight to haul the guy in cuffs away. “I’m Hailey by the way.”
“Want a picture?” I asked with a smile, knowing that the adults who came to the park were just as excited to have their pictures taken with their childhood favourites just as much as their own children.
“Yes, yes, yes.” She grinned quickly pulling out her phone and practically throwing it at Jay as she rushed over and stood beside me. “Thank you so much!” She grinned after seeing the picture Jay had taken. “I’m gunna go catch up with Voight, I’ll see you there.” She smiled at Jay before giving me a hug then leaving.
“You know, if this princess thing doesn’t work or you’d be a great cop, or wrestler.” Jay smirked making me laugh. “Seriously, that was pretty badass.” He smiled as he stood in front of me.
“I may be a Princess Mr Halstead, but I’m not a damsel in distress.” I winked with a laugh, our eyes making eye contact.
We stood in silence for a few seconds, just looking at each other while a blush crept its way from my chest to my cheeks as his blue eyes sparkled.
“I might be completely out of order right now, but uh, would you maybe like to Uh, get a drink sometime, with me, I mean, ya know, if the beast doesn’t mind.” He stumbles over his words which made him approximately ten times cuter than he already was.
“I’d love to.” I smiled with a giggle as I reached into the hidden pocket on my dress and pulled out the booklet I used to give autographs to the children. I quickly scribbled my number and ripped the page out handing it over to him. “Gimme a call sometime Detective.” I smiled with a wink before making my way to the door.
“You got it, Princess.” He smirked with a nod, I offered him one final smile before I made my way back out to the park, the thought of seeing Jay again keeping the smile on my face for the rest of the day.
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mrbeeblebus · 4 years
The Crown in the Stars - Ch. 2
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Warnings: Slight violence? I guess? Just in case.
The Mandalorian x reader
Note: I know it’s only been like a day and a half since I posted the first part, but I finished this one and just wanted to put it out as soon as possible. The other chapters probably won’t come out as quickly as this did, as a fair warning. Hope you like it xxx
   Ten years. That’s how many years separate Kodo and you, and he somehow still manages to be better than you. In every aspect.
   It wasn’t that you were a bad fighter. You were good. You could defend yourself, hold your own. But he was so fucking fast. And small. 
   “You go under my legs like that one more time Kodo and I’ll stomp your face in!” you yell frustrated as you fall to the soft floor of the training room, for the millionth time tonight alone. All he does is laugh, reaching his hand out to help you up. Again.
   “Well maybe if you were fast enough to dodge me it wouldn’t be such an issue,” you roll your eyes. He may be faster, but you were smarter. Instead of grabbing his hand, you grab your wrist, reaching for your staff with your other hand. You bring it up, twirling it in your hand before bringing down the cushioned metal behind your brothers knees, and pulling down. He squeals as he lands on top of you, going red as you start giggling.
   “Not fair! I was trying to help you,” he says, rolling over to lay on his back next to you, lifting his legs up to rub the backs of his knees “and you hurt me!”
   “You wouldn’t help someone who’s trying to kill you would you? And besides, you think poking me with your little dagger feels good?” you lift your upper body up, pulling your knees to your chest and twisting to face him. Kodo laid there still, staring at the ceiling, huffing his annoyance to the air. “Just imagine if I had hit you without the protective layer on it. The way you wanted. Would’ve been a lot worse,”
   “I know,” he says, rolling to his side to face you “doesn’t make me feel any better”
   You laugh again, placing your staff down and reaching out to stroke his hair.
   “Don’t worry, you’re already a lot better than me by a long shot. By the time you finish your training you’ll probably be the best fighter in the galaxy,” he smiles and blushes at your words. Never was one to take a compliment.
   “Come on. I think we’ve beat each other up enough. I wanna go do some reading before mother calls us for dinner,” you say as you rise to your feet. You reach out your hand to him, but all he does is look at you with an eyebrow raised. 
   “Reading? You’re going to have to come up with a better reason to be hanging around that man’s ship if mother sees you,” he sighs. You shake your hand, which he finally grabs in response, and drag him up to his feet.
   “I’m not going to hang around his ship. If he wants to keep it there, fine. But I’m not changing my habits for some stranger who doesn’t even have the courtesy to introduce himself to us,” he rolls his eyes at your response, turning away to retrieve his weapons from the other side of the room as you bend down to grab your staff.
   “We haven’t really introduced ourselves either, Ami,” he shrugs, gently picking up and sheathing his dagger “Maybe he’s just shy?” 
   “Well then I’ll introduce myself while I’m out there, get him out of his comfort zone,” you say, turning and walking towards the double, wooden doors.
   “I’m gonna go ahead and guess he’s probably already out of his comfort zone,” Kodo says behind you “I’ll stay here. I don’t want to be around to find out what happens when you annoy him too much,”
   What are you even doing right now? You thought to yourself, fixating on your image in the mirror. All you planned to do was go to your room, change from your combat clothes, and grab a book. You definitely hadn’t planned to spend so much time fussing over how you looked. You never did. Especially when the goal was to snoop around. But here you were, staring at yourself in the mirror, trying to make your hair fall as perfectly as possible. The shimmery, lilac dress you decided to put on gleamed as sunlight washed through your window. It was soft, and much lighter than most of the other dresses you had. Stopping just at your feet, the neckline wrapping around your arms and chest, just above your cleavage. You looked beautiful, although you weren’t entirely convinced of that yourself. This is as good as it’s going to get then.
   You grab a random book from the ceiling high bookcase in the corner of your room, and quickly make your way out of your room and towards the dining hall.
   What was going on with you? You were never nervous. Not like this. Your stomach felt like it had been rolled into a ball, your shoulders shaking, and you didn’t want to imagine how your voice would sound if you tried to speak. Pull it together Ami.
   You got halfway towards the dining room when you saw his ship, stationary in the same place you saw it last night. You stopped behind one of the pillars, using it shield your view of the ship. Gods why did you feel like you were going to be sick? You took in a shaky breath, trying to will your arms to stop shaking, looking down at the book in your hand. That was your spot, it had been since you planted the tree there with your father. No one would take it away from you. Not even if the thought of being around them made you panic.
