#(regulus trying to Find The Thing is worse because he won't get bored)
birlwrites · 1 year
what's your opinion on regulus/lily? i love them, but i honestly don't like the fics because they often make snape not a bad person, but i digress. i tend to read the fanfic because if you don't get pro-snape things, you don't get anything at all with that ship.
(or, what about, for fun, regulus/lily/evan)
i think regulus/lily can be very cool, AS LONG AS it doesn't turn into 'dramione but make it marauders.' (this is actually a caveat i have with a lot of marauders' era ships - that the potential is there, but the dynamic is often just like it is in a popular golden trio era ship. i'm down for a LOT of ships as long as the characters and dynamics don't feel recycled)
i think if i were to write a regulus/lily fic, it would probably be grounded in the war, because i feel like they need very high stakes to really push them together (see ttdl LMAO) - unless they're in the same house or year or something like that where they naturally run across each other a lot
like (and this is just off the top of my head - if someone wants to take this premise and run with it, go ahead! i already have far too many wips afjlshgskdf), this would be my go-to:
due to various scheduling issues, regulus and lily are assigned to do prefect rounds together (a combination that would normally NEVER fly because they try not to put muggleborns and People With Close Personal Ties To Death Eaters on patrol together)
lily goes into it hackles up, in the direct wake of sirius's disownment, expecting the worst from regulus black
regulus goes into it mildly curious about this lily evans who he has only ever heard about in the context of a) snape or b) potter, but honestly he's preoccupied with Sirius Angst and Family Pressure Angst and lots of things like that
slow burn the fuck out of it. regulus will probably be the one who has to actually break the ice because just b/c lily is no longer expecting him to blow up at her for blood purity reasons it doesn't mean she expects him to be worth befriending
bond over being younger siblings with very complicated relationships with their older siblings
become close friends (and here you get the joys of the secret relationship trope before a romantic relationship even develops, because War and also Sirius)
(side note - much character work for sirius would be necessary to make sure he's not just Regulus's Shouty Dramatic Brother)
and then i don't know where it would go from there but i do really like the idea of them working together in the war. either as an 'they're on their own side' thing or as a 'infiltrated both sides, using them for their own agenda' thing. like let them have a safehouse that lily has stocked with hand grenades, that's my vision
regulus/lily/evan would be A HOT MESS (in a fun way afjslghskdjf i just mean i'm laughing thinking about it) - triple the complicated relationships with older siblings. evan 'flirting is my middle name' rosier vs regulus 'pine until i either have to confess my undying love or fake my death' black vs lily 'historically people have just fallen all over themselves to ask me out and i don't actually know how to demonstrate interest in someone' evans. lots of lighthearted bickering. lily introducing regulus and evan to modern muggle technological marvels (disco ball). they have 'study dates' which are actually just lily and regulus studying and evan being distracting. they have a black and white cat named oreo (evan thinks this is the most original cat name ever). regulus is tormented constantly by lily and evan attempting to invent new household charms whenever the mood strikes. he and oreo often retreat to the library (spare bedroom full of books and one (1) disco ball) for safety. lily has a secret diary in which she keeps track of Definitely Totally Very Real Muggle Inventions that regulus and evan don't know she lied about yet. they have GREAT photo albums
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clarrissanewt · 3 years
The Deadly Sonata
Series masterlist/ (part 2)
Pairing: Regulus Black x fem!reader
Warnings: royal!au, prince!reg, arranged marriage!au, dark themes, angst, fictional violence
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A/n- special thanks to @scandalous-chaos for editing this piece!!
Regulus tried not to look at Y/n as she sat beside him, her arms clasped tightly around her legs, her eyes dreamy and lost as they both sat in the midst of the garden.
“Are you alright?” He asked slowly, smoothing out the long folds of her cotton skirt as they fluttered in the light wind.
He would admit he was the first one to reach out. The prospect of making himself look even worse than he was already going to do made him shudder. No remorse was felt when Y/N didn't reply to his letter for weeks. Only guilt. Guilt, that he'd be the one who would stain her future.
“I'm not. You return after months, not even after promising a return, and you ask,” she turned to him with a stoic face, the facade of her emotions gradually overpowering, “you ask if I'm okay?”
