#(sneks are friends but don't step on them)
windfighter · 2 years
Still alive
Kouji stepped off the train in Italy. His stomach hurt a little. What if no one was there? He wouldn’t be surprised. How long had it been since he talked to them?
If no one was there he’d just take another train and leave again.
His backpack felt heavy, despite only containing a change of clothes, a towel and his camera, along with painkillers for bad days and a small toolbag for emergency repairs. There wasn’t even any food in it since he’d be in the city. Perhaps that was to be expected after a three years long break. Even a light bag would be heavy at that point. He turned his eyes to the sky. Bright blue with some cirrus clouds.. The sun was warm and he closed his eyes.
Part of him hoped no one would be on the station to meet him.
He missed Frenci. Frenci, who hadn’t left his side for three years, helped him through recovery, helped him as he relearned how to walk, helped him when everything felt hopeless. Kouji’s shoulders fell. As much as he had complained about being dependant on someone else, it felt wrong to be alone again.
Kouji opened his eyes and took another step. His leg protested and pain radiated from his thigh. Maybe he should have taken a more scenic route with places he could stop to stretch his legs. Too late now. He looked around for the source of the voice. Kouichi ran up to him.
Kouichi looked absolutely furious.
”I hate you so much!” Kouichi said and pulled Kouji in for a hug.
Kouji wrapped his arms around Kouichi and buried his face in Kouichi’s shoulder. He had missed his brother so much.
”Three years!” Kouichi pulled away. ”Three years without a word!”
He put his hands to his sides and glared. Kouji looked at the ground. He already missed someone to lean against. Something to take weight off his leg. But he had worked hard for this moment, he wasn’t going to ruin it.
”I thought you were DEAD!” Kouichi continued.
People were staring at them. Kouji scratched the back of his head. His hair had started growing long again and he needed to decide if he was going to cut it or let it grow out. He’d probably let it grow out, short hair reminded him too much of the hospital. Kouji took a shaky breath.
”Je suis navré”, he said.
An apology for all the pain he had caused Kouichi. Kouichi didn’t look impressed and Kouji didn’t know what he did wrong this time. Three years away and he had already forgotten how to talk to people.
”I don’t speak French”, Kouichi said and put a hand against his face.
He shook his head and pulled Kouji in for another hug. Kouji held on until Kouichi pulled away again.
”I’m sorry”, Kouji said and tried to formulate an explanation. ”A lot of stuff happened, so I got kind off… cut off from the world.”
It was the best he could do without explaining the whole thing right at that moment. It wasn’t something he wanted to talk about on the train station with a bunch of strangers in close proximity. Sure, most wouldn’t understand, but there was always a risk that someone would.
”I expect a 30 minute presentation with a power point”, Kouichi said.
Kouji snorted and leaned his head against Kouichi’s shoulder again.
”I’ve missed you”, he mumled.
He was getting emotional. Not great for his reputation.
”I’ve grieved you”, Kouichi whispered back.
Kouji wished there was some way he could take away the pain he had caused.
”I won’t do it again”, was all he could promise.
He’d been so focused on surviving and getting better that he hadn’t even thought about contacting anyone. Frenci hadn’t reminded him, also focused on making sure Kouji got better and not do anything to wreck what little progress he had done. Three whole years it had taken for Kouji to get his independence back. He swallowed and stood up straight again.
”No one else wanted to meet me?” he asked instead.
He could understand if they didn’t. They were probably at least as angry at him as Kouichi. Kouichi shook his head.
”They’re preparing a party at the restaurant. Izumi closed it for the day just for you.”
”Excessive”, Kouji said.
Kouichi poked his side hard and Kouji took a step to the side.
”You were dead for three years. We’re having a party for you and you’ll be grateful.”
Kouji lifted his hands and laughed.
”Yeah, yeah. I’m happy. I’ve missed all of you.”
They started walking. Kouichi tried to ask Kouji about what animals he’d taken pictures off the last years and Kouji did his best to avoid answering. His leg felt a little better after they had walked a bit and he’d gotten used to walking on it again. The pain was still present and he put his hands into his pocket to not grab Kouichi for support.
Kouichi stopped. Kouji took another three steps before he noticed it, but then he turned around. Kouichi tilted his head.
”Why are you squeaking?”
”There’s a squeaking noise coming from you when you walk.”
Kouji frowned. He had completely forgotten about that happening when it was too hot or too cold. He didn’t hear it himself, his brain had learn to ignore it.
”It’s nothing”, he said.
