#(the one break i took was to chug a bottle of gatorade zero and a couple a gabapentin)
milkweedman · 2 years
Went to go buy a little more soil bc i figured the cucumbers are big enough to transplant and it got sunny and was nice weather for a little gardening.
Ended up planting very nearly everything, although not any of the flowers and not the beets bc i dropped them and they were so small i couldnt find them again :(
And also bought a lemon cucumber, crookneck squash, and zuccini, bc ... well .. they were cheapish and i didnt have any seeds of those but love growing all 3. So i planted those in as well... probably overcrowded the garden plot at this point but those peas are gonna come out in the summer when they die....probably same with the leafy greens. So once everythings big there'll be more space anyway.
But yeah... turned a quick bit of morning gardening into an all day thing, forgot to eat, forgot to change my bandages, and by the end of it i was just kind of standing in front of the crookneck squash for long periods, staring into space, head empty, totally caked in dirt, and about to fall over.
Was about to say i need someone to hang around me on weekends to make sure i dont accidentally garden long enough that passing out in the mud is an appealing optiin, but like. Just realized a perk of getting married is my husband gets that very dubious honor :3
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