“Royal charters,” he lied. “I'm sorry.”
“You’re sorry!” Y/N forced out an angry broken laugh, hastily wiping some stray tears. “It sucks, you know. It highly sucks because I want to hate you after all this, Regulus Black. I bloody want to! But I can't.”
A heavy silence reigned. How was he supposed to break it when he knew it might be the last time he could feel loved without prejudice? Won’t it all look like an illusion to her when he won't be the same as he appears now?
He sighed. He actually needed to. “You know what's so great about the color white?” He titled his head, gently fondling a colorsake rose beside him.
“That's your favorite,” Y/N rolled her eyes. “Of course you will find it great.”
“It feels so pure, doesn't it? It shows everything so truthfully.”
“And it shows stains too. Shows malice without any shame.”
“Will you tell me something if I ask you? As pure as you feel?”
“I will.”
“Was I ever enough for you?” He sensed the caress of her soft hand on his shoulder, her breaths sounding so composed, unlike his.
“No. I won't say it was enough, Reg. You were just too much.”
“It hurts, Y/N...it hurts when I realise I'll never mean that much to anyone else ever,” he chuckled, gently cupping her face. “But what's the point of trying to change myself when it just proves that I'll never be good enough?”
“I don't know what you are talking about,” Y/N replied, still smiling. “Promise me you will return. You’ll come back to see me, right?”
He gently placed a kiss on top of her head. “Not before you find me a way to get out of here undetected.”
* * *
“There's something I'm not being told,” the youngest Black muttered as he eyed Sirius, whose face showed nothing but a crooked smirk. “something about the kingdom, it's future- what's that?”
“Prince Regulus Black,” Sirius sighed and leaned on the wall, “King-to-be, or should I call you 'Majesty'?”
Regulus stayed silent. He knew better than to indulge himself in a mindless scrimmage with his brother.
“Let me guess, baby brother,” the older Black clicked his fingers, “that old hag mother of yours would have fixed a marriage for you? 'Aye, ain't I right?”
“She’s your mother too, Sirius.”
“I'll take it as a yes. So what's the twist? You love her...but she doesn't love you? How perfect!”
“Sirius, we are diverting from the main topic.” Regulus pressed as he firmly pushed Sirius to the wall, boring holes on his chilled persona. “If it concerns me, I've a right to know.”
“Even if it breaks you? Or your future?”
“You know about it, right?”
Sirius watched as Regulus' expression showed an amalgamation of hurt, betrayal and guilt. “I knew. All along these years- don't go, Reg.”
Regulus paused mid step, knowing whether to trust Sirius when he sounded solemn once in his life. “How can I trust that you are not lying after all this?”
“The last descendant of the throne , believe it or not, is going to change things; I’ve no idea what kind of things, but it’s lethal. Don’t trust Walburga, things are going to go downhill.”
* * *
“I tell you one last time,” Y/N protested hysterically, the dagger firmly held in her grip, “I don’t want to! I’ve my bloody dreams and aspirations. I’m…I’m not ready!”
The maid-in-waiting whimpered in raw fear at the sight of the dagger. Since when Hogwarts taught swinging daggers to noble princesses? Heavy clicks of heels attacked the marble floor at a distance, and if Y/N wasn’t so distracted at the prospect of the pariah news that just suddenly unnerved her, she wouldn’t have been thrown off the ground as the only weapon was snatched out of her fingers and pressed down her windpipe.
“Out!” The voice was so insanely shrill and loud. “My, my,” she heard a small sniff close to her ear, the blade of the dagger digging deeper down skin, “I must tell you, Walburga has a taste- or is it my brother’s? Huh?”
Walburga. It sounded familiar but nothing hit the correct nooks and crannies of Y/N’s brain as something hot trickled down the cut of her dress.
“Who are you?”
“I’d not have been asking that question, if I were at your place, lovey. And importantly, never when I knew who I had made my enemy. Anyway,” she loosened the grip and Y/n fell forward, “Bellatrix Lestrange. And what’s your name, the one who doesn’t know the use of a dagger?”
The feigned sweet voice was so vexing but Y/n kept a straight face. “What do you want?”
“You don’t say that when you will be marrying my brother,” the lady, with vicious black curls, whispered, “or when you don’t know that you are making me see red. Let’s dress up, shall we?”
