#. AU ~ birthright
lackablazeical · 10 months
And with that, Broken Birthright is finished! 🎉🎉
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Can't wait for yall to see the full backstory. Plus, now, we can also start getting into fun, modern day stories. So excited, happy, proud, just. Just a lot of emotions! All of them are good, though :]
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tainted-esau · 11 months
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Fluffy (inspired by the latest FEH manga)
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aniquinart · 1 year
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i know you… i walked with you once upon a dream.
azura rarepair weekend day one: soulmates au.
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
Corrin Twins Ready for Azura's dance class!
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This was a Request on Twitter!
"Draw both Corrins in modern clothing, I want to see what others come up with" so I went with the flow and drew them in casual clothes for Azura's dance class!
Cuz why not have a small story in a drawing? :3
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chaomother · 1 year
you: [mumbling] sonic: *AHEM* is now a good time to discuss our upcoming wedding? you: huh no i'm kind of busy rn sonic: perfect! i have 23 swatches for the seat covers for the reception, eight font choices for the menu, which, by the way we're serving twelve different types of chilidogs— you: sonic, what are you talking about?! sonic: i'm just trying to involve you in some of the decision-making, angel! you: what about being involved in the decision to get married in the first place? sonic: you never let me do what i want! you: oh yeah? what about what i want? you haven't even proposed yet! sonic: i can do that on our honeymoon! you: do you hear yourself? you're insane! sonic: wah-?! how dare you call your fiancé insane! you: WE ARE NOT ENGAGED
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vacantgodling · 10 months
speaking of—a actual prince hya x knight amon au would go so wrong So Quickly actually
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tori-rae-art · 1 year
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A post-birthright au of sorts that takes up most of my mental energy on a daily basis:
Felicia eventually decides to return to the ice tribe to take up responsibilities as the sovereign daughter. I always thought it badass that in most of her epilougues she outgrows her clumsiness for the most part and becomes a general or something, so I want to explore that journey she had to go through to reach that point in this au.
I don’t have a name for it yet
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aimlessarchery · 1 year
a kiss between partners in crime in front of someone they hold captive
Perhaps it's a good thing that Python skipped on the change of clothes. The damp ascot that had started to irritate his neck found a new home around their would-be thieves' wrists, fashioned into impromptu bonds. No wandering hands would be reaching for Duke Maxifeld's precious treasure tonight. And it wouldn't have been possible without Python's brilliant 'husband'. The monk shines in the glittering lamplight, cast about the room in crystalline glass, and Python swears he can see a real, literal sparkle in his eyes. There's no need to keep the romantic charade going any longer. Python's hands finds Azama's waist, one sliding between his shoulder blades as he leans forward and dips him low, pressing one cheshire grin to another in a triumphant sendoff to their mendacious matrimony. He chuckles against Azama's lips as he brings the two of them back upright. His fingers brush against that wild hair as he pulls away, playful and free. "You're really somethin' else, sweetheart."
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fauvester · 1 year
iskra trying to convince ziyal to come back with her to the future to not-quite-as-xenophobic cardassia to become the 5th garak-bashir child and ziyals like ach no I have... things... to stay here for 😳 and iskra like FINE, but you know in 25 years i'm going to come knocking at your door to see you when you're a cool successful MILF living on bajor or something. it'll be amazing I promise
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lackablazeical · 10 months
I'm not gonna call the dilf wolf a dlif but I will heavily imply it in context
New chapter out!!!! Next one is the finale ;))) yall will love it
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tainted-esau · 7 months
Days go by and I've just about plotted everything for a mod please save me
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Rin and Kana watching Papa Corrin doing Hoshidan calligraphy
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aya-hime... aya-hime... what if
what if au where ayame is actually minor royalty and tanjirou was raised to be aya-hime's bodyguard........ what then
(what if the higuchis are such a minor royal family that they're only known in okutama......... so the rest of the kisatsutai don't know she's royalty...... what then)
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chaomother · 2 years
I just read scrapnik Island and imagine Sonic crashing one of Eggman's planes on his way to catch you and he twists his ankle or breaks his leg
And since in canon he doesn't have any pain tolerance whatsoever (y'all are so right he's truly baby) he's on the ground sobbing while trying his best to still come off as evil and proud and you can't help but feel bad for the little insane blue guy with daddy issues
"I'm.... I'm gonna catch ya.... *sniff*.... you belong to....me now....ugh...ow....ow:(.......no one.....OUCH.....DEservESYoU....*SNIFFSNIFF*....BUT ME......ithurts....help...."
weren't you supposed to be running away right now?—
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a cluster of anxiety gyrated within your stomach the more tears that dripped down sonic's cheeks, and the string of babbles begun to sound less psychotic; rather they sounded more doleful and it tugged at your heartstrings.
"help..." he sobbed, and without another thought flowing through your mind, you dropped to your knees to examine his fractured ankle. the rusty, iron contraption wreathed around him didn't look fit to be snug on his foot, but there wasn't anything else you could do about it. it was stabilizing his posture, after all.
"hey hey, it's okay," you soothed him with a delicate, airy tone to assure him you'd get things under control. "can you stand up? i'll help you, hold onto me."
behind the abundant tears, hearts arose from the depths of sonic's green eyes. "c-caught you," he winced, white-hot pain sweeping through the fissures of his leg as he clung onto you. "i won't let you go, i won't let you go! our love comes first, everything else after."
you were absolutely going to drop him somewhere relatively safe before deserting him and his injured leg—there's no way he'd be able to catch you, right? with how harrowing his voice sounds, you can't imagine he'd be able to go through that added pain. not when he strained just to amble beside you.
"if you let go of me, you'll fall... just focus on your own breathing, don't think about the pain."
although, you were pretty much trapped here on this island with him. he made tails' plane crash and he made your plane crash, storm aside. you couldn't find it in you to blame anything other than him.
oh god, it hurt, it hurt, it hurt. if it wasn't for your arm roped around him, sonic would be inconsolable. no matter how much it hurt, however, sonic's eyes reflected with his inordinate love for you. and so did the eyes in the murk.
"it's so dark in here," you said tentatively, dithering in your own resolve the more the two of you stumbled through the building. the surplus of abandoned, neglected parts unnerved you as they encased every room you passed. "can you shine that light up more, sonic?"
lifting the gadget of tails' that was propped between his fingers, sonic chuckled as the ravaged egg carrier came into view, "oh yeah, i forgot dad left that here."
... huh?
your blood ran cold, dread overflowing through your pulsating veins. suddenly, you had the realization that of course he knew about this island. there's no way he wouldn't.
before you could let go of him, you felt metallic wires worming up along your legs and coiling around your quivering form. glimpsing down, you saw decaying badniks gliding to you in plenitude. "no no, wait, wait-!" you choked out, finding him clasping onto you tauter; as if holding you so desperately helped alleviate his pain at last.
the hearts coruscating in sonic's eyes harmonized with the blinking lights of the badniks, making your skin crawl and your own set of tears begin to emerge.
"you can't leave this island without me. you need me," sonic grinned sardonically, "you really do belong to me. if you want to get off this island, you have to become mine. but even if you don't want to leave, we'll still be together here forever, won't we?♡"
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sunlightswallowed · 1 year
Listen… I am Just Saying that some sort of AU where Corona is a matriarchy and Arianna is the one who rules would kick so much ass
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