#(the seashell is a v cute sign off btw!)
kyoshi-lesbians · 4 years
hello!! hope ur having a good day/night 💕 do u have any thoughts on modern mai? (and what type of music she would listen to?) i'm on a loving mai kick and you're one of my favourite atla blogs so i thought i'd ask :) -🐚
thank you seashell anon, that's rly sweet, it makes me happy that you like the random stuff i post here!
okay, I maybe went overboard, i didn’t realize how many Thoughts I had about Mai in the back of my mind but i too am a Mai stan so let’s go 
for a long time Mai could only stand very energetic songs bc that’s all that could keep her attention, she’s very into punk and rap, she’d be a fan of Pleasure Venom, Aye Nako, Desa, Nicki Minaj, Meg Thee Stallion, & also Fiona Apple & Mitski (i feel like Mitski goes without saying tbh).
Sokka and Ty Lee get her into more R&B and laid back music, she comes to love Syd, Jamila Woods, Japanese Breakfast, WILLOW, and Janelle Monae, because everyone with taste likes Janelle Monae
she likes drawing! Her art is bold black and white illustrative designs, it lends itself well to tattoo designs and while she doesn't herself tattoo, she’s on commission at Suki’s shop and works w/ the tattoo artists there
Mai also uses her incredible artistic talents to make the stupidest memes ever, she secretly has a popular insta page for posting them. sokka is the only one of her friends she shares this with, he thinks they're hilarious
her & Sokka are best friends, gossip buddies, and these are their love languages  
Toph is like her younger sister & like any terrifying younger sister, she'll just show up at Mai's house without warning. when the doors are locked. and windows closed. Mai has no idea how she gets in 
her and Ty Lee have 3 cats. Ty Lee named one Sparkles, Zuko named one Tangerine but mostly calls the cat ‘little bastard’, and Mai named the last one (a black cat) Midnight
because of Aang's influence & Zuko's annoyance w/ it, Mai takes to greeting Zuko w/ Flameo Hotman
oh & her an Aang? best of friends. he's over all the time to meditate & do yoga w/ Ty Lee, and Aang is such a genuinely positive person that his laugh always makes Mai smile (everyone else is extremely jealous of this effect Aang (and Ty Lee) have on her) 
she gardens!!! she grows flowers with Suki & they come up with amazing hybrid flowers. Mai names at least one flower after Ty Lee but its ambiguous enough that she can claim it's coincidence to keep up her Image™ but 'pink lady fire lily' is not fooling anyone 
she definitely learns how to make her own knives. & do you know the YouTube channel of the guy making knives out of the most unlikely ridiculous objects? that's her favorite media ever made
she starts making videos of her own knife making process. one time the guy from that ^ channel commented on her video, and that was the first time Ty Lee had ever seen Mai cry (happy tears) 
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