#(pls don't)
shiftythrifting · 3 months
My mother used to work in a charity shop sorting through donations, once someone put raw chicken into one of the bags??
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cat-downthestreet · 7 months
quick reminder for the people who ship shadaria:
Maria is twelve. Shadow is seventeen.
don't do that 😐
anyways look at this cool thing I found by chillisart
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mommyesque · 1 year
P. A. Works, after ep 9 :
Oops, *shakes empty box* sorry guys, we're out of fluff hehe
ep 9 is a warning sign i just know it
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cherrysmokesaconha · 3 days
Sometimes I'd love to write a 2trenchcoat/BobTord fanfiction but I have fear that it will come out badly translated and badly written and then the fic will become the au sibling of dear starboy
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flowers-for-em · 5 months
i feel like the night time isn't nightiming rn
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michelangelinden · 6 months
Why are you, a blog with a marauders url, liking posts from me, famous Harry Potter hater?
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hungrydogs-if · 8 months
planning on taking a trip to the u.s. next year.
just to idk. find myself. get drunk. shenanigans. game inspo? family decided to sponsor me to gtfo of finland, and dunno if i should be thankful or like ayo what the hell.
anyway. i'm sure the hive mind can help me decide my destination. here's a poll. big cities are a big no-no, so this might be a funny list for a tourist.
(the game is going nicely. finished first suggestive scenes with all the peeps that suggestiveness applies to)
to be clear, i'm thinking of traveling either late march, or early october.
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demovamp · 4 days
hey... uhm... please don't follow me if you're posting pics of (possibly) fake cuts... thanks...
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noctumbra · 7 months
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My face when he tells me I can’t stack onion rings on it
his face when i actually do it
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sovietpostcards · 2 years
please tell me you don’t microwave tea
HAHAHA nah I don't. I am strange though, in the way that I don't own an actual kettle (everyone here does). I'm always told off about it by my guests and threatened by a gift of kettle. I use a small stovetop pot to brew water for tea!
All my pots were occupied the other day and I remembered reading online that Americans often microwave water for tea, and I thought I'd try it. Thus the question!
I drink a lot of tea and I always boil just enough water for one cup.
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hula-zombie · 2 years
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All 🕯️ have been extinguished, and this year Simbrleen comes to a close here on hula-zombie.
Please bear with me, I’m going to try to have my gifts posted tomorrow. I haven’t been feeling well and life is chaotic. If not tomorrow, this week sometime for sure!
In other news, this may be my last year doing something big for Simbrleen! It’s one of my all time favorite parts of Simblr and I’m happy I got to participate this year, even if my family visit trip got canceled. NGL, kinda glad it did because I have been feeling extra crummy.
Which leads to this next thing. Still being overall cautious, but if everything keeps going as planned my family is going to grow by one come this May. It hasn’t been easy and this would be my 🌈, so happy thoughts and pixie dust are always welcome my way. I know things can change, but I’m being cautiously optimistic given where I am right now.
I don’t think I’m leaving Simblr forever. Things will probably just stay as they have been. I don’t know if I’ll be much of a “creator” anymore but I’ll still probably be around.
Thank you to everyone that has made my time here the best. I hope you all have a very Happy Halloween! 💜
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veryspecificanon · 11 months
Do you think I’ll get to die young?
who knows. if you want to for some reason then suicide
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stromboli-muncher · 1 year
our cat gave birth like.. do i name him/her fartlord jr. or catlord or something you choose fartlord related (we are unsure of how many there are so feel free to add another name for another cat)
yes im depending on you for naming things now
please do not name your cat after fartlord. fartlord is a terrible name and your cat will hate you.
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cinemagal · 1 year
when someone reblogs something i made more than 5 years ago
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"You're gonna regret this, Mr. Roosevelt." ...he knows how to box/wrestle I'm quite sure he can hook your ass unconscious, ex-Captain Connor.
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lastoneout · 1 year
I wrote a whole rant about this but it's getting too emotional and harsh and personal and long so I just want to say, if you have a friend or family member who is disabled one of the best things you can do as an ally is NOT ASK US ABOUT OUR HEALTH. I know y'all don't mean any harm and it seems like a nice "just catching up" thing to ask about but trust me your disabled friend has had this exact conversation 600 times and you can do us a real favor by just asking what movies we've been watching or literally anything else or AT LEAST only talking about it if we bring it up first.
Like if you don't fully understand imagine if every single time you talked to someone for more than five seconds, even when you were trying to relax or do something fun, you had to explain your entire medical history, including stuff that is often very traumatic or stressful or dehumanizing or humiliating, and if you understandably try to say "I'd rather not dig up all of these very personal things with you right now" you're seen as rude bcs the other person was just being nice and trying to help. Doesn't that sound awful? Yeah, don't do it to other people.
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