#evan loves oreos
birlwrites · 1 year
what's your opinion on regulus/lily? i love them, but i honestly don't like the fics because they often make snape not a bad person, but i digress. i tend to read the fanfic because if you don't get pro-snape things, you don't get anything at all with that ship.
(or, what about, for fun, regulus/lily/evan)
i think regulus/lily can be very cool, AS LONG AS it doesn't turn into 'dramione but make it marauders.' (this is actually a caveat i have with a lot of marauders' era ships - that the potential is there, but the dynamic is often just like it is in a popular golden trio era ship. i'm down for a LOT of ships as long as the characters and dynamics don't feel recycled)
i think if i were to write a regulus/lily fic, it would probably be grounded in the war, because i feel like they need very high stakes to really push them together (see ttdl LMAO) - unless they're in the same house or year or something like that where they naturally run across each other a lot
like (and this is just off the top of my head - if someone wants to take this premise and run with it, go ahead! i already have far too many wips afjlshgskdf), this would be my go-to:
due to various scheduling issues, regulus and lily are assigned to do prefect rounds together (a combination that would normally NEVER fly because they try not to put muggleborns and People With Close Personal Ties To Death Eaters on patrol together)
lily goes into it hackles up, in the direct wake of sirius's disownment, expecting the worst from regulus black
regulus goes into it mildly curious about this lily evans who he has only ever heard about in the context of a) snape or b) potter, but honestly he's preoccupied with Sirius Angst and Family Pressure Angst and lots of things like that
slow burn the fuck out of it. regulus will probably be the one who has to actually break the ice because just b/c lily is no longer expecting him to blow up at her for blood purity reasons it doesn't mean she expects him to be worth befriending
bond over being younger siblings with very complicated relationships with their older siblings
become close friends (and here you get the joys of the secret relationship trope before a romantic relationship even develops, because War and also Sirius)
(side note - much character work for sirius would be necessary to make sure he's not just Regulus's Shouty Dramatic Brother)
and then i don't know where it would go from there but i do really like the idea of them working together in the war. either as an 'they're on their own side' thing or as a 'infiltrated both sides, using them for their own agenda' thing. like let them have a safehouse that lily has stocked with hand grenades, that's my vision
regulus/lily/evan would be A HOT MESS (in a fun way afjslghskdjf i just mean i'm laughing thinking about it) - triple the complicated relationships with older siblings. evan 'flirting is my middle name' rosier vs regulus 'pine until i either have to confess my undying love or fake my death' black vs lily 'historically people have just fallen all over themselves to ask me out and i don't actually know how to demonstrate interest in someone' evans. lots of lighthearted bickering. lily introducing regulus and evan to modern muggle technological marvels (disco ball). they have 'study dates' which are actually just lily and regulus studying and evan being distracting. they have a black and white cat named oreo (evan thinks this is the most original cat name ever). regulus is tormented constantly by lily and evan attempting to invent new household charms whenever the mood strikes. he and oreo often retreat to the library (spare bedroom full of books and one (1) disco ball) for safety. lily has a secret diary in which she keeps track of Definitely Totally Very Real Muggle Inventions that regulus and evan don't know she lied about yet. they have GREAT photo albums
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roseygurl · 7 months
jobs i think the marauders & friends would have
james potter
- works at a sporting goods store
- he’s very knowledgeable and great at his job
- will definitely persuade you into buying something you don’t want or need
- “sir these nike airs will make you jump so incredibly high”
- always chewing gum and always getting yelled at for it by his boss
- hates working register, you’ll find him in the shoes section reading a magazine
- made the store playlist, he’s always on aux
- all his coworkers are really old but he still manages to get along really well with them
- has definitely grabbed a beer with the 50 year old cashier
sirius black
- movie theatre employee
- he hates his job so much. so much
- but he loves saying he works at a movie theatre because it sounds cool
- applied because he loves films and the smell of theatre popcorn
- works at the concession stand and steals extra large slushees (his go-to flavors are cherry and coke)
- he’s really bad at customer service but he’s naturally charming so it’s okay
- always has one airpod in
- coworkers love him because remus brings him food on his break that he shares with everyone
- never ever wears the hat that comes with his uniform because it’s ugly and makes his hair look bad
- definitely cries in the bathroom
remus lupin
- waiter at a nice restaurant downtown
- he’s actually quite rude but his dry humor and nice cheekbones charms people for some reason
- (gets horrible tips)
- has to wear a fully black outfit with a silly black bow tie, sirius thinks he looks handsome
- really good at bussing tables and rolling silverware
- steals fries from the kitchen
- sometimes they ask him to bartend and he really enjoys that
- the hostess girl adores him (sirius despises her)
- smokes near the dumpster on his break and then sits on the floor in the walk-in for a few minutes
- “can i speak to the manager?!”
- “ma’am i am the manager” (he’s lying)
peter pettigrew
- works at a gas station
- constantly forgets to check for ID
- free vape pods for his friends!!!!!!
- actually likes stocking shelves because he doesn’t have to talk to anyone
- always scared the store is gonna get robbed at gunpoint
- sees people steal but never says anything about it
- he literally never sees his boss around, where is that man???
- usually closing shift, he hates it
- reads comic books up front all the time, sometimes he’ll have really long conversations with customers about x-men
regulus black
- works drive-thru at a burger joint
- customer service is on point but after 8pm he turns into the biggest bitch on the face of the earth
- he just wants to go home
- sirius and james always drive by to troll him and order shakes
- sirius is really good at doing the karen voice and has actually fooled him almost every single time
- big brother behavior
- his uniform is rancid and smells like burger grease
- always having one sided competitions with other coworkers that nobody is in on except for him
- he loves oreo milkshakes
- ends up having to train the new hires but he’s so terrible at it
- “idk i think this is how you do it but im not sure”
- bad at counting change on the spot, he’ll start tearing up if you give him coins
lily evans
- second-hand bookstore employee
- started out as a volunteer but they actually ended up hiring her
- she doesn’t get enough hours
- works next to a coffee shop so she always grabs a cappuccino for james after her morning shifts
- gets to wear cute outfits but has to wear an ugly gray apron
- decorates it with pins
- remus always comes to visit her and they bitch about rude customers together
- he ends up helping her move heavy boxes
- her boss is this sweet weird hippie woman who somehow knows everyone personally
- the dusty books give her terrible allergies
- that girl is always sneezing and sniffling
- will talk your ear off about jane austen
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Oh the Guilt
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
• series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love? 
•chapter summary: You come home from your date with Evan feeling guilty and Joe, well, Joe makes a mistake and doesn’t know what he’s feeling
•word count: 3.0k
•warnings: slight angst, language, mentions of sex, foreplay (no actual smut yet lol)
series masterlist
November 4-7, 2022
You glanced at your watch for what seemed like the third time in the last fifteen minutes. This date with Evan wasn't going how you expected it to—at all.
The night started off extremely well. Evan picked you up outside the apartment after you went up to grab your shoes. He offered to pick you up from the apartment itself, but you declined the offer. You didn't want to make things awkward for him or Joe.
After he picked you up you headed to downtown Cincinnati, where you went to dinner at that brewery Macee and Emma had told you about. The food and beer were delicious and you and Evan were having fun together.
However, something just felt...off.
You and Evan both were a little awkward with each other at first, but once you got to the brewery and started to talk to one another, the awkwardness between the two of you got much better. That all changed once you left the brewery though.
You started to walk through the streets downtown when Evans hand brushed against yours. He went to reach for your hand, but you pulled it away to point at a shop before he could lace his fingers with yours. Then, you tried to reach for his hand as you both walked out of a jewelry store, but you hesitated and felt like you shouldn't grab it.
You and Evan are ending the night with ice cream. Which you think is always a great way to end a date since ice cream is your favorite. You got salted caramel brownie in a waffle bowl and Evan got peanut butter oreo in a waffle bowl. (a/n: those are my two favorite flavors at my local ice cream shop tehe)
The two of you ate your ice cream, enjoying each others company and the calmness of the little parlor, despite the commotion of the crowds outside. As you took a bite of your ice cream, Evan was watching you with a soft smile. He held his free hand out on the table, reaching for yours. You returned the smile and put your hand in his. He wet his lips and took a deep breath.
"Y/n," he smiled and squeezed your hand before he continued, "I want to start off by saying...I think you are an amazing and beautiful woman."
You already can tell where this is going.
He sighed, "But let's be honest. We both know this date isn't going how we thought it would."
You nodded along as he spoke. It's true, this date did not go the way you expected it to.
You pushed your ice cream to the side and gave him your full attention. You grabbed his other hand and squeezed it gently just like he did to yours.
"I know." you smiled softly, "Evan, you are one of the sweetest guys I've met, seriously."
Evan blushed, smiling sheepishly at your words.
"I try," he said with a shrug. Both of you chuckled. You gave him another soft smile before you spoke again.
"But this date seriously didn't go the way we thought it would."
He shook his head, "I-," he hesitated, seeming like he didn't want to complete his thought. He cleared his throat before continuing, "I don't want to upset any body, and tonight just didn't feel right. So, I think it's best if you and I just stay...friends?"
You smiled and nodded, "I think so too."