”What do you mean nothing?” Kouichi crossed his arms over his chest.
”It’s… fine?” Kouji tried instead. ”It happens sometimes.”
”But why?”
Kouji gestured at the sun and started walking again.
”Metal swell when it gets hot”, he said.
Kouichi caught up to him and they kept walking. There was no more questions about the squeaky sound. Kouji tried to ask Kouichi about his work, but he was absolutely not interested in the answers and Kouichi knew as much.
When they’d been walking for an hour Kouji’s leg started hurting again. He let out a groan. They should have just taken a cab. Kouichi looked at him.
”You okay?”
”Yeah”, Kouji pulled a hand across his face. ”How long until we’re there?”
”You already tired?” Kouichi asked and his mouth twitched.
Kouji assumed it was hilarious from an outside perspective, he had always been fit and able to walk for hours. He rolled his eyes and gave Kouichi a shove.
”It’s been a long trip.”
”Yeah, why didn’t you just take a plane?”
”Trains are great”, Kouji answered. ”Much better for the enviroment.”
He also wasn’t sure how flying would work with his leg. He wasn’t interested in finding out yet, although one day he would have to. They started walking again.
”Where were you even before this?”
”Canada, with Frenci.”
”Were you filming bears again?”
Kouji didn’t answer. His leg locked up and he took a stumbling step. He cursed in Hausa and looked around. Nowhere to sit nearby. He held a hand towards Kouichi.
”Can I borrow your arm?”
”Why? What’s wrong?” Kouichi asked but held an arm for Kouji to grab.
”Nothing”, Kouji said and grabbed the arm. ”Knee’s locked up, it’s fine.”
”That’s not fine”, Kouichi got his worried look and Kouji rolled his eyes. ”Let me take a look at it.”
”You can’t do anything.”
Kouji limped onwards and Kouichi had to start walking as well.
”I’m a doctor, if there’s something wrong I’m the best person of us to do something.”
”I just need a bench, then I can fix it.”
”A bench?”
Three years and he still couldn’t walk for more than an hour. He held on harder to Kouichi’s arm.
”A bench”, Kouji confirmed. ”Don’t think too hard about it.”
”Are you a robot or something?”
Kouji snorted, stumbled and groaned in pain. Kouichi wrapped his arm around Kouji’s waist instead.
”Here, lean against me.”
Kouji did and let out a relieved sigh. They really should have just taken a cab.
”So how far is it to the restaurant?” he asked.
”Only about 15 minutes”, Kouichi answered and looked around for a bench. ”But I’d like to take a look at your knee before I force you to walk all the way there.”
”It’s just the heat”, Kouji muttered.
He noticed a bench another 20 meters ahead and gestured at it. Kouichi helped him over to it and he sat down. His knee didn’t bend and Kouichi’s worried face grew more worried.
”When you said it locked up you weren’t kidding.”
Kouichi reached for Kouji’s pant leg and Kouji shooed his hands away before grabbing his backpack and pulling out the toolbag.
”I need to get a new model”, he said as he looked though the bag, ”but there’s something sentimental about your first.”
Kouichi’s worry changed into confusion. Kouji grabbed his leg and twisted it. Tension released from his thigh and he let out a relieved sigh before putting the leg in his lap. Kouichi stared.
”Prosthesis”, Kouji laughed and freed it from the pants. ”I’m a cyborg.”
”What happened?”
Kouichi sat down next to Kouji and grabbed the leg. Kouji leaned back and closed his eyes. He was tired.
”I’ll tell you in the 30 minutes power point presentation later”, he said.
Kouichi tried to move the knee hinge. It squeaked and Kouji grimaced.
”Please don’t destroy it, I need it to walk.”
He grabbed the leg again, loosened a couple of screws and put some oil in the joints. He packed the tools in the backpack again and put the leg on the ground, leaning it against the bench.
”I can ask Junpei to come pick us up”, Kouichi suggested.
”A little late”, Kouji said with a laugh.
”Well, you didn’t tell me you were one leg short.”
Kouji patted Kouichi’s leg.
”I can walk, just give me a couple of minutes.”
”I have so many questions”, Kouichi shook his head. ”...want me to take your bag?”
Kouji put the backpack in Kouichi’s lap and screwed the prosthesis onto his leg again. He sighed and pulled a hand across his face.
”I didn’t want to talk about it among all the people on the station”, he said. ”And I don’t want to have to tell the story five times.”
”Understandable”, Kouichi nodded.
”Technically it’s my second”, Kouji continued and stood up. ”But the first one was so illfitted and terrible to walk on that I don’t want to remember it.”
