#(slow steps; folks. It's all I can hope for rn)
blueheartedmayor · 10 months
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Behold! The TWO corgis on this blog!
If you don't know me, I do enjoy trying to create multiple designs of the same character - I have completed a challenge to design as many Darks as I could back in 2018/2019. I had intended these to be the same character thrown through timelines to reunite with Damien when Noah is wiped from existence, buuut I thought that might be a little confusing. (However... there is a year or so between them, and corgi markings do change... 🤔)
Anyway! This post is going to be the overall "info point" for the two puppers with the same name. Neither of them are going to be able to participate in something like C.rufts due to their designs being so far from competitive standards, but it doesn't make either of them less special. They're both clever, and either Damien or Noah would be happy to show off their tricks!
Better info for each under the read-more!
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Damien's Barnum (whom I will refer to as "Mayor" for simplicity) is a bit of a mystery. He appeared in the city one day, completely healthy and herding soldiers in the local barracks. He was brought to the shelter to try and find his home. However, not only was he not chipped, he also refused to acknowledge anyone who wanted to adopt him... Except Damien. The moment he approached Damien, everyone knew that no one else would be good enough for the corgi.
He's a very grounded, level-headed dog who has decided to take on the role of Damien's personal bodyguard. The fact that he has loosened up in any form to have a little fun is purely through Damien's hard work with him. Mayor doesn't have any fear and will stand his ground against anyone he doesn't trust. He might bark, or he might actively try to trip someone up. But if he sits beside you, he likes you. And if he presents you with his prized toy carrot? He trusts you. Feel special.
Out of the two dogs on the blog, he is VERY fluffy. He needs a good brushing several times a week. The bushy appearance of his cheek fluff is reminiscent of a moustached soldier with a similar name who is not present in this version of events. He also has larger brown markings on his face. Finally, his collar is red.
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In comparison, Noah's Barnum (Calling him "Captain") has a much more straightforward story. Knowing that he might never return home, and he had no family of his own, Noah decided to adopt a puppy and train it up to work alongside him. It was a purely selfish act that worked perfectly in his favour.
Captain was originally a rarity - a black and white puppy with no brown markings (both Barnums are P.embrokes, not C.ardigans). He was also a little fluffier than his siblings. Noah was smitten instantly and took him back to HQ as soon the pup was old enough - smuggling Captain under his hoodie. Most photos of Captain have him with no brown markings at all, as they only began to appear as he hit the 12 month milestone.
(Why 'Barnum'? Noah's hometown.)
Captain is a very clever, but easygoing dog. He's a very talented errand dog, and an expert in finding Noah no matter where his human might be, but he can be distracted if he's in company of people he likes (such as the handsome-and-or-beautiful Engineer!). He's still getting used to the fact that he isn't a tiny puppy anymore and tries to climb into Noah's hoodie on days off. Fortunately, Noah obtained another hoodie that has a dog pouch. He has also accidentally winded Noah when the captain is lying down.
Also, he LOVES being carried. He's just a babey!
The brown markings on his face only emphasise his youth and cuteness. Two large spots cover his eyes, while two smaller circles almost looks like blush marks. His black coat is a solid colour with no hint of red undertones. His front legs are pure white, but his back legs are black to the bend, and brown down to the toes, which are white. Finally, his collar is wine-purple.
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grierswarehouse · 11 months
As we round out the end of this month, it’s time to do a check-in for my top artists. To conclude, I’m referring to my Spotify - On Repeat Mix and will rank them from there.
First on the list is Cleo Sol. Fans would know that she blessed us with two albums this year, Heaven and Gold with only 14 days elapsing between releases. With Heaven being the first release, we can start there. After running it back for a few revolutions, I didn’t dislike it… but I also didn’t LOVE it the way I did he Sophomore release in 2021 entitled ‘Mother.’ If you haven’t heard that one, you should definitely check it out after reading this. It’s the perfect example of an album that sprinkled itself throughout your shuffle, and by the time you realized it, the entire album was saved. Mother, to me is very much a no skip album and I can confidently say that it’s in my top 10 albums of all time.
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Getting back into it though. Frequent readers will come to realize that I describe things the mesh very well as cake or lasagna. This song is a slice of cake. The vocals over the keys with the drum in the back, a very well produced song. I like how raw it sounds as well. Infrequently, Cleo will post clips of her sitting on a very comfortable couch, holding a mic singing. I can hear that with this song. Aligned with the band Sault that she’s in, they often preserve the raw sound of them recording these songs in very intimate settings and being able to hear that, if feel, invites the listener into the room.
To keep from getting fixated on Cleo, I’ll just list my favs from Gold, but rest assured that I adore this album more than Heaven. Not sure if I’d appreciate it over Mother but I’d entertain the debate/discussion. I can be influenced.
Following up with another of my fav artists rn, Leon Thomas. (I’m sounding more and more like that Spotify DJ with these entries. At the time of my typing this, I’m going to see Leon Thomas perform later today. Stay tuned. I may create an entry about the performance in itself. Electric Dusk is a very good album. I could be blinded by my fandom from Crash & Burn & Breaking Point but I think Leon did a very good job with this. I just hope he gets a proper Marketing team for his tour. I don’t have high hopes that he will tour this album the way I want him to but we will see.
Now, I can’t stand being a member of the mainstream but Tyla but her foot and alll 5 toes into this song. It’s a vibe! How could you not wanna move a lil after hearing this. It’s a feel good song. To expound on my growing appreciation for her, check this other song by her out. As a preface, give it some timeeeeeee and I you might hit a lil step on this one too. Just wait for the beat to topple as it doesn’t really drop in the manner we’re used to.
And since we’re on the island vibes, I might as well throw this one in here.
I don’t think this woman can make a bad song or make anyone upset even if she tried.
Slowing the vibe down with this one. If you work in an environment where you need to focus but can listen to music, check this album out. ‘Black Classical Music’ by Yussef Dayes. Rust, and Woman’s Touch are my two other recommendations from this album but if your interest is peaked, give it a spin and come back to this post to let me know what you’re thinking.
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That’s all folks! Let me know who you’ve been rocking with and you thoughts on what I’ve transcribed here.
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
As always, thanks for being here my friends. There’s definitely more nuanced discussion of this show, but I’m here for the vibes. Anyways, here’s my thoughts on Episode 3 of Loki. Bear in mind I hadn’t watched episode 4 before I wrote the review for 3. No hate on anyone/thing, it’s all my opinion.
Episode 3: LAMENTIS
Pre-title scene
I rioted when I heard Hayley’s voice. It’s a win for all of us.
C-20! Sylvie!
C-20’s lil dance was adorable. I love her.
I want Sylvie’s tie dye.
Is that Ralph Bohner?
The same place, but at night. Coincidence? I think not.
Sylvie’s powers have limits. She can’t search someone’s mind and take information, she needs them to willingly tell her though she can use her powers to do that.
Sylvie’s experienced. Always tie your hair into a bun before a fight.
Her music is nothing like what we’ve heard previously. It’s the Sylvie show folks.
The mural on the left side of the hall is the one from the credits scene.
The plaque above the elevators says ‘FOR ALL TIME ALWAYS’.
Even in the mural on the right side, the Time Keepers aren’t equal, the middle one takes up the most space.
I love how their movements are similar. The head-snap-hair-flip combo is nearly identical, reflecting how they are the same person to some extent.
2077 Lamentis - 1
“Get off my leg!” SiblingTM energy.
“Goodbye, variant.” She sure has the Loki drama.
I finally remembered it’s called a TemPad. Rip.
“Don’t ever call me that.”
“Tech savvy?”
That’s so Ragnarok.
I love the music as we pan up to the planet. It’s the familiar, anxiety-inducing ticking for me lads.
“You idiot! This is Lamentis - 1.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
My siblings when I can’t restart the router (every country has an AT&T).
I like that it’s a moon that’s inhabited. It’s nearly always the planet, still not great for the people on it.
That slide to get under the dump truck was so smooth.
“So we’re a team now?” Jesus Loki needs friends. Probably a good therapist too.
“Didn’t need your help!”
“You’re so weird!”
I like the way Tom runs. Don’t know why. Just do.
Sidenote, my favourite running form is Chris Evans’.
Sylvie’s magic flickered so I genuinely think the enchantment didn’t work.
“Well then I’ll cut it out.” I like the way she says that. I am questioning so many things rn.
“Just because I have to work with you doesn’t mean I wanna hear your voice.” It’s ironic since they spend so much time talking about themselves.
“Alright, well, slow down… Variant.” They really play off each other’s egos to find weaknesses.
“You don’t know what you want.” Sylvie’s more straightforward in everything she does. She efficiently points out Loki’s flaws but when it comes to a goal, she’s meticulous.
“...just walk away.” Loki stops walking, but Sylvie does walk away. There is distance between them (for now).
I’ve had experience with mining towns like this one and whilst they weren’t so out-of-this-world (ya know) there is a tendency for rural and isolated communities to struggle with old/not maintained infrastructure. This is not everywhere, but it’s not uncommon from what I know. Even though these towns are a source of wealth, there isn’t distribution of the money and it’s a grim reality that’s being shown. I appreciate it.
The shot of them walking past a slab of that planet towards the hut is incredible. Wow.
The person in there is just waiting for their death. I’m going to be addressing a lot of the harsh realities in this episode folks so it won’t be so cheerful.
I understand that people weren’t so happy with this being a filler episode, but I think they got it right. It’s strange that a literal planet-moon collision doesn’t bring the tension that the hurricane did in the last ep, but by having an atmosphere that wasn't so omnius, they conveyed (to me at least) that hope was already lost. In the Roxxcart Disaster, the people believed that it wasn’t going to be the end. There’s desperation on Lamentis - 1 but as Sylvie said, the collapse of society occurs. That’s a large group of people realising that class divides will cause slaughter. It’s greed portrayed in two different ways, one being the integration of excessive capitalism into society, the other being social structure based on oppression. Not everyone’s reading into Loki like this but it’s a change from how Marvel usually approaches conflict.
