#(that’s a joke. i don’t know if i qualify as edgy enough to be morally grey)
katierosefun · 9 months
doing things that consistently make me go “lol . . . [insert character] core”
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princecharmingtobe · 1 year
I added a new song to V’s playlist the other day, finally found one that sort of works for his relationship with his dad.
The song is Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own by U2. Not my favorite in sound, but the lyrics work.
You’ve got...
“Tough You think you've got the stuff You're telling me and anyone You're hard enough
You don't have to put up a fight You don't have to always be right Let me take some of the punches For you tonight
Listen to me now I need to let you know You don't have to go it alone “
Which is V essentially calling out Rowen’s tough and edgy attitude, and acting like he doesn’t need or want anyone. Telling him “You don’t HAVE to be alone, let me, let ANYONE be there for you, support you, love you! You don’t have to be the tough guy, you can just be my dad, for ONCE!” 
Then there’s...
“We fight all the time You and I, that's alright We're the same soul
I don't need, I don't need to hear you say That if we weren't so alike You'd like me a whole lot more “
Last night we were actually talking about them having a fight, in which V accuses Rowen of being scared to change. “You don’t know who you’d be if you weren’t suffering alone, and that terrifies you!” and they get into it about V wanting Rowen to change and Rowen wishing he would just accept him how he is. V calls him a stubborn ass, and Rowen tells him “It runs in the family!” before they storm off in different directions. And it hits on something I’ve brought up before, that they are essentially two sides of the same coin. And the things that frustrate Rowen the most about his son are things he sees in himself. And I think V sees it too and it probably scares him to consider how much like his father he really is...
“And it's you when I look in the mirror And it's you when I don't pick up the phone Sometimes you can't make it on your own “
There was also a joke about Jack trying to talk to Rowen after the fight and saying “You’re son’s kind of a cunt, huh?” and Rowen responding by bloodying his nose and telling him “He gets that from me.” 
We’ve more or less determined that V’s character arc is going to be about him learning to lower his standards for other people. He has particular ideas about what qualifies as “good”, and while he’s not stereotypical paladin level Righteous Judgment about it, he can be judgmental about it. Especially when it comes to the people close to him, he will try to steer them toward his idea of being good. And he sort of gets told in more than one way by more than one person that he needs to adjust his expectations of others. That he can’t change everyone to fit his personal standard of goodness. Even his dad. Which is hard, cause he desperately wants a relationship with his dad, but they butt heads morally a lot.
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