   You were just going to read. It was a nice day, you wanted to relax. That was all. You felt yourself moving before you had completely convinced yourself this wasn’t the worst idea in the world. As soon as the ship came back into sight the shaking started again. You kept walking closer, never breaking your confident stride, book proudly (and tightly) gripped in one hand as the other hand crossed your chest and rested on your upper arm to make the shaking less noticeable. 
   It was bigger than you had originally thought. Wider, more bulky. And although it was damaged and appeared to be quite a bit old, it was still in mostly good condition. Was that the only reason he was here? To repair the damages on his ship?
   “Is there something I can help you with?” what startled you wasn’t necessarily the deep, mechanic voice but more the fact that it was directly next to your ear. For a man who wears nothing but armor you would’ve thought he would’ve made some noise coming up behind you. You flinch forward, while simultaneously trying to turn around to look at him. You feel the end of your dress wrap around one ankle. Not again.
   You go down hard, your book flying from your hand and off somewhere towards his ship, a soft, faint coo coming from the same direction. You propped yourself up on your elbows, face going red as you look up to see him staring down at you.
   “No! No, I was just um,” you hike your dress up your legs, just enough to be able to stand back up without issue “I was just….this is where I normally...um, I just wanted to introduce myself” you take hold of the sides of your dress, lifting slightly and bowing in front of him “I’m Princess-”
   “Amoreena,” he says for you, leaning backwards and tilting his helmet down in what you can only assume is his way of bowing for you. Gods, why was he so tall? And so incredibly broad. You practically had to bend over backwards just to meet his gaze. “I know who you are,”
   Who knew your name could sound that beautiful? Even with the robotic filter of his helmet, the deep bass of his voice made your heart jump. You stare at him for awhile, him seemingly matching your gaze with the way his helmet is still tilted. You didn’t know what to say back. All the words from all the languages you knew seemingly disappeared from your mind the second he said your name.
   “Did you need something princess?” he finally asks, breaking the silence. Fuck. Princess? Well, you were one, but you’d rather die than let someone call you by your title. But him? He could call you whatever he wanted.
   “I was just...this tree is usually where I hang out most of the time. But I can just um, I’ll go, leave you, uh, leave you to it, I guess,” what happened to not letting anyone take your tree? Did he really intimidate you that much?  You moved towards his ship, scanning the ground for your book, only for it to be shoved into your open hand.
   “I’ll move my ship,” he says flatly when you finally grab the book from him, moving towards the hatch. Your heart instantly drops, your panic returning at the thought of not being around him anymore. Make up your mind would you? Without thinking you reach out and grab his upper arm, just under the metal plate on his shoulder . He stops, the muscles under your hand tensing. He moves his helmet to the side, looking down at your arm. Fuck, you overstepped didn’t you. You’d barely spoken any real words to him and now you’re just feeling up his biceps. Very princess-like.
   “Sorry,” you try to say, but it barely came out a whisper from how dry your throat suddenly was. You cleared your throat, dropping his arm “You don’t… have to do that. It’s fine. I can still read with you here. Unless, you’d rather I find someplace else?” please say no, please say no.
   But he doesn’t say no. He doesn’t say anything really. Just hums low in his throat before moving back towards the ship, picking up some strange tool you’ve never seen before and getting to work. Right. You take his silence as a no, moving around his ship, more towards the tree, sitting cross legged at the base, using your dress to cover your improper stance and as a pouch to hold the book as you read.
   Well, “read”. Cause you don’t end up actually reading. You can’t when he’s in such close proximity, hammering and zapping away at something on the side of his ship, his back to you. This shouldn’t even be a thing. He shouldn’t be here. You shouldn’t be here. All he was here to do was repair his ship, and fly off to wherever he’s actually supposed to be. Not here to fuel some weird, half crush you’ve suddenly developed. When on Ortocel did you suddenly have crushes on rugged, space cowboys?
   You’re snapped out of your thoughts when something hard and round bounces off your leg and rolls next to you. Not the time Kodo. You pick up the ball and examine it. Doesn’t look like one of his usual toys. 
   “Kodo,” you say, leaning forward to try to look around the tree, where the ball came from “Kodo, I’m not kidding, now is not the ti-” you abruptly cut yourself off the second you see giant ears waddling towards you. Giant, green ears, is what you notice first, followed by it’s almost as giant eyes. The rest of his small frame was wrapped in some sort of robes, far too big for his little body. “Hello there, who might you be?”
   “Kid, I thought I told you to stay on the ship,” comes The Mandalorians voice from above you. He reaches down and retrieves the metal ball from your hand. The creature looks up at him, his head tilted as he coos. Then turns back to you, tilting his head in the other direction, then promptly deciding to sit in your lap. You can’t help but smile and help him climb up, even as the bounty hunter’s irritated sigh comes through the modulator. “You need to learn to follow directions,”
   “He just wanted to say hello. Didn’t you?” you say, more to the kid than to him. You bring your hands up and run them along his ears. The child closes his eyes and makes a tiny, pleased noise “Bet it gets pretty boring just watching him fix things and beat people up all the time, doesn’t it?” The kid opens his eyes to the sound of your voice, peering up to look at the Mandalorian. You look up at him too, tilting your head and squinting one eye at the way the setting sunlight reflected off his helmet. He seemed to notice, tilting his head slightly to block the sun from your eyes “Does he have a name?”
   “No,” he says shortly, dropping the ball as the kid’s tiny hands grasp onto it. You don’t bother asking him why he didn’t name him. You didn’t want to bug him too much. Instead you lift the creature under his arms, and slowly hold him up. The Mandalorian grabs him, as the kid whines, his arms dropping his ball again and reaching out to you. You quickly grab the ball before the man can, using the tree to lift yourself up and drop it into his hand. You give him a small smile.