We learnt about the characters and whilst I’m not a fan of when a plot line is moot (my bet is that Loki and Sylvie will be rescued next ep, making all the attempts to get off Lamentis - 1 pointless), it’s necessary for the characters to develop. The way Loki and Sylvie end up on Lamentis - 1 makes sense and the plot doesn’t feel forced.
“It’s remarkable that you made it as far as you did.”
Devils is recurring in this episode. Maybe this has implications on future episodes?
“Which one was that, diplomacy?” Why are their interactions so funny?
I don’t think I need to comment on the significance of the train station scene.
I would like to acknowledge that though this is good writing that’s relevant in the time it was released, we shouldn’t forget it’s coming from large corporations who aren’t perfect.
How do they just walk past the line?
The people who snitched were right in front of them.
Did the cat get Loki’s silvertongue? That was the most graceless lying I’ve ever seen.
Sylvie not sitting with her back to a door makes sense, but why won’t Loki go backwards on a train? They both have little quirks.
“That’s not a plan. That’s just doing a thing.” Loki went to the Thor school of planning, it’s Get Help all over again.
Loki’s exaggerated nods at the other guards lol.
Sylvie growls whenever she’s mad, it’s hilarious.
The close ups of their faces when the conversation gets personal and isn’t just trading jabs is great for conveying the authenticity of their answers.
Loki not pressing Sylvie when she clearly didn’t want to talk about what happened to her mother is something I appreciated.
Here’s to Tom for having to do magic for more than 10 years now. He’s so serious, I can only imagine how funny it is without the effects.
“Well she did.” Yeesh, has Loki gotten time to grieve?
Sylvie is genuinely impressive.
“Pity the old woman chose to die.”
“She was in love.”
I don’t quite understand what they were talking about then, I guess we’ll find out later?
Loki, why are you so unnecessarily dramatic?
I laughed. Who am I kidding, they’re dorks and I love them.
Loki is trying to find out anything, anyone who could be used against Sylvie.
Here’s to the postman, they’re probably dead but we appreciate Sylvie’s happiness anyways.
“A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.” AND THAT’S HOW YOU WRITE IN REPRESENTATION FOLKS!
Let’s just take our scraps and be happy, eh? It made my week.
They both need real relationships of any kind, guys.
“Love is… uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about.” Me whenever anyone asks me about my love life.
“You do realise… ...a civilisation’s only hope?” I think this was Sylvie’s way of making sure Loki’s (albeit grey) morals and drinking habits don’t interrupt her plan.
The train sure gives me Snowpiercer vibes.
Do I have to talk about Drunk Loki?
Tom’s singing voice is lovely.
Sylvie’s eyes shift nervously to the door and then back to Loki. She’s initially tense but she relaxes slightly though she knows she’s gonna have to clean up the mess.
“Nobody cares. It’s the end of the world.” Again, Loki’s headspace is one where existence is futile.
The green walls contrast the purple lighting nicely.
You can see plants (?) from the outside if you look out the windows. Talk about attention to detail.
Bruh what is the dagger about? Drunk Loki’s a comedic genius.
The descending notes in the background of Loki’s fireworks.
Sylvie’s smile when she goes to attack is animalistic. I’d like to see her character explored more in terms of how she views violence.
“You’re right. I’m a god.” Loki’s defense mechanism is to state that his motives are above the understanding of others.
“You’re a clown.” Sylvie tells it as it is.
Loki and Sylvie’s reactions to the TVA contrast the most here. Sylvie is potentially motivated by vengeance or a need for revenge whilst Loki has resigned to numbing the pain (for now at least) as he comes to terms with his reality. The question of what drives you is so important for these characters, I’m excited to see whether they’ll find a common ground and wreak havoc on the sacred timeline.
Loki and Sylvie both struggle with communicating in a healthy way. Sylvie calls him out on his directionlessness and Loki tells her what may be the harsh reality of her plan. Neither of them are willing to accept it, but there’s potential for a strong bond if they do.
Sylvie’s scream lmao.
I love the colour of Loki’s pants.
Problem? Solution! Do thing! Is Sylvie’s method of thinking when all is lost.
Gosh I love the shots in this episode.
“That’s a pretty good life.” Sylvie’s definitely not lived as a royal, or not from what she remembers.
“I just need to know if I can trust you.” Sylvie giving up how she enchants people is an olive branch because as useful as the things that Loki told her may have been for manipulation, they both know the importance of her upper hand. But she only relents once Loki doesn’t have the TemPad. Later, when she asks whether she can trust Loki, it’s more of a reassurance because he’s already been vulnerable around her.
The actor’s body language and facial expressions are incredible. Loki’s eyebrow’s furrow slightly when Sylvie mentions C-20’s mind but Tom takes a second for the information to be processed rather than instantly reacting to Sophia’s next line. She does the same when Loki talks about the TVA workers being created. What skilled people they are.
The city is a wonderful piece of set design.
“We do, and you can.” They step into the light, neither of them have tunnel vision and are able to see a bigger picture.
“They’re gonna let these people die.” This show explores a side of Loki we haven’t seen before, his morality and compassion. He has grey areas that could be explored in the next season. It also points back to how Sylvie and Loki differ in their view of others. I think this is partially because of their childhoods. Loki was raised as a prince and cared about his people, but Sylvie doesn’t share that perspective (“...they usually survive”), maybe because of her past. Hopefully in the upcoming episodes we’ll get a bit more of her backstory.
That sequence is beyond words. The constantly rotating and revolving camera really hammers home that it’s a disorienting fight for their lives at the end of the world. I’m speechless, just watch it.
The music in that blue-purple-pink club was banging tho.
Loki and Sylvie’s posture, facial expression and general body movement is similar. The variant point is hammered home here.
It’s interesting how Loki is in shock/denial of the Ark being destroyed whereas Sylvie immediately leaves.
The end music of this episode is beautiful. I love how it all builds to leave us on the soft tones of Dark Moon.
No one’s interested, but my mum and I bonded over the Jim Reeves version of this song and the Bonnie Guitar one.
Ep 3 review
Short episode with not much going on other than character development. However, if the first two were anything to go by, this episode will have greater implications on the plot. The pacing of this show is a bit strange, but we may see this change in the next season.
I mentioned previously that it would be a shame if the entire plot of this episode was made irrelevant by how they get off Lamentis - 1 next ep. This show has been really good at keeping us on our toes with the writing so they probably won’t take turns that have been speculated.
Happy mid-season guys! The following two episodes were apparently Tom’s favourites so we can expect some mayhem up ahead. See you next time!
Here's the link to my Ep 2 review
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preathfics · 4 years
Heath17_KO5 AMA responses
Thanks to Heath17_KO5 for answering these for folks. 
You can reach her on the preathfics discord if you have follow up questions!
hardtchill said: mom will love us forever?
Yes, yes. *pat pat*
What inspired KO/Sonnett? I mean, we've seen Soran around, but not very many good Fics of that pairing.
That you can blame on blak0tyler. She started writing them, and I was like “I don’t really ship it because I think they’re too similar, but I love your writing, so I’ll read” and then by the end of the fic I was like “Damn, I kinda see it now.” I think for me it’s partially just that I really enjoy writing both characters (or did anyway). It’s fun to write characters that on the surface can be snide or sarcastic or goofy, but then underneath can have more layers and provide other things to a fic.
Nope! Not me!
Will you write more angsty stuff? Bc you write wonderfully... but it's just all so damn happy!
Hi there musingpredeliction. I think it’s hard for me to have angsty ideas for Preath, and I’m likely to still have happy endings. I was just talking to someone last night about how real life can be hard and can suck so when I turn to fiction, I want it to at least be hopeful, to do things like make me believe in true love (though I am one of the lucky ones that has found that in real life), make me believe in happy endings and beautiful lives, make me believe in magic. If you’d like more angst, I suggest reading more of my Soran or So’hara
Favorite WOSO person IRL? Favorite one to write?
IRL? Idk. It’s hard to judge when I don’t actually know any in real life. Rose holds a special place in my heart. Tobin’s footwork is magic and her laid back, goofy personality makes me swoon. Christen is the epitome of beauty to me both physically and just who she is (or at least who she shows us publicly). I honestly love so many of them. Sonny, KO (yes, still, though I am disappointed and hope she learns and grows), Julie, CRYSTAL!! Moving on from the USWNT, I’m a big fan of Emily Menges (one of the league’s most underrated defenders), Simone Charley, Midge Purce, Jennifer Cujoe, Sarah Gorden, Yuki Nagasato, Casey Short, Ali Riley, the list goes on. Lol. And on a more international player level: Tiane Endler, Mapi Leon, Jenni Hermoso, Sam Kerr, Hayley Raso, (actually a bunch of the Aussies), Vivianne Miedema, and so many more.
Favorite one to write is a bit easier: Emily Sonnett.
is with fandom culture that she is having a problem or the preath fandom specifically? also, i really love her writing, for both preath and soran so i hope that, if she retires, she doesn't delete her work, please! and man, the kelley situation, it's been really hard for us readers and for the writers…
Here’s the thing: part of what I have a problem with about Kelley is the fandom’s response to her. I’m disappointed by her not kneeling. I think she really needs to have more hard conversations and examine why she stood apart from game one and hopefully learn and grow. I’m disappointed in the culture of cancelling someone because they don’t learn and grow on the timeline you see fit, though. That now people will write off entire stories because a CHARACTER version of Kelley (that the authors have created themselves, let’s not forget), is part of it even if those stories were begun before the tournament happened. That her kneeling or not discounts her skill on the field or her actions off the field that we’re unaware of. Again, we only see a part of them, what they publicly show us, and I am very disappointed that she didn’t show us her kneeling for the anthem beyond game one, but I’m also aware that she may be taking steps I have no idea about. I’m not trying to start a discourse, though I’m sure this will, but that’s part of my issue. And then there’s the trickiness that comes of being part of an RPS/RPF fandom, where there’s the distinction between fiction and reality, between what we’d like to be true and what we 100% know. I don’t mean to cast aspersions. I’m not here to judge you anymore than I’m here to judge them.