Kouichi also stood up and Kouji grabbed Kouichi’s arm for support, although it was easier to walk now that the leg had been oiled. They walked for a couple of minutes in silence and then Kouichi suddenly started laughing.
”’I won’t do it again’”, he said.
Had Kouichi lost his sanity completely because of Kouji? Kouji looked at him.
”That’s what you said. ’I won’t do it again’.”
Kouji wasn’t sure where Kouichi was going.
”I’m really hoping you’re not planning on losing your other leg as well”, Kouichi said and laughed so hard he had to stop.
Kouji chuckled. That was one way to take his promise.
”Wasn’t really planning on losing the first”, he said.
”I shouldn’t make fun of it”, Kouichi said but there was still laughter in his voice, ”but you have to admit it’s a bit hilarious.”
”A bit”, Kouji admitted and leaned heavier against Kouichi’s arm. ”Sorry for… you know.”
Kouichi bumped their shoulders together.
”I forgive you. I’m sure you have a good reason for going MIA for three years.”
”I’ll add you as an ICE contact if something like this happens again.”
They started walking again. Kouichi talked about Junpei’s latest performance on the opera and Kouji mentioned his plans about going to Antarctica to see penguins. They could see the restaurant down the street and Kouichi gestured excitedly towards it. Kouji took a shaky breath. He wasn’t ready, didn’t know how to tell them what had happened and didn’t know how angry they’d be. They probably didn’t hate him, since Kouichi said they were preparing a party, but he would probably have to apologize profusely for forgetting to let them know he was alive.
Kouji rubbed his eyes. Tiredness creeped through him as he thought about all the things he would need to explain. Kouichi stopped walking.
”Are you in pain?”
”A little”, Kouji answered. ”Mostly I’m just… anxious about seeing everyone again.”
He shivered. Kouichi pulled free from Kouji’s grip and gave him a hug. Kouji held on to Kouichi.
”It’ll be fine. They’ve missed you and got very excited when you said you were coming.”
Kouji took a deep breath.
”Yeah, okay. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
He pulled free from the hug and they walked side by side the last few meters. Kouji didn’t grab Kouichi’s arm again.
Kouji’s stomach hurt. It had been so long since he talked to them. What if they didn’t want to talk to him now? He sighed. If they didn’t want him he’d just take a train somewhere else.
Kouichi patted his back and opened the door for him.
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thatoneguy031 · 1 year
Real talk? Real?? Real?!
Why on EARTH was the cast of The Owl House so drippy?!
(A sort of breakdown from someone that's only kinda sorta kept up with the show... Me, Guy.)
Spoilers too, I guess...
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Look at our favorite witch-in-training, Luz Noceda. As we can all see here, she's wearing Eda's varsity jacket when she attended Hexside. Level with me, the jacket alone was enough to be a super-dope outfit, but she took it one step further and even wore matching pants, too! Heck, she even tied up her hair in a bun, for crying out loud! She kept the aesthetic of "I'm able to stay calm, but I'm not afraid to kick your butt when the time comes."
And here's another frame of yet another scene...
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Luz dancing with Amity during that one Grom episode...
She wanted to look fancy while she boogied with her soon-to-be girlfriend(At the time, anyway), so she decided to wear what exactly? A tutu, and a frickin' tuxedo! Wonderful! Fabulous! It's all so wild, but you can see that not only did Luz have a plan, it worked danged-near flawlessly! And of course, she decided to wear dance shoes, as well.
And you know what?!
I'm still not done.
I'm going to be real with you here. This is where the spoilers for the end of the show REALLY, REALLY begin! If you really want to watch the show without witnessing the beauty of Luz during [REDACTED], I HIGHLY suggest that you stay away from this post, and move on with your day! Please, leave!
...Are you still here?
Are you sure you wanna be here for [REDACTED]?
Alrightie, then...
Okay, you asked for it.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Freaking. Bam. Meet Titan Luz.
This is near perfection in cartoon form. Luz looks like she told Amity's parents, "Your daughter calls me mommy, too." She looks deranged in the best way possible.
First and foremost, the cloak nearly perfectly displays everything she's done throughout the series. The glyph on her chest, the bones appearing along the tips and edges of it, referencing her "magic donor", Arin Hanson- I mean Papa Titan(...Is he just called Papa King by the TOH fandom, or am I being dumb? Since, y'know, he's King's dad? I don't know, but back to the comedic analysis).