   “What about you?” you ask as he turns to walk away, curiosity getting the best of you “Do you have a name?” He stops for a second, tilting his chin up as if he’s thinking about an answer. After about 5 minutes of silence you’re about to apologize for overstepping before he starts talking.
   “Mando,” he finally says “Just call me Mando,”
   “It’s nice to meet you Mando,” you say, stepping closer to pet the kid’s ears again “and you too little one,”
   You stay like that for a bit. You petting the kid as he holds him for you. His helmet is tilted down now, inches away from your own face. You’re glad you can’t see his face. You probably wouldn’t be so bold if you could. A noise comes from the modulator just before a guard comes striding over to you, Mando turning to him before he could speak, moving the child away from you.
   “Princess Amoreena,” the guard says, taking a step back as the man steps forward. You roll your eyes at his timidness, before moving to stand in front of the Mandalorian “The queen is requesting your presence in her quarters your highness,”
   “Very well then. I’ll be there shortly,” you say turning back to the kid before sighing and turning your head “I know the way to my mother’s quarters. Thank you, but I don’t need an escort,” The guard jumps slightly back at your vague demand, before bowing and turning to leave. You focus your attention back to the kid. Well, you try to. While the Mandalorian still stands there, the kid is no longer in his arms or in sight.
   “Where did-”
   “Why did you send him away?” he interrupts you. You furrow your brows at the question, not expecting it, especially not from him.
   “Like I told him,” you start, trying to come up with some excuse without revealing too much “I don’t need to be led to my mother’s quarters. I’ve lived here my whole life, I can manage perfectly fine on my own,” He tilts his head, a soft hum coming from behind his helmet, undetectable if it weren’t for how close you were standing. Oh. Oh. Suddenly you’re very aware of how little space there is between you, how your head stands perfectly level with his chest, how if you lifted your hand just slightly you’d meet his gloved one, hanging loosely by his side. 
   “U-uh, right then. I should, um, I should probably, go, go see what she needs,” you breathe out quickly, your face suddenly becoming very hot. “T-thanks for letting me meet the - your...kid?” He nods, suddenly standing very straight, stiffening as if also suddenly realizing how close you were. You give a small wave, before twisting on your heel and quickly walking off. It isn’t until you make it back to the pillars of the dining hall that you let yourself glance over your shoulder. He’s still standing in the same spot, frozen in place with his head still tilted down. You can’t make out if he’s looking at you or not. You secretly hope that he is.
   You catch yourself just before you walk face first into one of the pillars in front of you. You stop, take a breath in, and then turn towards the direction of your mother quarters. Small footsteps keep you in place though, Kodo quickly coming up behind you, already smirking.
   “Get a lot of reading done Ami?” he asks, trying his best not to giggle, as you both continue the walk to your mother’s room. You raise your book above your head, waiting for him to flinch back before letting your arm drop. “Mother called for you too?”
   “She did,” you say, nodding. You slow your walk “Any idea as to what she wants?” He shrugs, his foot slightly kicking the ground. He turns to look back at the ship in the yard, causing you to do the same. Mando’s gone back to his repairs, the bright, blue light shielding his helmet from view.
   “Find out why he’s here?” he asks, lowering his voice as two handmaids walk past. You let your shoulders slump. Not really.
   “His ships damaged,” you say, which seems to satisfy Kodo. He doesn’t ask anymore questions, and you don’t say anything else. As you reach the doors to your mother’s room, you both look at each other. You give him a reassuring smile. It couldn’t be that bad, could it?
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A very merry (and ugly-sweatered) Christmas present for @thepiecesofcait , by @youknewyouwerelost Caitlyn, I hope this little fic finds you well and brightens your day a little. Happy holidays and all the best for the following year! :)
The back room of the Café Musain - usually dimly lit and barely decorated, a utilitarian headquarter for a group of very motivated students - was shining in a multitude of colours today. Candles were lit, strings of fairy lights were haphazardly put up on every vertical surface, and a tree was placed near the door, adorned with baubles and lights; everything smelled like mulled wine, hot chocolate and pine needles.
Courfeyrac and Combeferre watched their handiwork with a smile on both their faces. Their annual Christmas celebration, the one time a year the Les Amis decided to leave politics behind for a shared evening of companionship and unbound joy, was about to start.
This year, however, things were about to look a little different, which led back to Eponine’s cunning plan at one of the latest meet-ups: To spice things up a little the evening would be completely by their first ugly Christmas sweater contest. The winner, with the ugliest and most hideous sweater chosen by the group of fourteen, would not only receive bragging rights for the upcoming year, but also a package filled with a small gift from every single one of their friends. No one fully knew what the price actually contained, but that was half the charm.
The first guests began to filter into the room as soon as Courfeyrac tossed the door open, one by one. Joly, Bossuet and Musichetta were the first to step into the Musain, all three of them in matching, hideous sweaters in glaring reds and greens. The LED-lights built into the reindeer’s noses on each of their garments reflected brightly on Bossuet’s head, which was adorned with a red bow tie.
Courfeyrac welcomed them with laughter and pats on their backs, already handing out drinks for the first arrivals. He kept his sweater hidden underneath his jacket, waiting for the moment of the reveal when everyone had arrived.
Next through the door was Feuilly, looking… decidedly normal, if not almost elegant. His sweater was dark red and white; he wore his nice clothes, yes, but there was no sign of an even remotely ugly looking Christmas sweater underneath his jacket.
 He held a present in his hands, and had the most brilliant smile as he looked around the room.
“Good evening,” Combeferre greeted him near the door. He raised an eyebrow behind his glasses, clearly surprised.
“You’re not joining the… contest?” he asked politely. There was some tinsel in his hair that had clearly been courtesy of Courfeyrac, earlier, and his sweater – a dark blue, rather moderate one actually - read in swirly letters ‘I’m a doctor, of course I’m on the nice list.’ That had most likely been courtesy of Courfeyrac, too, but nobody mentioned it outright.
Feuilly smiled, and then shook his head, always modest.