What brought you to Preathfics, or rather just the WOSO fanfic community in general?
I have always been a soccer fan. I played through high school. But fanfic you can thank lesbianrobinhood for. I was not looking for a new fandom, but she dragged me kicking and screaming anyway. It’s usually the way.
What pairing do you most enjoy writing for? Why?
Hmmm...That depends on what I’m in the mood for. I like writing Soran or So’Hara if I’m feeling angsty or Preath if I’m not, but really it’s more about the individual story than the pairing: which idea captures my attention most in a moment. That said, as I said in another answer: I love writing Sonny, so if I get to write her, even if she’s just the supporting friend to Preath, I am a happy person.
Do you have a favorite fic? Can you make a list like Preathfics did of your faves?
Oooh, ummm...I mean anything by Blake0tyler for sure. I could (and have) read her stuff over and over and over. I love, love, LOVE Here I Am (Signed, Sealed, Delivered), by freshtilapia. I really enjoy The Restaurant by little_oblivion for a great ensemble piece. The One Where Everyone Finds Out is another great one (and all of LittleDanvers’s stuff really). I love the imagery in Portrait of a Soccer Player on Fire by restlessvirtue. Entwined by superdupergust is very good (and hot). And for non-preath one of my faves is unbecomings (but their stuff is locked).
Do you have a favorite fic that you've written before?
Like of my own? Umm...The Time Between or Orlando is Only Home When It Has You, although so far I really like something that is as yet unpublished, and I’m enjoying the way folklore is turning out with JustCrushALot.
what's your favorite color?
Can you ask her why did she suddenly decide to update orgasm fic?
….Should I not? I have a hard time writing smut. I have to be in the right mindset and I haven’t been there in a while, but then I was, so I was like “Let me try” and it worked out.
are you planning on writing anymore explicit preath fics/oneshots?! The one up rn are soooo good!!
Umm...that depends. If I get the inspiration, then yes, certainly, I wouldn’t rule it out. Also I have a bet right now with blake0tyler about something which should result in smut from one of us at least.
To the amazing author of Worth a Thousand words: the story is beautifully written, it's funny, sweet and different from other fics. I totally get the KO thing and I do agree with you on that one but know that it's a fantastic story. (Everything you write is)❤️
❤️ Thank you! That is incredibly sweet! I really appreciate you saying so. ❤️
My opinion isn’t worth much as an anon but I loved Worth a Thousand Words and whoever gave it bad feedback can go suck an egg.
Haha, thank you. I’m glad that you enjoy it!
Heath17_KO5's feelings are so darn relatable, I'm crying just from reading the words fear, disillusionment and disappointment. Creative people are often highly sensitive people and when they feel things, they FEEL things. Wishing you strenghth, clarity and insight, Heath17_KO5. I hope you keep finding joy in the written word, as we do in YOUR written word.
❤️ That is very lovely of you to say. Thank you. Please don’t shed any tears on my account though!
heath17_ko5 is having problems with fandom in general or with the woso/preath fandom? that's a shame, but she should do what is best for her :)
Thank you, I appreciate that. I mean, I think in all fandoms there is a toxic element, but as this is the only fandom I’m currently active in, it’s this one. And it’s not all of you, please don’t think that. I sort of explained in another ask.
I just love Heath17_KO5's stories and everything they contribute. Is there any chance the author will pursue Beacon of Light? No pressure or anything. I just thought it had such a sweet premise. And I am a sucker for a good storm story :D
I am working on chapter 2, it’s just slow going.
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tavoriel · 4 years
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I’ve been so guilty of always like foraging for food out of the fridge or eating in front of the computer, & also guilty of filling the day with keeping busy & not slowing down like Actually slowing down very much... so for the past 5 days I’ve been putting effort into ONE balanced meal, & sitting down & taking time to eat (about 20-30 minutes?) while listening to like, chill indie folk on youtube, like this [xxx].  Nothing bad happens if the rest of my life is still a mess.  Nothing bad happens if I miss a day.  & none of the individual steps is a ton of effort or anything, its just putting it all together & washing dishes.  The idea is like... yes, putting in effort is the point, but also who has time for putting in effort.  I want to see how long I can keep it up!  If I can get that pattern to stick, who knows what comes next!  Self care is basically the story of a computer learning how to take care of an animal, & like oh, you motivate those with food?
Footnote that I wouldn’t be able to put time into stuff like this, or the many hours invested in self-improvement stuff beforehand that pointed me towards it, if I didn’t have support from relatives with different things.  Everyone’s different.  I do hope that some people might find it a useful strategy if they’re in a season where something like this could be a logical next step, but the ppl who are mostly just drowning in survival rn & have 0 extra energy are fucking awesome, & they’re doing everything right, & I’ve been somewhere like there too.  Like the point is not that self care is easy & everyone can do this if they just ~try hard enough~ its like bro PLS copy my homework if u want, & only if u want, but also it might not help u much if you’re not taking the same classes as me.  
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years
How many WIPs are you working on? I’m an official fan rn. XD
Awwww thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I think it’s important to note that all of my projects are collaborative, and I’m only responsible for half of all characters, plots and ideas! I can go into more information about who writes for which character later if you’re interested, but my partners are all credited in the title for now since it’s getting a bit long.
As of right now, I mainly write for five main projects: 3 fanfictions, and 2 original works.
WANDERLUST: An original WIP written with @decantae and @autofoebia
“Witches are real. Magic is real. And there is nowhere left for them to hide.”
The year is 2020, and in the good old-fashioned American way, the government has outlawed something that makes other people different, unique and extraordinary. Magic has always existed, but recently drastic measures have been taken by those in higher power in the name of safety for the rest of America: ban all forms of witchcraft and arrest all witches. Five friends have to make a choice: Be captured and burned at the stake for witchcraft, or become fugitives and evade authority for as long as possible. With the help of their trusty magical van, the young witches decide to leave everything they have behind for a flimsy shot at freedom. It’s the road trip they always dreamed of taking; albeit with much higher stakes than they could have ever imagined. 
At the end of the day, the solution to this imminent danger is clear — if they can’t hide, they’ll just have to run.
Wanderlust is an urban fantasy story featuring five teenagers: King, Astrid, Mal, Jess and Aiden. They’re essentially traveling throughout the US, meeting a lot of new people and discovering more about the magical world along the way.
It’s told in an episodic format, with several self-contained  arcs, and there is a massive overarching plot. Not only do they have to deal with non-magical folk’s distrust and the government chasing them, the magical world isn’t necessarily the kindest place either.
It’s a coming-of-age story with a lot of found family themes! Obviously the five of them are stuck together for better or for worse in their van, but they also make a lot of fantastic friends (and enemies) along the way!
Features LGBTQIA+ relationships, a polyamorous trio, teenage angst, heartwarming friendships, road trip AU tropes, with mystery underlying every step of the way.
Oh and magic. Lots of magic.
Wanderlust tag here!
FOR QUEEN AND COUNTRY: An original WIP written with @decantae and @inconsistentlyontime
I don’t have a synopsis written for this yet! I’m hoping to put together a proper WIP page and introduction for this soon…
This is an original urban fantasy story that takes place in London, 2020. The existence of supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves, fae, witches, etc) known as The Other, were recently revealed to the public, due to a werewolf attack that was publicized. FQAC is a story about The Other and the humans, and how they handle this reveal and the subsequent turmoil, politics and controversy.
FQAC is more of a setting than it is a singular story, and it has several loosely connected and interweaving plots following various characters.
Here’s a summary of some of the main plots we’ve been writing for at the moment! There’s honestly a lot more, but the main ones I’ve talked about so far…
Callimir:  Callisto is an Unseelie fae, an immortal unearthly being sent to the human world in an attempt to fix their damaged reputation. Casimir is a dhampire — a half-human, half-vampire being that is fated to die in the next few years. Dhampires are lucky if they live to see age 35 before they degenerate rapidly into their death, and are wracked with crippling pain throughout their too-short lives. It’s an angsty, tragic love story between an immortal and someone who is close to death, and this romance will become the forefront of a major conflict, one that will threaten to destroy both the dhampires and the fae.
The Media: Specifically, this particular bit followed Blake, a human journalist and an activist, fighting to give the Other a voice and equal rights and Alistair, a mysterious vampire benefactor who decides to give her a hand with her projects. Now that @inconsistentlyontime is free and around to write again, we can now add Colin to the mix. Colin and Blake make up a duo that is very Old Cop and Young Cop™ respectively, and they’re humans that are fighting to give a pro-Other perspective to an extremely anti-Other media narrative.
Hook, Line and Sinker: This is the nickname for a trio of teenage friends consisting of Emma, Simone, and Laurel respectively. Emma was recently turned into a werewolf, Simone is a practicing witch, and Laurel has discovered that he’s a dhampire — but they haven’t told each other. They were extremely close friends, but they’ve started to awkwardly drift apart as they all started to deal with their own demons and troubles. They all care and love each other very much, but it’s unclear whether their friendship will survive their new identities and Other-status.
And honesty these three plots and characters are just barely scratching the surface. There’s a lot more plots specific to each type of creature, etc. This post is getting a bit long, so I’ll stop for now. I think I’ll need to make a FQAC specific group of posts at some point…
FQAC tag here.
MORSMORDRE: A Harry Potter fanfiction written with @decantae
Although the Wizarding War has been raging on for years, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has proven to be one of the last safe havens for muggleborns and half-bloods, a place where they could exist without fear of persecution. It seemed untouchable, and within its walls it was almost possible to forget that war existed outside.
