#(not that roxas would get that any of this is happening bitch is clueless)
fauxfroot · 4 months
been listening to my akusai playlist again the last few days and making myself emotional about those two dipshits. axel really responded to his decade long divorce by cheating on saix with roxas. fucking incredible choice on his part
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kingdomheartsthot · 6 years
Oh Gosh what a cute Blog about our favorite Gang of Losers! I hope you'll very successful with it ❤ Can i ask for Kissing Headcanons about the Org. III?
Thank you!!! ❤
Xemnas – Xemnas’kisses would always be very deep and meaningful, and he’d always be the one whoinitiates the kisses, generally taking the lead. They’d be very romantic andfull of passion, and his hands would cup the sides of his s/o’s jawline,holding them as close as possible. I reckon he’d also be partial to tenderlykissing his s/o’s forehead as a way of showing affection. Would not kiss hiss/o in public however as he isn’t into PDA, he has a reputation to uphold.
Xigbar – Xiggy’skisses would always be rough and dominating af, plus he has wandering hands, soone minute he’d have his fingers tangled in his s/o’s hair, and then the nextthey’re gonna be grabbing and squeezing at their ass. His kisses turn heatedvery quickly, like once he’s started to kiss and suck on his s/o’s neck itsgame over for them. He also has no qualms about snogging his s/o’s face off inpublic.
Xaldin – A totalprude. Kissing in public will not happen ever. In fact I don’t think he’d kisshis s/o that often tbh, but when he does it’s fucking mind-blowing. His kisseswould also be very dominating, but not rough. They’d be more slow, passionate and forceful. His hands would probablybe buried in his s/o’s hair, or gripping their waist tightly, pulling them asclose as possible.
Vexen – Okay soVexen and his s/o are gonna act like a sweet, old married couple. His kisseswould be short yet sweet, like he’d just give them cute lil pecks to the lipsor cheek, and he wouldn’t be afraid to kiss them in public since his kisses areso simple.  He’d probably kiss his s/o alot, like when waking up, saying goodbye or goodnight, and just throughout variouspoints of the day tbh. His kisses would only get more passionate when it’s sexytime, and even then it would be more sweet and romantic.
Lexaeus – His kisseswould be so gentle omg. Also kissing him would be quite hard since he’s sotall, so he would probs have to initiate the kiss, or his s/o would pretty muchhave to ask for one. Lex’s kisses would be very tender and sweet, and he’dpretty much treat his s/o as if their fragile, since he’d be conscious of gettingcarried away and hurting them due to his strength. He wouldn’t be a massive fanof PDA, so kisses would be saved for a more private setting.
Zexion – This needyboy. Zexion is a little more on the shy side so his s/o would probs initiatemost of the kisses, however, when he’s feeling needy or horny he’d have noproblem kissing his s/o first, gently grabbing them by the chin and anglingtheir face towards him so that he can capture their lips. Would always be ablushy mess. His kisses would always be more gentle and tender, but wouldslowly turn more needy and forceful if things begin to get heated. He isn’t afan of PDA either, but if his s/o were to kiss him in public he would turn beetred and just stare down at the ground, attempting to hide his bashfulness.
Saїx – Hooooo boy. Saix’s  kisseswill always, always, ALWAYS befucking intense. He would always start out slow and gentle but you just know itain’t gonna last long. His kisses would always turn very hungry and domineering.Honestly, he’d be so dominant, with his hands gripping his s/o’s hair, neck orass. It would be hot af and always leave the two breathless. However, he wouldn’tbe into PDA at all, and kissing him in public would always leave him slightlyblushy and a lil grumpy.
Axel – This bitchwould be full of surprises. Honestly, his kisses can range from gentle andtender, to rough and dominant within seconds. He likes to switch it up. Axel would be a spectacular kisser tbh, andwould almost always leave his s/o breathless and craving more.  He’d also have no qualms about giving his s/oa kiss in public, however, it wouldn’t be anything too heated or extreme.
Demyx – This cutie.He’d be so affectionate, and his kisses would always be fun, playful and a lilgoofy. When things get heated however, this guy would be a moaning mess. He’djust be so vocal, groaning and whimpering with pleasure, especially when hiss/o’s lips begin to travel down his neck. This is when his kisses would turnmore desperate and needy and I’m now v turned on. Would be very casualabout kissing his s/o in public and wouldn’t see it as a big deal.
Luxord – Luxord’skisses would mostly be very light hearted and teasing, like just imagine himkissing his s/o and then pulling away with that cocky af smirk of his, becausehe knows he’s amazing. When things get more heated tho his kisses would turnvery slow and intense, with his hands tightly gripping his s/o’s hips or waist.I don’t think he’d have any problems with kissing his s/o in public, but itwould be cute lil pecks because he’s a gentleman ofc. Also, just a side note,his beard would probs tickle a little.
Marluxia –Prepare to be romanced bitch. Marluxia’s kisses would be so passionate andintense. He’d probably be partial to resting his forehead against his s/o’safter an intense make-out session, just staring intensely into their eyes as hecatches his breath.  If he wanted thekissing to go further tho he’d just slowly begin to nip and suck down thesensitive skin on his s/o’s neck, revelling at the sound of their quiet moansand whimpers. When kissing his s/o in public it would always be very tastefuland conservative, unless he’s jealous.
Larxene – Always initiatesthe kisses and always is the more dominant of the two. Larxene’s kisses wouldbe rough yet playful, and she’d always have this kinda wicked glint in her eyesafter a hot make-out session.  I reckonshe’d enjoy covering her s/o in hickeys, as well as nibbling and biting theirears and neck. Probably wouldn’t kiss her s/o in public, or show any forms ofPDA tbh, she wouldn’t want to ruin her reputation of being a badass bitch.
Roxas – Too shyto initiate kisses. His s/o would have to take control because Roxas is prettyclueless tbh. His kisses would always be rather gentle and timid.
Xion – Xion’skisses are short and sweet. In fact, they’d more be like cute lil pecks. Herkisses would always be more playful and goofy.
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