“I had this one at home already, and I like it very much, so why not wear it for the opportunity?”
“You’re quite right. And I have to say, it looks fantastic on you.”
Combeferre clasped his shoulder as he walked in, followed by Eponine (in a short dress, no less, which she wore over a pair of trousers that looked like ridiculously decorated stockings) and Gavroche (in a painfully colourful and definitely self-made sweater of his own design).
“Thank you!” Feuilly said, taking off his coat and then following Combeferre into the living room-like structure of the Musain, where everyone was already beginning to drink some mulled wine. Courfeyrac had already taken off his jacket, and he did look like a tree himself, complete with string lights woven into the fabric of his sweater.
Joly greeted them with a more than bright smile and waved happily at Feuilly, indicating the spot next to him.
“There you are!”
The table was already heavily decorated with tinsel and presents, and the friends were having a good time. It was too rare that they got together out of nothing but leisure - their lives were busy enough, and their regular meetings were stacked with current topics and calls to action. This was a rare pleasure which all of them cherished.
Feuilly squeezed himself between Joly and a just arriving Bahorel, who’s sweater read ‘Brodolf the red nose Gainzdeer’, complete with a very muscular reindeer-slash-man flexing his oversized muscles. He leaned into Feuilly’s side and clapped him on the back in cheerful greetings.
Prouvaire brought a stack of gifts, a Christmas sweater with cats of all things, and Marius and Cosette along.
“Almost all of us are here already!”, Courfeyrac said with a big grin around a mouthful of cookies. He took a quick headcount.
“Looks like only our fearless leader is still missing!“
“And Grantaire,” Eponine said from where she was sitting with a mug of wine in hand. She had barely finished the sentence when the door slammed open once more, and a very cheery, very much… decorated Grantaire approached the table.
“Season’s greetings,” the artist chimed with his sweetest voice, arms loaded with presents. He didn’t even wear a proper sweater; it was a ridiculous, glaring green-and-red cardigan with Santa on its front, holding a wine bottle and saying 'Merlot-Ho-Ho.’ It looked horrendous enough to have Gavroche fall off his chair laughing.
Courfeyrac instantly jumped up and went in to hug him fiercly, toppling over a few of the presents. His laughter was full of happiness as he helped picking them up again, relocating them to the tree near the door.
“You, Sir! You look fabulous!”
“I try,” Grantaire said, wild hair adorned by an equally green-and-red Christmas hat that jingled with every step. He sat down opposite Feuilly once his hands were cleared, a mug already in front of him.
“I’ve never seen this much elegance compiled in a single room.”
“Well, thank you!”, Bahorel muttered with an exaggerated bow. Combeferre slowly went towards the counter, ordering more drinks and snacks for the growing group.
Eponine’s eyes narrowed with a sudden plan, and she leaned forward, elbows on the table.
“R, what do you say… We could decorate Feuilly’s sweater to make it match our own.”
"You defintiely don’t need to - ” Feuilly began, but Grantaire was already shaking his head with a grin, hat bobbing happily.
“Nonsense!” he declared, taking a rope of tinsel from the table and wrapping it round Feuilly’s neck like a tie. “You can’t have me look like a proverbial Christmas tree alone, my dear friend. No, no, you must agree to some… additions.”
“I agree!” Bahorel chimed in and grabbed another colourful rope, wrapping it around Feuilly’s arm.
“That looks nice!”
“Be nice to the young man,” Musichetta cried as all of them dissolved into laughter, decorating a smiling Feuilly with tinsel and baubles. He still was the most elegant of all of them, but at this point he matched the chaotic attire of all his friends.
Bossuet put his head down on his hand, smirking at the door. “I wonder what Enjolras will wear.”
“Man, I hope he’ll be here so-”, Eponine muttered, right as there was a ring, announcing the last missing piece to arrive. Combeferre headed to open the door, and was greeted by quite a sight…
“Good evening,” Enjolras said, scarf wrapped around his throat and covering him op to his nose. The rest of him was well-hidden underneath his long, red coat, but his pants…
“Don’t tell me,” Combeferre muttered as Enjolras passed him. His legs were clad in what looked like a Christmas sweater, but as pants…
“I tell you… I came to take part in this contest,” Enjolras said with a lopsided grin. He took off his scarf and coat, and then stepped into the main room, clad in quite a hideous suit.
No, “hideous” didn’t even cut it. The suit was well tailored to his measurements, but everything - the jackets, the trousers, even the slightly askew tie - was printed in a red, green and white Christmas sweater pattern, complete with stars and trees on the fabric. Grantaire’s mouth dropped open as everyone yelled in joy, and he said, loud enough for the entire room to hear, “If I wasn’t already head over heels for you, I’d be gone by now.”
“Is that so…?”, Enjolras answered with a raised brow, a strange, but happy gleam to his eyes. He didn’t step away as Grantaire approached him from his spot on the table to greet him with a ferocious hug.
Just as they separated Eponine let out a cheer and grabbed her mobile phone from its spot on the table.
“Okay, you two, look alive! You’re underneath the mistletoe! Time for a KISS!”
“What?” Grantaire squeaked, his voice almost breaking on the sound. His hat jingled merrily as Enjolras turned to him, the same gleam still in his eyes, and a smile ghosting across his features.
“Seems we have to do it…”, Enjolras muttered sweetly. “I mean, we can’t disappoint Eponine, can we?”
“Certainly not,” Grantaire said… And then stopped speaking altogether when warm, solid lips pressed against his own, without hesitation or second guesses. Enjolras’ lips tasted sweeter than the wine he had and spread a fire inside of him that threatened to overtake his rapidly beating heart…and the moment did not stop at that. Long, pale fingers were on Grantaire’s cheeks, curling into his hair, and Enjolras deepened the kiss softly, his tongue exploring R’s mouth.