When the Hogwarts Express is attacked, this illusion of safety is shattered. Reeling with shock and fear, four students from four houses are forced together by circumstance into an unlikely, uneasy friendship. Our heroes must learn how to work together and overcome the deep divisions in their society if there is to be any hope of protecting their home from the machinations of the Dark Lord. With his increasing influence on the Ministry of Magic, he finally has the resources to strike against his greatest enemy.
The war has come to Hogwarts, and this is only the beginning.
This is an HP AU fanfiction where Harry was killed as a baby, and thus the first Wizarding War never ended. It follows the lives of four students, people who are fated to eventually end the war once and for all: Caerwyn the Gryffindor, Casimir the Hufflepuff, Clara the Ravenclaw, and Callisto the Slytherin.
(Do their names look familiar? Yeah, that’s cuz they’re all in FQAC as well.This is where they all originated).
It’s very HP-esque in the sense that it follows their years at school starting from fourth year, with a main plot for each year. It’ll also extend beyond their school years, when they start to really fight in the war to secure their future.
Clarwyn have the most extra, and the longest slow burn romance in this and I live.
Morsmordre tag here.
POST-SCRIPT: A Harry Potter fanfiction written with @decantae
I have a WIP intro post for this, so I’m just going to link it here!
FINAL SECRET WIP: A Dragon Age fanfiction written with @decantae 
We’re not ready to share this with the world yet, but it’s coming! We’re currently writing the beginning of it, and I can’t wait until I get to share it with all of you. It’s really good, and I’m extremely excited about it!
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E04 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 407 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
Rate the episode
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Overall, respondents gave the episode high ratings, with 90% total feeling that it was at least very good. The pollsters are very happy to see these ratings improve!
The episode felt short. I wanted more after watching it :)
The pacing of this episode was much better than the first two
We're only on episode 4 and about to enter the climax of the arc, not sure how I feel about this.
Very good. I hope that the skipped scenes appear in a later episode.
It was pretty neat. Sometimes stuff is a touch slow, but I know it’s all a lead up to what’s to come, and like, it’s important to have stuff that is slow sometimes so the big stuff feels even bigger.
This recent episode found a little boring to me. I feel like there's wasn't much action less Levi
Bruh I need the next episode like rn
Did you notice the subtle changes made to the animation in the OP this week?
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Less than a quarter of respondents initially noticed that there was something different about the OP this week. However, just over half noticed them upon a second watch or seeing it pointed out by others.
I didn't notice the changes in the opening because I always skip it.
Which of the following scenes were your favorites?
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Hange and Moblit taking out the MP’s won by a good margin. The runner up is Spider-Hange. Levi and Mikasa reacting to Kenny’s last name, Levi interrogating the Central MP and Jean testing Marlowe and Hitch were also very loved moments!
The moments between Jean and Marlowe is one of my favorites. That was really fantastic and Marlowe is going to be a wonderful SC member. Too bad he will die later. I was really upset about it while reading the manga. He was such promising and brave guy.
I enjoyed the moment when Erwin asked Nile about Marie. It felt like he still had some feelings to her. I wonder if they're going to go back to this topic later (in flashbacks). Probably not.
This episode was so fucking amazing after the exposition heavy episode 3! I have literally waited years to see Hange taking down that MP animated, shit, the way she just casually like ducks away from the bullet... I used to keep staring at the badassery in that manga panel and now I am watching it on repeat, Wit got that scene so perfectly right!!
My whole life has lead up to this moment with Hitch and Marlo!!! Bless WIT for doing so good by my precious MP!
It was hilarious when 3MPs ran on the ground to chase Flegel while they are equipping ODMG. It was even funnier when one of them cried for joy catching Flegel without using ODMG.
Faithful to the manga with a healthy combination of action and world-building. LOVED Flegel's "I'm the boss" scene.
Erwin’s VA was superb! I was close to tears during the scene when he and Nile were talking.
Who made the best face when ambushing the MP base?
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Connie won by a landside! There was no contest here, folks. 
How bangable was Levi this episode on a scale of 1-5?
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As expected, over half of respondents would love it if Levi totally wrecked them. Although there are still quite a few of you who would rather he not. 
Levi in the moonlight was everything I never knew I needed.
Levi cutie crazy ass bitch
Levi. Le-vi. LEVI.
On a scale of 1-5, how distressed were you to see Erwin beat up and chained?
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More than half of respondents are anxious to see Commander Handsome out of chains and cleaned up! 
How Erwin can kneel before them on his own? When he knows how horrible they are that they made decisions that killed his father? How can he be like that? Oh just take my heart away already! It's not that I need it…
Also, seeing my husband all beat is tragic and seeing him hanging was far too distressing and I know what’s going to happen in this season, but I want to pretend it isn’t happening and that he might be happy when he reunites with Levi
Erwin also manages to look hot not matter how beat up he is, which isn't even fair.
I love Erwin and he deserves the world.  That is all.
Are you feeling better or worse about the season so far?
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Most voters either felt great about the season from the beginning or have started to warm up to it a lot more! There is still a small percentage of those who are still unsure or unhappy, however. 
Feeling alright overall about it but disappointed about some parts being rushed/skipped
I did not like the first two episodes, but now that the pacing has slowed I’m starting to like the episodes better. Still salty about the first two though.
I knew I was going to love it just because it's AOT, but I won't know how much I love it until I've seen how they handle the RtS arc
I havent feel good, still dont feel good but its better than before, so a combo of the 2nd and 4th option
I'm loving the episodes, but I'm still unure about some of the removed scenes, specially the ones involving Historia and Levi COS i swear to dead Marco if they do not animate Levi's smile im gonna riot
I'll wait until this arc is over to cast any judgement. However, I do wish they would've expanded the Reeves' storyline. It kinda fell flat for me in the anime.
Was unsure at first with all the changes from the manga, but have come to accept that some things are gonna be different so I'm just gonna enjoy it as it is. At the end of the day, it's still Attack on Titan so I'll always enjoy it.
I’m just happy we’re getting this season at all
I never thought they could make the uprising arc funny and interesting
Instead of attacking the Centrap MP HQ, Squad Levi ambushed a small outpost on the outskirts of Trost instead. Did you like this change?
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Nearly half of respondents were okay or even preferred this change. 36% are let down that there was no slicing and shooting though. Chin up guys, the cave is coming soon! 
I always thought it was a little confusing that squad Levi would go all the way out to the central base, so I think this made more sense because of how they're still on the run. The anime version feels a lot more like they could be caught at any second, which is great!
I was looking forward to the 104th's subtle distressed reactions after having done what they had to do. But I guess the anime is not for subtle.
I'm not sure if replacing the newfound edge from the SC by a lulzy moment was a right choice. I feel like we're losing the grim aspect of the SC not being good guys anymore.
I didn't even remember how the manga handled that, so I didn't notice the change.
I honestly like both situations
While i did want to see the gang cut up peoples legs,  the anime version made more sense and I'm down for any Springlestein.
While the cart charge was hilarious, I'm not sure why a small outpost would know anything about Eren and Historia's location.
I quite honestly didn't notice the difference, the real attraction was Levi fucking the old boy's shit up
While I hopedd they'd make it bigger, after watching the episode I grew to like it, it makes sense both geographically and in terms of the scale of the event.
Oh lol I totally expect them to go ahead and get the Central MP HQ next. I mean, didn't they also do that so that the MP's couldn't mobilise and come to Kenny/Rod's defense later on?
Were you expecting there to be more focus on the press?
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Most respondents were expecting to get Hange’s talk with the press prior to exposing the Military Police. A few are certain it’s lost not, while a good 30% are hopeful that we’ll still get it in another way. 
By making the newspaper Trost local, their presence didn't need to be explained, and some aspects from their talk from 60 can be merged with the little moment from the Rookie from 61 after Erwin's trial so as to not be redundant.
The talk with Hange and the press will no doubt happen next episode.
Having a flashback would be good, but I don't have much faith in them doing it
Indifferent to it, doesn't make much difference to the overall plot.
we will get them though not in a flashback half the arc has been rearranged remember.
I NEED Hange brooding on a desk in the press office, it's an important part of my spiritual development
I hope we get more Peaure :(
Which scene from the PV are you most looking forward to next week?
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At 41%, the largest group is most anticipating getting a flash of Frieda in the mirror. It’s about time we get to see her in anime form after all these years, right? The remaining three scenes are at an even split. 
Since we’re getting Frieda in the mirror, do you think there will be a flashback to the conversation about Eren’s experiments?
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To build off of the previous question, over half of respondents are anticipating the potential for the bedside flashback to happen after all. 35% are optimistic that it will definitely happen, while 11% believe we’re getting Frieda flash in another way. 
I'm hoping the Frieda content doesn't come across as too rushed in the next few episodes. In the manga, almost a year passed between the first Frieda flashbacks and Rod's full story in the chapel underground, but it seems Frieda's anime debut will be only an episode or two before the story. Still looking forward to how it all plays out!
Where do you primarily discuss the series?
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Additional thoughts on the episode?
the changes are fine, doesn't stray too far from the manga. Maybe also makes the anime less of a drag.
Connie had goofy hat. All my stanards has been pleased.
Finally the pacing slowed down to a human level. I'm happy to see so much of Erwin, but it still pains me how he is characterized.
HITCH WITH THE STICK HOLY HELL. Honestly that whole fight scene between Hitch, Marlowe and Jean exceeded my expectations (hopefully not sounding too much like a worshiper). I just love it (probably too much).
Hanji can punch me and I’ll thank her
I can't believe Flegel sat on the dude's face lol.
Why did Not!-Marco not look like Marco at all?
I don't have a great memory of manga events but I'm feeling shocked - as though the anime is really rushing through events, so I feel worried now!
I love it. The animation when Hanji and Moblit attacked the MP was spectacular. The animators have continuously outdone themselves this season so far.
I'm not sure about my feelings and impressions about this season so far. I got disappointed before with other mangas adaptations, and now, I don't feel like trusting WIT for the moment, until I see some logical modifications.