You’re a little disappointed things didn't work out with Evan. He truly is a great guy and you wish things could have worked out better, but, being with him just doesn't feel right for you. You just felt so guilty throughout the whole date, and you think it's because of that argument you had with Joe. He seemed genuinely sorry when you stopped by the apartment to grab your shoes. You hope he's not upset with you for not saying much to him.
You do forgive Joe. You feel he has every right to be upset with you for going out with his teammate after you swore you wouldn't. Plus, you can’t stay mad at him over some petty argument. It would just make things miserable for both of you, just like it was when you first moved in.
But You and Joe are past that stage of not getting along. You consider him to be somewhat one of your friends now and not just the roommate who you’re stuck with until next August. 
A weight felt like it was lifted off of your shoulders as You and Evan finished up your ice cream without any awkwardness like there was earlier.
Both of you felt happy with the decision the two of you made about your relationship. It's best if you just stay friends.
Evan drove you back to the apartment complex, thanking you for a fun night before you said your goodbyes. You walked up the flight of stairs to your apartment. You glanced at your watch and saw that it was almost midnight, so chances are Joe was probably asleep. You got your key out and tried your best to stay quiet as you unlocked the door and walked into the apartment. Most of the lights were turned off except for the kitchen lights. You took your heels off and walked further into the apartment. The Tv was still on, but the volume was turned down low. You stopped in your tracks when you saw How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days playing on the screen.
That's your favorite movie.
You were a little confused as to why Joe was watching How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, but you didn't think much of it and just assumed it started automatically playing after another movie was finished. You peered over the couch and saw Joe sound asleep, sprawled out with his head laying on his arm that was draped over the side of the couch. There was an assortment of uneaten candy laying on the coffee table—except for the peanut butter cups. Those were completely gone, with one of the wrappers laying on Joes stomach. You smiled softly and picked up the wrapper, careful not to wake him up.
You walked into the kitchen and threw the wrapper away. You decided to grab something to drink from the fridge before you got ready for bed. Upon opening the fridge you found a big brown paper bag in the middle shelf that was full of food. You were curious to see what was in there, so you pulled the bag from the fridge and set it on the counter. As you went to grab one of the boxes from the bag, you felt a piece of paper on top. You pulled the container out, seeing a small piece of note paper with handwriting on it taped to the top. You furrowed your brow in confusion and took the note off, deciding to read it.
I'm sorry about earlier. I was in the wrong and I shouldn't have reacted the way that I did. I want you to be happy, so if being with Evan is what makes you happy, then so be it. I hope you can forgive me...maybe this will make accepting my apology a bit easier ;)
P.S. check the back of this note too.
- Joe
You turned the note around and saw more handwriting.
Movie night? I heard How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is pretty good...
Your heart dropped to your stomach. You were overcome with a feeling of guilt as you read the note.
Joe wasn't having a movie night with Ja'Marr...he was hoping to have a movie night with you as a way to apologize for earlier.
You set the note down on the counter, covering your hand with your mouth as a look of guilt took over your face.
Im such a terrible person. You thought. If I would have just stayed for a few more minutes and didn't go on that date with Evan, I wouldn't feel this guilty. I thought to myself. You pulled the containers out of the bag, feeling even more guilty as you looked at the contents.
Bar food. Your favorite takeout.
Joe bought your favorite takeout for you and you didn't even get to enjoy it with him.
He did all of this for me as a way to apologize and instead I went on a stupid date.
You feel awful.
You let out a heavy sigh and put the boxes back into the bag, careful not to make too much noise. It didn't matter though because as you were putting the bag into the fridge, Joe had walked into the kitchen.
You jumped at the sound of his voice. You shut the fridge and turned around, smiling softly at him.
"Hey Joe."
He rubbed his tired eyes, pulling his hands away and crossing his arms over his muscular chest. He chuckled softly as his lips pulled up into a slight smirk.
"I see you found my apology."
You frowned, guilt written all over your face. You didn't even know where to start.
"Joe, I am so sorry."
"For what?"
"For going on that date. If I would have known you planned all of this, I," you shook your head, "I would have never gone." you said, your voice just above a whisper as you finished speaking.
Joe shook his head, a soft smile on his face as he replied, "Don't worry about it, Y/n. I just wanted to do something nice for you to show how sorry I am. But you already had plans, there's no reason for you to apologize for that."
You frowned, unsure of what to say. Oh the guilt...
"Y/n," Joe said your name softly, causing you to look up at him, "it's not a big deal, okay? I promise."
You pulled your bottom lip into your mouth, chewing on the plump red stained skin as you nodded slowly. You let out a sigh and looked into Joe's soft blue eyes.
"I forgive you, you know?"
He smiled, "Good, I'm glad. Because I was a complete dick and I shouldn't have reacted that way over you and Evan. The two of you seem really happy together."
"About that..." you trailed off, trying to think of what to say. Joe cocked his head to the side slightly, waiting to hear what you had to say.
"I had fun tonight, but he and I decided we're better off as friends."
Joe stood up a bit straighter, his eyes widening slightly, "Oh, really?"
You nodded, "Yeah. Something just didn't feel," you sighed, unsure of what to say, "I don't know. Didn't feel right."
Joe frowned, "I'm sorry."
You shrugged, "It's okay. I'm glad to still have him as a friend." you put your hands on your hips and smirked, deciding to tease Joe, "I bet you're relieved though."
"W-what?" He laughed, a nervous smile making its way onto his face. He was worried Evan said something about that conversation in the group chat from a couple weeks ago.
"That I'm not screwing around with one of your teammates."
He chuckled, "Oh, yeah. I'm so relieved." Both of you laughed.
You looked at the clock on the stove, seeing that it was passed midnight. You let out a yawn and turned back to Joe, seeing him lean against the counter and throw his head back as his eyes were closed.
"I'm sorry again, about tonight." you said quietly, rubbing your arm as you spoke.
Joe opened his eyes and smiled softly, "Y/n, stop apologizing, please. It was nothing. I just wanted to show you how sorry I was for earlier."
You nodded in response. You did appreciate his kind gesture, and you definitely do accept his apology.
Joe yawned and stretched his arms as he said, "Well I'm going to head to bed."
"Me too."
He smiled, "G'night Y/n."
"Night Joe." you said softly as he walked out of the kitchen and to his bedroom. You sighed and looked out into the living room, seeing the Tv was still playing How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. You stepped out of the kitchen and looked down the hall, calling out for Joe before he went into his room for the night. He stopped by his door, turning around and leaning against the frame as he looked at you.
"Maybe tomorrow night we could heat up takeout and watch the movie?"
Joe smiled, "Sounds good to me, sweets." He walked into his room and shut the door behind him.
Your breath hitched at the name. Sweets. That's what Joe has been calling you since the first day you met. You think he started saying it as a way to flirt with you, but of course he's not doing that anymore. The name has just stuck.
You smiled to yourself as you stood alone in the hallway.
Tonight was very bittersweet. You are a little disappointed with how your date with Evan went, but you’re also so glad you and Joe were able to move past the argument you had earlier.
Shortly after Joe went to bed, you did the same. You needed a good nights sleep after the long day you had today.
You don't know how your day will go tomorrow, but you do know at least your night in with Joe tomorrow night will be much more enjoyable than your day was today.
————-time skip————
Joe's pov:
*a couple days later*
I pushed Jessica and I into the apartment, her hands going up to my hair and pulling at the loose strands of my dark blonde hair as we made out. I put one of my hands on her ass, gripping it which made her moan.
"Oh Joe," She pulled away and wet her lips as she looked up at me and pleaded desperately, "Please."
I brought her into my bedroom, closing the door behind me and pulling my shirt off with one swift motion. She pulled her black mini skirt off and threw it to the side. She crossed her arms and took off the leopard print crop top she was wearing, leaving her in nothing but a lace thong and strapless bralette. I gently pushed her down onto the bed and began to kiss down her body. Goosebumps appearing on her soft skin as my lips made contact with her collarbone. Her long manicured nails scratched down my back as I bit at her skin.
"Wait," Jessica breathed out. I pulled back from her, looking down at her sprawled out body.
"Let me take care of you..." she whispered sultrily. Suddenly I was flipped onto my back and Jessica was now the one that was trailing kisses along my body. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath as she kissed along my neck and chest. Her hair tickling my skin as she moved her way down my body. She licked a stripe down my abdomen, swirling her tongue over my belly button before sucking at the skin of my v-line. I opened my eyes and looked down at her, taking in her features.
That Y/h/c hair...
Those pretty Y/e/c eyes...
Those pink lips and that sweet smile...
Oh and those soft hands...
"Oh Y/n." I moaned out blissfully.
Oh god. My eyes widened as I realized what I had just said.
Jessica's movements stopped and she snapped her head up to look at me.
"Who the hell is Y/n?"
Nice going Joe...
"I'm sorry, I-."
Jessica scoffed and stood up from the bed. I stood up too, trying to stop her and explain myself but it was too late. She grabbed her clothes from the floor, quickly putting them on her body and leaving the apartment without saying another word.
I sat down on my bed in disbelief. I cant believe I just did that! Why the hell was I thinking about Y/n!? I rubbed my hands down my face and let out a loud sigh.
To be completely honest...