Grantaire was lost in the moment, in the kiss, his hands touching Enjolras’ long, untidy hair. He let out a shuddering breath as they parted for a second, then simultaneously rushed back in for another, hotter kiss, in front of their cheering and yelling friends…
When Enjolras finally moved his head back he licked his lips, and there was something in his gaze that Grantaire couldn’t fully name…
“….I wanted to do that for so long….”, the blonde whispered.
Grantaire flushed at the words, his eyes wide and mesmerized. “Does that mean you’re going to do it again,” he muttered lowly as soon as his voice returned to him.
“If you… permit it… I won’t stop anytime soon…?”, Enjolras whispered, smiling softly now.
“… What do you think, Apollo? Permission enthusiastically granted,” the artist breathed against his lips, going in for another kiss.
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spoiledsplendid · 5 years
2019 Academy Awards Fashion Critique
It was the biggest awards night of the year for show-business. This year we saw lots of common trends in what the celebrities wore: capes, sparkle, shades of pink, the return of pants and men in velvet tuxedos. More than any other awards show I’ve seen, the celebrities came dressed well. Some played it safe, but lets take a look at who shone bright (and the few who didn’t).
Awkwafina -  She looked badass in this perfectly tailored DSquared2 sparkly pink tuxedo. The oversized bow at the neck gave it some interest. The tossled hair and light makeup were perfection. Chopard jewelry was the perfect icing on the cake. 
Melissa McCarthy - Melissa never looked better than in this feminine take on a tuxedo. The white and black satin caped outfit with tuxedo pants hits all the right notes. If I was going to be picky, I would have gone with a slimmer cut on the leg, but now I’m knit-picking. She looks elegant and gorgeous and very on-trend.
Octavia Spencer - Octavia was glowing in this glittering blue Christian Siriano gown. The colour was perfect on her. She looks relaxed and ready for a win. Her hair and makeup are great. Loves it!
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Michelle Yeoh -She looks exquisite in this nude and metallic gown by Elie Saab. The dress has so much detail that I could look at it for hours and it moved so lovely on the red carpet. Jewelery was the best of the night - the Chopard drop diamond earrings were mesmerizing and her cuff was monumental.  Make-up beautiful, hair was meh. Clutch by Roger Vivier. 
Angela Bassett - Angela wowed in this hot pink Reem Acra gown with dramatic bow detail. The “Black Panther” star brought plenty of drama to the red carpet. Pink was certainly the colour of the night. The oversized bow would usually bother me, but because its far enough away from her face, it doesn’t distract from the look. The rest of her styling was on point.
Jennifer Hudson - Seriously - she looks better and better everytime I see her. Jennifer looked fantastic in this asymmetrical red Elie Saab couture gown. Wearing red on the red carpet is always a risk but the colours are different enough that it photographs well. The ruffle and scallop details give the look a romantic feel. Hair and makeup flawless.
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Constance Wu - This pleated marigold custom Versace gown was the talk of the red carpet. Constance wore this off-the-shoulder pleated dress with a light cape detail. Stunning hair and makeup. Her Atelier Swarovski jewelry were eye-catching - earrings were an incredible statement piece. 
Emilia Clarke - I loved this purple shimmery sculptural Balmain gown. Emilia looked gorgeous in this color. Of course diamonds are the perfect touch to add a bit more sparkle and she chose the perfect lip shade. Emilia has the potential to be a fashionista and hopefully we’ll see her take more risks in the future.
Stephan James - This amazing custom Etro red velvet tuxedo set the bar for men’s fashion for the evening. While I disliked the white patent boots and would have gone with black, he is young enough to pull it off. The oversized bowtie and lapel pin made him stand out on the carpet. 
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Mark Ronson - Mark looked dashing in this Maison Lancel shawl tuxedo with white piping details. The oversized velvet bowtie gave the look a bit more of a relaxed feel. And I want to steal his Roger Vivier shoes right off his feet. You a size 11 Mark?
Gemma Chan - Someone brought the drama to the Oscars in this hot pink Valentino parachute dress. It floated as she glided down the red carpet. The high collar and sleveless details add to the stunning design of this dress. One of the best looks of the night.
Helen Mirren - Helen looked sexy and playful in this vivid pink Schiaparelli gown. The hidden layers of colour gave the dress different colouring at different angles. And Helen’s diamond wreath necklace was everything!
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Amy Adams - l enjoyed Amy in this Versace gown. It fit her perfectly and showed off her assets. The pattern was interesting and this is how you should do white on a red carpet. No one is hearing wedding bells with this showstopper! And I love that she was dripping in platinum and diamond jewelry courtesy of Cartier. 
Rachel Weisz - I was shocked to see Rachel in this red rubber Givenchy couture dress. While I love the sexiness of the dress, I thought the innocent schoolgirl styling of the headband and hair didn’t work with it. But I love the mini cape and the rubber detailing on the body of the dress. The color is perfect for her and I think its a great fashion moment, from the ears down.  Jewelry by Cartier
Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet - Both in Karl Lagerfeld in couture Fendi. They looked exceptional matching in dusty pink. I think Jason outshone his beautiful wife in the tuxedo, they both wanted to pay homage to the late Lagerfeld. I loved the fact that they colour-coordinated but can someone please tell me why he is wearing a scrunchie on his wrist?
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Emma Stone - Emma has been disappointing me at several of this seasons events but not tonight. I love this sequinned maroon Louis Vuitton column dress. The diamond pattern was unique and the shape was memorable. 
Jennifer Lopez - Her Tom Ford mirrorball inspired dress was beyond words. Tom Ford hasn’t been dressing as many celebs this awards season - but when he does, he does it well. This was the perfect dress for Jennifer and her figure. Her hair and makeup (as always) were flawless.
Allison Janney - Allison looked glamorous in this Pamella Roland velvet tuxedo-esque gown. It shows of her sleek frame and height and photographs well. Black is always a safe choice on the red carpet - especially dripping in Chopard jewelry (enough that warrants having a dedicated bodyguard alongside her). You can tell Allison fells comfortable and pretty - and what more could you ask for?
