#(over 43 celsius for everyone else)
imwritesometimes · 1 year
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I'll believe it when I see it
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Miraculous Ladybug
ok, for stormy weather. so. the actual episode was ok for me. didn’t hate it. didn’t love it either though. while i do see the reason for akumatizing Aurore again, it felt like there was a lot of lazy writing surrounding her and the akuma. while yes, i do completely understand that this episode was meant to serve as a flashback as well as letting us know what other character’s have been thinking, a lot about the akuma felt dumb. firstly, chloe laid on the mean, a lot. like, after last season she was supposed to be getting better. while i do understand that she has not been fully redeemed and that she’s still a brat, this just felt like it was laying it on super thick. like, really thick. and then the fact that aurore let that get to her was also kind of annoying. like, marinette immediately came to her defense and after that it was mostly an attack on her rather than aurore. while i would understand being generally mad at chloe for her attitude, or if she has done something else, i just felt her reasons for getting akumatized were very petty. and then, at the end, we don’t even know how she got defeated. a pencil. chat noir had a printer? he photocopied something, there was a flash of light, and she was defeated. what even happened? how did they defeat her? you could’ve spent at least a few seconds showing us that. or at least explained it or something, idk. it just felt like a cheap way of ending the battle.
and, the thing that made me the angriest: her fucking actions. like, what kind of dumb explanation was that. she made a volcano, that somehow tilted the earth’s axis and caused it to move away from the sun. look, i don’t know a lot about how this planet works, but what the fuck? how would that be even remotely possible. also, i may be wrong, but every other akuma’s damage has been in paris and paris only. even when we see villlains like dark knight or princess fragrance who cast an area effect, it’s only over paris. not even france, just paris. so how the fuck did stormy weather affect the entire goddamn world? how did the rest of the world react to the fact that the were rapidly moving away from the sun? also, while i may not know how temperatures work, i’m pretty sure a beanie and a scarf won’t save you from -43 degrees celsius. i think that’s even colder than farenheit right? i don’t know how much exactly though. but, godamn you’d literally be freezing to death. also, wouldn’t that ducking volcano warm it up? depending on how close the lava is? also, again, i’m no expert on this, and i don’t know how cameras work, but what was up with the camera freezing and breaking? why was there a snowstorm? just because it’s cold doesn’t mean it snows. did stormy weather summon the blizzard? why? like, just, what the duck was up with everything that she did in between being akumatized and being defeated? why did it sound so ducking dumb. like, goddamn, literally anything would have been better. make lava pour over everyone. create a powerful blizzard. start a fucking hurricane/tornado. just don’t knock the earth from its orbit. that’s so ducking dumb. i can’t get over it. what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but other than that the episode was alright. i appreciated everyone’s different POVs.
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