All I could think about during my date with Jessica was Y/n.
Y/n has been on my mind a lot lately and I truly don't know why. I'll admit, I was a little jealous when she had a little fling going on with Evan. This sounds awful, but I was even a bit happy when she told me that they decided to just be friends.
But I thought it was normal for me to feel like that.
Any guy would be jealous that their roommate who happens to be a girl is going out with one of their best friends, right?
I laid down on my bed and sighed once again. So many thoughts were going through my mind. But they all ended up leading to the same thing, well, person: Y/n.
I truly don't know what it is that I'm feeling about her, and I certainly don't know what to do. Help a guy out here!
Hell, Maybe the guys will be able to help me figure my feelings out...
They'll definitely know how to help, right?
hey loves!!
i apologize that this wasn't out sooner. i originally planned for it to be up on wednesday, but i've been so busy on spring break that i haven't had much time to write. hopefully you understand that :) thank you so much for your patience though!
also, this chapter was a little all over the place (much like all the other chapters are lol) but i hope you still enjoyed it!
i know i say this a lot, but it really means so much i me. thank you SO much for all of your love and support for this series!! it makes me so happy seeing everyone excited for more updates! with that being said, i'll have more updates coming soon ;)
hope you are all doing well!!🤍
@jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spooky-stoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo
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wildlife4life · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤️
Thank you so much for asking me this! I don't have a lot of fics done and my absolute favorite is still in the works, but I will still share!
NFL Buck
This fic is still in the works, but it is absolutely by far my favorite. The basis is Eddie is a firefighter and the secret boyfriend of Evan Buckley, the newest quarterback for the LA Rams (NFL). You can read the latest snippet here.
2. Oreo Towers will Tumble
Drew Heyward has been a floater at the 118 for a few shifts and ends up as man behind one afternoon. During this time he finds a surprise visitor, Eddie Diaz, one of the handful of omega first responders and the person Drew has been covering for. Turns out, Eddie is Buck's mate, very pregnant and bored after weeks of bedrest. They talk, panic attacks occur, and oreo tower bets are made, creating a new friendship.
3. Questions to Answers (with Regrets)
Buck and Eddie have been dating for a little over a month now. Chimney and Hen are curious. Eddie gets cornered and at some point, becomes the little shit he is. Hen and Chimney only have themselves to blame.
4. Don't Stay for Dessert
Chimney surprises Buck and Eddie during what he assumes is a typical guys night. It's not. Apparently its fancy bros night and Chimney... well he is seeing so much potential.
5. Lets Go to Bed
Eddie just wanted to cuddle with his boyfriend and take a nap. Chimney just wanted a quiet place to sleep and steal Buck's bed just for a short time to do so. And Buck was just finishing his shower.
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Sideline Love ~ Chapter 13 ~ Fatherhood
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Pairings - NFL! Chris Evans and OFC Rebecca Rooney
Series Summary: All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he meets someone who could change his life... if she wasn't the bosses daughter. Can Chris change her mind with a little sideline love?
Word Count: 2.5K
General Warnings: smut! angst, cheating, parental interference, fluff, football Chris has beard ( 😏 ), injuries during the game, special appearance (don't @ me lol)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Becca Rooney and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
I am trying out a taglist. Please let me knouw if you would like to be included.
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
Sebastian, Chris and Charlie walk to the park the next week with Charlie swinging in between the men’s arms.  “Daddy you and Seba are so strong. Can you swing me to the moon?”
“The moon? Why do you want to go to the moon?”
“So I can eat it.  Mama says the moon is cheese and I love cheese!”  She giggled as she swinged back and was launched in the air.
“What is your girl teaching her?” Sebastian shook his head.  He turned and growled like a fake bear.  “I’m gonna get you, papusa mica!”
Charlie screech and took off running towards the playground. “Daddy help!”
Chris charged in the lifted his girl up and put her on his shoulders. He ran, holding her legs as Sebastian jumped up to reach for her, their laughter filling the air.  A phone rang and Sebastian stopped.  He checked his phone.  “I need to take it.  Be right back.”
Chris trotted with Charlie on shoulders.  “Daddy?”
“Yes, munchkin?”
“Does this other daddy love me?”
“I don’t know. You would have to ask him.”
“Is it wrong if I like him?”
Chris’s heart clenched.  “Of course not.  He’s your daddy.”
“You’re my daddy.  And I love you but I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Momma says we shouldn’t hurt people’s feelings.”
Chris stopped and pulled Charlie down and sat her next to him on the bench. “I want you listen very carefully, Charlotte. The minute you ran into my life I knew you were special.  I have loved you since our Oreo date. Nothing is going to change that.  Its ok to like Tom, love him even. But you are my munchkin. My feelings won’t be hurt.”
“I love you so much daddy.”  Charlie flung her arms around his neck and gripped him tight.
Tom came the long way around towards the playground and heard Chris and Charlie’s voices.  “I don’t know him but I will try if its ok.”
“Charlie, you do what you want to do ok?  Your momma and I will love you and support you in whatever you do.  If you want to spend more time with Tom and his kids, we’ll make it work, ok?  Don’t worry about this. Just worry about being a kid.”
Tom took a step back and decided to watch them from a distance. He sees Chris playing with Charlie in the park and sees that Chris is like himself with his boys.  He watches as Chris makes sure Charlie is secure in the swing before pushing her, listening to Charlie’s squeals of delight.  A wave of overwhelming sadness floods is chest. He missed it.  The opportunity to have his own little princess.  He decides to call his dad. “Hey pop.”
Thomas, everything ok son?
Did I blow this? Neglecting Charlie?
He could hear his father sigh and open and close a door.  Son, only you can decide if you want to pursue this.  She spent five years with just her mother. This is a huge change.
“Becca has a boyfriend, Chris, who loves her as much I should have. Charlie calls him daddy.”
Oh Tom.
“I missed it, didn’t I?”
Father and son stayed on the phone as Tom broke down.  “Why didn’t I just own it?”
I don’t know.  Your mother and I never understood why not.  Giselle was going to leave either way because of your actions.  And Rebecca has always said she just wanted her daughter to have a father.  Is continuing this fight worth it?
A few minutes later, Tom had hung up with this father and called his lawyers. As he hangs up, he walks over to Chris, who is watching Charlie play with some other children. “Evans, can I have a moment?”
“What do you want Brady? I’m not supposed to talk to you. I’m just a supervisor.”
Tom looked at his feet. “I know. I just have a question.” He took a breath. “Do you love her?”
“Excuse me?”
“Charlotte. Do you love her?”
“I love her as if she was my own.”
“Ok, good.  Please don’t tell Becca what I’m about to tell you. I want to tell her myself.”
The Steelers have a pretty good record coming in before Chris’s suspension.  They had already secured a playoff spot but were now aiming for clinching the division. This game against the Bengals were crucial. One win and they had their first division title in almost four years.  Chris arrived at the final practice before the game to observed as he had the last two weeks.  He made sure that Josh was prepared, going over game tapes and plays. As he pulled over his sweater, Coach Tomlin yelled through the locker room.  “EVANS! OFFICE! NOW!”
“Fuck me,” he mumbled as he shot a look at Sebastian and Anthony.
“Whatcha do now?” Anthony asked.
“Breathe? Who the fuck knows?  Maybe Rooney is offended that I changed body wash,” Chris deadpans.
“I wasn’t going to say anything Evans, but I have the new bodywash an improvement,” Sebastian quips.
“Ah fuck off Stan,” Chris says with a chuckle as he makes his way to the head coach’s office.  “You wanted to see me sir.” Chris notices that Coach Ben is also in the office.
“Take a seat.” Tomlin shuffles some papers on his desk.  “We got a call from San Francisco.”
“Yeah, they are interested in trading for you. They heard about your benching and want to bring you on next season.”
“Oh well, I mean, I don’t really have a future here anymore.”
“About that.” Tomlin stood up from his chair and moved to the front of his desk.  “I talked to Rooney and let him know that this needs to end.  You are one of the best rookie quarterbacks I have ever seen.  You were pro ready.  I haven’t seen talent like this since Ben here.”
“I’m honored sir, really.”
“You should be.  But the next time you are not dressed for practice. you will be fined.”
“Excuse me?”
“Go dress.  You will be playing on Sunday.  We have a championship to win. Dismissed.”
Chris walked out in a daze with Ben.  “Is this really happening?”
Ben clapped his back.  “The entire coaching staff basically threatened to quit if they traded you. You did nothing wrong except fall in love.  You have been punished enough. Get ready and get warmed up.  Need to shake that rust off of that arm.”
“Yes sir.”  Chris jogged back to his locker.
“Chris, what did they want?” Sebastian asked.
“I’m playing. San Francisco called to ask about a trade and the coaches lost it.  Rooney caved and I’m playing. So, I gotta change and get out there.”
“I knew it would work out in the end,” Anthony said. “Had faith the whole time.”
“Right, what was it you were saying a few days ago? Something about Chris being the biggest idiot of all time.”
Chris raised his eyebrow at Anthony.  “What? I mean you almost gave all of this up for a girl.”
“Not just a girl.  My soul mate.”