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Lady Gaga - The newly single Gaga turned heads in this black Alexander McQueen with leather gloves. But its very possible that you missed the dress because you were blindsided by the 128 carat canary diamond she was wearing around her neck. The ‘Tiffany’ diamond was last worn in 1967 by Audrey Hepburn for a photo shoot and its the third time this necklace has ever been worn. While I wouldn’t have normally paired a yellow diamond with this dark dress, Gaga lightened the her look with platinum hair and fresh light makeup. An iconic look for years to come - classy and edgy. 
Krysten Ritter - This is how you dress a baby bump. She looked crazy beautiful in this figure hugging Reem Acra lace dress. Stunning.
Regina King - Ok - this is a beautiful Oscar de la Renta dress but the overall look was too bridal for the red carpet. There was nice detailing along the hip over the slit. But the Chopard jewels and Louboutins weren’t enough to save this look. But please let me know where you’re registered at.
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Tina Fey- Tina looked like she was in a bridesmaid’s dress…which is not surprising that this is custom Vera Wang. Her hair and makeup are gorgeous. The colour is lovely on her but the rest is a snoozefest.
Charlize Theron - This backless baby blue Dior couture gown could have been a hit, but it mostly looked uncomfortable. The mock turtleneck and pointed shoulders with long sleeves just seemed overdone. I can’t tell what the fabric is - but it looks poly and itchy (though hopefully it isn’t). The Bulgari necklace is fab - hair and makeup look fine. Overall forgettable. 
Maya Rudolph - Dress was too big and swallowed her up. The matching dress and cape detail were just too much. The pattern is too busy. But at least I know who took my grandmothers’ old curtains.
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Laura Harrier - Beautiful girl but the styling was all wrong. The baby blue Louis Vuitton dress and matching shoes derailed quickly. The ruby and emerald statement necklace and the green eyeshadow and red nails all clashed with the softness of the dress. I would have changed the shoes to a silver metallic heel to add some interest. And the dress itself, while ok, looked a bit too much like a prom dress. 
Yalitza Aparicio - This Rodarte dress was pretty but not what we would expect for a best actress nominee. Rodarte is an incredible designer and they should have helped her find a dress that would help her make a statement. Sadly, no one will remember this one. 
Brie Larson - While this Celine (by Hedi Slimane) dress is beautiful, it makes the pale Brie look like ghostly. Had the hair been darker and the makeup more prominent, MAYBE this could have worked. But if Beyonce wore this to the Grammys, she likely would have been best dressed. Sorry Brie. 
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Glenn Close - Glenn was way over-the-top (I can’t believe I said that!) in this  Wes Gordon for Carolina Herrera (4 million beads and weighs 42 pounds) gold capped dress. The dress had over 4 million beads and weighed 42lbs. It also was the envy of Liberace’s ghost.
Linda Cardellini - Well who doesn’t love a mullet dress cut down to the navel?!?! This pink Schiaparelli should be burned immediately. If not sooner. It’s so bad. And before you fire your stylist, please take them for an eye examination first. Thanks.
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trendolbiz · 5 years
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga rocked a fresh-off-the-runway Christian Dior Spring 2019 Haute Couture gown. The singer/actress made it her own by working in fancy earrings, a glitzy choker and white Jimmy Choo pumps.
Image: MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images
Emily Blunt
Emily Blunt gave us both ruffles and sparkle in this custom pink Michael Kors Collection gown. Diamond drop earrings and a glitzy clutch polished off the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Rachel Weisz
Rachel Weisz’s dark Givenchy Fall 2018 Haute Couture gown featured silver feathers on the skirt and a shiny waistband accent. Silver earrings, a black clutch with silver trim and silver platform sandals perfectly complemented the eye-catching dress.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Margot Robbie
Margot Robbie’s white Chanel Pre-Fall 2019 gown included strategic crochet details. Fancy drop earrings and a gold clutch punctuated the stunning piece.
Image: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Turner
Lupita Nyong'o
Lupita Nyong'o went custom in this boudoir- and blazer-inspired Vera Wang with a semi-sheer sparkling skirt. She wrapped things up with embellished sandals.
Emma Stone
It was a gilded blouse with exposed buttons and bow collar teamed with black slacks, both Louis Vuitton, for Emma Stone last night. She capped off the ensemble with black sandals.
Image: Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Amy Adams
Amy Adams stepped out in a customized black strapless Celine gown with an exaggerated bodice. She styled her bold pick with Cartier jewelry and Jimmy Choos.
Image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Yara Shahidi
Yara Shahidi slayed in this Fendi Fall 2018 Haute Couture pink dress with tulle skirt that revealed peeks of her matching leggings. The actress added in Cartier jewels and Christian Louboutins to set off the glamorous look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Alison Brie
Alison Brie not only boasted a big bow on her back, her sleek black dress by Miu Miu also included a pair of much smaller bows. Artsy earrings and a middle-parted updo wrapped up the look.
Image: Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Elisabeth Moss
Elisabeth Moss’ ivory Monique Lhuillier Fall 2019 glitter dot tulle strapless ballgown included a black belt. Mostly hidden black Brian Atwood sandals and Jennifer Meyer jewelry further defined the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Rachel Brosnahan
The SAG winner accepted her award decked out in a gray-blue Christian Dior haute couture strapless dress. Rachel Brosnahan accessorized with Irene Neuwirth statement earrings and Jimmy Choos.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Catherine Zeta-Jones flaunted plenty of skin in this sparkling Zuhair Murad Fall 2018 Haute Couture blue dress with a plunging neckline and a significant side slit. Strappy sandals wrapped things up.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Lucy Boynton
Lucy Boynton brought a little edge to the awards courtesy of this Erdem Fall 2018 floral and polka dot tulle gown. Her negative space eyeliner also really made an impression.