It was difficult to decide whether it was Bellatrix Lestrange’s deadly esprit or her loyalty to the royal family as her fingers toyed with a rather harsh tug on the string of her gown; a viciously bulky black with a distinct splatter of shimmer, like stars burning through the night sky. Y/N wished it was white, as pure as the prospect of mirth that she could imagine in Regulus’ eyes.
Regulus. For a searing minute, only his serene and ageless smile came to her mind, the soft fondle of his hand, the taste of something indescribable- but everything addicting that rested on his lips as they caressed hers.
What would Regulus think when he realised that she would no longer be with him? Did he love her anyway? With Bellatrix’s unwanted cackles that rained every minute or so, she decided to drop the thought.
“If Walburga would have seen you like this,” Y/n tried not to look at Bellatrix as she licked her lips as if admiring her self made masterpiece, “I’m sure I could have been the mistress. I don’t think my brother would mind having himself a mistress, nor would you, right, lovey?”
“You haven’t done my hair. Who’s this brother of yours anyway?”
“Dumb girl.” Another chortle. Y/n heard nothing but venom in it. “I hope he doesn’t reject the very idea of you tonight. Girls with daggers don’t seem to grasp the idea of secrecy, do they?”
Alright, Y/n decided, as Bellatrix threw her dagger on the bed before walking out of the room, poker face did work on Bellatrix, afterall.
She yearned to shrink back in a corner and cry. What kind of meet required her to be isolated? What would happen today? Would the noble look at the horrendous gash on her neck that Bellatrix gifted her and run away?
She’d owe Bellatrix something if he did. Afterall, she decided to not clean it too.
The garden still smelled like roses, the harshly sweet waft making it difficult for Regulus to not lose his composure.
“I never thought you would come again. I mean…who are the lucky novices meeting Prince Regulus Black every once in a while?” If fragmentation could be heard, it was right here in Y/n’s voice. How could he make a straight face and say nothing?
“I was just wondering today…”
“Jeez, another philosophy class.”
He smiled with an unspoken melancholy. “You see the stars up there?” He pointed lethargically in heaven’s direction. “You can still see them in the sky after they have burned out. It must be lonely…having no one to miss you.”
Y/n could hear the rush of blood racing through her ears. Maybe it was the last time she could tell Regulus. Last time, before Bellatrix scavenged into her room. “I’d miss you, Reg.”
“You will. I’m sure you will. And I can assure you, you won’t like it. Ever told you that you suck at hiding things?”
She tilted her head in his direction as grey clouds scattered obnoxiously in the clear sky.
“You have got a cut…bad one. You can’t hide it from me. Also, ah, black doesn’t suit you.”
“Thanks,” she muttered sourly, watching little raindrops descend onto the ground. “Things have been…hard, I must say. It gets harder when you can’t even make yourself, ah, cry. You know…when you don’t get to feel the release.”
Regulus grimaced at rampant ‘swoosh’ capering throughout the garden. “Your gown…Bellatrix’s choice?”
Y/n was almost going to chuckle out with a jeez, she is sick in the head, when everything clicked to her.
“You are a smart one,” the youngest Black feigned out a disturbed smile, “you don’t need explanations.”
“How…how could you?”
“That last night back at Hogwarts,” Regulus blinked as the rain washed down heavily, as if Zeus himself showed his wrath, “I kissed you and came to the conclusion that sometimes, uh, you know, forever doesn’t last for long.”
“You know I’m not ready!” Wiping tears, Y/n jabbed an accusing finger in his direction. “They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, Reg,” he silently wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed, leaning into his shoulder, “and I was, I was so scared of losing you…it just made my heart numb…”
“I’m not ready either. I won’t expect anything from you. I wish I could atone, but I don’t think the heinous thing that I made you enter even deserves acquit.”
“You made me feel I actually matter.”
“You do,” his voice was close to a whisper. “Rains aren’t common in this season, are they?”
“Not even deceit, I must say,” her voice was cold but Regulus didn’t miss the meek insinuation of ‘I wish, for once, you would love me like this- no strings attached’.
tagging some lovelies 🌙: @regulusblackswhorecrux, @rainelikerain, @allyly
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