Rebecca came into Chris’s house later on that night, throwing her keys into the bowl by the door, shaking the cold rain off of her.  “Babe! Monkey! I’m home.”
“Momma!” Charlie ran over to her mom and Becca lifted her up for a hug.
“Hi Monkey! How was your day?”
“It was good.  We learned the numbers and I’m practicing in my workbook.  Daddy is making dinner.  He says we have a cell-bration tonight.”
“Oh do we? Well, let me see what I can do to help.”  She carried Charlie back to the kitchen where Chris was stirring something.  “Hey baby!”
“Hey Angel!”  He leaned down to give her a kiss.
“Whatever you are making smells amazing.”
“Short ribs and mashed potatoes.  Like 20 minutes.”
“Sounds good. Do I have time to change or…”
“Go, relax.  I’ll have a glass of wine for you when you’re done.”
“This is why you are my favorite boyfriend.”
“Excuse me? I believe I am your only boyfriend.”
“Yeah, in my mind, I am also mentally dating Sidney Crosby and the guy who plays Thor.”
Chris turned to Becca with a predatory glare.  She takes a step back.  “Oh really.”  He takes a few steps towards her. He cages her in.  “Can those guys do this?”  He leans down and kisses her right behind her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
“Chris, I…”
“Or this?”  He lets his fingers drift under her skirt.  He looks to see Charlie and grins to see the little girl preoccupied with Dodger.  He turns back to Becca as his fingers skate over her mound on top of her underwear.  She moans low. “So wet already love.”  He pulls back.
“Shit, Chris.” She grabs the countertop to steady herself, her knees ready to give out.
“That’s what I thought.”  He kisses her softly.  “Later love.  But go get relaxed.  I have some news I want to share, and dinner is almost ready.”
Becca left the kitchen in a daze, heading up to their shared bedroom.  With all the changes they were anticipating, Becca had put her house on the market.  She and Chris worked on getting Charlie’s room ready.  Becca had a lot of her clothes here since this was where she and Charlie now spent the most time.  She washed her face and changed into some leggings and one of Chris’s hoodies, the air now chilly and crisp in mid-December.
Heading downstairs, she watched as Chris got Charlie in her booster.  “Ok, I’m comfy.  Where is my wine?”
Chris chuckled and handed the large goblet with red wine.  He took his own beer.  “Cheers love.”
“Cheers.”  She sat in her place with Chris at the head of table.  He served and they started to eat.  “My god baby, this is amazing.”
“Its yummy daddy.”
“Thank you, ladies.”  Chris swallowed his mouthful.  “So, I got called into Tomlin’s office today.”
“Really? Good or bad?”
“Well San Francisco called about that trade we talked about.”
“Well, that’s out of the bag.” Becca took a sip of her wine.  “What did Tomlin say?”
“That I would get fined if I showed up at practice again not dressed.”  Chris smiled with a twinkle in his eye as he watched Becca let the words sink in.
“Does that… you mean… you’re playing?”
“One PM Sunday babe.  Was wondering if maybe my favorite girls will come out and watch me play?”
Becca leaped up and sat on Chris’s lap and hugged him.  “Baby I am so happy for you.”
“Thank you, Angel.” He sighed as he breathed in her scent. “Apparently, the entire coaching staff was pissed about the call, and they all went to talk to your dad.”
“I hadn’t heard a thing.  I’m so excited for you.”
“Me too Angel.”
They finished up dinner and cleaned up.  Chris took Charlie up to bed for a story and cuddles, with Dodger hot on his heels, while Becca washed the dishes.  Chris came down and wrapped his arms around Becca.  “I’m gonna splash and get all wet Chris.”
“I like it when you’re wet.”
“What? Charlie is out for the count.  And there is a reason why we put her in the far bedroom Angel.”  He started to kiss her neck.  When he couldn’t reach the skin he wanted because of the hoodie, he grasped the bottom and lifted it over Becca’s head.  She just had a cotton camisole underneath, and he could see that her nipples were peaking.  “Cold or horny Angel?” he asked with a smirk.
“You better touch me Chris.”
“Or what?”
“Or I’ll give you blue balls.”
“That’s evil Angel.  Are you my fallen Angel now?”
“Fallen?  Not yet.”  She let her hands trail down his chest and under the elastic of his sweats. “But I could be.”  She dropped to her knees and pulled him free. She pumped him with a few strokes as she looked up at him.  His beautiful ocean blue eyes were blown dark, and he licked his lips in anticipation.  Becca smirked before taking just the tip in her mouth and suckled on it.
“Fuck, Angel, that’s so good.” Chris tried to restrain himself from grabbing her hair and pulling her in. He hands gripped the counter behind him as Becca continued to bob up and down on his length.  She pulled herself long enough to say, “Its ok baby. Take control.”
It was all he needed.  He gathered her hair into a ponytail in his fist and used his other hand to guide her.  “Just like that, Angel.” He wasn’t rough with her, just provided enough guidance to get her worked up as well.  When he felt that familiar tingle, he pulled her away.  She whined at the loss. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth Angel.  Need to feel you around me when I let go.”
Becca smiled as he lifted her onto the counter.  “But I gotta make you feel good first.”  He reached for the waistband of her leggings and swiftly pulled them off.  He got to his knees and kissed her legs, listening her to sigh in delight.  As he got closer, she started to run her fingers in his hair, “Chris please.”
“So impatient my love.  Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”  He placed a kiss right over the apex of her thighs and then let his tongue taste his beloved.  She keened and mewled as he began to work her opened.   As she thought it couldn’t get better, Chris ran a finger up her slit to collect some of the moisture building. “All for me?”
“Always.  Its always for you,” she panted and then moaned as two fingers slipped into her.  He curled into her, finding her special spot.  He knew he had it when she jolted. He flicked his tongue back and forth on her clit as he continues to pump his fingers into her.
“Let go Angel.  Let me drink you in.”
God this man was dirty. But his words did the trick. The fire that has been building in her belly spilled over and she cummed hard around his fingers. “Chris! Fuck!” She moaned.
“You always taste so good Angel,” as Chris rose to his feet, licking his fingers and then his lips. “I need to feel you now.”
“Hmm, yes you do baby,” she purred just as a flash of lighting lite up the house followed by a crash of thunder that shook the house.  “Holy fuck! Where did that come from?”
“They predicted a storm,” Chris replied.  “Just wasn’t expecting that.”
Then an alarming screech was heard from upstairs along with a loud bark. “Daddy!”
Chris sighed and pulled his sweatpants up.  He grabbed a towel and cleaned his face as Becca laughed gently.  “Welcome to fatherhood, baby.”
“We are not done Angel.  See you upstairs and you better be ready.”
Becca let a mischievous smile cross her face.
“Yes daddy.”    
@patzammit @texmexdarling
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Can I request Evan x yn who is a student and not a celebrity but she likes Robert Pattinson and it was her childhood crush so they were watching The batman and she couldn't help but fangirling over Robert and how'd Evan react?!?
Note: I want to heavily apologize for this taking so incredibly long to post. Life has been insanity but now that I have time, I figured that this would be the time to finally share this blurb not just with you but with everyone else as well.
Thank you so very very much for your request and for your love, kindness, patience and support. It means more to me than you will ever know.
That being said, I hope that enjoy this little (unedited) blurb of how Evan would react in this scenario.
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Oreos, caramels, teddy bear cookies, wafer sticks, chocolate and popcorn were just some of the move night treats that littered the coffee table of y/n’s living room as she and her boyfriend Evan sat watching ‘The Batman’ with y/n childhood crush, Robert Pattinson.
Evan of course knew about the crush, but he had no idea just how deep it was until tonight. Y/n sat unmoving but practically drooling over the brit.
“Oh my god. I loved that!” Y/n said, cuddling into Evan’s side as the credits rolled. Evan chuckled at his girlfriend’s reaction, though he had to be honest, he was feeling a little jealous at how invested y/n was in this movie. He knew it was because of Robert.
“I’m glad that you enjoyed that.” Evan told her as he placed a small kiss on the side of y/n’s head.
Y/n smiled and rested her head on Evan’s shoulder.
“What did you think of it?” Y/n asked.
Evan shrugged.
“It wasn’t the best.” Evan replied honestly.
“Wasn’t the best, are you kidding me? How can you not love it. It’s Batman!” Y/n all but squeaked out in shock.
“I know but he’s not the best Batman.” Evan said.
“Then why did you choose to watch this with me?” Y/n asked, now looking at Evan.
“Because I know that you had a rough week with your exams and because I know that his movies cheer you up.” Evan told her honestly. Y/n smiled warmly at her boyfriend. It really warmed her heart to know that even if he didn’t like something, he was willing to sit through it because it cheered her up.
“I love you so much, Evan.” Y/n said as she leaned in and kissed his lips tenderly.
Sure, Evan didn’t really like watching Robert’s movies because of how goo-goo eyed y/n would get over him but at the end of the day, he knew that he was the one to hold her in his arms and the one to kiss her when he admitted his jealousy, even if it wasn’t said outright.
Tag List: @elizami11s @geo-winchester
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san-marlenes-version · 5 months
💕if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog!