Image: John Shearer/Getty Images for People Magazine
Gemma Chan
Gemma Chan certainly made waves on the silver carpet in this blush pink custom Oscar de la Renta creation. Harry Winston jewels and Christian Louboutins rounded out the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Laura Harrier
Laura Harrier’s hot pink Loewe gown came complete with attached, off-the-shoulder, puffy sleeves. Multicolored gemstone earrings and complementary rings jazzed things up even more.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Sandra Oh
It was a red Jenny Packham embellished gown for Sandra Oh at the awards. Atelier Swarovski supplied her jewels, including those delicate drop emerald earrings.
Image: Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
Laverne Cox
Laverne Cox looked red hot in a crimson Zac Posen draped gown with a blinged out back. Silver sandals finished off the outfit.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Mandy Moore
The This Is Us star dazzled in a black long-sleeve Jason Wu dress. The embellished neckline perfectly tied into her sparkling ankle-strap sandals.
Image: Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell
Sporting an Alexandre Vauthier Fall 2018 Haute Couture black velvet column gown with paillette-covered bustier, Keri Russell really amped up the look with that fringed clutch.
Angela Bassett
Angela Bassett’s heavily textured Georges Chakra Fall 2018 Haute Couture gown stood out on the silver carpet. Glittery Casadei platform peep-toes capped off the look.
Image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Robin Wright
Robin Wright’s plunging Oscar de la Renta Pre-Fall 2019 sequin gown also boasted a side slit perfect for showcasing her ankle-strap sandals. The actress drew even more attention to the daring neckline with a dangling pendant necklace.
Image: MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images
Sophia Bush
Sophia Bush turned heads in Monique Lhuillier’s Spring 2019 noir and silk white strapless ruched gown with sweetheart neckline and gathered cape.
Image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Jane Fonda
The legendary actress was hard to miss in her red Valentino Pre-Fall 2019 scalloped dress. A red Roger Vivier bag and Sarah Flint footwear balanced out the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Danai Gurira
Danai Gurira opted for a feather-enhanced Ralph & Russo dress. She styled the stark piece with Bulgari jewelry and Jimmy Choos.
Image: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images
Awkwafina’s red Mimi Plange dress included an embellished turtleneck layer. She accessorized with a red clutch and a pair of statement rings.
Image: Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images
Constance Wu
Constance Wu’s neutral Oscar de la Renta Pre-Fall 2019 strapless gown got a boost thanks to that pearl-accented, brooch-like detail at the hip. She rounded things out with an arm band and embellished Stuart Weitzman sandals.
Image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Cara Santana
Cara Santana made quite the statement in this aqua Ermanno Scervino strapless gown featuring ruffles in all the right places. Her sleek top knot drew attention upward as did those gemstone danglers.
Image: Gregg DeGuire/Getty Images for Turner
Aja Naomi King
The striking yellow shade of Aja Naomi King’s Ralph & Russo gown helped it pop on the silver carpet. Gold pumps completed the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Julia Garner
The young star stood out in this turquoise Zac Posen Spring 2019 polka dot gown. Harry Winston jewels and a wavy bob added even more polish.
Image: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Turner
Chrissy Metz
Chrissy Metz’s black John Paul Ataker gown included an electric blue tulle layer on top. Blue crescent earrings and a marbled clutch tied into the look rather seamlessly.
Samira Wiley
Samira Wiley’s strappy black Georges Chakra haute couture dress boasted embellished panels on the bodice. A sparkly black clutch and corresponding platform sandals kept the monochromatic vibe going.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Madeline Brewer
Brock Collection supplied the red lace cap-sleeve gown with sweetheart neckline Madeline Brewer sported to the awards. Bedazzled earrings polished things off.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Michelle Yeoh
There was a lot going on with Michelle Yeoh’s Elie Saab haute couture gown, from the embellished bodice to the feathered skirt. Statement earrings only upped the ante.
Image: John Shearer/Getty Images for People Magazine
Megan Mullally
Megan Mullally sported a black Alexander McQueen dress with golden accents before hosting the ceremony. Chanel earrings, a gold Marni clutch and Aquazzura heels balanced out the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
Rachel Bloom
Rachel Bloom struck a pose in a Cristina Ottaviano taupe gown with select embroidery. She also carried a Jimmy Choo clutch.
Image: Steve Granitz/WireImage/Getty Images
Melissa McCarthy
Melissa McCarthy was all about the sparkle, pairing her sequin dress with dazzling drop earrings.
Patricia Clarkson
Patricia Clarkson absolutely worked the silver carpet in an embroidered Zuhair Murad Fall 2018 Haute Couture gown with split sleeves. Piaget jewelry and Giuseppe Zanotti heels rounded out the look.
Image: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
This year’s SAG Awards was all about calculated risks. Sure, there were plenty of haute couture gowns and custom creations, but a majority of stars decided to take things up a notch on the red silver carpet. And we’re definitely not complaining.
From a blazer/bustier hybrid to a moody floral dress with goth vibes to big (and little) bows and a gown layered over leggings, the attendees opted to go edgy. Surprisingly, Lady Gaga wasn’t one of the risk-takers, relying instead on a just-presented haute couture gown that also made our list of dream wedding dresses.
While some celebs kept things pretty black and/or white, color was in full force at the ceremony. Reds and pinks proved popular along with pops of blue. And there was quite a bit of texture, from feathers to crochet accents to structured ruffles.
Click through the slideshow to see who wore what.
[ Next: Kylie Jenner Ranks Fifth on Forbes’ List of Wealthiest Celebrities ]
The post All the Can’t-Miss Fashion Highlights From the 2019 SAG Awards appeared first on theFashionSpot.
from theFashionSpot http://bit.ly/2WqlFDS
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spoiledsplendid · 5 years
2019 Golden Globe Awards Fashion Critique
2019 Awards Season has begun and now we get to see the best and worst looks on the red carpet. This year the celebs did a great job and there were some beautiful looks. But there were also some boring and disastrous outfits. So lets review how our favourite actors dressed to accept their big awards last night.
Regina King wowed in this rose Alberta Ferretti cocktail dress. The strapless sparkly gown accentuated her curves perfectly. The dress itself could have been styled sweet or overly sexy, but as a mother, Regina kept it on the classy side. Her hair and makeup are flawless. This double nominee is certainly one of the best dressed of the night.  