When it was announced that there would be changes made I was skeptical and thought that the manga was perfect the way it was. Oh boy was I wrong. While I am still angry about some scenes, others just make more sense. I think wit is doing a great job.
Only thing that makes me sad is that Armin's glorious gesumin expressions weren't animated till now.
Honestly so excited to 24 episodes this time not 12. But still proper sick episode.
I've mentioned it on Tumblr before, but while I like how things have been centralized around Trost in this version of Uprising, it does cause an issue. How did Erwin, his captors, and Nile all get from Trost to Mitras in the space of a single morning? They military police either has teleporting tech or an underground bullet train. Or Isayama really wants to replicate S7 of Game of Thrones with characters teleporting all over.
No Kenny?! So what kind of episode was that?!
I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Can´t wait to see Eren again.
Well fuck. Manga readers, we know what happens at the reiss chapel
Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday! 
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justkpopjokes · 7 years
🎶All I Want For Christmas...
Ft. Hoshi / Soonyoung + rest of ‘96 line
AU: Pentatonix (a capella)
Hoshi Dancing Anon: Ok so my soft heart would love if you guys did a scenario of slow dancing/dancing in general with Hoshi from Seventeen? Idk if you do that but much love either way❤️
A/N: This is my Christmas gift to you💕 Hope you enjoy and thanku for the love! 🎄Merry Christmas~
I posted a smol hint before but I doubt anyone caught it… basically Jun beatboxes for 4 other people
Hmm…what’s a 5 member group where 1 person mainly beatboxes?
…Anyone know Pentatonix?
I couldn’t sleep the night I thought of this bc I squealed myself awake
It’s like my Carat & the Beats AU; everything fits so well???
Jun(Kevin): his lack of lines is bc he beat boxes (just go with it) ok Jun beatboxing tho how much cooler would he be
Hoshi(Scott): Main vocalist (besides Woozi) who totally has a thing for Mitch/Woozi— no jk jk
Wonwoo(Avi damn I miss Avi…:( Low voice boiii
Woozi(Mitch): high voice boi and shortest guy
But that’s only 4 people right
Well you’re the 5th!!!
Your a capella group isn’t like PTX bc you guys aren’t part of a music label yet
You’re just a group that people know about via internet and singing on the streets
But I mean this AU is about dancing, not singing just wait pls
Now obviously Christmas carols are a must
But honestly who wants to just hear a capella carols? I mean lots of people do but
“They want to see the Christmas spirit!”
At least that’s what Hoshi and Jun say (being performance unit and all)
So the 5 of you are convinced by Junyoung to add some ~*pizzazz*~ to your performances
Which means a smol dance routine!!!
Cue Junyoung here trying to teach the rest of y'all some dance steps
Wonu kind of getting the hang of it
Jihoon using no effort whatsoever
As an end goal, your group decides to perform at the town’s winter festival in town square
The main event is a partner dance
Basically that means YOU GOTTA LEARN HOW TO DANCE
But uh… you don’t really know how to dance
So it’s up to Hosh to teach you the choreo for your performance and the festival dance
And there’s our plot folks also say hi to my friend the keep reading bar
Now listen
Scott and Kirsten may not have crushes on each other
But you maybe definitely have a crush on Soonyoung
And Junhui and Wonwoo definitely tease you about it
Jun: “Ooh someone is getting heart eyes!!!”
You: “What? What do you mean?!”
Wonu: “Y/N you’re staring at him again pls just stop or take him out for dinner”
Jun: “Yea he’s so oblivious rn please do”
And then Jihoon’s just there face-palming
Can anyone blame you tho
He’s just?? So perfect????
Like this boi can sing with an epic voice, dance like a god, and can look hot and adorable at the same time like tf is this sorcery
He’s just so fricken loveable
Especially bc he puts a lot of effort into your guy’s performance
He stays up late with you to teach you choreo
Like?? Why??? But thank you!!!
You just admire him so much aghhhh
And I mean he is a little frustrated you’re not the best at learning choreography
But he thinks your voice makes up for it
It’s so beautiful
Angelic even
But he hides his feelings
Until the festival, be plans to focus on the performance
But if I’ve learned 1 thing from writing, it’s that things never go to plan
One night, you’re up late in Hosh’s basement practicing your choreo
When Soonyoung starts to notice you’re getting drowsy
“Oh, Y/N, you look tired. Let’s break for a little?”
“I might fall asleep though…”
“Fine, at least let’s practice the festival dance. It’s slower”
So in a few seconds, you’re in position with Soonyoung
One of his hands is at your waist while one of yours is on his shoulder, and you’re holding your free hands together (waltz position, basically. I see the partner dance as like a waltz with lots of twirls or smth)
But eventually, you’re really just…done pfft what is effort who is she
Like you move your arm from Soonyoung’s shoulder to pulling your whole arm around his neck and basically hugging his neck
Your head is just resting on his shoulder
And Soonyoung moves both his arms around your waist to return the hug
I’m soft af send me a Soonyoung thx
Eventually Soonyoung nearly trips on your feet and realizes, “Oh. Y/N fell asleep.”
You’re just snoring softly and Soonyoung is just soft in general
Someone save this boy he just fell in love
But still, Soonyoung can’t just ask you out now
He needs. To. Focus. His love life shouldn’t get in the way…
The winter festival is coming up soon though, sO
The festival is a 3 day event, from the day before Christmas Eve to Christmas
Your group is the opening performance for the Christmas Eve day, so you have a little more time to practice!
And in that short time, you all are able to learn the routines!!!
Yes even Jihoon who gave effort at the last minute
So on that day, you nervously went on stage
And with your mics, started singing a medley of Christmas songs
And you do a cool routine with Hoshi and Woozi while Wonwoo gets a solo (backed up by Jun’s beatboxing of course)
fgsjskakxjjs ok sorry but JUN BEATBOXING WHAT A CONCEPT!!!!
I’m living for this AU and Woozi’s adlibs as Mitch
Anyway when you finish your performance, the crowd goes wild!!!
Like a capella Christmas medley with cool dance moves, hell yes that was lit!! (I’m sorry I’ll continue now)
After some people announce what you can do on the festival that day, you all split up to enjoy the festival
*cough* when I say split up I mean everyone left you to be with Hosh
You didn’t really know where to go,but Hoshi insisted you stay in the town square to dance with him
So now you’re in the position with Soonyoung holding you close
And you both are just smiling like dorks and laughing about you tripping over your own feet
“I thought you got the hang of it already??”
“Lol I did!! I’m just… distracted by your gaze istg”
But his gaze is distracting ok
Especially since you’re locked in it
This boy’s heart just 🎉✨🎶🎉✨🎶🎉✨🎶🎉✨🎶🎉✨🎶
Eventually it gets late and everyone meets up again to see each other off
Of course tho Jun stops everybody from interrupting Soonyoung and your moment
Ok but imagine Jun just like shaking Wonwoo really hard and whisper-screaming “woNU WONU DID YOU SEE THAT DiD yOU sEe tHaT”
Wonwoo’s tired of Jun’s enthusiasm
But then Jihoon pipes up like “he needs to ask Y/N out—c'mon guys we’re finding a good restaurant”
Junhui becomes a puppy who just smelled food like “Aghjfgkcfgh yES JIHOON THANK YOU”
Eventually you notice them and walk over to leave
The next day is Christmas JESUSMASSSSS!!!!(sorry)
So y'all just go to the festival to chill, sing, and dance
After a while, you were chilling on a bench or smth when Jun said he had to get something at home
Ha more like set up something at home
Jun: “Oh dang… I need some help”
Jihoon: “Take me with you pls I don’t want to stay outside”
Jun: “I need a 3rd person though”
Now obviously you’re like “I’ll help”
But Jun just “Oh no it’s fine, I’ll take Wonwoo. I need his height”
“You guys are almost the same height tf”
But they leave you and Soonyoung before Jun can come up with another explanation
But before they go, Wonwoo mouths something to Hoshi when you’re not looking
“You. Buy us some time”
And Sooyoung’s like oooohhhhhhh oh crap wait this is happening
So he takes a deep breath
And takes your hands in his
“Y/N listen I know we’re great friends and all but…”
“…But what?”
“Would you… like to go out for a Christmas dinner?”
“So… like a date?”
“Of course I will”
Soonyoung takes you to this v fancy restaurant that the others picked out
When you wait to be seated, Soonyoung slides his hand into yours
When the attendant sees, she just smiles so fondly
“Are you guys having a Christmas dinner date?”
Soonyoung just looks over to you and smiles
“Yeah, we are”
“Aw, that’s sweet. Follow me”
So the attendant leads you both to a nice 2-seater by the window
“So Y/N…”
“Is this ok?”
“What the seating? Yeah why—”
“No I mean… me taking you out”
“What the heck, of course it’s ok! It’s actually…really sweet of you”
Eventually you order some food and munch away while talking about whatever
You try to convince yourself that the warmth in your cheeks was from the heater
“Hey Soonyoung, do you think everything happens for a reason?”
“I don’t know. Why do you ask?”
“I mean, all it took was me tutoring you to get us here! And you hated it at first, hah. I really like spending time with you, yknow… I’m thankful I get to spend Christmas with you”
“That’s so cute Y/N… gosh you’re so adorable… what did I do to deserve you?”
“Fail several tests, apparently”
In the end, you’re both pink, blushy messes
When you finally finish your food, the attendant recommends you go behind the building when you leave to go on the bridge
So you take her advice and find the bridge over the lake
It’s a beautiful bridge, wires with vines making an arch above you
It’s empty too
So you and Soonyoung stay in the middle
Suddenly he puts a hand on your waist
And you’re just laughing together once you start dancing slowly on the bridge in each other’s arms
In each other’s warmth
“Ah… that was a nice dinner. Thanks for taking me out Soonyoung. Should we get back to the others?”