My favourite colour is blue. I have a cat named Oreo that I love so much I hate her. I'm a James kin.
ill do the same as san ig. my fave colour is green (sage cause im gay like that). i have a cat named tigger and 2 rats named wormy and petey. im an evan kin
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heykickr0cks · 8 months
𝚁𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝙾𝚏 𝚈𝚘𝚞
(I’ll add more as things come to me)
cigarette smoke
the color blue (your eyes)
the color orange (your favorite color)
thrift daddy
hobby enthusiast
the word "fast"
birria tacos
marshalls being a shitty place to work
Evan Williams
whiskey drinkin’
short sleeve button downs over graphic tees
88, Dale Jarrett
4 (29), Kevin Harvick
zero sugar diet Dr. Pepper
"living by the bit"
"dying by the bit"
committing to the bit
running late but always showing up
“3 for Dale”
sleepless nights
unwavering devotion to people
pork chops on the grill
illegal moonshine
youtube star
being loud with love
being expressive with words
being consistent with actions
fire pit on cold nights
"Beautiful Mess"
"I Am Hell"
love dumping
parallel play 
going left when nothing goes right
side hustling
country ham
infinity stones
Lorna Shore
hand-me-down vapes
checkerboard print
burtdays/ “another lap around the sun”
unwatched Netflix shows
3D modelin’
his and hers matching underwear
cosmic brownies
Bo Burnham "Five Years"
"damned if I do, damned if I don't"
"nothing worth havin comes easy"
mouth bones
organizing shirts in the closet
laundry hacks (inside-outing clothes before instead of after)
Chick-fil-A sauce on chicken sandwich
late-night deep talks
cheesecake ratings
"rollie boys"
Sonic loaded dog and loaded tots
dirty vibrators
Plan B
boiling water to make coffee
"put those grippers away!"
Waffle House sauce
drinking coffee while driving, but from a mug
"little penis monster"
paint jobs
porch sittin'
tie-dye DIY
teenage double dates
sleeping in
resume rough drafts
cat meme (*blocked*)
your grandmother's clothes
"There ain't no way that baby is 29!"
packed salad lunches
kitchen sink soup
NASCAR rubber duckies
Bearglove Old Spice scent
backward hats
"Be good or be good at it"
puzzle pieces
Mongolian mysterious secret sauce
shot glass organizing
oreo cookies
drum sets
storage units
eating at the dinner table
imaginative creativity
sweet tea
receptiveness to criticism
sticker trendsetter
certified thrift whore
willingness to change for the better
willingness to accept responsibility/accountability
willingness to admit when wrong
"Yes, dear?"
hates people
washer and dryers
big words
dry, sarcastic humor
dirty chai teas
being observant
deep thinking (who/what/when/where/how)
Bojangles chicken 
oyster-shucking gatherings
adjustable room lighting
Mother’s Day Star Wars card “I love you. I know.”
Valentine's Day fun dip
homemade love coupons
role strain
country accents
picture posing
the hum of an air conditioning unit
Roku screensaver 
being a “good sport"
quick to anger
quick to walk away
boiled peanuts
special occasion bottles of Knob Creek
house slippers
pajama pants
enamel pins
sushi picnics
Overcooked Kevin levels
employee discounts
Best Buy / Geek Squad
drinking alcoholic Monster
photo booth photo strips
mini Polaroids
“13 reasons why I love you”
flat tires and dead batteries
Caesar dressing, but not Caesar salad
garlic parm flavored wings 
going on tangents and ‘circling back’
Mini Brands
rollie boy station pictures
chicken quesadillas from Taco Bell
… to be continued
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chaoticrebels · 9 months
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NAME : Matthew Joshua Brooks NICKNAME : Matt, Mattie, Matty, MJ AGE : 30-40 BIRTH DATE : January 1st GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Pansexual LOCATION : London, England PROFESSION : Tattoo Artist, Bartender SPECIES : Human SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English, French HEIGHT : 6'2" WEIGHT : 172 lbs HAIR : Brunette EYES : Blue TATTOOS : Several PIERCINGS : A Few SCARS : A Few FACE CLAIM : Neil Newbon
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Zachary was planned, Andrew and Matthew was a surprise
He is ten minutes younger than Andrew, twenty minutes younger than Zachary
Andrew is the more angelic twin while Matthew is the more devilish twin
He is closer to his mother than his father
His father is a rich asshole who is too busy for his family but when one of his kids act out of line, he will smack them.
Is an abuse victim
Is slightly afraid of his father
Zachary and Andrew has tried their best to look out for him
Had gotten yelled at by their father for convincing Drew to get tattoos and piercings with him
His family is highly religious, more so with his grandparents than parents.
Isn't as religious as his family
Was an edgy angst filled reckless teenager who got into several fights
Is still an edgy reckless trouble marker at times
Has three cats named Oreo, Cookie, Marshmallow
Was in a car accident that left him fighting for his life and caused him to lose his fiancé and mother of his child
Emily's parents disliked him, especially her father who blames him for corrupting their daughter and her death
Blames himself for the accident due to his reckless driving that night
His son had barely turned four when the accident happened
Gotten in a fight with his father the morning of the accident over his mother which got him in trouble with his boss
Got into a fight with his soon to be father in law and fiancé ex boyfriend the night of the accident
Knows how to sing
Drives a motorcycle
Paints his nails
Has studied martial arts
Is adept with numerous weapons
Knows how to change his voice and was tempted to be a voice actor at one point
Is like a cat when it comes to affection
No control on what comes out of his lips
Owns his own bar and tattoo shop
Comes from a wealthy family
Is wealthy even without his family money
Dislikes tea, prefers coffee or hot coco
Likes to sleep in the middle of the bed, prefers the right side when sleeping with someone.
Has an possessive and obsessive ex named Preston who thinks he still owns him, they've known each other since they were kids since their fathers are friends.
Can play the guitar, electric and acoustic
Can skateboard, loves to skateboard
Loves adventures and loves to explore
Is allergic to cranberries and pineapples
Only cares for a few animals and insects
Hates cockroaches and worms
Thaddeus Joseph Brooks - Father
Ariel Malia Brooks - Mother
Andrew Noah Brooks - Twin Brother
Zachary Demetrius Brooks - Twin Brother
Rebecca Elizabeth Brooks - Sister
Emily Rosalie Carmichael †- Fiancé
Astarion Judas Brooks - Son
Kenan Joel Brooks - Paternal Grandfather
Robyn Michaela Aurelia Brooks - Paternal Grandmother
Mary Catherine Brooks - Paternal Aunt
Aiden Theodore Evans - Maternal Grandfather
Primrose Noelle Evans - Maternal Grandmother
Rochelle Maria Evans - Maternal Aunt
Lucas James Moskovitz - Godfather
Preston Bartholomew Hawthorne - Ex
Rory Aiden Swift - Best Friend
Kiko Ember Swift - Best Friend
Hayden Kinsley Carmichael - Best Friend
Landon Killian Taylor - Best Friend / Coworker
Jayme Skye Holloway - Best Friend
Brennan James Kennedy - Enemy
Dalton Reed Kennedy - Enemy
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ace-and-slutty · 2 years
26 41 47 48 ✉
26. a scenario that you've replayed multiple times? Oh God my ex. So many things with my ex. He kinda cheated on me and dumped me and moved on immediately with the guy he lowkey cheated on me with and we're only still talking now because i apologized to him, and while I believe he's a good guy deep down, he doesn't seem to get what he actually put me through. There's so much there I wish I'd done differently and even more I wish he'd done differently. I'm trying to focus on what could have been less now because it doesn't help anyone but its still a major struggle, especially when he lets slip certain things.
41. how do you take your coffee?
Almost always black but it can depend on a couple of things! I've got a handheld milk frother and I enjoy getting to use it A Lot! And if I'm meeting someone for coffee, I Almost always get a large iced latte. But I'm not picky at all. My mom only drinks super sugary coffee and if she can't finish her drink I'll usually finish it for her
47. what was the last message you sent?
"I am so Incorrect in my emotions. I also did not cry at rent, falsettos, angels in America, dear Evan Hansen, etc. I did cry at dance 10 looks three from a chorus line and I am still in shame over that"
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage? I think that depends on what you qualify as trying. When I was pretty young, my mom made these rum oreo balls for a pirate party that I had several of and eventually someone had to tell her to stop me haha. I also attempted to drink Mike's hard lemonade as a kid without knowing what it was. As I got a bit older, I had sips of my parents wine occasionally whenever they would offer.
The first time I had a proper drink and got drunk was an actual event though and it was actually kinda planned. My ex's sister was nervous about alcohol to the point of having a panic attack if someone was drinking at a party she was at and she wanted to change that. So their older sibling by five years and their partner hosted this kind of sleepover thing while their parents were away? His sister's former best friend was there, she was there of course, and then my ex and me. Her former best friend and the actual adults had been drunk before but not me or my ex or his sister. So we got to get drunk in a safe environment with people we trusted and everyone stayed safe and had a good time. And I got to wake up next to my ex which was very lovely.
Thank you so much for the asks!!
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captainrogersbucky · 7 years
idk if its true saw it on twitter but i hope❤❤❤😍
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Words Hurt
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Pairing: Chris Evans x Plus!Reader
Summary: People don't know how much their words affects others.