For Hootie's sake, she even somehow has longer, puffier hair, giving Eda a wink-wink-nudge-nudge without saying a thing. Even further, her eyes turned a pitch-black with yellow irises, making sure that King himself is involved with references as well.
Y'know, this reminds me of a character that I've had written out for a while. Y'all won't see her for a long, long while, but just know that she's tied to this in a way. Backstory aside, she has this one... form, let's call it, where she kind of becomes a vampire. This aspect of her is derived from an art account I follow, I won't say who until the time comes, but she also likes using her legs as her main means of attack, not only calling back to Izuku from MHA, but to her friend who she loves dearly, like a family member.
Back to the main point, I love characters that reference multiple other characters they have a connection to without being overbearing, which is why I love Titan Luz's design. Above all else, this proves that Luz really cared for everyone that has helped carry her this far, and was willing to fight for them, even after her death. And Eda even teaches her magic the way she said she would as early as the second episode of the series, iirc. And, something even more wild, is that Luz sort of looks like Azura, as well, even using one of her quotes for the finishing blow on Belos...
Admittedly, I don't know much about Luz's palisman, but I do indeed see that they're a cute little snek dude! ...Like how Luz freaked out the school and her principal with those snakes in the first episode(At least, I recall it being the first episode)! Everything about Luz's design is just... It's all just. So. Good.
...Look. I originally wanted to make a fun little ha-ha post about how stylish the characters from The Owl House were, as I highly respect this show and loved it, from the moment I saw King, to the very end of the series where the Collector gave Luz and the Hexsquad the ability to travel between realms, but seeing this transformation and taking the time to dissect her Titan Form design... It really brought me to tears. Not just because the show's actually over, but because I loved it with everything I could give. The way the show handled its characters, even with the rushed development that Disney demanded(Those freaking warm toilet seats), was phenomenal, given the circumstances.
I'll make a post talking more about King and just... him, I guess, but this post is already long enough as it is. Maybe even Eda, Hunter, Gus and Willow as well, if this post really makes its rounds.
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uh-e-rinnie · 2 years
lol its 2am, take my janus hc.
ive always kinda believed that janus is the only side with any actual self esteem. which means that he is also often the side seen helping the others.
hes memorised everyones favourite activities, and all the ways that they need to be treated. he knows when they need him to reassure them that they are valid and important, and he knows when they need his silent company, or someone to vent to.
still, being the only one who actually values himself doesnt mean that he doesnt have his own issues.
this is kinda blurry territory, you can imagine him going through whatever you want but!!! when he really needs it, all the others get their shit together and take care of him. the twins make him a little sanctuary in the imagination, and the other three help him with food nd comfy clothes and stuff.
in the end, the most difficult thing for them is trying to figure out if they should leave him. would he prefer to spend time by himself? or should they stay and talk?
and janus, with just the most sappy, teary eyed expression, asks them to stay with him, and obviously they have to do it now.
and then snek boi gets cuddles. ty for listening to my self indulgent ranting. janus deserves hugs o/
screams and cries cause i know someone exactly like this and i love them sm
This image is so warm for more than just the fact its cute and fluffy, but there's so much meaning in it. I can imagine it vividly, the aching cold of being at your lowest, feeling so terrified cause you're usually the strong one and sometimes you yourself don't know how to get out of that funk. Often times it's even hard to ask for help.
It's so meaningful that your friends that you know are battling their own demons decide to step away from the battle for your sake. It really shows the strength and love that serves as the group's foundation.
There's so much meaning to that scene honestly. I can imagine it start very cold and blue, and then the door slips open, revealing each of the other sides and the room just grows warmer and warmer with each person who comes in.
In the end its warm, peaceful, like a cup of coffee and autumn sunsets.
My heart is full <3
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angelbittyabuse · 4 years
Marie's Return, part 2/2
(TW: The infamous chain bitty is mentionned down below.)
