#(obviously 'good art' is relative and subjective etc etc etc but u get what i mean)
little-eye-guy · 2 years
4 and 14!!
4) favorite thing to draw
i really like drawing and shading hair.. the process of figuring it out is fun, like it's a puzzle :-)
i'm also partial to hands but sometimes cleaning em up can be troublesome haha
14) digital or traditional
gotta say digital since that's what i do 90% of the time nowadays but i do miss my traditional art days a lil bit..... i only ever draw traditionally with a pencil but there's something very particular about it that doesn't get matched by digital. like the convenience and wealth of tools available digitally has been a huge help but it's not the same as pencil to paper yknow?
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red-applesith · 6 years
I love your meta works! I have a question regarding the interrogation scene in TFA. Why do you think Rey was so calm? Her first question is 'where am I?' and she sounds relatively collected given the circumstances. I imagened myself in her position. Strapped down to a chair, facing a massive guy in a mask. I would expect to be raped and be in utter panic. She only tears up much later. Do you think she's just not as easily scared, or is Ben not as intimidating to her as a 'monster' should be?
Thank you for your kind words!
Daaamn, that’s a REALLY good question! I think there’s much to say about that.
First of all, when watching the movie (or any movie for that matter), it’s essential to make the distinction between what the character knows and what the audience knows.
It’s especially crucial with Star Wars because the audience knows or expects a great deal more than the characters themselves about the world they inhabit. 
And that’s why fans tend to make connections between characters or events that are not connected in-universe.
Recent example: Rey’s parentage.
Rey must be Luke’s daughter!
Jyn Erso is Rey’s mum.
Qi'ra is Han’s love interest, and Rey’s mum, meaning Rey and Kylo are half-siblings!
It doesn’t matter if the timelines don’t align. Fans WANT to find connections and connect the dots.
In movies, especially in The Force Awakens, some things are meant to only make sense to the character at this point of the story (every single line spoken by Kylo Ren for instance) which leave us, the fans, speculating to no end.
However, to speculate, we need specific tools, which brings me to my second point.
What are the tools in our possession as an audience to understand Star Wars?
1. Star Wars legacy and tie-in materialOn top of their knowledge of the Star Wars stories that came before, Star Wars fans have access to supplemental content such as books, games, TV series and an extensive database to feed their theories about a character’s motivations or background. Doesn’t matter if some of that is not canon anymore. Some basic concepts exist.
That’s why Reylo fans correctly predicted the Force bond. We labeled Rey and Kylo the new Bastilla and Revan because the parallels existed and from there, the Force bond made perfect sense.
2. Codes and conventionsIn every form of art, ‘there’s a way to do things,’ codes and conventions that give us some clues about a character’s true feelings or where a story is heading. That’s why some movies are predictable while others have a shocking, unexpected ending. That’s also why ‘genres’ (romantic comedies, horror movies, thrillers, etc…) exist.
In movies, codes are what brings meaning to what’s going on on-screen, while conventions are more about how things are done.
And the truth is, there are many codes and conventions the audience understand instinctively, even if they never studied Media Studies 101.
Why is that? Because those codes emerged over the years, and as the audience saw them on-screen over and over again, they became part of our culture. For instance, imagine a character in a bathroom opening a medicine cabinet. How many of us expect to see the reflection of a menacing figure in the mirror as soon as the character closes the cabinet? (answer: a lot)
Another good illustration of that phenomenon is that meme:
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But I’ll go back to that later; first I want to discuss one last point before getting into the breakdown of the interrogation scene.
3. The viewer’s experience/baggage  
There’s one last tool we use as an audience: Our personal experience/feelings/bias.
That one is the most contentious because for obvious reasons, no two human beings have the same life experience, ambitions, or fears, and art is one of the most subjective human concepts. We all react differently to images and situations (Wonder what fuels nerd wars or ship wars? Look no further.)
Dynamic of the interrogation scene
Okay, let’s get into this for real.
Do I think Rey is afraid of being raped?No
Why?Because I don’t think that rape is a concept she’s ‘aware’ or afraid of.
Okay, some might think this is a bold statement, but let me explain my reasoning.
First of all, in Force Awakens, Rey’s Survival Guide and Before the awakening, we see a glimpse of Rey’s life on Jakku, and we know she’s been pretty much alone all of her life. Despite that, she’s not afraid; Not afraid to rescue BB-8 from Teedo, not afraid to refuse to sell BB-8 to Plutt, not afraid to fight Plutt’s thugs.
>> Rey isn’t afraid to say no to male figures. 
If Jakku were a place where women are sexually exploited or mistreated, Rey would react very differently to these situations, wouldn’t she? She would hide and keep her head down at all time. That’s clearly not the case here.
Now, picture Jakku and Niima Outpost, especially in the movie. It’s hot and dusty, like Tatooine. Plutt is an asshole, like Watto. But do we see slaves in skimpy outfits or any sleazy bar? The answer is no. 
World building 101: Jakku and Rey’s early life is sexless. 
It doesn’t mean Rey is ignorant about sex; it just says she has no reason to associate danger or punishment to sexual violence, she just has no frame of reference for that.