Warnings: body shaming
Before I get shit on for this, kindly note that I AM FUCKING PLUS SIZED & being body shamed by those close to you really fucking sucks. So, enjoy this miserable peace I conjured up. To all my plus sized lovelies out there, I'm sorry for all the shit you've been told in your lifetime about the size of your body <3
“Babe have you oh- nevermind, I found it!” Chris called out from all the way in the kitchen to his lovely lady; he had been rummaging the pantry for the past five minutes looking for the pack of double stuffed oreos and some other sugary candies for them both to indulge in during their movie.
Y/N however, spent all that time scrolling through the hurtful comments under her instagram post. Scott had taken the video of the two love birds at the beach of their family island getaway when they weren’t looking. Chris was giving her a piggyback ride as they walked along the shoreline, what was once a beautiful reminder of their time together is now tainted by the movie stars’ ‘fans’.
Before she started dating Chris, Y/N never viewed herself to be morbidly obese. Yeah she best knows she has a few side rolls, a tummy that never seemed to go away no matter how hard she tried to get rid of it and thick thighs that Chris loves to have his face buried between during their love making sessions but now, now she sees herself as the ‘fat cow’ that one of the commenters so boldly called her.
She always tried her best to steer clear of going through the comments but for some reason she was drawn to go through this one. That day she felt like a million bucks in her two piece swimsuit that she finally mustered up the courage to wear in public and Chris was her hype man, he was extremely proud of his girl for showing off her body, the body that he knows like the backs of his hands. Y/N is everything to him, he knows that she struggles with body dysmorphia and doesn’t see herself the way that he does but he wishes that she could.
“These are for you.” She was so lost in the sea of comments that she hadn’t noticed Chris’ presence next to her on the bed until he held the box of oreos over her phone screen. Faking a smile, Y/N hesitantly took the box and set it on her lap and locked her device.
“Everything okay?” She toyed with the edges of the box waiting for him to hit play on the movie they’re about to watch but Chris didn’t move to do so, he only stared at his girl confused at her sudden change in mood and behaviour.
“Mhmm, just peachy. Thanks for the oreos by the way but I’m not so hungry right now.” Y/N pushed the box of diabetes away from her and pulled the blanket up under her chin. From being all talkative and sassy before he left to get snacks, Y/N was now mum and closed off which confused him even more.
“You haven’t eaten anything for the day and don’t say you ate the grilled cheese I made for you because you barely picked at it.” He knows that something’s definitely not right but he couldn’t put his finger on it.
“I’m fine, just not hungry. I shouldn’t be eating much sugar anyways, I wouldn't want to get bigger than I already am.” and that’s when it all fell into place.
“You’ve been reading comments.” Y/N couldn’t bring herself to respond, if she opened her mouth to speak, her voice would break and then the tears would flow from her eyes. She hates crying in front of him, she always said crying makes you weak and she’d hate to have her boyfriend see her at her weakest.
“People can be harsh sweetheart, you just have to keep ignoring them.” She scoffed, rolling her head to the side so she could look at him while they talked about this.
“Easy for you to say Evans, you have a toned stomach and have never known what it’s like to have sausage rolls or struggle to find the pair of perfect fucking jeans that can fit your waist and well shaped ass without a big ass gap in the waistband.” She sat up against the headboard even more riled up by the anger and sadness that mixed within her. She was angry at the ones that left those hurtful words and her body for not being a size ten or remotely resembling a Victoria Secret Angel.
“Nobody had to tell you that you need to lose weight or go on a diet because you look like you ate one of your siblings or you’re not ugly, you’re just fat and I don’t want to be seen with no fat bitch.” The last haunted her for years, her ex-boyfriend’s words had cut deeper than any knife could.
“Sweetheart.” Chris reached over to gently wipe away her tears that stained her face. In the year that they’ve been together he never once heard her lash out like that, he knows that she isn’t lashing out at him directly but she’s voicing everything that assholes she’s come across in life has said to her at some point.
“It’s so easy for everyone to say go lose weight but it’s hard, it’s not easy, especially for me. I try and try but nothing seems to work and it’s fucking frustrating. I didn’t ask to be like this and if I could snap my fucking fingers and have a completely different body, I would do it.”
“You don’t have to change for anyone, I love you the way that you are and that’s all that matters, not some asshole behind a fucking screen. You’re beautiful with your belly rolls and dark inner thighs, every single part of you is beautiful in my eyes Y/N.” Chris leaned over and pecked her lips three times and she calmed down, leaning into the warmth radiating off of him.
“If they have a problem with the way that your body looks, fuck ‘em. I get to love you all by myself.”
“Thank you Chris.” the couple snuggled closer together and he finally pressed play on the movie.
“You don’t have to thank me sweetheart just promise me that you won’t let their nasty comments get to you again, I hate seeing you like this.”
“No promises but I’ll try.”
“Not a definite answer but I’ll take it. Now,” With a big smile on his face, Chris retrieved the box she pushed away earlier and opened it.
“Open.” Y/N opened wide and he gladly fed her the sugary cookie that she loves so much.
“These are so fucking good, I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
MARVEL Taglist:
@dorks2022 @sophiaedits @peakascum @anonymoustip217 @iiddaaa @panaitbeatrice @n3ssm0nique @mintphoenix @inas-thing @sketch-and-write-lover @friskae @bernthalbabe @trinkets01 @blackcat420 @justreadingficsdontmindme @bakingpotatoes21 @hardcoppizzasludge @tanyaherondale @creatingjana @calimoi @rootcrop @louisianalady @chrisfucksblog @thummbelina @vicmc624 @leyannrae @janaev4ns @queenofkings1212 @believinghurts @poor-unfortunate-soul-85 @stumbleonmywords @youarethereasonimsmiling
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
I write to you regarding a matter of great urgency and importance. 
I’ve recently discovered all of Clary’s mundane celebrity crushes. Most of them are harmless. I can take them, not to worry. 
But there is this one dude - bloke as you would say over there. Although ‘wanker’ might suit him better. Some Chris Evans guy? His full name is Christopher by the way. 
Another one. I know.
Clary thought my “jealousy” is “irrational”. So, in an attempt to make me like this asshat, she introduced me to something called The Avengers. There are twenty something movies apparently. Twenty? For one series? Ridiculous! 
Anyway, I am almost done with them. 
I’ve been “binging” them this entire week when I could find the time. And I’ve gotten fixated on comparing the characters to my friends. Clary says that it’s normal. Do you do that too? 
Magnus reminds me of Iron Man. Rich, Powerful, Smart, Life saver (with zero self preservation) - and a little snarky if you ask me. 
Clary thinks Izzy is Black Widow. I agree, of course. I’d like to point out that this isn’t simply because they are both badass. They are also incredibly shrewd. Izzy is the smartest in our family. I don’t think many people know that.
Does Alec remind you of Hawkeye? Not just because they are both archers, no. But because they are the most unproblematic ones. They are calm. They are reliable. They love their families. They are sensible. You can just always count on them, you know? 
Hold on. Does this make me the Black Widow?
I find Simon to be like Star-Lord - lost in a world that isn’t his but somehow belonging there more than people who were born into it. 
Clary reminds me of Gamora, not just because both their fathers are…well, you know. She is so strong. So resilient. So beau…You know what? I can write an essay on that one. Maybe another time? 
My problem is…I can’t figure out who I am. A classic Jace situation, huh? 
Clary tells me I am Captain America. I was deeply offended - because of my feelings towards Christopher Robert Evans. When I asked her why and how, she just shrugged her little shoulders and told me we are very much alike. I, of course, reminded her that there is no one else like me and that I am the one and only. Another Jace. Can you imagine?
I know you watch (and read?) a lot of these super hero things. I was wondering if you can help me with this. 
And if you have the time, I would like to watch one of these movies with you. Is that something you would like to do? I promise to bring your favourite American snacks.
Reese’s, Oreo Double Stuf and Sour Patch Kids. Those are your favourites, right? 
What do you say? Herondale movie night? Maybe next week?
Clary says I should pace these movies out. I grinned at her and said “I can do this all day”. 
I will spare you of what happened next. 
I hope school is going well. If anyone gives you trouble, remember those moves I showed you. (The one with the hands, not the one with the hair. Unless you need to do the hair thing to impress someone!)
I’ll see you soon, Kit. 
Stay safe. 
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Gregory: “I always have a plan for staying on top of things for this month. Seize control of every opportunity, get my grind on and work my hardest and absolute smartest to be my best self. Drink lots of coffee, eat lots of pastries, pet lots of cats when I’m on the verge of a crisis, and pray to whatever god is up there that the power of love, hope and faith can get me through it all. Even if my enemies are the gods I end up praying to, I will never lose sight of my goal. I’ll simply just work harder.”
Glamrock Freddy: “... It’s past your bedtime. Please, I beg of you, rest.”
Gregory: “I was comatose for fifty-seven years straight, brother dear. I can endure this delightful misery for a while lo-” *instantly collapses*
Glamrock Freddy: “...I rest my case.”
Elizabeth: “How do you think life would be if me and Michael weren’t your siblings?”
Evan: “For one thing, I would be sane.”
Gregory: “Lizzy, I’m sorry. I’m not allowing you into the kitchen for reasons I can’t say.”