"Pff, you look like one, anyway." She smirked before turning to the next wooden box. "How many are there?" She complained. "Six. Only six." Answered her colleague. Okay. Four left to go. This one read Sugarfloss. Oh. Oh-oh. Maybe having them sent by the post office wasn't the best idea ever. Élodie did a quick check on the box. 'It's written Sugarfloss Bittybones on it, but all you'll find in there is dust.' "Shit." The colleague shrug. "Okay. Three more left, then." Sugarfloss were Papyrus-type bittys. Optimistic and kind, their downside was their fragility. Something as simple as too intense sunlight could blind them forever. Their were allergics to almost everything and clumsy as hell. "They should have written 'fragile' on it." Added the guy before opening the next one. Élodie still felt quite uneasy due to the mass massacre that had occured to the Sugarflosses. She hoped they could order new samples before Angel notices anything. "Awww, you ain't coming, Élo' ?" The monster girl came back to reality. "Which breed it is?" She was curious. "Guess." Answered the other. "Uuuuh...." "It's so cute you could eat them?" Élodie's face lighten. "Caramel!" "Yes!" The girl ran to the newly open box, discovering a puddle of goo in tupperwares. The papyrus-type bittys inside it nearly drown in their own waste. "Oh. Crap. How would we keep them inside the store? I read the goo attracts bugs too..." The last thing they wanted was cockroaches or ants inside the store... The worst case scenario being an unremovable stain in the perfectly white floor. "Fish tank?" Asked the colleague. "We will drain it once in a while." "Hmm." Sang the fell girl. "I hope they like to swim." The Caramel were all excited to be taken out of their tupperwares and- well- to be alive as well. They made grabby hands to the employees who passed their turn. "Next box?" He asked. "Next box!" She answered. It had been okay-ish until now and she was hopeful for what's next. As they were struggling with the lid, Marie came back from the rescue room, empty handed. "Hey, how is it going?" Asked the brown haired human girl. Élodie felt the lid giving up when she answered her bestie. "Perfectly. And you? Had fun?" She paused. "Wait. Where are all the jellybeans?" Did she left them with the pygmys? "The kind chain told me I could leave them to it." Élodie furrowed her brows. "Wait. What?" There wasn't two chains in the store. Actually. There wasn't supposed to be any. She was obviously talking about Angel's pet chain but what was it doing in the store, moreover in the backroom... "Oh no..." Élodie went pale. Chains are cannibalistic lamias. Usually, they only eat other bittys when they think of them as a threat but this chain in particular- and with jellybeans being limbless and thus looking a little like tiny snakes. "We'll have to order more jellybean samples as well." Said Élodie dryly to her coworker. "Also we're out of pygmys." While Élodie was handling the problem in the backroom, Marie was left with said coworker. He finally took the lid away, revealing... "Are they sick??" Cried Marie, rushing to the three lollys, lusty Sans-type bittys having a threesome in their steel cages and definitely not interrupting it just because the box had been opened. "I-" The guy had a quick glance to Marie. She was obviously a young adult. Old enough to be explained such things. "My boss' looking forward to them. Could really be helpful in the breeding mill. They are... always in heat kinda bittys?" Marie turned pale, raising her hand as she tried to pet the closer one through the bars. The reaction was immediate and she ended up with ecto-flesh all around her index finger. "I- I think it likes me??" Tryed to compromise Marie but she jerked her hand off as soon as she could, only for the lolly to sing out a moan of pleasure. "Well. Crap. Was it your first time?" Joked the guy. Marie did not answered but smelled her hand with a funny face.
Okay. Last one. They were already done. Being such a gentleman, the guy waited for the lamia expert to come back before ruining the suspense.
The previous incident had been forgotten as soon as Élodie understood what they were opening. "New lamia breed!!" The fell girl actually jumped once or twice on her feet, even doing a little happy dance. She turned to her bestie. "First time I'm seeing this breed! And they were rare as hell some days ago! I can't believe we have access to-" She turned to the box with a huge and wide smile. Her colleague wasn't holding back his laugh, seeing her that excited. Marie didn't really understood what was playing on but she joined in and exulted to the idea of petting new lamia friends. "No touching." Élodie warned as the lid fall to the ground with a thump sound, revealing five young Bubblegum bittys. They had been sleeping the whole way here and opened tired eyes to their surrounding, their adorable, sweet face, matching the oh so glittery pink scales. To Élodie, it reminded her a little of those pony toys she had as a child, the ones hollow with glitters inside. Or maybe those glue sticks with glitters inside. Or even this vampire from the movie with glitters on him---- anything with glitters, really. "Aaaaaah." Cooed Marie. "They are so pretty." The little snakes let away a small yawn, showing two cute little fangs. "Are they venomous?" "The flyer didn't say they are." Reassured Élodie, still fangirling