Honestly Soonyoung thought it would have ended differently *cough* maybe with a kiss *cough*
But you both get back to your group’s dorm
Only to open the door and see the whole place is COVERED IN BALLOONS AND CHRISTMAS STUFF
Wunhoon set up the dorm with music, streamers, christmas lights, etc, so it’s lit like literally
Cue the dancing
Songs like Santa Tell Me and All I Want for Christmas Is You (yas Mariah Carey yo)
Waitwaitwait the All I Want For Christmas song??
Suddenly the boys line up with Jun in the front when the song starts
And then you hear them each sing before stepping away for the next person (pls imagine it with their voices it is amazing)
Jun: “I just want you for my own~”
Wonu: “More than you could ever know~”
Jihoon, with a deadpan face but amazing voice and adlibs: “Make my wish come true~~”
And then Hoshi comes up to you
“All I want for Christmas is you~”
Then someone pauses the music
And Hoshi just holds a hand out to you
“Will you be mine?”
You just sigh and cup your face in his hands to give him a kiss💕
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This bouta be one long ass typo filled vent.
First and and foremost I just added HELLA people specifically People from my African diaspora on this. I’ve had it since high school so 2010 I’m in University now . nice to meet you all 🤷🏿‍♀️✊🏿😝 my name is Ro . I’m super open to conversation questions whatever.
I added mad people because I organize ,politically im no pro or anything,I don’t even know what I’m doing 1/2 the time I just do what’s in my heart and he’ll I guess every small step I make makes a difference.
I’m currently in the process of getting a sexual assault resource center built in Isla Vista California which is an unincorporated area behind the University of California Santa Barbara ...I want all contractors to be from marganilized backgrounds and ultimately I’m gonna have this project be a community collective.itll be a long term project and it’s currently in the beginning stages and the meetings are going well but given I attend a PWI I’d like outside support and more energy from my people to continuously push for this to be created . Scrolling my page you’ll kinda see the shit I’ve been dealing with and where this comes from. However I’m currently slowing down THIS video BELOW ...making it onger and more detailed
But editing is depressing triggering and frustrating and I’m on some Kevin gates Aint shit gone make me sad today type stuff so it’s not going well. I currently just need to add audio to the lengthened version and I’ll be fine to share it.. But audio means watching it and choosing a song and perfect timing so yeah...I hate reliving the stuff .but eh I hope you like the video I’ll post the update ASAP . I actually move out of CA soon APRIL so it’ll be before I leave to embark on this random traveling experience I have planned 👌🏿🙆🏿‍♀️
My main goal socially is to be as real and open as possible up until around May 2017 I was mad timid to speak up but once the shit happened it just did .
(I was drugged and raped by someone who knew me and was invited over and nah he wasn’t white he was in our diaspora. Despite being on video drugging me ,admitting I wasn’t conscious during his acts and all this other sick shit that is in the video posted as well as the slowed down version...Santa Barbara did not TOUCH THIS SICK FUCK . Specifically he lived on the same street as the foot patrol and they never even went to question him . Never went over evidence so never caught the drugging I had to analyze my own evidence see my drugging send it in turn in all physical evidence myself because she never went to the crime scene and some more dumb shot . He’s on surveillance pushing me into my house because I can’t move and he’s also on surveillance attempting to touch me and I fight back . He admits I bit him in resistance and bleh I’m getting trigger ...well look they had all of this PLUS WAY MORE evidence and nothing 🤷🏿‍♀️ .. the gag is until I had a sit in months after my rape we FINALLY got a sexual assault detective on Isla Vista ..THIS MEANS WE NEVER HAD ONE THEREFORE THE PERSON WHO WAS ON MY CASE WAS NOT A DETECTIVE TRAINED IN SEXUAL ASSAULTS. That’s why he did shit ass backwards and didn’t get evidence or blah blah . He did a pretext for a confession and still didn’t make an arrest or attempt to question this rapist . So I had to go public . 😒
The system did me even grimier and in addition so did the African men I spent a lot of my time around before this incident who just happened to be the idiot rapists housemates . The story is actually pretty sick.
Like niggas was like” we weren’t really friends like that “ “you just met is” and some more shit ,but drove or rode in my car got they hair done by me niggas cooked together went wherever niggas dead ass all ran together the only difference was I’m a female and I was the one who was drugged and raped . Lol I knew that house a good 5 months . And when you serving 4 years in college that’s a long time especially when y’all all seeing one another tops 5 days a week . But it’s cool lol I swear that shit happened and fucked my mind up for a while . Until I got over the fact that Im a protector , I’m used to protecting people . Even after being raped I tried to protect this individual from the system but seeing myself be drugged in my house as someone sickly plots and has all the sickest reasons as to why ..
I had Inglewood out there and we ain’t lay a finger on ANYONE and EVERYONE WAS HOME and available but I wasn’t trying to see anything happen .protector ...some call it dumb ... but honestly any reaction that would’ve deviated from what I did up to now would chance my current circumstance ...and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t fine RN. 🤷🏿‍♀️ ptsd depression here and there but honestly IVE BEEN KICKINGASS , saving and changing lives as well as I don’t have any fuck people around me . It’s so easy for me to cut people off now and keep people I feel ANY KINDOF way about away from me ...and I’m more open basically I PROTECT ME MORE AND ...that’s what’s great for me ...so I needed it all to get where I am so eh.
A: I don’t forgive or have any care for the person who drugged and raped me . That’s the only place I didn’t grow . People say I should work on that ...I literally have dreams of killing him though so eh🤷🏿‍♀️ it’s the whole premeditated buying a drug putting it in a drink and handing it to me at the specific time I was distracted and the entire plot really . Walking me in public drugged to make you seem like a saviors and saying you noticed it hit 😒 staying after raping me , like moving my body from a living room to my room like dragging me or whatever the fuck you dieting afterward and only moving after I post the video publicly like you really wanted to live your life regular as a rapist after attempting to ruin mine . In all honesty as you said your first thought was you thought the drug was going to alter my feeling for you and make me like you ..it only knocked me unconscious and inhabited my brain from having any memory and you stilllllll decided to be sick . .
-the best thing for me is I have no memory of being raped , I don’t even have a memory of me leaving the house only waking up and asking all the questions I had getting the answers I needed and reporting so that’s why I’m so open about it ....it hits a sensitive spot as far as anger and disgust but I would literally be dead if I was conscious or aware of the encounter .
Alll of that I added in the end it was the vent I guess .)
and yeah . Whatever so socially I’m tryna educate Africans not to feel obligated to be a savior but to look out when shit like this happens. Because not reacting not doing anything and really any thing else
I never asked anyone to pick sides , never asked anyone for help. But acting like you ain’t know someone you seen on a daily and being fearful or whatever it’s not and never was that deep. I don’t see how anyone has a mother and can let or be aiight with shit like this happeneing and not be proactive .
But I’m alive you’ll see from my blog that worse shit has happened since then and even before . so I focus my pain elsewhere and my energy into activism and advocacy. Shit no one handed to me when I needed t most ✊🏿☝🏿
Here’s my story
It’s also more stories about whatever white people wanna say about me in Santa Barbara newspapers and my case and what I’m doing , but this is the one I approve of because it was written in the Burning spear and this is such a monumental and important news paper in our community so yeah.✊🏿❤️ I really love US.
Periodically I post videos call campaigns calls to join political organizations (that are grassroot orgs and funded by our people) and yeah that’s basically my public professional appeal. I use a lot of profanity idk why but yeah I curse like a sailor I was introduced to grown folk conversations at a young age cursing was apart of my male dominated upbringing so 🤷🏿‍♀️ shiiiit I just curse a lot from time to time .
I’m a member of the African National Women’s org. Or ANWO and we’re an organization that was created by request less than half a decade ago to bring African women into the political atmosphere. Our one goal is FREEDOM . UHURU to any comrades or future comrades reading this , I hope in your daily struggles you see the symptoms of colonialism and mobilize to dismantle this colonial system .
I have NOT AND DONT PLAN on watching black panther . It’s not apart of my agenda rn but If my job requires me to take my residents to the movies it’ll probably happen ...I’ll get to the job stuff later. . Basically from my current understanding the villain in the film had “political views” similar to Malcolm or Huey or Marcus Garvey and it should be known by us ALL THAT THESE MEN WERE ONLY AEEN AS VILLIANS HISTORICALLY BY WHITE SUPREMACIST AND COLONIZERS AS WELL AS THOSE COLONIZED PEOPLE WHO REFUSED TO RESIST ...so I’m not spending a dry penny or sitting in a theatre to watch some bull shit . Wakanda must fall dear . THERE is no freedom in a colonial system and we can’t move with our colonizers PERIOD. We have been tricked throughout history into being complacent and waiting on an European created GOD to come save us and give us our Paradise in death. Therefore we accept what we shouldn’t and given I’m not about to be apart of that complacent movement ...(ps I’m a religious studies major) I decide I’m going to struggle and win. Period ✊🏿
White folks need to pay reparations so yeah share this link also if you don’t mind
White solidarity with black power 💕
Some talks/events I’ve participated in or held
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hamilficsfordays · 8 years
Tease You (Janthony)
Prompt:  Jasmine x Anthony Fluffy Smut where Jasmine sexts Anthony while he's at work and she's in England with her family. When she comes back from England they..ya know lol
Author’s Note: Say it with me folks, “I sure hope Anthony and Jasmine never find this!” This was pretty easy to write though because not only do I think they’re an insanely cute couple, but I find them both outrageously attractive.
Pairing: Jasmine-Cephas Jones/Anthony Ramos
Summary: Jasmine is visiting her family overseas in London while Anthony is back in New York, still working on Hamilton. Feeling especially provocative one night, she sends a few sexts right before he’s about to go onstage. Physical discomfort ensues.
Rating: M for lots and lots of smut.
Warnings: Seriously, it’s all smut. I would warn anyone under 18 not to read, but I read shit like this all the time as a teenager so... I can’t tell you what to do.
Words: 1349
Askbox / Masterlist / What I Write
It was after midnight in London, but Jasmine was far from tired.