Vanessa: “...Me and Bubba left you alone with Chica for three fucking minutes, how did you already cause such a ruckus within the span of three minutes.”
Gregory, opening a Fizzy Faz: “Oh, fine, then. I guess I’ll just drink my sorrows away.”
Sundrop, whose poor heart skipped a beat: “How does he know what that means!?”
Vanessa: *nervous whistling*
Gregory: “You know what the old saying is; go big, or go home!”
Freddy and Vanessa: “Dear god, please, I BEG of you, please, for just ONCE in your life, please, go HOME, PLEASE.”
Gregory, whispering so quietly he’s practically mouthing the words at this point: “I’m going big.”
Freddy: “You know, Liz, not every problem can be solved with a swiss army dagger.”
Vanessa: “I know. That’s why I carry two of them.”
Gregory: “I’ve had a coffee and a single oreo within the past two hours. I’ve got a Fazerblaster, I’m four foot seven, and I’m always ready to fight God on sheer adrenaline and rage alone.”
Vanessa: “Someone fix my poor big brother.”
Montgomery Gator: “Oi, little guy, ain’t it past yer’ bedtime?”
Gregory, filling out paperwork in scented glitter gel pen: “Isn’t it time you minded your own business?”
Elijah (Bonnie Mask Bully): “Oi, loser, isn’t it past your bedtime?”
Evan, filling out paperwork with a crayola marker: “Isn’t it time you shut up? Permanently?”
Michael, glaring incredulously at Evan: “You keep track of all the information you’ve ever learned and used in a bloody ledger?”
Evan, sipping his tea with extra milk and sugar nonchalantly: “Oh? And you don’t?”
Katrina Emily (Mrs. Emily): “Hypothetically, would you slap your older brother for 50,000 dollars?”
Evan: “I’d shatter all the bones his leg for two slices of piping hot Fredbear’s Pizza and a refreshingly cold beverage.”
Evan: “And then I would hug him and drown him in apologies for the next two hours, and also sign his cast.”
Michael: “Oh.”
Evan (inspired by one Tumblr post): “The sexiest thing about me? Everything hurts my feelings.”
Gregory (Reincarnated Vessel) and Charlotte Emily (CharlieBot): *points at family love* “This one sparks joy.”
Gregory and Charlie turning to romance and pointing at it: “This one does not spark joy.”
Some random person: “Oh, but romance and love are what make us human!”
Gregory/Evan, Charlie, and Cassidy: *turn to each other* “It’s tough being a god, y’know?”
Susie, hanging out around Gregory with the other MCI gang: “What’s your ideal date?”
Gregory: “MM/DD/YYYY. Other formats tend to be confusing, such as the ones used in passports for traveling to other countries.”
Cassidy: “As one who speaks from personal experience, I can confirm the validity of such wisdom.”
Charlie: “Agreed.”
Gregory: “Do I feel romantic attraction or am I just lonely and depressed and love and touch-deprived?”
Freddy and Vanessa: “...Do you need a hug?”
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stonedregulus · 2 years
some evan hcs perhaps plspslspslspsl
in exchange for this cookie 🍪
thank you for the cookie ☺️🫶🏻
he’s bisexual but has a preference for guys
he’s really shitty about being woken up. like if he falls asleep on the couch just leave him there, don’t wake him up to try and get him to go to bed because he will bite your head off.
his favorite tv show is how i met your mother and he randomly quotes it at people even in situations that make zero sense to everyone else but perfect sense to him
he smokes but only in social situations
he plays baseball. don’t argue with me.
he always forgets sunscreen and then gets badly burnt and barty smacks his sunburn because he reminded him five times to put it on and he didn’t. then barty gets in trouble because he’s an asshole “who the fuck smacks a sun burn you fucking cunt”
he thinks cereal milk is disgusting. like it’s so sweet and sugary how tf do people drink it? ew. so he leaves it for someone to drink instead and gets yelled at for wasting milk.
he’s poly
he loves to fish. like to an annoying degree.
every year on his birthday his mom makes homemade strawberry cupcakes with golden oreos at the bottom (yes i have a very specific recipe in mind for this)
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andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Sideline Love ~ Chapter 9 ~ Her Worst Mistake
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Pairings - NFL! Chris Evans and OFC Rebecca Rooney
Series Summary: All football player Chris wants is to play football with his best friends in the NFL. But the night before he meets someone who could change his life... if she wasn't the bosses daughter. Can Chris change her mind with a little sideline love?
Word Count: 2.7K
General Warnings: smut! angst, cheating, parental interference, fluff, football Chris has beard ( 😏 ), injuries during the game, special appearance (don't @ me lol)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Becca Rooney and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
I am trying out a taglist. Please let me know if you would like to be included.
(I'm also really sorry for this chapter)
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
Ice Cream
It could be considered the perfect food.
At least in Charlie’s eyes.
Ice cream makes everything better.  Losses are better, wins are better, life is just better when there is ice cream involved.
And Chris knows this.
So, the after the game sundaes were born.  The day after a game, win or lose, away or at home, Chris took Charlie for ice cream.  Becca was allowed to tag along, most of the time.  But this was the Chris and Charlie time and who was Becca to interfere with that.
“Chris, what is the best ice cream?”
“Only one?”
“Ok, let me think.”  Chris pretended to ponder the question.  “Cookies and Crème.”
Charlie lit up with a smile. “Really?”
“Yeah, why?”
“That’s my favorite too because it has Oreos in it.”
“That’s why I love it too.”
Yes, the bond between Chris and Charlie was unbreakable.  Becca and Chris started to spend more time together, Chris mostly coming to Becca’s to make it easier on her. Dodger had his own bed in her house, right at the foot of Charlie’s.  The pup was protecting of the little blonde, following her everywhere, out to the bus stop that took her and waiting for her every afternoon in the same stop when she got back.  Chris and Becca had a routine.  Chris would come over after practice, watch Charlie for Becca until she was home from the stadium.  He would start dinner; she would clean up and get Charlie ready for bed.  Their domestic life was bliss.
It didn’t stop the few close calls. Like when Rick and Avery stopped by unannounced.  It was lucky that Sebastian and Lizzy had been there for dinner.  It looks very innocent. At least till Chris “went home” for the evening and came back half hour later.
“Jesus that was close,” he said as he pinned Becca to the door of her bedroom.
“And you wanted to start this earlier, remember?” She worked on getting his belt off.
“I can’t help it Angel. This dress does things to me.”
“So I’ve noticed.”
“But my favorite look is when it’s on the floor.”  He peeled her emerald-green shirt dress over her head, leaving her in her nude lingerie set.  “Oh fuck me.”
“That is the plan,” Becca smirked.
Chris growled. “Don’t be a tease, Angel.” He lifted her up and tossed her into the bed. He pulled his shirt off and Becca drooled, seeing his tattoos were one of her weaknesses and he knew it. He started to kiss the inside of her thighs, listening to her whine. “You are gonna wake Charlie.”
“She can sleep through a game, she’ll sleep through this,” Becca gasp as Chris meets the apex of her thighs.
“Good to know.” He thrusted his tongue in her hard, and she squealed. 
“Chris, baby, please stop.”
“Nope, not gonna happen Angel.  I need you.”
He took her, a few times, to heaven and back that night. It had been the most intense night of their lives.
The universe has a funny way of making everything great… before fucking it up.
Rebecca arrived at Robert’s office.  He had asked her to come by as Tom had asked for a settlement agreement.  She was hopeful.  She didn’t want Tom to have joint custody, but she was ok with a strict visitation schedule.  As she was escorted to the conference room, she received a message.
C: Don’t give into him Angel.  He’s the bad guy here
B: I know love. I wish you were here.
C: Me too.  But after I will take my girls for pizza.
B: Sounds good.
Becca put her phone away as she made it to the room.  She saw Tom’s smug face and tried not to scoff.  The man had the most punch-able face on record.  She understood where Chris was coming from that his team didn’t like him. “I’m here, what is it?”
“I want to negotiate visitation.” Tom crossed his arms as if he already won.
“Finally, something mature from your mouth.” Becca sat next to Robert.  “What do you want?”
“I want Charlotte to come two weekends a month to Boston and for three weeks in the summer.”
“Not going to happen.  She doesn’t know you. You’re a stranger to her. You can come once a month to Pittsburgh for supervised visits until she gets to know you and then we can talk about more time.”
“Can I have the room with Rebecca please?” Tom looked at his own lawyer and then at Robert.  Robert looked at Becca, who nodded.  Tom leaned back in his chair, taking in Becca, waiting for the room to clear.  No longer the innocent 18-year-old from five years ago, now a business woman, she was beautiful.  “You know Becca, you have to be more beautiful than when we met.”
“According to you, we never met.”
“Rebecca, c’mon I thought we were past this.”
“You are past it. I didn’t want you to step away from your family.  I just wanted you to acknowledge the daughter that you had.  Now you want to take her away from me.”
“I don’t want too, Becca.  I want to share.  She is half of me.”
“She is none of you.  You didn’t want her. You didn’t want me. Tom, tell me what you really want.”
“I want us to be a family.  Have you help me raise my sons as well.”
“No.  Never going to happen.”