And I believe that’s a very deliberate choice from the writers. In both TFA and TLJ, Rey and women, in general, are not sexualized. Even Bazine, who is the ‘femme fatale spy’ of The Force Awakens is clothed from tip to toe. And when we see boobs in TLJ, we see the Thala sirens and the weird lady in the casino with the floating dog.
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(Btw, it’s super interesting because TFA and TLJ draw a lot of parallels with the previous movies obviously, but the exciting thing to study is what is missing.
For instance, even if we don’t know who Maz is, it takes no more than a scene in TFA to understand what she’s not: Maz’s castle is not Jabba’s palace. There are no cruel games, no slave dancing for the male gaze, etc…)
Is the audience afraid on behalf of Rey?Yes
Why?We didn’t grow up on Jakku. For us, sexual violence is real and female suffering and sexual exploitation a staple of our entertainment and culture.
Narrative codes taught us that female characters restrained to metal chairs do not belong to romantic comedies; they belong to horror movies and stories about serial killers. Our brain is conditioned to recognize such patterns, and it’s entirely reasonable to be afraid for Rey at that moment.  
Is Kylo talking about sex?I don’t think so. But I think Lawrence Kasdan and J.J. Abrams knew that the audience was going to understand it that way.
Code and conventions:
 ‘That this is not the face of a villain threatening sexually our hero:’
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Let’s compare with Javier Bardem’s character, Raul Silva, in Casino Royale 
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Code and conventions:
‘Yeah…That’s more like it.’
Codes and conventions are amazing, I love them
Why?In Force Awakens especially, Kylo is the writers’ puppet. His lines are the most meta of them all: What Kylo says and what he means are two very different things.
Is Ben intimidating to Rey?To an extent, yes, but not as much as Kylo/Ben is intimidating to us, the audience, and maybe not for the reasons we think of. Also probably not as much as he’d like to be, to be honest.
Seeing how Rey reacts when she’s with Ben/Kylo is essential to understand her character AND the nature of their relationship.
Now, to analyze her reactions, we need to separate what we know of Kylo Ren at that point and what Rey knows.
We witnessed him killing Lor San Tekka and giving the order to kill the members of the Church of the Force, but Rey didn’t; she doesn’t know who he is, except that he followed her in the Forest and he uses the Force.
Last thing she remembers:
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Code and conventions:
That’s not how you carry a prisoner Kylo. What school of villainy did you go to?
Also, as established earlier, Rey isn’t easily frightened.
When Rey wakes up, Kylo is squatting a few meters away, watching her. As far as she’s concerned, she’s not in immediate danger. (Let’s be honest; if she’d opened her eyes and found him sniffing her hair or trying to cop a feel, her reaction might have been different tbh.)
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Code and conventions:
Kylo, Y U not doing what you did with Poe??
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Next, she initiates the conversation, asking with defiance where she is. 
How she speaks to Kylo isn’t that different to how she speaks to Teedo and Plutt. Perhaps she’s assessing the situation at that moment. How is he going to react? 
Kylo’s response and reaction gives her two clues:
He calls her a guest, not a prisoner.
He answers her question (He doesn’t shout, doesn’t stay silent,  doesn’t ask her to shut up).
From the get-go, Rey is already -relatively- in control.
Code and conventions:
Usually the kidnapper is in control. You’re really bad at your job, Kylo.
Rey, you’re doing great, continue like that.
Next, she mentions the mask. What does Kylo do? He removes it.
Code and conventions: 
Okay… What’s going on there?
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Once again, even if she’s retrained, Rey is the one in control.
Once the mask is off, you can sense a shift in her body language. She’s not scared; she’s embarrassed and confused.
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Code and conventions:
That is not how you react when you’re scared.
Then, Kylo tries to get into her head and things get tough. That’s when she starts crying. 
Suddenly she’s lost the control. The things she’s never talked to anyone? Kylo is finding out and she’s embarrassed about it. Embarrassed because she’s a very private person, embarrassed because she has secrets, embarrassed because her defiance is a mask, and probably embarrassed because Kylo is cute and she doesn’t know how to process what’s going on.
Some people want to argue that the whole scene is a metaphor for rape, but it’s actually closer to someone finding a teenager’s diary and reading it out loud.
Rey is very private and obviously having her inner thoughts exposed brings back lots of bad memories. 
Arguably, that’s when Kylo discovers her parents:
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But as I said earlier, Rey isn’t easily frightened and she fights back.
Code and conventions:
Rey is no damsel in distress or victim! She will have none of your bullshit.
Rey orders Kylo to get out of her head and what happens? He immediately moves away from her. 
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That’s where they start fighting mentally and she gets into his head instead
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And she wins!
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^ That’s the face she sees before Kylo goes running to Snoke. 
Code and conventions:
That guy isn’t a threat.
>> During the whole scene, Rey might be restrained, but she’s the one in control.
So overall, Rey knows that she has nothing to be afraid of when Ben is around because she’s had the upper hand since the beginning. Now that she’s been into his head, she also knows that he’s more afraid than she is.
Also, she still has no idea what he did before they met, nor does she know what he’s about to do. 
Sure, it’s open to personal interpretation but let’s look at Finn and Rey when Han and Ben are talking. 
Finn is scared because he knows Kylo Ren. Rey is curious because she doesn’t think Ben has the guts to kill Han. 
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TL;DR: Rey isn’t scared because Kylo isn’t scary to her.
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