If any of her relatives had asked, she would say that she was still mentally on New York time and wasn’t tired.
That was half true.
Thousands of miles away and five hours behind, Anthony was about to take the stage in Hamilton. It was yet another show without his girlfriend, who was overseas visiting her family.
They had a tradition of talking before every show, a tradition that would not be limited by distance or time zones.
Pulling out his phone just a few minutes before places, he typed a quick text and sent it to her.
[U up?]
Jasmine was expecting the text as per their usual routine, with a something a little more exciting in mind.
[Yeah, can I get your opinion on something?]
[Does this bra look good on me?]
Attached to the text was a selfie of her taken from above. She was on her knees, her bra barely visible as it was so low-cut. She had a playful smile, knowing exactly what he would think.
[Damn what bra?]
Anthony could feel excitement building below his waist, but tried to suppress the feeling knowing he was minutes from going onstage.
Before he could completely compose himself, Jasmine sent another text.
[What about these panties? Do they make my butt look big?]
Another photo, this one showing the bow on the back of her bright red underwear, hardly leaving much to the imagination.
“Oh shiiiit,” he said out loud.
“Hey, I got your mic.” Their leading sound tech stepped into his dressing room alongside their hair stylist.
“Oh yeah, one sec.” He typed another quick response.
[in like the best way possible, yeah]
He sat still, waiting for his mic to be put into place inside his ponytail when he saw his phone vibrate on the table, signaling two new texts. He waited until he was alone again to read it.
[It’s too bad you’re not here right now.]
[Just thinking of what I would do to you if you were here is getting me so wet.]
The excitement was back, even stronger this time.
[Jas holy shit i’m about to go on this is torture]
[Sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I hope it’s okay that I’m thinking about you while I’m touching myself]
“Oh my god.” he said aloud, considering a reasonable response.
[Such a tease… you’re killing me.]
[You know how I love to tease you]
A winking emoji followed, taunting him as his pants became noticeably tighter.
There was a call for places over the speaker in his dressing room, the other actors beginning heading out.
He would never take his phone onstage, which meant leaving it behind in his dressing room until he died before the end of the first act.
[I have to go on now]
[I’ve got a surprise waiting for you when you get back.]
Anthony left the phone on the table and headed to places, focusing on deep breathing to try and calm his growing erection.
His distress was clearly visible as he passed by Lin on his way to his designated starting point.
“You okay, man?” he asked, concerned.
“What? Me? No, I’m great. Best day ever. Let’s do this.” He rushed off, heading to places.
The entire first act was uncomfortable. He had managed to tuck the growing issue into the waistband of his costume, though the bulge itself was still slightly visible.
By the time he had reached the end of the first act, his death scene which usually always left him emotional, was rather relieving.
He made a beeline for his dressing room, unable to type as fast as his sex drive desired.
[Alright Laurens is dead. You mentioned a surprise?]
She sent another photo, this time of her, completely nude with a teasing smile.
He was stunned silent.
[god damn]
[Jas I want you so bad rn]
Before he could even process the photo, she’d sent another.
[Hope you’re ready for act two.]
A different position, but the same smile.
[can’t say no to this]
He adjusted his costume, trying to make room for his growing discomfort.
[oh shit]
[I’m so hard]
[please tell me you’re on a plane home right now]
Something about the idea of him sexually frustrated without her seemed to please Jasmine.
[nope. See you next week.]
He groaned out loud, forcing himself to calm down by the end of intermission. Second act was even worse, as he couldn’t get the photos of her out of his head.
By the end of the show, he was desperate to get home. He skipped signing autographs at the stage door, taking a train straight home to Brooklyn. Once he got through the door, he couldn’t unzip his pants fast enough, jerking off quickly; a much needed release.
He missed Jasmine. That was hard to deny.
Six days went by. It was the day before Jasmine came home and Anthony was in his apartment, lounging in his couch on a night off still fixated on her photos.
There’s a knock at the door, grabbing his attention. Curious, he answers it to find Jasmine behind it, home a day early.
“Jas, you’re back early!” He pulled her inside, closing the door behind her before they kissed.
“I couldn’t wait to see you.” she explained, kissing him again. “You wouldn’t happen to be doing anything important right now, are you?”
“Uh,” he glanced behind him at the couch. “I was just checking out those pictures you sent me.”
“Good.” She smiled, pushing him back towards the couch. “How about now you check out the real thing?”
Straddling his lap, she slowly pulled her top off, tossing it aside.
Leaning in to kiss. Jasmine ran her fingers through his hair, pulling out his hair tie.
Their lips met, hungry, passionate. She could already feel him reaching for the clasp of her  bra, slowly pulling it off.
Their kiss broke only for a moment as Anthony pulled his own shirt off.
She could already feel him attempting to pull down her leggings, his hand reaching into the front of her panties. He knew just what to do to get her excited, Jasmine confirming just that as she moaned against him.
She stood up then, quickly pulling her leggings off the rest of the way, her panties following right after. He was quick to remove his own pants, revealing himself, standing tall.
She straddled him again, taking hold of him as their lips reattached. Carefully, she positioned herself over him. They both gasped as she guided him inside, adjusting until they were both comfortable.
Anthony spent a lot of his free time working out, making it easy for him to keep up with her thrusts, moving up to meet her each time. They kept a slow pace, Jasmine breathing heavy as they pushed on.
“Oh fuck,” she managed between breaths. His thumb had found her clit, pushing her even further.
Her nails were digging into his back as she held on, begging for release.
“I bet this is better than the photos.” she whispered in his ear.
“I can’t make you cum in those photos.” With that he thrusted harder, sending her over the edge.
She screamed, dragging her nails along his back. Her whole body shuddered as she came, burying her head in his neck.
Feeling her tighten around him sent Anthony over the edge as well, groaning as he exploded inside of her; a long-awaited release.
They were sweaty, out of breath, a mess. Still, they cuddled on the couch even after it was over.
“Maybe I should go away more often if it’s gonna be this good when I get back.” she teased.
“Nah, you’re never allowed to go on vacation again.” he joked, kissing her. “I missed you way too much.”
“I can’t tease you as well from here.” she pointed out.”
“You can, I just don’t have to wait a week to do something about it.”
Jasmine smiled, wrapped in his arms. That seemed fair.
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Ask D'Mine: A Below-the-Belt Grooming Question
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/ask-dmine-a-below-the-belt-grooming-question/
Ask D'Mine: A Below-the-Belt Grooming Question
Got questions about life with diabetes? So do we! That's why we offer our weekly diabetes advice column, Ask D'Mine, hosted by Wil Dubois, a veteran type 1 in New Mexico who is a diabetes author with many years of clinical experience under his belt.
Speaking of below the belt, today Wil takes on a sensitive question that many would likely be uncomfortable asking their doctor in-person. But keeping it real is our specialty here at Ask D'Mine, so here goes...
Got your own questions? Email us at [email protected]
Justin, type 3 from Nevada, writes: Hi Wil, I’m trying to convince my type 1 girlfriend to shave her (pubic) hair but she’s worried there might be some sort of risk, diabetes-wise. What can you tell us? She also said I should ask which method would be best. I didn’t ask for clarification, I didn’t want to look stupid. I mean, shaving is shaving, right? Anyway, I hope you know about that, too.
Wil@Ask D’Mine answers: Not to worry, Justin, you need to be an old guy like me to have learned all the secrets and subtleties of female grooming. So here’s your Shaved P**sy 101. There are five realistic ways to remove unwanted pubic hair: Shaving, chemical removal, waxing, laser, and electrolysis. Any of the five can give that newly-minted look you’re after. At least for a time.
Let’s start with shaving. Shaving for a woman is just like shaving for a man. It needs to be done frequently to achieve the desired effect. Pubic five o’clock shadow is a reality for most women after a day or two. Most women who actually shave for the shaved effect use a bladed bikini razor. Gillette makes one called the Venus, although they refrained from modifying their famous tag line and bragging that it’s the best a woman can get.
What’s up with that?
In your girlfriend’s case, however, I’d worry about frequently using a blade “down there.” No matter how good she is with a razor, it’s only a matter of time before she cuts herself. Consider how often a man cuts his chin shaving. And your chin is right up there in front of your eyes in the shaving mirror with no complicated anatomical features to navigate around. Type 1s, if their blood sugar is less than perfect -- which describes most of us -- heal slowly when cut and are more prone to infections from cuts, anywhere on the body.
Add to that factoid that type 1 females are much more prone to yeast and urinary tract infections than anyone else, and I think you can see this is all adding up to a lot of potential trouble where neither of you want it.
An electric razor is an option, but they can still lead to irritation or “razor burn” in some women. Still, it’s probably a better choice for a woman with diabetes than a conventional razor.
Next up in defoliation options are over-the-counter chemicals called depilatories, such as the famous Nair hair remover. A word of warning on these products: Many aren’t intended for the whole enchilada. Most are designed to remove bikini line hair and some will burn the vulva if contact is made. Also, apparently many women are allergic to them, so be careful. Depilatories weaken the bond of the hair follicle at the top of the root, so the hair does grow back, but more slowly than it does following shaving -- up to three days to two weeks.
Upping the ante is waxing. Done at home or in a salon, liquid wax is dribbled over the unwanted hair and then a thin cloth is draped over the wax before it hardens. Once the wax is hard, the whole assembly is quickly torn off, like pulling a Band-Aid, ripping all the hair out from the root.
Can I say ouch?
Some women say it merely “stings,” others say that it’s quite painful, but the benefit is that the hair is very slow to grow back when pulled out from the root. A good wax job lasts a month. Of course, like diabetes, your pubic hair growth may vary.
However, be aware that many salons require a liability release or even a doctor’s note from people with diabetes. What’s the worry? A skin burn from the hot wax or an infection of the hair follicles while they seal up following the yank. Although many salons never ask about medical conditions, some experts do place a blanket ban on D-chicks getting waxed. Still, I’d personally judge it as less risky than razors.
