#(sorry reg i am so sorry i baked you this cake and these cookies and these scones as an apology please accept them :-\\\ :-///)
colgatebluemintygel · 2 years
hiya toothpaste darling! was having a lil room clean this evening whilst watching some p&p and thinking about how much i adore a period piece and did i .. did i dream that you are writing an r/s one? did i make that up i just tried to search your blog for those wip thingies but one cute thing about this hellsite is their tag searcher simply . Does Not Work :) anyway this is long sorry hello good morning (??) how are you! kisses! xoxoxo
HIIII HELLO lovely lovely mads <3 good morning/afternoon/evening! how do you do!! i am good i am grand i am very sleepy (like remus) - my cat released a live rat :-(( under my bed last night. so that was hell. poor wee scabbers2 (i managed to save the lil guy tho. all is well!) hope you are SWELL <3
I AM writing a period fic! a regency au in fact; it was not a hallucination! tumblr's tagging system does suck but i do not make it easier. but i'm soooo glad you asked!!!! i’m so super excited about this one :o) let me tell you all about it xoxo
the dating season is about to start! which sirius finds so very dull and silly and uninteresting. he has a reputation for being a rake, but in actuality he just spends his time at his giant estate brooding and writing poetry + emotionally charged erotica. he wants love :-( but people only seem to want him for his money (and because he's hot) (but mostly for the money)
and SO! the dating season! ........ enter remus lupin! who was a childhood friend of sirius and james' that mysteriously disappeared without a trace 5ish years ago! just after he and sirius kissed for the first time :-o and sirius has been predictably Hung Up on him ever since. (readers have noted that themes of regret and lost love seem to be at the forefront madam puddifoot's (....hhaha) poetry. and in her erotic novels, the lovers never get more than one night together!). but remus is here to marry :-( to make a match! marriage is very much an economic proposition for him *cue amy's iconic speech* and sirius thinks it's all bullshit. and so remus goes on lots of dates! and sirius sabotages all of them :-)))
MWAH xxx
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