“Because you are in love with Evans?”
Tom pulled out an envelope and removed sheets of paper. “I can show you what I mean.”  He handed the papers to her.
Tears formed in Becca’s eyes. “What do you want me to do?”
“Leave him.  Leave him and come back to me.  Not right away of course but yeah.  You do that, I won’t release these.  Your father has made it perfectly clear: no football players.  Leave him and I won’t release these photos. You leave and you won’t ruin his career. Because I know that’s what you’re thinking. Can’t ruin mine but his, his is still up in the air. Think about it.  You can keep these, I have copies.”
“This has nothing to do with custody.”
“Oh I know. But since I couldn’t figure out a way to see you without raising suspicion, this was my only way.  I’ll see you in court about custody.  But I have a feeling that somehow, that’s still going to go my way.  Have a nice day Rebecca.”  He got up and put his sunglasses on, smiled at her and left.
Becca sat in the room stunned.  Robert came back in.  “Hey?”
“Becca, what happened?”
Becca handed the photos over.  They were of Chris and her in New Orleans. Kissing, holding hands, embracing.  Their most intimate moment, where they had declared their love was on display. “He threatened to release them.”
“I need to talk to Chris.  We didn’t settle on custody.”  Becca got up and left the room. She drove home, trying to keep her emotions in. While she had no intention of being with Tom ever again, she couldn’t ruin Chris’s career. The love she had for him was too much for him to lose his dream. She saw the blue Mustang in the driveway and groaned. She had to face this head on.
Walking in, she saw a heartbreaking site: Chris asleep on the couch with Charlie on his chest.  She took a photo and went into to get cleaned up.  She wiped the stray tear that fell before she went back out.  She picked up Charlie and took her to her room to sleep.  When she went back out, Chris was sitting up, looking confused, hair sticking up.  He smiled when he saw her.  “Hey Angel. Just get in?”
“Yeah, meeting ran long. You guys eat?”
“Chinese.  Saved some for you.”
“Thanks.”  Becca went into the kitchen, stalling.  Chris could see the tension in her shoulders.
“Angel, what wrong?”
“Becca, you are tense, and you look like you’ve been crying.  What’s wrong? Did something happen at the meeting?”
Becca took a breath. “Tom didn’t want to negotiate custody or visitation.” She went to her bag.  “There are photos, Chris.  Of you and me, when we were in New Orleans.”
“What?” She handed him the photos. “He followed us?”
“I think it was a PI but yeah. Umm…” she could feel the tears coming.  “He said that if we didn’t break up that he would release the photos.”
“That fucking tool.” Chris was seething. How dare this asshole try and ruin his relationship with Becca. “Ok, well I mean if it happens, it happens.”
“Chris,” she whispered.  “I can’t let that happen.” She looked towards the floor.  “I think its best if we separate.”
“I love you and I’m sorry but I can’t let you ruin your career over my mistakes.”
“You don’t mean that Angel. You and Charlie mean more to me than football.”
“I’m sorry. But I can’t ruin your dream.”
Chris put his hands around her face, cupping that.  “Please don’t leave me. I love you. I won’t stop loving you. Please.” He kissed her soft and she let the tears flow.
“I have too, Chris. I’m so sorry,” she cried. “I love you. I love you so much that this is killing me.”
Chris held Becca as they cried. “Let me stay Angel.  Just one more night. Please.”
She looked up at him and pulled him down for a kiss. He reaches down and grasped under her ass to lift her and took her to her bedroom. He laid her down gently, kissing all of the skin he could at the moment, savoring this last time. They were slow, taking their time to get each article of clothing off. There was no teasing, just pleasure, enjoying each touch, each kiss. Chris brought Becca to the brink so many times, she lost count.  She cried as she reaches her peak the last time with Chris closely following.  She fell asleep in his arms, her favorite place in the whole world.
Becca wakes in the morning on Chris’s chest.  She traces his tattoos, knowing that this is the last time. “I don’t want to go,” he whispers.
“I know.” They get up and Chris grabs his stuff. Dodger had stayed at his house so that at least was lucky. Chris grabs his bag.  Its still early, the sun barely rising in Pittsburgh. Becca doesn’t bother stopping the tears.
“You know I love you.  I’m just…”
“Just protecting me.  I know Angel. I wish you didn’t.” He puts his bag down by the door. “I have to ask. Please don’t take Charlie away from me.   Please let me see her.  I don’t want to be another man that disappoints her.  I need you both but if you won’t let me have you then at least let me be there for Charlie.”
The man of her dreams.  That’s what he is.  While she was breaking his heart, he refused to break Charlie’s. “Ok Chris, sure.  I’ll have Liz or Scarlet take her to you, ok?”
“I’ll win you back Angel. I’ll find a way.” He pulled her in for one last kiss.  “I love you.”
“I love you.”
And just like that, Chris Evans walked out of her life.
And she knew, this was her worst mistake.
There are certain rivalries in sports that are legendary.  Lakers verses Celtics. Yankees verses Red Sox. Cowboys verses Giants. And then there is the Steelers and the Patriots. Because when both teams have the same number of championships, the tension is at another level.
This is football at its finest.
Chris should be excited.  He should be nervous. He should be ready.
Chris is none of those things.
He’s heartbroken.
Sitting in the visiting locker room at Gillette Stadium, he looks at the picture of Becca and Charlie he still has in his bag.  It was from their first visit to his house.  He had seen Charlie a couple of times, but Becca made sure not to be around. He kissed her picture and put it back in his bag.  Since the team had no idea they were together, they had no reason to suspect why Chris was down.
The game ran like any other game: physical and intense.  But Chris’s heart wasn’t into it.  He called plays and ran them but was not focused.  He was sacked a record six times in the first half.  Coach Ben was on him, yelling at him to get his head in the game.
Heading into the second half, the Steelers were up by two touchdowns.  A miracle considering how bad Chris was playing.  Becca watched from the owner’s box, understanding that this was her fault.  She was just happy that Charlie was at home with her mother.  The Steelers offence took to the field as her father came to speak to her.  “Do you know what is going on with Evans?”
“No clue.” She never looked away from him.
Chris called the play, and the ball was hiked to him.  He drops back, looking for his open man.  He doesn’t see it when the defense breaks through the line.  Chris is tackled into the ground hard.
Becca stand up and sees that he doesn’t move.  “Oh my God.”  She and Rick turn to run down to the field.
Medical is called and the players are standing around him, Sebastian trying to wake him.  “Chris, c’mon man, open your eyes.”  The medics place a brace around his neck and get him on the board.  A jolt wakes Chris.
“Oh, thank fuck.” Sebastian lowers his head.
“What happened?”
The team doctors look into his eyes.  “Chris, can you move your fingers?”  He wiggles them.  “Ok, try your feet.”  He moves them as well.  “That’s good Chris.  We’re going to take you to the medical center.”  They lift him by the back board, and he waves his hand, getting a cheer from the crowd.
At Boston Memorial, he goes through scans and x-rays.  The doctors come out to talk to Ben, Rick and Becca.  “He has a concussion. Its mild and he’ll be sore but per protocol, he’s not allowed to play until he passes the concussion protocol test.  He’s very lucky.”
“Can we see him?” Ben asked.
“Sure.  Does he have family?”
“His family is coming.  We sent a car to get them from the stadium,” Becca replies.
“Good.  If you would like to see him, he’s in room 2174.”
Ben and Rick go into the room with Becca sitting outside waiting for his family.  His mother Lisa and his brother Scott arrive, and Becca gives them the rundown.  “He has a concussion. Luckily no other injuries just bruises.  He’ll be sore for a few days. Doctors say he’ll make a full recovery.  The league has been notified and he’s in concussion protocol.”
“Thank heavens,” Lisa says as Scott hugs her.  Ben and Rick exit and they go in.  Becca just sits.
“Becca are you coming with us?” Ben asks.
“Uh, no.  I’m going to wait for the Evans family to make sure they don’t need anything, and I’ll fly separately. How did the team do?”
“They lost in overtime.” Ben looks to the floor.
Rick could see the emotions flowing on Becca’s face.  “Sweetheart, if you need help with anything…”
“Just check on Charlie, ok?  I know she watched the game and I know she’s crushed that he got hurt so just take care of her.  I’ll make the arrangements here and if they allow him to go home, I’ll take care of it as well.  This is my job Dad, not me being anything else.”
Rick nodded.  He hugged his daughter and left with Ben.  Becca sat again and drew her knees to her chest.  When Scott came out, he saw her and sat next to her. “You’re the one, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she whispered.
“He still loves you.”
“I know. This is my fault.”
“No, its not.”
“Yes, it is.  I broke him and look what happened.”
“So unbreak him.”
“I can’t.” She wipes away the tears from her face.
“Why not?”
“Because it would take away his dream.”
Scott puts his arm around Becca. “I think his dream changed Becca.  His dream is you now.” She looked at him.  “All he talks about is you. Not football.”
“I don’t know what to do Scott.”
“Let love win.”
A few hours later, Becca sneaks into Chris’s room.  He looks at him peacefully asleep and she takes his hand. She kisses his forehead softly and whispers. “I promise Chris, I’ll fix this.  Don’t give up on me. Everything is going to be ok.”
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