#(still tho they better give us a s3 with 10eps ๐Ÿ”ช)
So I know some people are complaining that ep 6 & 7 were too rushed and while I do agree that the pacing was much faster and while I would kill for more time to spend with characters (not just ep 9 & 10 hell bring back 24 episode seasons. Let's bring back beach episodes and episodes purely about exploring backstories. Hell make ofmd a community style show where each episode is about the characters' shenanigans in different genres)
pls tell me I'm not the only one who actually really liked how fast ep 6 & 7 were? Because (and I have a logical reason for this):
While I do 100% agree that the decisions Ed & Stede made in those episodes were very in-character,
The fact that (starting from ned low's torture) these two episodes happened within a span of 24 hours makes their decisions much more believable
Because sometimes when things happen (bad, good and overwhelming things) they tend to pile up on you without giving you a chance to even breathe and it's in those moments you make some of your rash and stupid decisions
When things happen so fast you don't even get a minute to process any of it and it feels...well it feels like you're lost at sea and you grab on with both hands to the first solid decision you see even though objectively it's a bad one, just so your mind will get some reprieve and a moment of clarity so you can say "okay this is the direction I'm working towards now" and through that direction you can, even briefly, settle yourself
The last time things happened like this, one big life changing thing after another, Stede ran back home to his ex-wife & kids
But when he got the opportunity to talk it through and sit with himself and process everything that had happened, he realised he was in love with Ed
it probably wasn't initially planned like that, it's probably Max being assholes and making as many cuts and restrictions as they can, but the insane chaos of the end result & the mounting anxiety as you wait for the other shoe to drop was actually, imo, very effective
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