#(sorry for the delay and if I danced around the prompt in favor of meta-building)
livedtoserve ยท 1 month
[ ๐ฃ๐ž๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฌ ] : sender is voicing their negative opinion about a person who appears to be close with the receiver. (Birthright route perhaps? :eye: since toa!leo is conquest :))
"His attitude lacks refinement," Leo says, eyeing Jakob's retreating back. The tea service was, as always, perfect, though the prince could do without the constant caustic tone.
Emerald eyes settle on Flora. He doesn't reach for a teacup yet, instead observing her. "Regardless. I'm inquiring about supplies needed for everyone in the army. We'll be purchasing goods in the next town and I want to be prepared. Is there anything you need, Flora?"
still bottled up | no longer accepting!
[AU - Birthright Earlygame]
The maid follows her senior butler, forming a single-file line to deliver the nobility their desired refreshments. Their last client (for now, at least) being Prince Leo, Flora makes sure to keep the prepared tea bitter for him. She has not served the noble nearly as much as Lord Corrin, yet it is in a maid's best interests to recall the tastes of the upper class close to her liege.
If worst comes to worst, she will need to keep working to the Nohrian nobles' satisfaction, considering she is only here due to Corrin's departure. Although she may not know all of the finer details, rumors in the castle spread far enough for her to know her young prince will not be returning home anytime soon.
The perfect opportunity to break away and return to serving her home. The people she truly cares about.
But for now, she sets the tea platter down and keeps her gaze on the blonde prince, ensuring he is content before returning to her room. A maid must ensure the servee is properly cared for before her work is finished, no matter the person.
Not to say Flora holds any ill intent toward the man sitting in front of her, or at least ill intent of his own fault. It's just that he turns out to be a child of Nohr, the kingdom that rules over the Ice Tribe with an iron fist. And if his fist is one she must freeze her way through in retaliation, then so be it.
Furthermore, she is not deaf. Perhaps he believed Jakob was out of earshot to hear his negative remark. Or worse, he did not care if he overheard. Either way, she avoids mention of it, her focus instead on when she will leave the castle without notice.
Her waiting in him tasting the beverage only ends with a question being thrown her way, forcing the maid's hands to leave her front as she cups her right one on her chin. Collecting supplies for the army...a kind offer for a non-combatant like her. As much as she would love to request resources for her village, she must refuse. Even if his offer is genuine, no one can suspect she will return home.
"Well...I do not believe so, Lord Leo. We're well-stocked in the kitchen at the moment, or a servant would have told me otherwise. If we do run out while you're gone, I will take care of it," well, that second line isn't entirely a lie.
"If that is all, I shall make my leave," Flora is quick to take the answer as an opportunity to exit from where she entered, hoping he did not see the small bead of sweat she feels sliding down her hair.
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