and overdosing on the adorableness. Would be amazing to see them everyday in their pen. "Wait. How do you give them Soultime?" Realized her colleague. Élodie's orbits opened wide. "I- I don't know. Not without touching them- I..." Here was the glitch. Little sneks could not be touched or else, they'll imprint on the person's skin. Once imprinting, it's over. You cannot put them away. They're stuck on you or else they'll cry their non-existent lungs out to the point of turning you deaf. So yeah. For the Soultime part... "Guess we just have to sell them real quick." They were also supposed to be quite the chatters. Thinking of it... Those were probably drugged on for the whole way here to be still so quiet. Well. Not like it mattered, back to work it is! It was time to put them in one of the sneks drawers she had in one of the rooms. Handling the first one with a hook, the little cutie holding it with both of its hands, she started to move it. Out of the box- okay. Now a few steps. Still okay. The cutie was looking at its surrounding. Still okay. Marie was walking next to her and next to the cutie, cooing. Still okay. The cutie was having a mishievous smile while looking downright at Marie. Not okay. It let go of the hook and started falling on the dangerously-high-for-a-bitty ground. Not okay at all. Élodie panicked and grabbed the lamia BEFORE Marie reached for it, thus saving her friend but condamning herself. Fuck. "I wanted to be the hero!" Pouted Marie as Élodie was frozen with fear, her face becoming more and more livid while the bubblegum lamia slowly turned its face to its new '''''owner''''', a wiiiiiide grin on its small shitty face. It took a huge breath then. Started. "I'msohappywebondedandmyownerlovessnakesweweremeanttobewhatareyounamingmeohandwhat'syournameactuallyitdoesn'tmatterI'mgonnacallyoumamaitsuitsyousomuchbettersomamawhatdoyiudoforfuncauseIlovehavingfunandwewillplayalldaylongnowandalsoI'mhungrynowtheygaveusweirdpillsthatmakeushungryafterandwe'veseensuchprettyandweirdcolorafterwe'vetakenthepillsandtheydancedtoodoyoulovetodance,Ilovetodance,look!!" As the bitty started dancing and Marie started clapping in her hands to encourage the artsy bitty, Élodie felt her life crumble.
"It's fucked." Her coworked had lay his hand on Élodie's shoulder. "Nobody is leaving you in this kind of shit. We'll tell Angel it dusted during the trip. Just kill it." Élodie shivered. "I- I'm not wasting a brand new bittybone..." She stuttered. "You can't have any bitty at home anyway. And you sure aren't upsetting your landlord for this... thing." The monster girl considered the idea. Dipping the bitty in the acid was the way to go but this dancing one was now holding so tight around her arm that it hurted. She would have to surrender her arm to be released.
"We have a hammer in the toolbox."
He said. "It'd be quick. Won't feel anything and you'd keep your arm." "What a waste..." Sighed Élodie as they were going to the toolbox, followed by Marie who did not understand a thing, as amazed as she was by the chatting Bubblegum bitty who would not be so happy if it had listened even a little to what had been said. They were now holding tight the bitty's upper torso on the table, its tail still dangerously and tightly curled on Élodie's arm and the hammer was right over its head when Marie finally realized. "YOU MONSTERS !!" She then snapped the Bubblegum from Élodie's arm and it was fair to say it hurted a little- "Nothing racist of course. I'm not racist." Marie defended in an angry tone, remembering that, indeed, at least one of them was a monster. "But how could you-" It just took that amount of time for the Bubblegum bitty to start to wail. The noise was... Intense. To say the least. Marie was sushing and reassuring all she could the crying atrocity. Her voice could not be heard over that but she exploded. "How! How could you do that to HIM, look how upset he is!!" She was now freely cuddling it as the bitty flailed, trying its best to reach back to Élodie. The monster girl looked at her colleague, at loss for what to do. "Since you were planning to kill him, he's mine, now! I saved him!" Élodie tried to talk her friend back to reason since the imprint was already done and there was no way this bitty would accept a new owner but- with that noise- and with how upset Marie was... Élodie and her colleague just ended up staring at the leaving guest, holding tightly her flailing new lamia. ... "Wow. Your home is actually more quiet than I expected." Said Élodie with an uneasy smile. It had been a few months since her best friend talked to her, so the invitation had been more than welcomed. "I-... No. Nothing." Bittys were now a sensitive subject between them. Élodie just spent their evening chatting and laughing and everything was great until Marie had to leave for a little time in the bathroom. Élodie was left alone with her thought in the silent living room, scrolling absentely on her phone until a knocking sound was heard. "Bump." Okay. What was that shit. "Bump. Bump." Élodie stood up and went for the noise. It was coming from what looked like a big jewel box which was sitting on a shelf. Muffling sounds soon to be heard as she got closer. Her open hand reached to the box in curiosity and she almost opened it but- Yeah. She didn't want to know what or who was inside.
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