#(ralph also said that 'some' of his most poignant mometns are with terry
wantedtourist · 2 years
thinking about every poignant moment Daniel has ever had in every season and how I always cry. now add Terry!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ h e l p
ahhh. okay, fiirst, so we’re all on the same page:
poignant -
painfully affecting the feelings : piercing
deeply affecting : touching
evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
imo these are Daniel’s most poignant scenes:
- s1: Daniel reminisces about training young Sam; Daniel visits Mr. Miyagi’s grave (“I really wish you could be here right now”)
- s2: Lucille shares a memory of Daniel’s father with Daniel (“I can still feel his hair on my cheek”); Daniel apologizes to Mr. Miyagi’s portrait (“I thought I was doing the right thing, I’m sorry”)
- s3: Daniel comforts Sam at Miyagi do; Kumiko reads Mr. Miyagi’s letters to Daniel; Chozen opens up to Daniel and Daniel forgives him (“regret is sometimes difficult to overcome”)
- s4: Daniel (tearfully!) trying and failing to reassure Sam after her AVT loss
most of Daniel’s poignant scenes involve Mr. Miyagi or his family. they have to do with regret, helplessness, or loss/grief. so I mean! so true anon! cuz now imagine the same level of emotion, or any of the same emotions, in a scene between Terry and Daniel?? (just the idea of Ralph and TIG getting to act out weighty, emotional scenes together is exciting enough!) what could such scenes and emotions possibly be... and are we gonna cry?
will Daniel finally express to Terry, with words (!), his feelings back then? (because remember! in season 4 Daniel never tells Terry how he felt or feels. Daniel only reminds Terry what Terry is and what Terry did. “you are a con man.” “you manipulate people.” “you tortured me.” so in season 5 I really need Daniel to tell Terry how that made him feel. and/or how Terry’s actions stayed with him in the form of trust issues etc. oooh, and like. something I really want Daniel to say to Terry is something along the lines of: he made Daniel feel foolish for falling for Terry’s lies and praises, for being naive and trusting, for thinking that someone like Terry could ever like someone like him. to which Terry might have an interesting response/reply that Daniel does not expect..?!?)
will Terry express regret (again, but... more/better, ya feel me?) for how he treated Daniel and for never trying to make it right? will Terry share his experiences from or post Vietnam? will he share about his addictions? not to excuse his actions and behavior, but to explain them, because he needs Daniel to understand...!
OR. it might very well be none of these things ha ha and honk honk. but! you! gotta! wonder! cuz! “poignant”! thanks ralph macchio you did this.
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