Of course, I’ve never been waxed, so take that opinion with a grain of salt.
Next up the ladder in the quest for the prepubescent look is laser hair removal -- the hair follicles are zapped with lasers. It’s time-consuming, takes multiple sessions, and is expensive. Three-to-five hundred bucks to zap your crotch. And apparently, it doesn’t work for everybody. Some folks worry that lasers have the potential to cause a skin injury, so once again there is some caution advised for the D-community.
And lastly, the nuclear option for hair removal is electrolysis, which uses a needle-like electrode to kill each hair at the root. One at a time. Electrolysis requires many sessions, and is pricey. But financing is available (no kidding) and once killed, the hairs are dead and gone. Forever. As in all our other options, our slow-healing skin is a worry. Sterex, makers of electrolysis equipment, warns their customers: “Check that your insurance covers you for treating a diabetic client.”
So really, it looks like all the methods of pubic hair removal entail some degree of risk for women with diabetes.
But let’s be realistic here: So does getting out of bed in the morning. Naturally, the better her blood sugar control, the less the risk there is, as most infection risk has more to do with blood glucose levels than the diabetes itself. I should also mention that there are some people who think that public hair has a role to play in preventing infection. But others believe it can be the cause of infection and we are better off without it. I’m not convinced either way, so I’m ducking that whole subject for today.
So what’s my advice?
I think if she wants to do it, she should consider which route seems most sensible and least risky to her, and she should go for it. But to be honest, my biggest concern on this whole issue is that you said that you’re trying to convince her. That alerts me that this isn’t her idea, and that she isn’t too wild about either having a shaved you-know-what or about the process of getting it there. On the other hand, she did ask for the best method, so I may be reading too much into your word choice.
I have no issue at all with folks in relationships openly communicating their desires to each other. That’s how good relationships are built. And sometimes you do things for your partner strictly to make them happy. But if your “trying to convince” becomes badgering, I think you’ve stepped over the line. That not only makes you a crappy partner, if you view it from a selfish perspective, but you’re risking never seeing her nether regions again -- shaved or unshaved.
BTW, my D-sisters tell me that in the post-Trump world “p***y” has been replaced by “Cha-cha” to describe female genitals both in polite society and not-so-polite society. I imagine writers for the porn biz are frantically rewriting scripts and the actresses are struggling to re-learn their lines.
All three of them.
The lines, that is. There are waaaaay more than three porn actresses.
Speaking of porn, I’m going to pro-actively come to Justin’s defense on one issue here to keep the flaming comments to a minimum, and that’s on the issue of social norms and female beauty. We are all -- men and women alike -- victims of our societies when it comes to how we behold beauty. Times change. At one time big breasts ruled. At other times rail-thin. In times past, and in some parts of the world today, fat’s hot.
And now there’s a whole generation of young men growing up heavily exposed to ready access of online porn, where pubic hair doesn’t make a public appearance.
So beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Despite what some radical feminists may think, the fact that many modern men like the shaved look doesn’t make them crazed pedophiles. It’s simply the norm many of them grew up being exposed to. And many young women feel the look is sexy, too.
So “shave” away if you want. Just be careful. And if anything gets infected in Cha-Cha land, call your doc right away.
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Type 2 Diabetes Diet Diabetes Destroyer Reviews Original Article
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Welcome to Ask D'Mine: Diabetes Q&A Like Never Before
New Post has been published on https://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/welcome-to-ask-dmine-diabetes-qa-like-never-before/
Welcome to Ask D'Mine: Diabetes Q&A Like Never Before
You asked for it, you got it! OK, maybe it was mostly our idea... but we think you're going to like it:
Say hello to our spicy new brand of diabetes advice column we're calling Ask D'Mine. This series will be hosted by my good friend, veteran type 1, diabetes author and community educator Wil Dubois — with occasional input from Allison and myself.
"Need help navigating life with diabetes? Email us at [email protected]"
This is a place to send all your quirky or potentially embarrassing questions, behind-the-scenes curiosities, lifestyle queries, or even ethical dilemmas related to life with diabetes. In short: Don't know who else to ask? Ask D'Mine!
We're starting this first edition with our DISCLAIMER (look for it at the end of upcoming editions):
This is not a medical advice column. We are PWDs freely and openly sharing the wisdom of our collected experiences — our been-there-done-that knowledge from the trenches. But we are not MDs, RNs, NPs, PAs, CDEs, or partridges in pear trees. Bottom line: we are only a small part of your total prescription. You still need the professional advice, treatment, and care of a licensed medical professional.
So here goes:
Becky from Minnesota, type 1, asks: This last winter storm really freaked me out (not to mention the disaster in Japan!) I was snowed in for the better part of a week. I was fine, but what if I had run out of insulin? My insurance company won't let me refill any of my medications until I'm nearly out. Does Ask D'Mine have any suggestions?
Wil @Ask D'Mine answers: There oughta be a law... but there isn't. Insurance companies have been getting more and more iron-fisted when it comes to refills, and generally speaking you can't refill until you are down to five days of meds. So my first thought is that if you ordered refills like clockwork every 25 days, you might be able to add a five-day cushion each month, which would give you 60 days of emergency meds by the end of the year. Sound too good (and too simple) to be true? I called a bunch of pharmacists and found out that most insurance companies generally peg refills to calendar dates based on the original prescription date, so you can't effectively just "pick up" an extra couple of days each month. *sigh* Those #&$% insurance folks are always one step ahead of us.
This means your doctor is your best bet, and has at least two aces up his or her white sleeves: The first ace is samples. Depending on what meds you're on, and which drug reps have dropped by lately, it might be possible to score a few extra vials or pens of insulin from your doc just by asking. If you are able to do this, be sure to "rotate your stock." In other words, don't just set the sample a side for a rainy.... errrr... snowy day and let it go bad. Use the sample right away, and set aside the prescription from the pharmacy. The next month, set aside the new prescription and use the one you set aside the month before, and so forth. Comprendo?
The second ace up those white sleeves is an Rx pad. Ask your doc for an emergency prescription. It's well within your doctor's power to write you a 'script for a month's supply above and beyond the usual. The only problem with this approach is that when you go to get this filled, your insurance company will likely fight it on the basis that they've already paid for your requisite meds for the month. There'll be some back and forth and your doc's nurse will need to do some paperwork called a "prior authorization," so buy her flowers or candy as appropriate for her trouble.
Then just sit back and let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
Michelle from Texas, type 1, writes: My boss's husband was diagnosed with diabetes last week. He's overweight, in his early 40s, and has two relatives with diabetes. His fasting was 323 and A1C is 14. He was put on two orals (Metformin and another one my boss can't remember the name of).
I told her I'm surprised his doctor didn't put him on insulin to at least get his numbers down faster. I gave her a meter, but he hasn't been testing because the doctor told him to wait until he went to the education class. I told her that's a load of shit and that he should be testing at least after every meal. They're calling around for an appointment with an endo. So with that tiny bit of information, is an orals-only treatment plan called for?
Wil @Ask D'Mine answers: Thanks for writing! Well, there is a lot of ground to cover here so let me dive right in. Middle-aged, overweight, and swimming in a gene pool full of diabetes is the classic recipe for type 2 diabetes. That, coupled with the fact your boss's hubby didn't go into a coma with that wicked high A1C, is pretty good evidence that he's been diagnosed T2.
The reason that matters is that oral meds are commonly used as first-line therapy for treating T2, so I wouldn't assume his doc is a complete idiot for going that route.
However, most pills for diabetes will buy you about a 1% drop in A1C. That means putting the poor guy on two pills could be expected to drop his A1C from 14 to 12; so we still need to make him a reservation at the dialysis center. Of course there is more to the story than just pills. If the dude has been drinking soda and noshing candy bars, even some modest diet changes could lower his blood sugar much more than any pill could hope to.
So, as to an insulin start.... well...
OK, here's the deal. Getting someone down "faster" doesn't necessarily mean better. Remember that the risk of a high-BG coma (called DKA) is remote for T2s and the tissue damage from high blood sugar is gradual, while on the other side of the coin quickly changing the blood sugar environment can stress the heart. Slow and steady is a legitimate way to win the T2 race.
Also, insulin can be tricky to teach, dangerous to use, and can have a heck of a negative impact on a patient's mental state, as we all know. If the doc believes he can get this man's diabetes in control within six months without insulin, then it probably is a bad idea to push insulin right away.
As to the issue of not testing, it may surprise you that I'm not sure this is a load of shit at all. The missing piece of the puzzle is the med your boss can't remember the name of. Look, our new T2's BG is currently high as a kite. Testing out of the gate will only confirm this. Test after test. Day after day. Frankly, testing is going to depress the shit out of him, and that's not a great way to start out your diabetes career. The only reason for him to test right now is if the mystery pill carries a risk of low blood sugar. There's a medicine chest full of oral drugs out there for diabetes. A few of them carry the risk of low blood sugar, but many do not.
On top of that, there's probably very little to learn by having him test after meals at this point. We know his fasting BG is a whopping 323. Well, at least one time it was. We can't say for sure if that's typical. With an A1C at 14, his average blood sugar for the last three months is 355 mg/dL, which to me suggests he's very high but somewhat stable. If he were shooting up even more after meals, I'd expect a greater difference between the fasting sugar and the average sugar.
As to the endo, frankly, endo's are part of the type 1 playbook. Most T2s don't have one and don't benefit from having one. On the surface, going off the details we have, it sounds like the doc did OK. He went straight to two oral agents and got the guy signed up for education. The doc probably also told him to give up smoking, avoid stress, and eat nothing but tofu and cottage cheese. But it really didn't matter what the doc said, because everything thing that follows that initial "Mr. Jones, you have diabetes" just disappears into a fog for the patient, anyway.
Medication on board. Education in the pipeline. Instructions to the patient not to test until he can understand how to test and what the numbers mean. Check!
My verdict: rather than a load of shit, probably a good start.
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