Sandra Oh brought the Hollywood glamour in this bright white asymmetrical Atelier Versace gown. The ruche detailing on the shoulder brought enough drama to make the look memorable and modern. Sandra’s vintage-inspired side-swept hair and bright red lip go so well with the look. Her final touch included ethically sourced Forevermark diamond earrings and bangles. Such a beautiful look. 
Kristen Bell looked pretty in pale pink with this Zuhair Murad gown. I love the detailing on the shoulder that tied in well with the diamond bracelets. The dress, the hair, the makeup, the jewelry. All perfection. 
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Emily Blunt & John Krasinski are possibly the best dressed couple on the red carpet tonight. Emily wowed in this silver lace Alexander McQueen gown. Her fresh face and swept up hair gives her an effortless look. John looks dashing in his navy tuxedo and matching Louboutin Alpha Male flats. It doesn’t get much better than this. 
Lady Gaga made a big statement in her big periwinkle Valentino Haute Couture gown. And while it swallowed her tiny frame, she paid homage to Judy Garland’s character in the 1954 version. While I don’t love love love the dress, I do think the outfit works. Though I would never suggest someone colour their hair periwinkle, it kept it true to Gaga. She finished the look with massive jewelry from Tiffany and silver Giuseppe Zanotti shoes.  
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Penelope Cruz stunned in this Ralph & Russo Couture halter-top gown. It caught the light so beautifully illuminating designs in purple and turquoise. The dress was sophisticated, interesting and pure fashion. While Penelope asserted this week that her and Donatella Versace (who she portrayed in last year’s FX Series: The Assassination of Gianni Versace) still have a good relationship, I’m surprised that she didn’t wear Versace for this event. Also, she just started her campaign with Chanel…so that would have been my second guess for her choice of designer. 
Nicole Kidman looks incredible in this Michael Kors’ sequinned gown. Nicole looks stunning, classy and sexy. The skintight dress is daring but works perfectly. Red is always a risk on the red carpet, but Nicole is a veteran and pulls it off. The hair and makeup are (as usual) flawless. And I LOVE the disco ball bag she chose to finish her look. WOW. 
Halle Berry brought the sexiness in this Zuhair Murad wine coloured dress. With lace and velvet inserts, she turned heads with a deep plunging neckline and high slit. Love the hair and the long pony. Halle proves that she still has it! 
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Timothée Chalamet looked like a dashing Bond villain in this head-to-toe Louis Vuitton outfit. Timothée took a risk wearing this beaded and sequinned harness but he can pull it off because of his youth. He finished the look with Cartier rings, cufflinks and bracelets. 
Saoirse Ronan looked angelic in custom Gucci. The dress was a pure work of art. The gown was made of antique platinum beaded sheer tule with exquisite crystal embroidery. Her slicked back hair was very on trend and I loved the statement Chopard jewelry. 
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Constance Wu turned heads in this custom Vera Wang gown. While it was certainly a risk, this nude A-line tule gown with sheer corset and deep orange velvet bow came together for one of the most memorable looks of the evening. I love the fact that Constance wanted to work with an Asian-American designer for her look. 
Charlize Theron played it safe in this black and white Dior gown. While she looks stunning, I doubt that anyone will remember this dress next week. The bow detail is tasteful and it fits her perfectly. The major draw to this look is her hair, makeup, and all the Bvlgari jewels. 
Julianne Moore fails to deliver in this custom Givenchy Haute Couture gown. Julianne is always one of my red carpet favourites but this just underwhelmed. I disliked the large bow on the back. And in all honesty, I’m just glad that Meghan Markle didn’t walk down the aisle in this one. Julianne, go back to Tom Ford. 
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Claire Foy fizzled in this yellow Miu Miu dress. The dress was poorly fit and it wrinkled along the body. The yellow colour made Claire look jaundice in photos. Even the starbursts on the fabric weren’t enough to save this look. 
Amy Adams wore this boring custom Calvin Klein dress. I am not calling it a gown because its so underwhelming. The blue-teal colour was pleasant on Amy but as a double nominee, I really expected much more. The only interesting thing to this look was the earrings and jewelry. 
Julia Roberts has me torn in custom Stella McCartney. I love the outfit but I dislike the colour of the top. The colour just is too close to her natural skin tone. However, I like the design. Her hair and makeup are incredible. She has never looked better. The Chopard jewelry is beautiful but not enough to save this look. 
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Darren Criss failed to impress in this Christian Dior floral tuxedo. While I usually love a bold tux jacket, this didn’t cut it. It looked oversized and the wide lapel covered the majority of Darren’s chest. I would have styled it differently with a more relaxed feel without the bowtie. Sorry Darren…
Kate Mara looked like one of the disgruntled fembots from Austin Powers in this Miu Miu babydoll dress. The tribal ponytail looks out of place. I’m done. 
Emma Stone failed hard in Louis Vuitton. She looked like a nude fish. Fire your stylist, keep your makeup and hair team, and redeem yourself at the Oscars. 
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Elisabeth Moss was misguided in this short Dior dress. I loved your black dress from last year so much more. Love you but this dress needs to go back on the discount prom rack. 
I loved Anne Hathaway’s shoes. The rest of it gives me nightmares. What the heck was she thinking with this Elie Saab dress? I miss the days of Anne stunning me in high fashion. I just can’t. 
Debra Messing looked silly in this Pamela Roland crystal and feathered cape dress. I love Debra and her her hair and makeup were beautiful but this dress belongs on the back of a retired showgirl. I’m disappointed. 
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Janelle Monae always brings style to her red carpet looks. This one however fell flat to me. As much as I love Chanel, this Egyptian inspired look did not work. There is too much going on with the heavy tweed overlay, the dramatic collar, the belt, the embellishments on the hems and finally the hat. Janelle I think got trapped between couture and costume.
Photos courtesy of Getty & Shutterstock & AAP
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